Illustrator :: CS4 Displaying Images / Text Really Low Resolution
Sep 12, 2013
Not sure what happened but my vector images are coming out really low res...
i have an 09 macbook pro, just upgraded to osx mountain lion, running CS4
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I am making a large back drop with a collage of photos of people. each image ranges from 8x12 to 16x 20....the photos I got from the professional photographers are showing up fine. My photos, taken with a 5D in Raw and exported at high res are showing up grainy...not sharp! I tried the raster settings like a friend suggested and set it to 150ppi or even 300ppi and no change..
Ever since starting to use the illustrator provided as part of the creative cloud, I can not produce anything with clear text. Why? It looks blurry on the art board and looks blurry in the final document.
OK, I'm creating a tradeshow graphic for a client. I designed the whole thing in Illlustrator CS6. But for the proof, I used a low res image of the sky (before we purchased it). Everyone was happy. It was a low-res RGB image imported into Illustrator, then the whole thing was exported as a pdf. Â Once they approved it, I purchased the high res image. RGB. Same image... just high res. I popped it into the Illustrator file and exported it in exactly the same way. But now, the image looks much more purple. The low res pdf showed it as much brighter, lighter blue. Â My client prefers the lighter blue. When I look at the two images in Photoshop, they look the same (in terms of color). should I be worred? Why is there such a color difference?
When I open a high resolution image in Ai they look somewhat distorted and choppy. They are jpeg files that I am placing in order to envelope distort onto a mesh. For some reason any bitmap image I open with Ai looks like this. However, when I open the same image with Acrobat Pro or Ps the image looks perfect. Images are RGB in both apps.              Image in Ps or Acrobat                                               Image in Illustrator
There most be something in Illustrator that is causing this. Images are being embedded and cannot be linked since they need to be distorted. I am runnung CS6 on Intel iMac Maveriks.
I am trying to create 48"x60" banners with text and high res images. Basically I am exporting a large 48"x60" .odt (open office) file as a PDF at 300dpi so I can then import it in to GIMP. When I try to import the pdf at 14400 (width), 18000 (height), & 30o resolution I get the following: ------ GIMP Message Plug-in crashed: "file-pdf.exe" (C:Program Files (x86)GIMP-2.0libgimp2.0plug-insfile-pdf.exe)
The dying plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side.
Gimp Message Opening 'C:UsersDUSTINDesktopWORKLR2 NO IMAGES.pdf' failed:
Procedure 'file-pdf-load' returned no return values ------------ The printing company is requesting my file be at 300dpi so that is why I am trying to import at 300 resolution. I am guessing this is a bug. My question is can I somehow just open the .odt file in gimp and add my high resolution images to it there? Is there a plug in for .odt in GIMP?
How do you people constantly attach images to your posts? The feature only way I can see allows up to 768000 bytes, and I can't for the life of me get an image (.jpg) down to that little... do you guys use some compression program, or does the size limit increase by posts or something? I'm having problems posting stuff in other threads, so I thought I'd ask. ^^
i open a image file in Photoshop CS4 it looks all jumbled and has diagnol lines going through it. Even when i open just a blank file it has a huge black triangle going through it.
GNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.8.2 git-describe: GIMP_2_8_0-194-ga42a02e
using GEGL version 0.2.0 (compiled against version 0.2.0) using GLib version 2.34.3 (compiled against version 2.32.4) using GdkPixbuf version 2.26.5 (compiled against version 2.26.3) using GTK+ version 2.24.14 (compiled against version 2.24.11) using Pango version 1.32.4 (compiled against version 1.30.1) using Fontconfig version 2.10.2 (compiled against version 2.10.1) using Cairo version 1.12.8 (compiled against version 1.12.2)
whenever i edit an image with gimp and try to view it in mobile phone ,it's not displaying. it's really a weird problem ...i have tried editing using other softwares such as krita and photoshop and they display correctly. I have also tried editing using gimp 2.6 and it also works fine .
There seems to be a minor bug in Lightroom (since version 3): If I have no filter enabled and click on the little arrow next to a keyword, I get a result that is unrelated to the keyword. If I click it again, it works. So it seems that the feature was only tested with the metadata filter already switched on.
Just installed X6 and tried CONNECT for the first time and it doesn't display the thumbnails of the vector images only bitmaps etc.. Any way to correct that?
I'm experiencing poor resolution with a title bar that is a png file. I am creating the bar from a vector graphic and creating a large png file that has great resolution. But when it's rendered in the movie it look terrible. Is there a preferred graphic type to use?
