Illustrator :: Imported Image Comes Small And With Low Resolution When Trying To Fill Text
Sep 6, 2013
I am trying to fill my text with a texture or image.
Heres my process:
I type my text, select it and click on the "draw inside" button.
I then go to place and select my image.
The image comes tiny with dimensions of x- 430mm and y-340mm.
Obviously when i stretch it out to cover the text, the image becomes blurry. Whats happening here?
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Feb 1, 2013
I am trying to modify a bar graph that I have imported as a pdf from excel, and am having some trouble with customizing the color fill on the bars of the bar graph. When I select the object/bar and then fill with a different color, I see no change. However the menu shows the new color I selected for that particular object. Is there something weird about the type of object that the bar is when it is imported from excel?
OK I figured out that for some reason the bars on the bar graph are imported as clipping masks - very weird, you need to release the clipping mask, deselect the bar, select and delete the background shading, then fill the bar (which was previously the mask, I believe?) Why excel exports like this?
I notice something similar with the imported text labels associated with the same graph. When I select the text and change the font size, for some strange reason it can size up (say, from 10pt to 12pt) but not down (day, from 10pt to 8pt) It seems weird when I try to edit it at all really, as if the element was not a text element, is there some way to convert it to a text object? Ok this is working properly now, don't know why it was wonky before.
I am using CS5 with a Mac running 10.7.5
Also I am using excel for mac 2011
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Sep 28, 2011
I'm a Corel Draw x4 user and many times I import jpeg or png in corel to trace manually a photograph or a scan.
My problem is the images that come in, appear in really low resolution, although if I export them of course they are fine.
This is a pain as sometimes clients sent already bad quality pictures and I end up trying very hard to understand an image inside corel, even when having a windows image viewer side by side with corel...
Is there any option to show imported images at a 100% quality or something?
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Aug 13, 2012
I have exported a file from a program called Aspire (used for CNC router modelling) in 3 formats. AI, EPS and DXF. Aspire is a vector program. The file is a bunch of text that I have carved into wood using the Aspire program output (toolpaths)
Now I want to import the file into CorelDraw to cut a vinyl outline of the text so I can place the vinyl over the timber and remove the cut letters and then spraypaint the letters that are cut into the timber. If I can cut the the vinyl exactly the same size as the router has cut the wood I can stick the vinyl over the wood and spraypaint into the grooves which saves a huge amount of time to make the sign.
However, what I need to be able to do is fill all the letters in Corel Draw and get rid of the outline pen in the file as the vinyl cutter software will cut the letters twice if I have the fill and the outline but it will not cut the outline by itself. So I need all the letters just to be filled (any colour is OK) to run the program that controls the vinyl cutter.
I have imported each file type into CorelDraw (one at a time)and and in each case have tried to fill the letters but I can't get CorelDraw to fill the letters properly. Say with letter "a" it will fill the vectors surrounding the letter but also fill the centre piece of the "a" and even if I select the centre piece of the "a" separately I cannot "unfill" that bit. I can change the centre piece to white and it look like its "unfilled" but that won't work with my vinyl cutter. It will not cut out the centre piece unless I can find a way to unfill the centre piece.
Same problem with all the letters that have a vector inside another closed vector (like p,q,e,g,o etc)
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Oct 23, 2004
i have some big .jpgs with low resolution say 10x10 inch at 72dpi.
is it possible for me to convert it to 2x2 inch at 300dpi?
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Aug 13, 2013
I'm trying to create a high-res desktop background image (1680 x 1050) with a gradient-fill, but the "steps" between the color changes in the background are obvious and I'd like them to be smoothed out. I know that the fill steps are much smoother when a shape is smaller, but I want this to be high-quality and sharp at full size.
Can the "steps" be adjusted to be smaller, or is there a better way I could go about achieving a smoother fill?
