Illustrator :: Copying And Pasting Cells With Bold Text From Excel 2011 (Mac) Into AI CS5
Jan 15, 2013
I have an issue with copying cells containing text from Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac and pasting them into Illustrator CS5. I select the whole cell(s) from Excel, open a blank Ai document and, without anything selected so the format is preserved, I paste the cells.
The issue comes with the resulting copy of the cells in Ai. The type which was bold in Excel is bold in Ai... but not really. Ai pastes the bolded text as not bold, but then makes a copy of that same text, puts a stroke on it, then places that over the regular text, so it looks bold. But now I have two copies of the same word, one regular and one with a stroke on it right on top of one another.
This normally wouldn't be an issue but I have to edit this info in Ai later - and there's a second problem. When I paste the bold text from Excel in Ai, the resulting word is broken up into individual text blocks for each letter. Instead of preserving the whole word as one editable text block, I now have to click on each letter to change it.
There is a catch 22 to these problems: These cells that I am copying from include bolded and regular text, and the regular text pasted into Ai without any problems (even the text blocks are preserved). So it's the bold text that is causing the problems
I have a feeling this has to do with how the individual cells are formated in Excel, but I have to copy data from many different cells made by many different people, so I am at a loss of what to do.
I have include a screen shot of what's going on with cells after I paste them in Ai. I have moved the oulined "5" up so you can see the regular "5" below it.
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Sep 10, 2012
I am in AutoCAD LT 2008. Within the last few months I have noticed that some of my text is changing from a regular font style to bold when being copied/pasted, moving, and/or stretching. This is also happening with the text in my dimension style. When I check properties, nothing has changed from one text's set of properties to the other. I have not changed any settings that I am aware of since this started happening. In some cases if I paste with a base point, then paste I can avoid this, but not in all cases. I have also opened the text boxes to verify that the bold button did not get activated. This is a very annoying problem and if I don't catch all the text that has been affected it makes drawings look inconsistent.
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Jun 4, 2013
What is the cause of text that I copy and paste not retaining the colors it had? I have many text blocks with large numbers and letters each having their own color and when I copy them in order to paste them elsewhere, the letters/numbers have different colors. For example all numbers that may have been pink are now black.
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Jul 19, 2013
I want to copy a value/text in cells from excel and paste it in specific mtxt that has been made in existing .DWG file.
I have done it by copy and paste, but it doesn't work effectively since there's too many cells to be pasted.
One of my cells entry which should be copy is in D5 and the coordinate of mtxt in autocad is (17,46 15,03 0,000) both of those file is located in same folder
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May 20, 2012
trying to copy txt from an outside text editor and pasting them into an open, editable text layer in my workspace. The problem is that I can COPY the text fine, but when I click over to PS to paste it into the open editable text layer it either pastes the previous text from my clipboard OR it won't paste anything at all. I can then go into any other text field on a browser, spreadsheet document, a different text editor, notepad, etc and successfully paste the proper batch of text I wanted to paste into PS. Sometimes I have some rather large files open 50+megs when I notice this happen. I have to save my work and close out entirely of PS and then open it again before I can begin editing my original document again and successfully paste the text into the open editable text layer. This may last for a few COPY/PASTE sessions of additional text in additional text layers, but then begins displaying the symptoms I described above.
I am on Win7 on an AlienWare M17XR3 laptop with 16G RAM and AMD Radeon HD 6900M Series display adapter.I assume it's either in my PS performance settings which I have PS using 10413MB RAM and has over 350G scratch disk space. If it's not that I guess my laptop system performance settings which I've never tinkered with since I purchased it.
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Sep 20, 2012
I have 2 layers of text in a .psd that I want to simply copy and paste into another .psd. I select both layers and link them together, though when I copy and paste into the other .psd only one of the layers is pasted. How do you do this?
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May 28, 2013
I copy an image from Illustrator, go to my photoshop file (a mockup template that I use several times a day) and "paste" is not available (grayed out) like there is nothing on my clipboard. Usually after I make 2-3 attempts at the whole process (back to AI, copy... to PS, paste...etc) I can finally get it to work, but there is an abnormally long lag time when moving from AI to PS (ai acts likes it's trying to save information before it allows the PS window to come to the front). I realize there are other ways to get AI info into PS, but this is the quickest and has always worked before. All I am doing is dropping artwork onto a mockup template, it seems wasteful to save an additional file (in order to use the "place" command in PS) just to allow that.
This problem started last week, and at about the same time saving from Illustrator in some instances has become really slow (3-4 times longer than normal)
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May 15, 2012
We are using AutoCAD Architecture 2013 and AutoCAD LT 2013 in our office-just upgraded. Now, whenever we go into a drawing that uses the Archstyle (Shx) font and try to copy or paste any text, the font changes to simplex. We have to exit completely out of AutoCAD to recover the font.
