Photoshop :: Optimize A Huge Number Of Files For The Web

May 7, 2004

I have hundreds of web galleries that I need optimized. I need each photo opened and resaved. However, I need the photos to be saved via "save for web" so that the files end up being about 20-30 k. If I use just "save as > jpg" the files end up being about 100-130k. IMPORTANT NOTES: I want the current files to be overwritten (partly because, if I designate a destination, they will be unorganized, and partly because each photo comes in 4 diferent versions: bwlrg, bwsml, clrlrg, clrsml.

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Photoshop :: Optimize A Bunch Of Tiff Files In A Folder To Jpegs At The Same Time

Aug 24, 2006

way in photoshop to optimize a bunch of tiff files in a folder to jpegs at the same time. I have about 260 tiff images different sizes I need to optimize them to jpegs.

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Photoshop :: Working With Huge Files

Feb 7, 2008

I could really use some help. I have to work on a vergy large photo (a 2x2.5 metters print, in 300 dpi). Someone told me that I should work on a small version of the file, and then copy and paste the history from the small to the big file

The thing is: how do send the modifications from one file to another?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Producing Huge PDF Export Files

Jul 21, 2011

I had a road map drawing in Draw X3, mostly lines and text,  and used to export to pdf for smartfphone compatibility, getting typically an adequate quality 204 kB file using "export for editing" export setting.   After upgrading to Draw X5 the same file gives a 1508 kB pdf file which is too large.    If the export setting is turned back  to "web" I get a small 40 kB file but the quality is not so good.    How do I compromise between "web" and "edit" settings for exporting to pdf.

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VideoStudio :: Created Video Files Are Huge

Jan 8, 2013

Shooting with Canon 5DmkII DSLR, which provides 1920x1080 .MOV files at 29.97 fps. Data rate on the files is about 45Mbps, with a total bit rate marginally higher.I have been asked to output .MOV at 29.97, 1920x1080 progressive with PhotoJPEG compression at 90%, square pixels.

In Proj. Properties, I seem to need Microsoft AVI (MPEG doesn't allow 1920x1080 option). No compression, and have obviously kept 29.97 fps. Whether I want to perform non-square pixel rendering at this point, and haven't yet found any info on whether the camera shoots square or non-square pixels. Or I want frame-based or upper or lower fields first. I haven't found any explanation of what this means in the product documentation.

I've created an output template to give 1920x1080 at 29.97 fps, 24-bit colour. Again don't know whether to pick frame-based or upper or lower field first. Using PhotoJPEG compression (100% seems the only setting available, but that's OK).

In the final Create dialogue box Options, there is another chance to render non-square pixels (I'm assuming "no" here since I want square), as well as a checkbox for Smart Render, but again no explanation as to why I would need it.

So I've been practicing with 10sec clips to see what happens. With the above settings, the creation takes a couple of minutes and I have been able to generate a huge 1.6GB output file. Play is somewhat jerky since I don't think my computer can keep up. The input files are e.g. 233MB for 44sec, or about 5.3 MB/sec. Am I wrong to expect the output to be about the same size? Curiously, I have been able to generate 50MB files for two of the videos, and the rendering only took a couple of seconds. Unfortunately I have not been able to repeat this, but rather get these 1.6-1.7GB files as the routine. I have tried different input files with the same result.

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3ds Max :: File Size Huge Merging From Other Files?

Oct 14, 2013

merging mesh and group from other file (i do this in every new project) i see file size growing (120MB to 700 Mb for example!!)Now, if i try to "save selected" some object,

 - from the scene1 in which i've merged object2


- from the scene2 that i have merged in scene1
the file saved have the same big size, and if i delete from scene 1, merged object and resave it, the filesize is just a bit less of 700..

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Files Are Saving In Huge Sizes?

Oct 25, 2013

Several days ago I noticed my files sizes were enormous. I was unable to even open them to work on them. Something that was once 517KB becomes 161MB the next time I save it.

