CorelDRAW X5 :: Pasting Excel Graphs - Pixels In Resolution
Apr 12, 2013
I am using Corel Draw X5. When I paste an Excel graph into Corel the resolution looks terrible. I can paste this same graph into most other programs and it looks fine. No matter what I do and no matter which special paste command I use I am not happy with the resolution of the graph - you can actually see the pixels. When I convert to PDF you can still see the pixels.
I'm trying to convert Excel graphs into high resolution tiffs. I am saving the graph as an .eps file and opening it in Photoshop. This worked for a few graphs, then all of a sudden Photoshop started opening the .eps file such that it was shifted and only part of the image was showing up (the rest cannot be seen and is just cut off).
So I have a bunch of files that were made in MS Excel using Chinese characters in SimSun font. After downloading some language packs the Excel file shows up correctly on my PC. I want to copy and paste the file into Corel. It works fine except some characters show up as a question mark. Most characters (80%) show up fine however.
I have Windows XP, Office 2003, Corel X5, and no understanding of the Chinese language.
I have a detailed graph that is created in Excel that I want to paste into Illustrator so that I can save it as a high resolution TIFF file for submission to a journal.
In Excel the graph looks like this:
But when I select it (using Select Objects and then Copy OR Copy as picture) and paste it into Illustrator, it looks like this:
I have used different line formats in Excel for the different curves that are plotted and these obviously don't come through correctly when pasting into Illustrator. The lines are there but the scaling for the dashes or dots seems to be changed (increased). I'm good with Excel but a bit of an Illustrator newbie, why this is happening and can it be corrected.
I am on Win 7 64 bit system using Office 2010 and AI CS6
I have been using Gimp for a lot of "tile based" images, which feature layers composed of several "tiles" pasted into those layers. However, I just recently started creating transparent tiles, and pasting them.
One of the strangest things I have run into here is that I don't seem to be able to move my selection ( Floating Layer? ) if the opacity on the source pixels is 0.25 or less. Specifically, I do not get the usual "drag box" when I hover over the transparent pixels. Instead, I get the "anchor box" ( which seems to crop the pasted area before anchoring ). I tried this on a composite image with some more transparent pixels ( 0.25 ) and some more opaque pixels ( 0.26 ), and the "drag box" appears only over the more opaque pixels.
Why this might be happening? It could be that this is just context-sensitive cursor behavior which varies on transparency, and if so, is there another way to move the pasted selection?
I cut and pasted a pie chart from MS Excel into PS, but when it prints, the imagery looks very low res, with jagged lines and text. Is there anything I can do differently, or is this a limitation due to Excel?
I have just upgraded from CS3 to CS5 and I'm running into a major issue. When I used to copy charts from Excel into Illustrator CS3 it would paste in as vector artwork, but now with CS5 it pastes in as a jpeg image.
I'd like the excel charts to paste in as they used to with CS3 as vector artwork with paths, strokes and text.
Using the below steps causes a string of pixels to delete, and forum I visited [URL]..... with similar issues think it's a bug in PaintShop Photo Pro X3 I now have version X3 - after updates.
1. Start a new image, with solid background. 2. Selection tool, rectangle, add/shift, feather 0, anti-alias on. 3. Draw out a 3" rectangle. Flood fill or paint in the shape with a solid contrasting color. Leave shape selected. 4. Go to Edit, Copy. 5. Go to Edit, Paste as transparent selection. 6. Place the copy to the right and up against the first shape. 7. Go to selections, Select None.
Take note that there is a string of pixels that is being removed. The above steps were posted by my peers in the PaintShop Photo Pro community forum I mentioned above.
What I’ve been trying to do is Paste As New Selection from one image into another, and pixels are cut off once I click to release the selection. I’ve tried different things, like expanding the canvas of the pasted image, and other things, but nothing has worked.
We are using Office 2013 and PS CS6. We have a problem where we copy and paste Thai text from an Excel doc into Photoshop CS6. The text copies over fine but there are small double stacked characters on some letters that merge when copied. Here's an example showing Excel on the bottom and PS CS6 on the top. Notice the red character in the Excel doc. The small double stack characters merge once copied into PS CS6:
I'm trying to paste in things like "N.G.", "Top of Bank", "Edge of Water" all at certain points to annotate the topography. I've tried the following:
text N.G 800,90 text Top of Bank 820,90
But I keep getting the prompt for annotation angle and it gets stuck there so I tried:
text N.G 800,90 90 text Top of Bank 820,90 90
But the same thing occurs. I need the text to be vertical. I've done some searching here, but haven't come up with much. I don't want to resort to creating blocks and importing the attributes as I'm sure it's much easier than that.
I tried many times to paste excel table into autocad using paste special/paste link/autocad entities/. The first problem is that the table is coming out with text all over the place, not properly formatted. When I click on the table it's covered by some kind of frame or hatch-like. I am using 2010 Office pro Excel. See attached.
I have an issue with copying cells containing text from Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac and pasting them into Illustrator CS5. I select the whole cell(s) from Excel, open a blank Ai document and, without anything selected so the format is preserved, I paste the cells.
The issue comes with the resulting copy of the cells in Ai. The type which was bold in Excel is bold in Ai... but not really. Ai pastes the bolded text as not bold, but then makes a copy of that same text, puts a stroke on it, then places that over the regular text, so it looks bold. But now I have two copies of the same word, one regular and one with a stroke on it right on top of one another.