I've run in to a strange problem since the 4.1 upgrade.When displayed in the Library view, images are not appearing correctly. In my case, there is a huge amount more noise in the Library view compared to the Develop view. This is also affecting Exports.
I have a custom world map for my fantasy series created in Photoshop CS5 (in 2D) that I want to turn into a globe. The image size is 14,400 x 7200 pixels. When I convert the image to a 3D shape, (New Shape From Layer -> Sphere) the resulting 3D image loses so much resolution, that when I view it at actual pixels, I can barely even read any of the text. Everything is extremely blurry. Is there a way to fix this or is it simply a process of converting the image from a 2D object to a 3D object?
This may seem a strange question, but I do not work with images very often and having just returned from holiday in NZ (how privileged you are to live there Ken) I have some 30GB of video and almost 1000 images to edit.
These images are 16:9 4000x2248, 180 dpi and 24 bit depth, so is there an optimum resolution that these should be reduced to, for creating projects in conjunction with the video (1280x720 HD 59fps) I read some time ago that images need to be reduced in size, but I can't remember why.
Im trying to make a label for my CD using PS7, and I wanted to put a high rez business image on it. I know on the internet you can buy high rez CD's, but unfortunately I dont have alot of money. Can anyone suggest where I can find free high rez images. I was thinking of trying some of my local libraries to see if they would have any high rez image CD's,
My boss has requested I do some images for a stand at a tradeshow.. and this stand is 30'10" high and 13'3" wide. In other words; Ginormous! My machine isn't really capable of handling this kind of superhighres images in terms of ram (i have 1gb).
I was designing a business card as usual and copying some vector images from Illustrator, but when I tried to enter some text it came up blank...the color shows a question mark (?) even after I attempt to change the color.
I've seen the question mark before but all I needed to do in the past was select that little button and change it.
I know nothing about scripting in Illustrator, but am willing and interested to give it a try if this sounds doable. All we want are the names--just a simple list of the names, such as
7009 LL.eps Rsb shadow design.psd 3_Pt_STA_475_P3.tif  of placed images (in our Illustrator CS5 art) into text that we can either import (from a tab- or comma-delimited text file) or paste into our Filemaker database.  Right now everyone is RETYPING the names of all placed images into the database, with consequent mistakes, missed images, etc. Then when we search our database to find which art uses a certain image...results are not to be trusted.  (If we could cut/paste from either the Links palette or Document Info, that'd be fine... but nope. Not in Illustrator, although we were thrilled to see InDesign CS5 has "Copy Info For Selected Links", which is VERY useful.) In Illustrator, we can export Document Info to a text file, but artists seem to find that long document too unwieldy, and they revert to typing the names, especially if they only have a couple of placed images... and then we're back to error-laden data no matter how careful they try to be.  Is such a script even possible? If so, where/how might I start? We're on iMacs with the Adobe CS5 suite (and Filemaker 11, if that matters).
All of a sudden, when I select and copy an old ad to a new page to update it, it copies without images and as plain text, all of the font selections are gone.
I have resized my images to an 8 x 10 format, but when I sent the files to my print lab, they told me they are less than an 8x10, with a resolution less than what I had indicated in prox3.
I signed up for a trial awhile back but never did anything with it, so I have no trial offering available now.I am wondering how their high resolution image product looks in 20 to 30 scale viewports, if their high resolution image is rubber sheeted over a 25-30 acre townhome site.
I would want them to look less fuzzy and grainy than the USGS NED 1/3 meter images I tried. How does the curb and gutter and sidewalk look when used as an underlain to as-built survey linework at this scale?
I created the vector images but I forgot to change the resolution to 72. I created the new document and dragged it to the new one but I looked at the type is a little bit blurry now. Can I print it on resolution 200 instead of 72?
How do I check to see if jpg images have been saved at a resolution of 300 dpi?
What if my original jpg image resolution is less than 300 dpi and I require 300 dpi; Is it possible to resave them to a smaller image size and in doing so increase the dpi?
What if a jpg image says it is ‘.jpg @ 25%RGB’ and I am supposed to save the files in CMYK; What is this ‘Mode’ setting and can it be changed through resaving the jpg somehow, or is it changed to CMYK when you open it in Photoshop and choose CMYK in the'Rasterize Generic PDF Format' window?
Just scanned an image at 600dpi resolution, is it ok for printing a 2' x 1' image from a studio ? or should I go for high resolution ? + There is some dust at that resolution so how can I get rid of it ?Thanx waiting for your replies.