AutoCAD VB :: Copy Text From Cells From Excel And Paste It

Jul 19, 2013

I want to copy a value/text in cells from excel and paste it in specific mtxt that has been made in existing .DWG file.

I have done it by copy and paste, but it doesn't work effectively since there's too many cells to be pasted.

One of my cells entry which should be copy is in D5 and the coordinate of mtxt in autocad is (17,46 15,03 0,000) both of those file is located in same folder

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AutoCAD LT :: Paste Range Of Cells From Excel Into Table

Sep 13, 2013

I simply want to paste a series of cells from excel into an existing autocad table. About 8 rows, 1 column thick. I want the values to acquire the destination formatting too if possible. I do not want to create an OLE object or anything fancy. I have seen instructions to use "Paste Special" on forums, but I do not have this choice when I right-click. I'm sure this is possible.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Parts Of The Text Disappear When Copy / Paste From Excel?

Nov 28, 2011

For some time I was using CorelDraw 12 with Windows XP and Excel 2007.I normally make some tables in Excel which I copy and paste into Corel using "Paste special"/Picture/Enhanced Metafile. In Windows XP there was no problem. Since I switched to Windows 7, I have the following problems:

- The font Wingdings 3 comes out as Arial.

- The second problem is a very strange thing: Some characters, such as ,-"; , always at the END of the line, just dissapear. It happens sometimes, not always, and I can't see absolutely no logic in it: I copy the same thing, paste it several times, and sometimes the comma comes out, sometimes not. I remember that this happened to me ONCE, long time ago, when I was still using XP, but then I restarted Corel and it stopped making problems. But now, with Windows 7, it happens almost all the time. I tried it on a few different PCs and I even tried it with Corel X4. Always the same problem.

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AutoCad 3D :: Copy / Paste Solid Object To Excel

Aug 31, 2012

I am attempting to copy and paste a part of a drawing from AutoCAD 2011 into ms, Excel or Word. I am able to copy within a vport so my whole screen is not copied. My problem is only 2D objects show up when I paste. I tried different visual styles and colors but still cant get my solid objects to appear.

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Illustrator :: Copying And Pasting Cells With Bold Text From Excel 2011 (Mac) Into AI CS5

Jan 15, 2013

I have an issue with copying cells containing text from Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac and pasting them into Illustrator CS5. I select the whole cell(s) from Excel, open a blank Ai document and, without anything selected so the format is preserved, I paste the cells.
The issue comes with the resulting copy of the cells in Ai. The type which was bold in Excel is bold in Ai... but not really. Ai pastes the bolded text as not bold, but then makes a copy of that same text, puts a stroke on it, then places that over the regular text, so it looks bold. But now I have two copies of the same word, one regular and one with a stroke on it right on top of one another.
This normally wouldn't be an issue but I have to edit this info in Ai later - and there's a second problem. When I paste the bold text from Excel in Ai, the resulting word is broken up into individual text blocks for each letter. Instead of preserving the whole word as one editable text block, I now have to click on each letter to change it.
There is a catch 22 to these problems: These cells that I am copying from include bolded and regular text, and the regular text pasted into Ai without any problems (even the text blocks are preserved). So it's the bold text that is causing the problems
I have a feeling this has to do with how the individual cells are formated in Excel, but I have to copy data from many different cells made by many different people, so I am at a loss of what to do.
I have include a screen shot of what's going on with cells after I paste them in Ai. I have moved the oulined "5" up so you can see the regular "5" below it.

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AutoCad :: Link Mtext To Excel Cells?

Jan 3, 2013

I had a bit of a search around the net and what I found mostly said it can't be done natively in AutoCad although I thought I might as well ask anyway.

I want to link individual mtext objects in AutoCad to cell contents in an Excel file (like a datalink for a table, but I can't use a table in this instance). Any thoughts?

If it is not possible it is not a huge deal although hopefully the design doesn't change in the future as it will be a pain to update all these manually

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selecting Cells In Excel And Storing Them As Variables

Dec 3, 2013

While in my AutoCad drawing, I need to be able to select cells in an Excel database and use them as variables to create a drawing.  I've looked on the Internet and have found some bits and pieces of code for particular uses, but what I'm looking for is the methodology, or some training/examples on working with Excel and AutoCad using

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Link Excel Cells To Fields

Oct 10, 2013

We are a MEP firm, using AutoCAD 2011 and Excel 2007, and our project is a building with 1000+ rooms.  Each room has specified supply and return airflows that need to show up in text in each of the rooms.  All the airflow values are calculated in a spreadsheet.

My thought is to use fields in the text that shows up in each room, then link each field to a specific cell in Excel, because these values will be evolving over the next year.

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AutoCad :: Copy / Paste Certain Amount Of Text?