After I installed the Corel update this morning, things were back to working as usual. But tonight it's back to the huge files. I saved a simple greeting card file - no halftones, no gradients, etc. It saved at 19.7MB. A few minutes later after making some small changes - saving again it was now 118 MB.

I tried saving to a lower version of Corel and ver 15 it was the same scenario. When saving to 12, 13, & 14 the files were normal, small sizes. But after a few hours even those versions were saving at huge sizes.

I've had a friend check her computer using the same file - she has the exact same computer & on Corel X6. All of her files are nice and small like they are supposed to be.

I've run virus checks and nothing is coming up. I am on Windows 7 64 bit.

Other than recreating all of my files every time I use them - I have no way of saving usable .cdr files.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Huge Files With Phantom Sequential Blocks

Apr 16, 2013

We are experiencing an almost virus-like situation with some of our dwg files. Massive file sizes that grow exponentially - even with very few entities and no xrefernces. Said files also have issues with copy-to-clipboard and paste from one dwg file to the next: objects do not paste, but dozens of sequentailly named phantom blocks are generated.

After doing some searching around we feel this is occurring when clients send us files exported from microstation.

Any patch or purge command that will fix this?

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Illustrator :: When Saving A Document With Linked Images - Files Are Still Huge

Aug 28, 2013

I create a document with multiple artboards whereby every image I place in the document is linked, however the size of the document is still enormous (around 350mb). It's a big document with a lot of clipping masks on images but surely it shouldn't be so big.

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GIMP :: Create Huge Billboard Sized Files In Super High DPI?

Apr 25, 2012

I am printing super high res images onto fabric. My print guy has instructed me to create my images in 1440 dpi and my fabric is 58 inches wide and about 80 yards long. I need to create ONE image so they can just print it continuously along the whoe piece of fabric. So I need to create a REALLY BIG image. They have recommended Adobe Creative Suite, but of course I want to do it with GIMP.

Just today, I installed the latest GIMP, and it doesn't seem to be letting me create even a 58x72 inch image in 1440 dpi. Is there an add on or a way that I can create huge tiff files in GIMP?.....or do I have to shell out the cash and get Creative Suite?

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Photoshop :: HUGE Photoshop CS4 Temp Files! (55 Gigs!)

Dec 16, 2008

I just started to try to clean up my hard drive and using CCleaner I found that I had 70 GIGS OF FILES IN TEMP! most of this is made up of a 55 gig photoshop temp file and a bunch of 300-750 MB photoshop temp files. I am just wondering why these are in there, why they are so big, and if I can safely delete them.

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AutoCad :: How To Attach Number Of TIFF Files To Individual DWG Files

Oct 30, 2013

I am trying to attach a number of tiff files to individual dwg files. There are about 300 so I am writting a script that will open a new dwg, insert the tiff and save the dwg at a given name, so i have filedia set to 0 and everything is user input.

The problem I am having is that when I use the iinsert command and enter the path for the tiff I get this error: (filename)was not found or is not valid. This is pathed to a network drive. When I copy the same folder to my c: drive and run the command everything works as should. is there any reason for this?

When pathed to the c: drive and working correctly it looks like this:

C:UsershbrittDesktop11301 DCS Migration Phase 2 Execute Engineering Detail DesignDRAWINGSWORKING SETLOOPSDEMOD70-B-F101.TIF

When pathed to the network it looks like this:

G:EngineeringCURRENT JOBSMOTIVA11301 DCS Migration Phase 2 Execute Engineering Detail DesignDRAWINGSWORKING SETLOOPSDEMOD70-B-F101.TIF

I get this error:

G:EngineeringCURRENT JOBSMOTIVA11301 DCS Migration Phase 2 Execute Engineering Detail DesignDRAWINGSWORKING SETLOOPSDEMOD70 was not found or is not valid.