This normally wouldn't be an issue but I have to edit this info in Ai later - and there's a second problem. When I paste the bold text from Excel in Ai, the resulting word is broken up into individual text blocks for each letter. Instead of preserving the whole word as one editable text block, I now have to click on each letter to change it.
There is a catch 22 to these problems: These cells that I am copying from include bolded and regular text, and the regular text pasted into Ai without any problems (even the text blocks are preserved). So it's the bold text that is causing the problems
I have a feeling this has to do with how the individual cells are formated in Excel, but I have to copy data from many different cells made by many different people, so I am at a loss of what to do.
I have include a screen shot of what's going on with cells after I paste them in Ai. I have moved the oulined "5" up so you can see the regular "5" below it.
I've just started playing around with GIMP. I've made two images containing a text to start with. For DPL2.tiff, the resolution (both X and Y) is 72 pixels/in, for DPL4.tiff it is 1 pixel/in.
My question is, shouldn't there be a noticeable difference in quality of the images?
The DPI is modified from 96 to 192 and the image pixels is also scaled to twice resolution.But the screen the images size changes from 3 inch to 6 inch, when 100% zoom.This is wrong, the image should be displayed in what the size the image is.
I've created a simple graph of an area painted with some transparency in Origin Pro 9.1(such as this: URL..... and copied and pasted it on a blank CorelDraw X6 file. The area in the embedded image looks checker board pattern, not transparent as in the original image.
The problem appears to be within CorelDraw, as the embedded link to Origin software works fine, and an embedded image of the same graph in Microsoft PowerPoint looks just fine.I've tired combinations of earlier Origin versions (9.0, 8.5) , CorelDrawX3, XP and Windows7(32bit, 64bit). All failed.
What I'm after in an 'increase photo resolution' tool similar in result to PhotoAcute Studio (without the hefty price tag). I suspect this may be available but named something else.
I have with transferring graphics between programs - that is graphics that have been "cut out" from their backgrounds. ie with transparent backgrounds.
Whenever I cut and paste out of Draw (or PP) into another program, say Serif PhotoPlus or Xara Designer, the background returns (white), and the same happens when I paste an image into Draw that has been cut out elsewhere. To all extent and purposes they become jpegs.
Yet an image "cut out" in Serif PhotoPlus can be pasted into Xara Designer with the transparency intact. It doesn't work in reverse though.
Is there a setting somewhere that would enable me to successfully transfer images out of and into Draw with transparency? Without having to export every time to png or pdf.
Cutting & pasting small lines of text within CDR x6 and it was crashing out, I discovered that after copying the lines of text, if I waited a few seconds before pasting (text was 3 words 25 characters) the there was no programme crash.
On a related issue when copying some lines of text to another small software application I encountered a Windows error report that I have never seen before "Operation Clipboard Failed" and the error information is listed below which may be of interest to our friends at Coreldraw .....
i'm making a newsletter in which there are pages which has to written in malayalam. i use charmap (Start>Run>Charmap). in that i make a sentence by selecting each letters.. Charmap has its own text field where the written text is displayed. from that text field i've to copy paste it to corel draw's text field.
Now the problem is whenever i paste it on corel draw's text field, the letters come a bit jumbled up. i've noticed that the vowels get jumbled up. but when i paste it on ms word, it comes as it is.
I have made an object using the artistic media tool and I would like to copy and paste it, however when I try and paste it into my page there is nothing there but the bounding box. How do I copy and paste this object so it can be seen?
When copying text from web pages to CDX6 it will often crash on paste. A workaround is to copy to Word first but I'd rather CDR worked properly. Is there anything I could look at within CDR to stop this from happening?
I have been trying really hard now and this has ocurred several times before for me: I copy a text from MS Word and paste it into a Paragraph text frame in Corel Draw, and all I get is a line break. That's correct, just one line break, no text.
If I take just a few hundred words it pastes allright, but if I have like 14 000 characters including spaces, it fails to paste. If I paste the same amount of text into Notepad and then from there to Draw, it works alright. There seems to be a problem importing/pasting formatted text, even if you discard all fonts and formatting in the Paste text dialog.
If I go to Edit/Paste special/Text the import works, but the text does not land in the text frame selected or where you have the cursor active, instead you get the text in some randomly fomed text frames where you most likely don't want them, many times just as big as the page and with no margins.
So there definitely seems to be a problem pasting longer texts into Corel Draw.
2 days on GIMP. I need to adjust the clone tool so it's 1080 pixels vertical and about 20 pixels wide. I googled and searched, but I can't seem to find the right phrasing.
I have several layers in an image, and I need to align them precisely. The ordinary layer shift ("move pixels") by multiples of pixels is not sufficient. Is there a tool or plugin for PDN that allows sub-pixel shifts (i.e. moves by fractions of pixel)? And rotations by very small angles?
When I export my work to .jpg format all is OK. All looks fine on desktop. But when I try to print it there are several dark pixels allover the picture. It looks like snow or TV noise. I tried different picture fixing programs, but nothing... How can I remove that noise?
If I am constantly making frames in photoshop for use in the video world (ie. They will be on TV) the pixels need to be rectangular (or 4x3) in aspect and not square.
I know in programs like After Effects and Combustion you can set when saving an image whether or not it is square or rectangular pixels.