Feb 7, 2012

Using Autocad_2k10 and ScriptPro

Trying to write a srcipt to copy/paste a certain amount of text in these coordinates (ie.: 1.8520, 13.1085, 0.0000) in 100+ drawings to a file (ie.: 123.txt or 123.xls)

I'm stuck on the "paste to file", is this possible?

I'm using ScriptPro cause of the batch process.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Locked Cells In Data Linked Excel Sheet

Aug 15, 2013

I have been using a lisp routine to strip formatting from a linked excel sheet. (stripmtextV5) .When I try and run it on a sheet today it says some cells are locked. I've changed the cell format in the excel file to unlocked. I have unlocked the cells in the linked table. Yet it still says that some cells are locked...I have even picked in each cell to verify each one is unlocked.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Paste Special Excel Files That Automatically Update / When Excel File Changes

May 29, 2013

I have AutoCAD 2013 and often "paste special" excel files that automatically update when the excel file changes.The problem I'm running into is I work with a person who has uses an older version of CAD 2004, so I always save to the older format for him. 

When I etransmit, I be sure to add the excel file, but when he opens the dwg, only the outline of the excel appears in his dwg, no content. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Cannot COPY / PASTE Text Into Command Line

Jul 9, 2013

I am using AutoCad 2014

I want to paste text (numbers) into the command line as I am drawing a line.

In AutoCad 2011/2012 if I paste (CTRL+V), then the numbers in the clipboard will be pasted into the command line and all I have to do is push enter.

In AutoCad 2014 if I paste (CTRL+V), AutoCad will paste the clipboard contents as an mtext object into the drawing.

How do I change the behavior of AutoCad so that I can use "CTRL+V" in the command line?

For clarification these are the exact steps I am trying to do:

1. {type L}

2. {click a point in the drawing}
3. {type CTRL+V} // paste a number as a distance into command line
4. {type ENTER}  

I know I  can right click the command line and select paste. This option is unnacceptable for my use. I want to be able to CTRL+V text into the command line.

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AutoCad 2D :: Maintaining Text Orientation With Copy-clip / Paste Into Different UCS

Oct 5, 2011

When I copyclip a dimension from one drawing with UCS set to world/north, then paste into another drawing with UCS rotated in Z (south for example), the text remains oriented to north. The original drawing doesn't have to be set to world, just something different from the paste orientation.

Is there a way to have the text orient itself to the current UCS at paste?

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AutoCAD VB :: Right Click Menu On Form To Copy And Paste Text In Textboxes

Dec 23, 2013

I'm a creating a Right Click Menu on VBA Form to copy and paste text in Textboxes. I have got the code to work on one textboxt named "TextCat" in the Mouse up event. I would like to be able to use the same code on all textboxes (some in frames) on a form without having to duplicate this long bit of code and change the textbox name multiple times for every different textbox mouse up event. .

Here is the code for a textbox "TextCAt" mouseup
Private Sub TextCAt_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Right Click MenuDim Pt As POINTAPIDim ret As Long If Button = 2 Then hMenu = CreatePopupMenu() AppendMenu hMenu, MF_STRING, 1, "Cut" AppendMenu hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 3, ByVal 0& AppendMenu hMenu, MF_STRING, 2, "Copy"

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Open Excel Program And Count Cells Based On Colour?

Jul 30, 2013

Is this something that is possible? Basically I have an excel file with sample data that comes coded (red background for fail, Green for pass) Then we transfer that into halos on a DWG. got a routine to count the halos in a DWG. Now I was thinking it would be nice if it compared the number to the excel file to make sure no mistakes were made when placing the halos.

So as I mentioned I've seen rountines to read data in cells but none to count cells based on colour.

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Photoshop :: Cannot Copy And Paste Text Into CS6

Jan 30, 2013

I am not able to copy and paste text from non-Adobe programs (like Keynote or Word) into Photoshop CS6. I get an error message reading "Could not complete the Paste Text command because the clipboard data is empty or invalid." I have tried shutting down Photoshop, shutting down other programs, re-starting my computer, adjusting my Preferences and asking Adobe by phone and chat. I am on a new iMac and have no third party plug-ins installed.

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GIMP :: Copy / Paste Text From One JPG To Other

Feb 20, 2013

I have not got the hang of layers but i need to copy text/letters from a scanned page

How do i do i copy and paste text from one jpg to create another. I have tried Ctl + c to copy but when i click the other layer to then Ctrl + A and then CTRL + P to paste like a youtbe video suggests, instead of the copied text being pasted on i get a dialogue window for the printer.

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Revit :: Copy And Paste Dialog Text

May 1, 2012

Why does Revit not allow the copy and pasting of text from, for example, the Formula box in a Family Types Dialog? There are other instances when this also manifests itself but I'm struggling with formulas currently and need to get on.

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Illustrator :: Preserving Text When Copy / Paste?