I noticed in the error message it cuts the end of the file name off. Is there a character limit?

I have done this before with a path to the network and everything worked as should. We have recently upgrade to 2013 but i would'nt think that would be an issue.

So basically, file on local drive everything inserts fine. File on network, get error.

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Photoshop :: Optimize Pop Up Box?

Aug 19, 2006

In CS2 I am trying to resave a load of .jpg files but they have long file names and every time CS2 will shorten to filenames to make them compatible with mac users.

It tells me to go to the optimise pop up box and change the options in their ...

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Photoshop :: CS3 - Optimize Image For The Web

Jan 31, 2013

I am following all instructions that I can find to optimize an image for the web. I'm using CS3.. Either I get results that have too long a download time or the quality is not good enough. I tried using different settings. I tried making image as small as possible. Also, I thought if it was a JPEG before changing settings it would work.

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Photoshop :: Optimize Memory Usage For CS4

Dec 15, 2008

to optimize memory usage for CS4? It's for a desktop with minimal internal memory.

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Photoshop :: Optimize My Scanned Drawing

Feb 1, 2003

I've tried to color and optimize a drawing of mine.

It still looks a lot like a scanned drawing.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Optimize Images For Web

Nov 30, 2012

what the best way to add photos to my website in very small size to reduce the size with best quality.

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Photoshop :: How To Optimize Images In Blog Posts

Nov 9, 2013

I want to optimize the images in my blog posts since it is loading very slowly. Due to this my blogs loading speed is very high. I have no idea to optimize the images in Photoshop. You can see my images loading very slowly here


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Photoshop :: How To Optimize Duplicated Frames In Animated GIF

Oct 7, 2013

How to optimize duplicated frames in an animated GIF through using Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Maximum Number Of Files To Open In CS3

Jun 30, 2008

I tried to open 400 TIFF CCITT group 4 files from the Photoshop CS3 as I used to do in Photoshop 7, but I got an error message: "Could not complete the open command because opening the number of files selected would cause Photoshop to have more than 200 documents windows open at once". Does anybody know if there are any limitations on the maximum allowed number of files to be opened at the same time?

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Photoshop :: Maximum Number Of Files For Image Processor?

Jun 7, 2012

Is there a maximum number of files in a folder that can be processed by the Image Processor in CS5?
I'm trying to convert a bunch of jpgs to tiffs and I have to run an action (high-pass filter+threshold) before it saves them.  This works out fairly well when using a small amount of files.  When I try to load my main folders then Photoshop stops responding as soon as I try to initiate the processor.  I sometimes get an error if I let it sit for a long time. I've tried this on two computers with the same result. 
I have over a million files across 9 file folders that I need to process.

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Photoshop Elements :: Catalog Repair And Optimize Tabs In Organizer 10

May 13, 2013

Where do I find Catalog repair  & optimize tabs in organizer 10? How do I go about finding AVCHD files?

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Photoshop :: Convert Number Of TIFF Files Into JPEGs All At One Time?

Apr 6, 2013

How do I convert a number of TIFF files into Jpegs all at one time

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Photoshop Elements :: Trying To Limit Number Of Thumbnails Or Files That Generate On Startup

May 4, 2013

I swear I remember being able to limit the number of files that came up on startup to speed up E-9, but can't find it anywhere! 

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Photoshop :: Optimize JPG Image Size Reduction By Reduced Compression Quality And Pixels

Feb 28, 2013

I have many images of slides scanned at high res (4800 DPI, maximum pixels 5214x3592).   Although I will be saving these as loss less TIFs, I also wish to make JPGs from them that I wish to be just less than 5 MB in file size.  Aside from cropping, I know I can achieve such a reduction of JPG file size by a combination of saving to lower quality JPG compression or reducing image size.  My question is, what is theoretically or practically better, achieving this mostly by reducing image total pixels or by reducing  JPG compression quality. 

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3ds Max :: Preserve UVW Maps After Optimize?