Here's an illustration of what I'm talking about. Hopefully it's obvious enough up on this image (you may have to view it full size):
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Jan 25, 2013
Someone would like a small 1 inch by 1 inch logo for invoices at 600 DPI. However I understand that illustrator doesnt work in DPI or PPI since it's vector. Would I have to transfer the small image over to photoshop. I did try and save a 1 inch by 1 inch logo at 600 PPI, however when I saved the image it was no longer 1 inch by 1 inch. It had increased significantly in size regardless of what file format I saved the image as.
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Mar 26, 2013
I have a .jpg image (just a plain flat image, no layers) which mostly consists of text and one small image; I need to lift the text and the image from the background so I can change the background color, then put the text back again.
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Sep 18, 2013
Here is what I want to do. I have the letters 'XC' which I've played with a bit to look the way I want and due to anti-aliasing has nice edges. Now I want to basically fill those letters with an image. I can't figure out how to do this and keep the nice anti-aliased edges.
Current steps:
1. load image as base layer
2. Create new layer with text in it
3. using magic wand select a threshold that has smoothest edges on text layer
4. select image layer and copy the selection area... notice the hard edges of the finished result in the attached example. I want it nice and smooth and anti-aliased.
How to do this more elegantly? I've attached the basics of what I'm doing and the result.
Attached Thumbnails
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Feb 5, 2008
i have photoshop cs2, and everything was fine until last night when mysteriously the sizing options for my text tool got seriously knocked out of whack. any normal-sized font pt just doesn't show up at all (it's so small you can't see anything). 1296 pt (the largest you can go) shows up, but still smaller than any normal 8-72 pt.
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Oct 20, 2012
I imported small (2.25 square) .
All was well untill I tried to print. Preview panel blank Photo in top corner at original cell.
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May 13, 2013
Is it possible to use an imported text as a number? I would like to import a .txt tab formatted file containing some values (ex: 22.5; 50.00; 150.00, etc.), and I want to treat those values as numbers in my script. Is this possible?
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Sep 9, 2012
With the Artboards feature now available, should i still use InDesign to create a layout for a simple children's picture book with a small amount of text per page? It would be much easier for me to stay in Illustrator. My plan is to create a a pfd book and an ebook for sure - and possibly, later a printed book. I'm completely stumped about how to make the right choice. BTW - I don't plan to produce the ebooks via InDesign but through a simple iPad App that just allows you to lay in a picture and put the text over it.I'm using CS4.
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Sep 18, 2013
Why is the text size in the instructional boxes "File", "Edit", "Image" etc: so small that they are almost unreadable. I know its me, but I can't figure out how to fix it.
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Nov 12, 2005
I have a photo that I copied from an Power Point Presentation which looked great on Power Point but when I have it in PS I noticed that the image size is just 2.507x1.028 with a res. of 576. Pixel Dimensions are 2.45M
I would like to print out a larger version of this photo but I'm not having much luck with it. It gets blurry when I try to enlarge it.
It was on Power Point as PNG graphic and I saved it to the desktop as a Gif andthen dragged it into PS.
Don't know much about Power Point maybe there is a better way to transfer pics from it.
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Aug 18, 2006
I changed to 6 x 4 resolution. I put the photo paper plus glosssy in my printer and printed it out but it's too small. What happen?
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Oct 1, 2013
The above image is the layers panel in Illustrator of a placed PSD file that was imported with the layers maintained.
What do the dotted underlines for the two layers mean? Do they just mean they are layers or something else?
There were layer masks on those layers in Photoshop, but they were applied to the image so there is a transparency around the image.
I understand what has happened to the image, I just don't understand what the dotted lines are supposed to signify.
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Aug 22, 2012
I took a snapshot of a picture off my pdf file and opened it up in illustrator and now it has the circle with the slash through it, how can i edit it and draw on top of the imported image?