Oct 23, 2011

Illustrator CS5.5 on Mac: When I copy text from one Illustrator document and paste it in a different document, the text canges to Myriad (the deafult font). Is there a setting somewhere to preserve the formatting? Even pasting into an existing text style still changes the font.

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Photoshop :: Any Way To Copy / Paste Text Without Keeping Formatting

Sep 6, 2013

Is there a way to copy/paste text in Photoshop without keeping formatting (font, size, color, etc)?

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Photoshop :: Copy / Paste Text In Illustrator CC Not Keep Formatting

Sep 4, 2013

When I copied text over from Photoshop to illustrator it kept the text formatting. For example the font, font size, color. Now when I use CC and copy paste text from PS to AI, all text formatting is lost and everything is placed as whatever the current AI text setting is.
HOWEVER, pasting from AI to PS WORKS as it should. All font/text formatting is maintained. Is this a bug or is there a setting for this that I just never knew about?

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VideoStudio :: Copy And Paste Text Into A Title Frame?

Jul 23, 2013

How can I copy and paste text into a title frame? I have been unable to do anything but add the text manually every time.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Copy / Paste Options For Text Within Document

Jun 19, 2012

i have a 2 artistic text blocks (both with different fonts) in same corel document and when i ctrl+c/ctrl+v from one to other it copy/paste not only the text but also font type/size and color.

I want just the text copied not all the properties.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Cannot Copy And Paste Text From One Page To Another

Mar 30, 2012

For some reason i can no longer copy and paste text from one page to another properly.

I write the text out as normal (not using a text box) but when i copy and then try to past to another page it then does several other things.

It changes the font and cap height, puts it onto a text box and centres it on the page?

If i copy and paste text along with an object (say a simple box) everything copies and pastes perfectly, just not text on its own

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Illustrator :: Copy / Paste Text With CS6 - All Color Information Lost

Sep 27, 2012

We are having problems with text in Illustrator CS6.

1. When we copy / paste text within illustrator all color information is lost.
2. When we save documents in Illustrator CS6 then re-open text with color attributes changes to different random colors!!

For example: If we save an Illustrator document with a paragraph of text that is part red and part black when we re-open the same paragraph might be all gray, or orange or (you pick a color).

Mac OSX 10.8.2

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Photoshop :: Copy And Paste Error - Text Pastes At Half-size

Jul 8, 2013

Copy and paste error — Text pastes at half-size.
When I copy and paste text already in my photoshop document, the text retains the styling but the text size is exactly half of what it should be.
I'm using the most recent version of CS6.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Copy / Paste From And To Multi-column Text Box?

Apr 5, 2013

I have a problem in trying to copy text from an existing multi column text box and pasting it into another existing  text box. It just doesn't work. If I copy text from a single column text box into another text box, single or multi column, it does work.

The only was to copy text from a multi column text box is to use paste special which then creates a completely new single column text box and pastes the text there. I loose all the formatting.

I can then copy the text from  the text box created by that paste special process and then copy that to where I want it to go, but of course I then have to reset all the formatting.

I'm using the latest version of Corel Draw X6 -this probem however seems to have been introduced in X6 as I've just open X5 on my system and the copy/paste functon works as it shoud.

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Xara :: How To Copy Object Or Text Block And Paste Multiples At Specific Intervals

Nov 10, 2011

I am in the course of evaluating Xara, and it has a lot of good things going for it compared to Adobe, particularly in combining many of the features of ID and AI. The graduated color screening on objects is way better than AI.

However, I cannot find how to copy an object or text block and paste multiples at specific intervals. Both Pagemaker and InDesign have this feature, so I can't believe Xara overlooked it, as it is particularly useful when laying out say business cards 12 up on a sheet for printing. Yes, I have done a search on this forum and also studied Xara help files.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Unable To Do Copy And Paste Command In Paragraph Text Mode?

Apr 5, 2013

In my one file I am unable to do copy and past command in paragraph text mode in one particular paragraph text handle. Can't find the reason. But in same file with new artistic or paragraph text handle I can do copy and past.

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AutoCad :: Copy Text From Paper Space And Paste Into Model Space

May 2, 2013

I am relatively new to A.C. 2010 and have a recurring issue with copy and paste. Currently all I am trying to do is copy text from paper space into model space and it wont let me.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Editing Text In Table Cells

Mar 7, 2012

I've started having problems when trying to edit text in table cells. Sometimes I double click and all is ok. Sometimes it wont let me select anything in the cell. Sometimes I have to select the cell, then right click to edit text. I get this message:

Command: Specify opposite corner:
Invalid window specification.
Specify opposite corner: Specify opposite corner:

Is this likely to be a hardwear issue, and the pc is struggling to run AC correctly with all the other crap my company has running in the background? Or is there a systems setting that may have been changed, for whatever reason?

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