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Jul 29, 2010
I have just upgraded from CS3 to CS5 and I'm running into a major issue. When I used to copy charts from Excel into Illustrator CS3 it would paste in as vector artwork, but now with CS5 it pastes in as a jpeg image.
I'd like the excel charts to paste in as they used to with CS3 as vector artwork with paths, strokes and text.
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May 21, 2012
I'm trying to paste in things like "N.G.", "Top of Bank", "Edge of Water" all at certain points to annotate the topography. I've tried the following:
text N.G 800,90
text Top of Bank 820,90
But I keep getting the prompt for annotation angle and it gets stuck there so I tried:
text N.G 800,90 90
text Top of Bank 820,90 90
But the same thing occurs. I need the text to be vertical. I've done some searching here, but haven't come up with much. I don't want to resort to creating blocks and importing the attributes as I'm sure it's much easier than that.
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Jan 9, 2012
I tried many times to paste excel table into autocad using paste special/paste link/autocad entities/. The first problem is that the table is coming out with text all over the place, not properly formatted. When I click on the table it's covered by some kind of frame or hatch-like. I am using 2010 Office pro Excel. See attached.
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Oct 19, 2009
I am new to VBA for Autocad and have basic knowledge of Autocad, but have experience with VBA with EXCEL. I am trying to search for text written on to a drawing that has been written as plain text. There is no table. I am writing code to open each drawing in the file as a for each next loop and then find text, then copy text to a table cell, in a table set up within the loop statement. Then I intend to transfer the data to Excel. When I copy the text into the cells of the table and transfer to Excel, the text does not transfer. Is there something I need to do to re-format the text copied straight from the drawing into the table cell. The drawngs have been produced by some external drafting service provider, most likely in India. The functionality of Autocad has not been used and therefore, there are no tables. The text titles, sub-titles etc... are just basically text with lines drawn around them, to simulate a table that looks like a table but are infact not.
My main problem is copying the plain text (titles, sub-titles, references etc...) into a table cell for export to Excel. Any knowledge of copying Autocad plain text to Autocad table cells
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Jun 9, 2006
im using CAD07 &06 when i print out a drawing with lots of text some of it come out bold and some normal yet they are all the same font/height/size etc in the dwg?
does it make a diff if its mtext or single line text?
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Sep 11, 2012
The calibri font used for graphs in Excel are not recognized when the graphs are copied into Adobe Illustrator. Other than changing the font to arial or another font. I upgraded from CS4 to CS6 on my mac and I still get the same error, "An unknown shading type was encountered," and the letters in the chart get substituted with jumbled symbols. I've tried copy the chart directly from excel to illustrator as well as saving it as a pdf or postcript file and then opening in illustrator. But neither approach works.
A friend managed to open the chart in Illustrator (CS5 on a mac) which gave the prompt that it cannot read the font and that it will display it as outlines. This worked and the text was displayed properly. But for some reason I never received this promopt whether using illustrator from CS4 or CS6.
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Mar 19, 2014
creating a PDF out of my Illustrator document - I have a bunch of identical headers which I've literally copy & pasted in place on every page so they are exactly the same. Yet, some pages - when exported to a PDF - are inexplicably bold and ugly! I've exported the entire document at once so it's not cause of different publication settings. I just can't explain why the PDF displays some of the titles differently - when they are exactly identical. how I can fix this display/export error? It looks like I've accidentally used a bold font on some titles, which is not the case.
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Feb 23, 2014
I import sequences into illustrator composed of hundreds of text letters. How do I make text bold many letters at a time? I can do one letter at a time but I need to do 20-30 at a time.
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Feb 21, 2011
At some point - I'm not clear when - something changed with my fonts(Linux - Slackware64 13.1). Now I cannot select, for example, the boldor italic version of DejaVu Sans. The appear as Regular.
- I tried to install the newest package for the dejavu fonts,
- ran mkfontscale
- ran mkfontdir
- Though probably unnecessary, ran fc-cache
First tried to 'reload fonts' (button in fonts dialog) in Gimp, thentried to restart gimp entirely. (and from a terminal to check for anymessages with --verbose).
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Jan 3, 2013
I had a bit of a search around the net and what I found mostly said it can't be done natively in AutoCad although I thought I might as well ask anyway.
I want to link individual mtext objects in AutoCad to cell contents in an Excel file (like a datalink for a table, but I can't use a table in this instance). Any thoughts?
