GIMP :: Create 48"x60" Banners With Text And High Resolution Images
Jun 15, 2011
I am trying to create 48"x60" banners with text and high res images. Basically I am exporting a large 48"x60" .odt (open office) file as a PDF at 300dpi so I can then import it in to GIMP. When I try to import the pdf at 14400 (width), 18000 (height), & 30o resolution I get the following:
GIMP Message
Plug-in crashed: "file-pdf.exe"
(C:Program Files (x86)GIMP-2.0libgimp2.0plug-insfile-pdf.exe)
The dying plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side.
Gimp Message Opening 'C:UsersDUSTINDesktopWORKLR2 NO IMAGES.pdf' failed:
Procedure 'file-pdf-load' returned no return values
The printing company is requesting my file be at 300dpi so that is why I am trying to import at 300 resolution. I am guessing this is a bug. My question is can I somehow just open the .odt file in gimp and add my high resolution images to it there? Is there a plug in for .odt in GIMP?
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Nov 17, 2012
I'm trying to create a high resolution version of a low resolution texture used in a game. I've found a pattern that I think is acceptable, from a real image.Now the question is this: how can I colorize the large image to that it is as resemblant as possible to the original one? I've tryed a simple colorize, but the result is not so good...
Original texture:
The image to be colorized:
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May 29, 2003
Im trying to make a label for my CD using PS7, and I wanted to put a high rez business image on it. I know on the internet you can buy high rez CD's, but unfortunately I dont have alot of money. Can anyone suggest where I can find free high rez images. I was thinking of trying some of my local libraries to see if they would have any high rez image CD's,
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Oct 18, 2013
I signed up for a trial awhile back but never did anything with it, so I have no trial offering available now.I am wondering how their high resolution image product looks in 20 to 30 scale viewports, if their high resolution image is rubber sheeted over a 25-30 acre townhome site.
I would want them to look less fuzzy and grainy than the USGS NED 1/3 meter images I tried. How does the curb and gutter and sidewalk look when used as an underlain to as-built survey linework at this scale?
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Oct 26, 2005
Just scanned an image at 600dpi resolution, is it ok for printing a 2' x 1' image from a studio ? or should I go for high resolution ? + There is some dust at that resolution so how can I get rid of it ?Thanx waiting for your replies.
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Jun 19, 2013
I'm working on a graphic image, but I'm using a bit of photography in it. My problem is that the .jpg I get from the Save as, is not large enough. If I had to start all over, should I create a larger document or is it alright to enlarge the image size and the graphical element itself?
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Oct 19, 2012
I'm having a high resolution image (above 100 dpi) changing it's color settings after submitted to the web.
The image looks fine on the Desktop - and if saved using "Save for web..." dialogue the colors remains as deserved on the web as well.
Is there a way to save an image so the color preferences aren't distorted after publishing to the web, but without reducing to 72 dpi?
I use Photoshop CS4 and I shoot and edit my pictures in Adobe RGB 1998.
P.S. If I open Adobe RGB psd file and assign color profile to sRGB it changes to how my non-web-safe images look when uploaded to the web.
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Sep 12, 2012
best way to get high resolution PDF and JPEG images from Autocad...everything I do is either Fuzzy ( in JPEG) or gets thick and blotchy ( in PDF)
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Oct 11, 2013
I am making a large back drop with a collage of photos of people. each image ranges from 8x12 to 16x 20....the photos I got from the professional photographers are showing up fine. My photos, taken with a 5D in Raw and exported at high res are showing up grainy...not sharp! I tried the raster settings like a friend suggested and set it to 150ppi or even 300ppi and no change..
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Mar 14, 2013
I recently re-installed Gimp onto my MacBook Pro after doing a clean install I was hesitant because I did not want to install X11 again. So now that Gimp is Mac native I am happily working with it again. My problem is that every time I try to edit a high resolution photo that I have taken with my Canon Rebel T3i Gimp crashes.
My MacBook specs are:
2.7 GHz i7
16GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB
OS X 10.8.3 (12D78)
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Sep 23, 2013
it is possible to have a high resolution version ofgimp 2.8 logo?
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Jan 14, 2013
OK, I'm creating a tradeshow graphic for a client. I designed the whole thing in Illlustrator CS6. But for the proof, I used a low res image of the sky (before we purchased it). Everyone was happy. It was a low-res RGB image imported into Illustrator, then the whole thing was exported as a pdf.
Once they approved it, I purchased the high res image. RGB. Same image... just high res. I popped it into the Illustrator file and exported it in exactly the same way. But now, the image looks much more purple. The low res pdf showed it as much brighter, lighter blue.
