I'm a Corel Draw x4 user and many times I import jpeg or png in corel to trace manually a photograph or a scan.
My problem is the images that come in, appear in really low resolution, although if I export them of course they are fine.
This is a pain as sometimes clients sent already bad quality pictures and I end up trying very hard to understand an image inside corel, even when having a windows image viewer side by side with corel...
Is there any option to show imported images at a 100% quality or something?
I am trying to create a company ad that incorporates the company logo. The person who created the logo saved two version of it: one is a PNG file, while the other is a pdf file, with the logo copied about 6 times.The logo is complex yet beautiful and artistically done. I do not have the skills needed to recreate such a logo from scratch. Therefore, I need to import the image into Corel Draw X5 to use. However, when I do that with either formats, the quality of the images are so poor that I would be embarrassed to have it printed.
I have an image that is about 72 DPI, but I want to increase the quality of it. I also have another image that is 300 DPI, but looks the same in quality to the 72 DPI one. Is there a way to improve the resolution on the latter image as well?
I have a couple or three (probably more) small-ish sized images that have crappy quality (they're grainy/noisy-ish and whatnot y'know).
My question is: in general, what would be the best way to enlarge the photo, make it look smooth, and more/less "professional quality" without losing any color? I know whichever method of doing this would require playing around with the settings in each step with each picture.
I am interested to know why with Corel Draw the quality of many of my images and text looks very poor on the screen, but when I publish to PDF they are how they should be. Is there any way of changing this so I see on the screen what the real quality looks like?
I have recently switched from a PC to Mac and reloaded my CorelDraw 11 software onto my Mac. I have been importing tiffs into my document but am unable to use any of effects tools. What I can do to get this software working on my laptop. I am running OSX Leopard.
I am playing with this at the minute but thought I would upload an image I am having trouble with. Learned 'flattening' with effects on top of other images - my problem this time is that we need a ghosted part of an image - my boss has done a 'glow' rectangle but i cannot 'flatten' it as it is sitting on top of a vector image!
I am going to try and split the vector image and fill it with a fountain fill but unsure if this can be done.
Been a CorelDraw user for a long time. Just installed x6 (previous X4), and tried to export an image to jpg. X6 seems to have this dialog box with all these presets. How do I manually set my resolution, pixels, etc. as in the previous versions?
When I export the image quality is poor. I tried all settings but it does not get better. E.g. I used JPEG, progressive, highest quality. What is the reason for that?
I am a C# developer and not very familiar with coreldraw(when using with c#). My problem is that i am programmatically importing image on a curve using the following C# code.
d.ActiveLayer.Import(imgpath);// image path is path of the cdr file
var v = d.ActiveShape; v.SizeHeight = 20.00; v.SizeWidth = 15.00; v.AddToPowerClip(s);
Now when i run this code the image gets placed into the curve bit it gets stretched vertically means the face of a student(that comes from imagepath) get stretched vertically..When i do this Manually with scaling and sizing ratio locked it gets properly inserted in curve....
Previously i`m using version 2009 and importing Google earth image and surface works fine. However, recently i tried with version 2010 and i`m having some problem here (imported surface / contour seems ok but the image is too large like 3x or 4x). How to solve that?
I am trying to do a bitmap trace of an image. The resulting vector is OK, except that, between every shape of a single color, there is a line, and that line is made a color, either transparent, or a specified color - and thickness.
The preview creates a desired result, but the end product is the problem. When I click on the vector, I can change the color of the lines between the colors in the vector, and in the dockers, I can change the thickness to "none" but a line still exists between the shapes. The previews are just fine, what can I do to make this guy not look like a puzzle? Its as if the shapes in the vector do not touch each other. The previews show no lines between the shapes/colors, except in the final output.
My problem is related with the quality of a image.
My question is how to maintain high quality (original quality) of a image after resizing it?
If i resize it with same ratio like:
2816x2112px to 1600x1200px (4:3) 2816x1584px to 1920x1080px (16:9)
Mainly i use scale image option in Gimp. But now i need to resize many images for my work so i tried David's Batch Processor to resize my images. After using it, i found there is some quality promble with the resized image.
Then i tried, the scale option with, use quality setting from original image and JPEG quality parameter is 95, in gimp but the problem is same. I did it with also with David's batch processor- JPEG quality parameter is 95.
Other thing is that, the original image 2816x2112px (4:3), size- 3.6 MB is displaying in image viewer with 47% and the resized image 1600x1200px (4:3). size- 1.2 MB is displaying in image viewer with 83%, So my questions are: How can i check the quality of a image after resizing it, means the image is exactly same as the original? Or Is David's Batch Processor maintain the original quality of the images after resizing?. I realy need to resize many images for my work.
I need a render with good Quality, so i define the " standard render" on "presentation", and "render quality" on "5", and image size on 2500*2500, BUT the image Weight gets so low, like 500KB..