Sep 8, 2011

I've made a model I'm content with - editable poly, and have added a UVW Map modifier and Unwrap UVW and subsequently rendered the UVW, taken it into photoshop and done what I would like to it then brought it back in as a diffuse material - all worked fine.I'm going to be using the asset in a prototype game so want to decrease the number of triangles rendered. So to decrease the polygons I've added an Optimise modifier. This is great for decreasing the number of polygons, but unfortunately as it changes the underlying geometry, it appears is mucking up the UVW coordinates and my material is all over the place.

What is the correct process or technique to decrease the polygons and preserve the UVW map appearance on the object, which was set on the higher res version? I've tried changing the modifyer stack order but as the shape has a number of irregular surfaces, the unwrapped UVW in peel mode is a real mess and would be extremely difficult for me to texture with any consistency.

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GIMP :: Optimize Image To Be Used On Web?

Nov 1, 2013

Trying to optimize an image to use on the web, I was able to scale down to the size I needed but it is to big of a file

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AutoCad :: Optimize The Mirror Command

Dec 2, 2011

I use often the Mirror command and I want to optimize that. To end the Mirror command,you have to choose if you want to erase the source objects.

Usually,I don't want to erase the source objects so,this dialog it seems to be useless. What is the macro command that disable this dialog?

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Lightroom :: Optimize Catalog Phase

Mar 8, 2012

I've used Lightroom since the beginning but am having issues with LR4. One of the problems I am facing is that when I backup my LR database that it brings my entire system to a complete hault for over an hour. It seems to do that during the optimize catalog phase. I can't do anything else on my computer as my mouse and everything else freezes until the very slow backup completes. I didn't have this issue with any other version of LR. I first had this problem on my computer after upgrading my LR3. When I encountered this and other problems (mostly related to locking up or working very slow) I started with a fresh hard drive and re-installed windows and LR but still had the same problems.
I'm using Windows Vista 64, 8gb of RAM, 2.83 Ghz, a fast drive with loads of extra space, etc. I do have a large LR database (7gb) but I had that in LR3 as well.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Can't Optimize Or Reimport Catalog

Feb 28, 2014

I can't optimize my main catalog any more. LR5 sends the error message that I have to restart it in order to check the integrity of the catalog. It then restarts without problems, but I face the same error again when trying to optimize.
Importing the old catalog or a copy of it into a newly created one does not work at all, LR states that it can not created a temporary copy necessary for this. Changing directories or drives does not work either.
The catalog seems to work fine once I open it, but I can't check fpr its integrity,

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Premiere Pro :: CC Not Using All Computer Resources / What To Do To Optimize

Mar 5, 2014

I just built a new editing system and am exporiting a new project and my cpu sits at 58-65% usage and gpu at 2-6%. Ram usage is about 8GB. The file is from dslr .MOV clips to H.264 MP4 export, 1080P 30FPS 20Mbps CBR. Total lenght 6min 20 sec with warp stabilizer, contrast, sharpening filter, and neat video applied.As far as I know all of those effects are CUDA accelerated.Media is on my Raid 0 Segregate 3TB x2 drive (about 350 Read/Write) Scratch is on 120gb ssd drive, OS and Adobe CC on 240GB SSD. Both ssd's 500 read/write. Exporting to either os drive or raid 0 has no difference. Export time is about 25 min.
Are there any optimizations I need to do to speed things up or is this normal? I ran PPBM7 yesterday and sent in the info. I got the following results from the output file,

I/O time = 111 Sec 334.16 MB/S , h.264 Timeline = 208 Seconds, MPE gain 461/18=25.6 .
Below are PC specs. Everything is stock, not overclocked yet.
4930k, gtx titan black , 32gb ram 1866 , 650watt 80gold psu, 240 ssd os, 120 Ssd scratch, 6tb raid 0 for media, win 8.1 , premeire CC.

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