My client prefers the lighter blue. When I look at the two images in Photoshop, they look the same (in terms of color). should I be worred? Why is there such a color difference?
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Mar 24, 2013
I have for a long time struggled with obtaining hi resolution maps to include in my movies of trips I have done.
I have searched the internet for images of such maps for download and even used screen shots when using Google Earth.
I always wanted a higher resolution so that I could ZOOM in without the image becoming too fuzzy due to the fact that I was ending with an image of only (say) 512 x 288.
I am also a fan of FSX (M/S Flight Simulator) and recently taught myself how to create photo-realistic scenery which uses the TILES from Google Earth to create extra large (in pixels) images of parts of the world.
Today I realised that I could use the same to create images for maps to use in movies (I recently created an image around 5200 x 3000 pixels - the only limit to image size is how much memory you have and so using a 64bit processor and system works a lot.
It is named sBuilderX and it is available from [URL]....There is documentation within the zip file HOWEVER to create the image files for hires maps you will need to search for and download file which is available as a free download at [URL]...
You may need to join the web site (FREE) to enable the download.
Within sBuilderX you can choose to use Google Earth or or Microsoft Live Virtual Earth, terrain or streets. Also note that the image files are BGL files only however you can change those to JPG if required.
Hope this may have useful for few people who like to include hires maps (which they can use zoom without loosing sharpness) in their movies.
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Apr 18, 2012
When applying filters such as accented edges, ink outline, etc to a medium sized image (1024x768 or 1280x853) produce some pretty cool results.
However, when applying those same filters to larger images like files with a 5184x3456 resolution, the filters have little to no effect. I'm guessing this is because there are so many more pixels that altering each pixel has a less noticeable effect.
You can see an example here with the accented edges filter run over a smaller version of a picture I took, and then a larger one (that was then downsized to make it viewable): [URL]
The 1280x853 one looks pretty cool. On the larger 5184x3456 version the filter had almost no noticeable effect.
The problem is that I want the cool looking version like is seen in the 1280x853 version, but at a high enough resolution to print on a large canvas that is, say, 40' x 40' or so. Is it possible to get the bigger image to look like the smaller one without losing the resolution required to print it on a canvas that large? I've been trying to figure this out for weeks now...
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Dec 5, 2013
When I open a high resolution image in Ai they look somewhat distorted and choppy. They are jpeg files that I am placing in order to envelope distort onto a mesh. For some reason any bitmap image I open with Ai looks like this. However, when I open the same image with Acrobat Pro or Ps the image looks perfect. Images are RGB in both apps.
Image in Ps or Acrobat Image in Illustrator
There most be something in Illustrator that is causing this. Images are being embedded and cannot be linked since they need to be distorted. I am runnung CS6 on Intel iMac Maveriks.
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May 31, 2011
I have been trying to save an image at 1200 dpi. The image turns solid black.
I had this problem once before (months ago). I know it has something to do with the Resource Consumption settings (i.e. Edit -> Preferences -> Environment - > Resource Consumption).
I got it figured out before but I reloaded Gimp on my computer so the settings went back to default. It has something to do with increasing the cache size or the total new image size or something. I can't remember.
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Sep 26, 2012
Photoshop CS6 no longer has the Pattern Maker nor supports the plugin that was available in CS5. Any software or 3rd party plugin that will create patterns from high res photo files? I've searched in Google, like crazy, but alas have found nothing.
BTW, for compatibility issues, I'm using OSX Mountain Lion.
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Aug 13, 2013
I'm trying to create a high-res desktop background image (1680 x 1050) with a gradient-fill, but the "steps" between the color changes in the background are obvious and I'd like them to be smoothed out. I know that the fill steps are much smoother when a shape is smaller, but I want this to be high-quality and sharp at full size.
Can the "steps" be adjusted to be smaller, or is there a better way I could go about achieving a smoother fill?
Here's an illustration of what I'm talking about. Hopefully it's obvious enough up on this image (you may have to view it full size):
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Aug 25, 2007
I am a Photoshop newbie and I have a series of graphics (all 72dpi from a website) that I would like to print in 300dpi. Is it possible to take a 72dpi .jpeg or .gif file and easily convert it to a higher resolution printable graphic? If Photoshop can't do it, is there any type of program that can?
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Aug 18, 2011
So I am making digital color prints at 24x30. the photography work is about color fields and gradients, so I need super high res files. I have set the size to 24000x30000 pix at 1000 my problem, when i go to save the gimp file as a jpeg i get this error message "JPEG image plug-in could not save image"
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Oct 23, 2004
i have some big .jpgs with low resolution say 10x10 inch at 72dpi.
is it possible for me to convert it to 2x2 inch at 300dpi?