I realize the nature of my question maybe asking the impossible, but I have a low res image I downloaded from the internet, placed in an InDesign page, blew it up and printed it out. I was going for the distressed look that it has, it looks ok when I print it out considering it's low res and I blew it up fairly large. However, it's a little too pixelated to look professional when printed. Are they any tricks or things I can do to make it look higher res for print. I've attached the image as well as a screenshot of the InDesign file so you can see it in context.
I'm designing business cards and made my image to scale but when I try to print it says there are resolution problems. I'm not sure what to do. I set the print size to 3.5 inches wides by 2 inches tall but every time I upload it to the print company it say low resolution poor quality.
I am a Photoshop newbie and I have a series of graphics (all 72dpi from a website) that I would like to print in 300dpi. Is it possible to take a 72dpi .jpeg or .gif file and easily convert it to a higher resolution printable graphic? If Photoshop can't do it, is there any type of program that can?
I would like to prepare some photos for Retina display screens (not for printing) and was told that in order to do this, I need to increase the resolution of my images from 72dpi to 240dpi.
Many of my original photos are 3000 x 1875 pixel size at 72dpi resolution. What I wanted to know is that if I uncheck 'resample image' in the 'image size' dialogue box and increase the resolution from 72dpi to 240dpi, will my image suddenly be Retina ready without ANY loss of quality?
I find it hard to get my head around the fact that you can simply raise the resolution of an image in this way with no adverse affect to the quality.
i used photoshop to design the website sliced it with image ready and imported as html..but then i check out the website some of the image is pixelated..how can i fix it.to view it as the same thing as i see it in photoshop while designing?
A while back I took a Photoshop class and remember a lesson on where you could select a region of an image and save it for the web with a high quality and select another region of the same image and save it for the web with a low quality, so that the focal point was saved with a high quality and the background was saved with a low quality. I have no idea where my notes are from this class and can not remember at all how to do this. Can anyone direct me to a tutorial about this?
So I am making digital color prints at 24x30. the photography work is about color fields and gradients, so I need super high res files. I have set the size to 24000x30000 pix at 1000 dpi..now my problem, when i go to save the gimp file as a jpeg i get this error message "JPEG image plug-in could not save image"
When you reduce the image quality of a jpeg image , How exactly is it reducing the quality? is it applying file compression , reducing bit depth or is it reducing the sampling rate of the image? or anything close to the above....
is it posible to get high quality image from low reolution image 100x100 ? i try using 2 software. paint.net and adobe photoshop cs6. here is the original image (115x140 px)
and this is my result using paint.net (1000x1218 px) [URL] (cause of bwk i did not post it here. klik the minus link)
and this is result with photoshop [URL]
share with us if you know how to do better resample with high quality pixel.
When I import items, I get a "tool tip" near the mouse stating that I can press enter to center on the page. Or I can press the Space Bar to use the original position. I have a lot of templates set up that I use to go off of, and like to use the space bar for a different quick key.
Is it possible to switch the import quick buttons around somewhere? for example: to have the enter button place the file I'm importing to the original position?
I have exported a file from a program called Aspire (used for CNC router modelling) in 3 formats. AI, EPS and DXF. Aspire is a vector program. The file is a bunch of text that I have carved into wood using the Aspire program output (toolpaths)
Now I want to import the file into CorelDraw to cut a vinyl outline of the text so I can place the vinyl over the timber and remove the cut letters and then spraypaint the letters that are cut into the timber. If I can cut the the vinyl exactly the same size as the router has cut the wood I can stick the vinyl over the wood and spraypaint into the grooves which saves a huge amount of time to make the sign.
However, what I need to be able to do is fill all the letters in Corel Draw and get rid of the outline pen in the file as the vinyl cutter software will cut the letters twice if I have the fill and the outline but it will not cut the outline by itself. So I need all the letters just to be filled (any colour is OK) to run the program that controls the vinyl cutter.
I have imported each file type into CorelDraw (one at a time)and and in each case have tried to fill the letters but I can't get CorelDraw to fill the letters properly. Say with letter "a" it will fill the vectors surrounding the letter but also fill the centre piece of the "a" and even if I select the centre piece of the "a" separately I cannot "unfill" that bit. I can change the centre piece to white and it look like its "unfilled" but that won't work with my vinyl cutter. It will not cut out the centre piece unless I can find a way to unfill the centre piece.
Same problem with all the letters that have a vector inside another closed vector (like p,q,e,g,o etc)
We have imported a .dwg file from our engineer into CorelDraw 5 under Windows Vista (64-bit). The file appears to import all elements since the layers and objects all appear in the 'Object Manager' docker. We can also select ALL objects and a rectangular marquee or extent shows up on the screen, which is presumably the bounding box for the imported drawing. Unfortunately, there is nothing displayed there (no topo, no streets, no buildings, not anything). We even tried selecting all objects and changing the color to black, but there are so many elements it appears the system will never stop processing or is locked up.
Why our imported .DWG file appears to be there, but displays nothing?
There was a small dot on our screen near the side of the page, just a small spec on the monitor. When we selected the dot and resized it to a full page, there was our complete drawing. However, we do not know why the drawing was imported as just a spec, nor why we had a larger edit marquee that appeared as wide as the page, yet appeared blank.