CorelDRAW X5 :: Windows 8 64 Bit Not Able To Scan From Acquire Anymore?
Apr 8, 2013
I just had to replace an computer running xp with one running windows 8 and after installing X5 I find I cannot scan any more. I see some posts about X6 on this but nothing about X5
Canon MX870 and I did download the 64 bit drivers for it.
Some scanners require that you install special software or drivers so that they can be accessed by programs that use WIA to scan with them. Paint.NET uses WIA, and not TWAIN, to acquire images from scanners and cameras.
I have a problem with my scanner canonscan lide 100, when i try to scan directly from coreldraw, acquire image function seems diabled, this problem starts when i changed my os to 64bit, i've downloaded 64bit driver for my scanner but still acquire image function don't work.
I am using Windows7 (64 bit) machine and CorelDRAW X6 (64 bit) software and also installed HP 5610 all-in-one scanner / printer but i noticed in CorelDRAW X6 / Corel PP x6 acquire image >> select source... and acquire.. are disable.
it is bug or need some more software to enable for CorelDRAW x6 because HP 5610 Scanner work with other software.
This is a strange thing : I have PSP X5 under my computer for about one year, and this morning it does not start when I click on PSP icon. When I look at the process monitoring, the exe appears and disappears 3 seconds later. I tried the restore database, nothing changed. I tried to rename the database file, no more success.
I have had this program for several years and no problems until yesterday. My computer, win7, 64 bit, did an automatic update. Now my corel draw will not run and the following error report appears.
"Unable to create a DOM document.Class not registered / Verify that MSXML4 is installed"
Can not reinstall program as the box is sitting on a shelf 800 miles away.
When I open previous artwork files, to maintain or update, one of my fonts disappeared. Coreldraw does recognize the font when I open the artwork file, but within the artwork the text in this paticular font is blank. It's called Trajan Pro. All my other softwares recognize it and I can use it, except in Corel. Not sure how to get this fixed, since I never had this problem before.
I regularly design multi-page design drawings for sign manufacturing, and was operating normally in X3 on a Dell Dual Core up to yesterday, when suddenly app won't successfully publish to PDF. It just spins, or produces a file that has blank pages or some huge empty file that shows it to be over 150MB in size (normally my files are under 8 MB). I tried a complete uninstall/reinstall of program twice now, but only to have same results.
we have an old Docucolor 12 that runs with a Fiery X12 printer server. After we upgraded to Corel Draw X5, we are no longer able to add this machine as a scan source. I found similar posts for Draw X6 stating that it might be a 32bit/64bit problem. Woud that be the case for X5 too?
I update to 6.2 version and one feature i missing is the ability to drag and drop images from Google images on firefox to Corel. Before the update works fine...after its only import the name of file like " Kgcjfdag.bmp" and not the image. But in IE works fine.
Corel X4, still installed on my PC, has no problem at all.But Corel X6 (CorelDRAW as well as CorelPHOTOPAINT) crashes after the preview scan with Epson Scan (EPSON Perfection V330 Photo) in professional mode. When I use the simple mode (which does all automatically: preview scan, border recognition, best guess about resolution and color mode and the final scan) there also is no problem.
But I wonder what the TWAIN driver does with Corel X6 after having finished the preview scan ..I already tried to uninstall and reinstall the (latest) driver suite from EPSON without success.
slow copy to clipboard? I have pinned it down to my virus protection. I use McAfee and I notice that my CPU goes up considerably when I do a copy to clipboard under mcshield.exe. When I turn off the McAfee, copy to clipboard in X6 works fast and perfectly.
How can I make an imported scan of a line drawing "transparent" and add color fills to various sections, using the freehand tool ? I have done this many times with an older version of CorelDraw, but in CorelDraw- x5 the
imported scan includes a white background (even when I select NO FILL), so that my freehand tool selections are either on top of, or hidden behind the white background.
I was wondering why the lens flare filter is not available in my CS6 version. I also just tried installing the Photoshop CC version, but also in that one it is not available. I have been looking through the app settings, and checked the filter tabs. Also after a restart of the program I still do not see it appear in either version.
When using a Neat NM-1000 scanner and I acqire image from scanner the program loads the Neat software to scan the image and runs the photo through the scanner and then freezes the software and will not allow me to continue. Is there and update I need or some settings I should make somewhere in the software?
I have to pick up the Iproperties information of each .ipt file into SQL Server. But I don’t know how to write a programming with VB.NET to acquire the Iproperties information without opening the file.
I am running x6 on windows 7 64 bit. Recently Corel has started displaying (font not found) next to some of my fonts. When I open Bitsream Navigator it shows that the fonts are installed and in use. I have also checked and made sure that the fronts are installed on the computer itself.
X5 remaining in memory after being closed by pressing the x in the top right-hand corner of the application window?
Opening and closing Draw was giving me several instances running in memory. I had to kill them all using Task manger. It doesn't always happen so I haven't been able to pin down a reason. I'm using version 15.02.661.
In X5 I was able to easily stack two window dockers on top of each other by double left clicking each title bar of the floating dockers. All subsequent dockers would automatically stack on top of the top most docker. How do I do this in X6? Refer to the attached file to see what I mean. My docking window are stacked to the right of the workspace.
I've experienced when using CorelDraw X5 with Windows 7, in Windows Explorer it will only show the generic CorelDraw X5 "green" icon for a thumbnail. It doesn't show the thumbnail of the actual artwork. Workaround to show the artwork thumbnail?
I've noticed that I can download open type fonts on my computer (OS Windows 7) but if I type them out in my Corel X3, nothing shows up. Even files that I open up in Corel that have open type fonts in them, no text shows.
I lost my ability to see thumbnails in my file preview after I installed an X6 trial, and I can't get them back. I uninstalled X6 and read to uninstall the extension and reinstall it to get it back....but can't find the file.
I have three MAC's using Parallels with Windows 7 X64 on a domain. I cannot get Corel Draw x5 to launch on one. It just simply crashes and records Failed to Release Mutex Error ID = Returned Error 288 & 1 in the event log. I have tried removing Corel Draw from the workstation 3x in combination with manual and automatic. I have spent over 8 hours on this and cannot find a solution on line. I have removed user settings as well. I have the original media. I have tried downloading another copy from CNET but the key will not work.
The (X4) Font Navigator will not work in Windows 7. It is preventing files created on my office computer (windows XP) from opening on my home computer (windows 7)
When we were using X4 on Vista I had no problems with the graphic distorting. Since we moved our system over to Windows 7 we have had major problems, sometimes when we get art work the logo's will gradually distort to the point they are unrecongizable.
Even if we try and replace the logo with a new copy the same thing will happen. I have a legit copy of X4.
Most people are telling us its because the logo's we receive are corrupted but that doesnt seem to be the factor.