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Nov 15, 2012
What I'm trying to do is create images (PNG) that are populated with text values and images from a database. Something I could best describe as being like a mail merge. Can I write a Gimp script to do this? Let me give you some examples that demonstrate of what I want to do:
1 - Create randomly generated Lolcat images where I pull random cat images from a database and random funny text imposed in a layer on top of the cat image
2 - Create address labels where I pull names and address from a database and impose them on top of an image of the state I'm shipping it to.
3 - Create iconography for an e-commerce website that pulls from the product catalog to display the image with text of the category, product name, and size on top if it.
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Jul 24, 2013
how can I make my images HD (high definition) in Gimp? like there are HD TVs I want to make my images have an HD look to it. I know it is possible to convert SD to HD because I've seen old sports games that were played before HD TVs were invented and the game was converted into HD. although it is not the same as if it was originally recorded in HD
whether the image looks like a SD to HD conversion or looks pure HD, it doesn't really matter to me...
how to I make my images look HD?
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Mar 28, 2013
I'm quite a newbie at image editing, I only use The Gimp to resize pictures and to do similar "simple" tasks. For a few times now, and more systematically since the last update, The Gimp crashes while opening high-res images (at least 1000x1000 px).
ex. [URL] ......
Although I can randomly succeed in opening this kind of files, I always have to retry several times.
I'm using it in Windows 7 Pro SP1, installed the latest version for Windows 2.8.4 (in French).
Note: I found a rather similar thread here: [URL] ..... but the guy uses The Gimp on Mac OS X while I have Win7.
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Apr 25, 2012
I am printing super high res images onto fabric. My print guy has instructed me to create my images in 1440 dpi and my fabric is 58 inches wide and about 80 yards long. I need to create ONE image so they can just print it continuously along the whoe piece of fabric. So I need to create a REALLY BIG image. They have recommended Adobe Creative Suite, but of course I want to do it with GIMP.
Just today, I installed the latest GIMP, and it doesn't seem to be letting me create even a 58x72 inch image in 1440 dpi. Is there an add on or a way that I can create huge tiff files in GIMP?.....or do I have to shell out the cash and get Creative Suite?
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Aug 18, 2011
I am trying to create a 30" 24" poster that contains (12) 3" x 4" photos. I have resized all of the photos from 2.5MB, but the completed poster is only 850kb. I do not think that if I were to print this out to 30" x 24" that it would be 'poster quality'.
when I have the file open I noticed that at the bottom left it has (53.8MB) in parenthesis. create the correct resolution that I need to make sure this poster looks like an actual poster?
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May 24, 2011
I am trying to create a network infrastructure diagram for where Iwork with Diagram.
For this I am putting into the diagram, images of: servers, switches,racks and so on. What I wish for those images is to have transparent background. So far, I've been able to find decent resolution imageswhich it's because I've started with the latest hardware.Here's an example, let's say for our Dell PowerEdge 6850 servers if found this: [URL] ....
which by fuzzy selecting the white background, with a threshold of15.0 and some selection subtractions I've been able to turn to: [URL] .... which is nice for what I wish to use it for.
Now, I've been able to handle some easy likewise situations but nowI've reached the vintage hardware and got bad results. Let me show an example image: [URL] .....
This is more difficult to make it look as I wish since it's resolution it's not decent and it also has a shadow effect which hardens a precise initial selection which can then be worked out to a better result.
After some efforts I either end up with a pixelized image or with a severely chopped image.
So, my question is how could I achieve the desired result for this and such images?
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Sep 12, 2013
Not sure what happened but my vector images are coming out really low res...
i have an 09 macbook pro, just upgraded to osx mountain lion, running CS4
[URl] [IMG][/URL]
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Jun 1, 2013
Is it possible to create a smart collection with a rule allowing only images with a minimum resolution?
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Nov 6, 2013
I have a very uncommon problem that , when i update my banner of website which has photo of handmade leather messenger bag and leather backpack and wit size of 1343px x 460 px and i make exact same size image in Photoshop using 72 dpi and after uploading and updating my website banner get cropped automatically.
I tried everything in code of my website but every time i change it crops the image. what resolution i must take to make my image say similar as source. My website is
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Nov 26, 2007
I created a graphic to use on the web (72 dpi), client called and now they want to print it postcard size so they can mail it out. The Original image is 480 x 611.
Most of it is just text and a few rectangle marquee boxes to give color. There are three pictures used. What's the quickest way to replicate this? can I just create a new document at 300dpi and drag all my layers(except the pictures) into it from the low res one or do I have to recreate everything?
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