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Oct 1, 2012
Any way to convert this image to a vector without having to recreate the entire thing. I need to make it so that it can be used like the rest of the logos on this sponsor backI have tried so many different ways but it's just not coming out right. The client doesn't have access to a better copy of the image, and I need to get this to the printer tomorrow.
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May 3, 2011
This might be more of an Acrobat question, but is there an easy way to check the resolution of an image that was done in Illustrator and is now sent to you as a PDF?
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Oct 31, 2012
I want to create a 11x17 document and place images in it. What is a good resolution to have these images saved at? 200? 300?
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Sep 17, 2012
I would like to place a small square in front of multiple lines of text. I want to use it like a square that would be used as a checklist.
1. Where I can find a square in the Glyphs panel?'
2. If I create a square shape, and want to place it front of each line of text layed out in a text box, what is the best way to line the square on each line with each line of text?
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Sep 12, 2013
I have imported this jpeg into illustrator. How do I edit the color of the image, as in the color of the letters?
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Dec 16, 2013
I have a rectangle over a larger imported image, and I would like to get rid of the area that the ractangle covers. Clipping mask does the opposite, getting rid of the area outside, and pathfinder only works for paths, not imported images.
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Mar 24, 2013
I made a simple poster using photoshop to make the background and illustrator to make the fonts and some other stuff. In CMYK my black is just 100% K ( in photoshop)
When placing image in illustrator the 100% K (black) changes to different black with C M Y added. But then when I save it as PDF the preview shows black as a bit grey (which is something normal- in print it will be just black). So my question is .. should I change enything just to be able to see a 100% K in illustrator in order to match CMYK values of Photoshop? Or should I leave it this way? I guess if I am getting a "grey" in PDF preview is something good isn'it? because in photoshop when I set to 100%K in my screeen it looks like grey and not total black.
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Sep 12, 2013
Not sure what happened but my vector images are coming out really low res...
i have an 09 macbook pro, just upgraded to osx mountain lion, running CS4
[URl] [IMG][/URL]
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Jun 26, 2012
How to check the raster image resolution in illustrator through script?
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Mar 7, 2013
Previously i`m using version 2009 and importing Google earth image and surface works fine. However, recently i tried with version 2010 and i`m having some problem here (imported surface / contour seems ok but the image is too large like 3x or 4x). How to solve that?
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Nov 13, 2013
I have recently purchased a Dell XPS15 laptop with a QHD+ (3200x1800) display. The PC is running Windows 8.1. I have also purchased Photoshop Elements 12 to run on it.
With the display at the native resolution, it is necessary to have the "Change the size of all items" option in the display settings of Windows 8.1 set to "Larger", in order for the native Windows fonts and UI elements to be at a reasonable size. The laptop came with this option enabled by default.
However, disappointingly the UI font size in Photoshop Elements is way too small when the display is at the native resolution. The application is basically unusable.
I have tried setting the "Use system font" option in the General preferences, but this doesn't seem to work.
The only way I can get the Photoshop Elements UI font to a reasonable size, is by dropping the screen resolution (to say 1920x1080).
This seems like a terrible waste of a beautiful screen, particularly when my main reason for using the PC is for editing photos, and my photo management and editing software is preventing me exploiting the full resolution of the display.
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Aug 26, 2013
On creating images in bitmap mode using illustrator into eps format and convert the eps file into pdf using acrobat distiller.
On pdf file its showing two objects in the content panel with one object present in low resolution other one same as its original.
It will not happen in direct pdf from illustrator
It will not happen in grayscale mode.
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Feb 12, 2013
I placed a .psd image in Illustrator CS5 at 100% at 600ppi. My link information is telling me that it is at 600ppi. But when I do a 90degree rotation, my link information is now telling me that I have a picture resolution of 859ppi x 420ppi. Why is that? From what I know and learned, a resolution doesn't change except when we change the scaling of an image but not rotating it.
This made me wonder because when we receive files from customer with embed images, how can I know that this image wasn't rotated and that the link informations panel is giving me the right numbers?
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