If it is not possible it is not a huge deal although hopefully the design doesn't change in the future as it will be a pain to update all these manually
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Dec 3, 2013
While in my AutoCad drawing, I need to be able to select cells in an Excel database and use them as variables to create a drawing. I've looked on the Internet and have found some bits and pieces of code for particular uses, but what I'm looking for is the methodology, or some training/examples on working with Excel and AutoCad using
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Sep 13, 2013
I simply want to paste a series of cells from excel into an existing autocad table. About 8 rows, 1 column thick. I want the values to acquire the destination formatting too if possible. I do not want to create an OLE object or anything fancy. I have seen instructions to use "Paste Special" on forums, but I do not have this choice when I right-click. I'm sure this is possible.
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Oct 10, 2013
We are a MEP firm, using AutoCAD 2011 and Excel 2007, and our project is a building with 1000+ rooms. Each room has specified supply and return airflows that need to show up in text in each of the rooms. All the airflow values are calculated in a spreadsheet.
My thought is to use fields in the text that shows up in each room, then link each field to a specific cell in Excel, because these values will be evolving over the next year.
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Aug 15, 2013
I have been using a lisp routine to strip formatting from a linked excel sheet. (stripmtextV5) .When I try and run it on a sheet today it says some cells are locked. I've changed the cell format in the excel file to unlocked. I have unlocked the cells in the linked table. Yet it still says that some cells are locked...I have even picked in each cell to verify each one is unlocked.
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Nov 23, 2013
Bought x6 a couple of weeks ago together with a new Windows 8.1 and 64 bit pc. I get a problem when I paste part of one image into another one. If I want to move it or enlarge/decrease the pasted part, it freezes or only part of it appears. However, if I then click on the composed image and reduce the size a bit, the pasted part appears ok. Nuisance as it slows the process down and should not be happening. as this never happened with X3 running on Windows 7 32 bit?
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Sep 11, 2004
I'm a PS newbie, and I've been trying to copy a selection from one image and paste it in another. This normally works perfectly, but I've been having real problems with one image. Whenever I copy something onto it (with most pics, at least; haven't tried them all) the copied selection loses all colour and texture and becomes an apparently random selection of white and black pixels.
Is there a setting somewhere that I should change? Are the images just incompatible? Please help.
Here's an example screenshot. Request any further information you want and I'll try to provide it.
Edit: In case you couldn't tell, I'm trying to copy the stick on the right onto the witch.
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Feb 12, 2009
how do i copy an image and paste it on another image on photoshop cs4? i have already used the pen tool on the pic i need to copy but i cant seem to copy and paste it on the other picture.
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Mar 16, 2013
I have just started working with GIMP, after years of using Photoshop, which I can't afford anymore. Most of the tools don't look that different from what I was used to in PS, but I ran into a problem right away: I don't seem to be able to cut an image and then paste the cut image as a new layer on top of another image. I creates a new layer alright, but I don't see the image I want to copy.
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Aug 15, 2013
Illustrator CC, Mac OS 10.8.4 : When pasting text formatted with a Paragraph Style, the style drops off and the text converts to Myriad. I am copying and pasting from/into the same file - even into the same text box.
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May 6, 2013
Today Illustrator CS4 decided to start crashing on me when I try to paste text into the art board. It will also not allow me to type text into the artboard. Whenever I try to type, it just does all the tool shortcuts. I have alread tried deleting the preferences and that hasn't worked at all.
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Feb 1, 2013
So, i went back to an image i made a while ago because i wanted to remember how i went about doing something. i also got out my notebook where i kept track of particular aspects of the lesson.sadly, i do not seem to have written down the one thing i am looking to recall.
see the open path that defines the arm inside the red circle?well, i'm working on a female version of this but i can't seem to recall how i went about duplicating the path so that the stroke and layer styles are copied as well.
i selected the pen tool > set to path > drew out my path > right clicked to select stroke path then i double clicked on the layer to add a gradient overlay and a drop shadow
now, when i made the guy above all i wrote down to do is to copy and transform but now when i do this only the path is copied.i have tried copy, copy merged, paste, paste special and paste in place.when i use ctrl + J and then flip it the stroke and ls's aren't copied?
ctrl + j makes a new layer with the layer styles listed but when i did it the first time this is what my layers look(ed) like how the "right arm" layer doesn't list the layer styles?
how one goes about copying and pasting an open path such as this so that one has a layer without the styles listed? i have also used alt + ctrl + t and dragged to copy but this also makes a layer with the styles listed.
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Jan 19, 2011
I'm developing a project that is made up of clips taken from several other projects. Right now I go to one of the source projects view and find the clips I want, write them down and their location and so forth through all the source projects. Then I go and try to build my new project using this info. As the project grows this starts to get confusing. If two projects could be opened at once it would work but that can't be done.
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Sep 8, 2011
How can know if entities are being manually copied and pasted between drawings.A thought is to add a GUID to each entities Xdata and check if the value is in the named object dictionary.
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