I'm trying to export quick times from smoke 2013 but it's failing the whole time. The engineer installed sp2 but I realized that the system has still installed the sp1, has it something to do?, I have to uninstall sp1 and then install sp2?, I mean, have I to install the smoke again? In the company where I'm working with there are two smoke systems and I'm opening the backburner monitor and appears the two systems, is it good?, The error that that the system has is:
SMOKE-01.local [error] 2891913768 transcoderMediaProvider.C:312 02/25/14:18:36:16.886 Cannot get type of clip IFFFS-158:/stonefs/TC_-_BOXING/workspace/Media Library/_Export_140225_161339_1/H_16777343_S_1393362820_U_578586/hires: Library _Export_140225_16
PR5. Up until this release, I haven't had a problem exporting quicktime movies. I have a 2:30 long video that I'm trying to export with no success, at best I'll get 30 seconds of my project. I'm not as familiar with Smoke setups and preferences
I've cut a 23.98 1080HD teaser via imported R3D source. Brought the source in at half res, so a little bigger than 1080HD however have been processing re-sizes in SoftFX.
The program plays perfectly fine in smoke, but I'm getting stuttering playback anytime I export a Quicktime. It's a constant, intermittent stutter every second or so.
I am exporting a 2 hr movie as Apple Pro Res (LT). Last week this happened within 5 hrs but today the export is very slow. It renders about 20 frames and then stops, 20 more frames and then stop. This is very strange.
Smoke 2013 Ext1 17" Mac Book Pro OS X 10.8.5 16 GB RAM
I have rebooted several times, but no luck. I’m not a programmer, but as far as I understand, the problem is on a framestore. Funny thing is, the last saved version is still available in Smoke, everything is in place, and it plays normally, just when it comes to saving or exporting, it crashes, or refuses to export.
Every Quicktime I import and cache into my project won't play audio, even though the audio tracks show up in the timeline with waveforms and the seqeunce specs match that of the source audio. Apparently Flame users are having similar problems. I'm having to strip out the audio into AIF for separate import and re-sync.
Oddly enough, I can hear the audio prior to import when playing the preview clip in Media Hub.
I have noticed that when exporting a Quicktime from release 5 the Background Process window wont show the actual progress so there is no way of knowing if it is working or how long will it take.
Smoke 2013 Ext1 17" Mac Book Pro OS X 10.8.5 16 GB RAM
When I export a quicktime from colorbars (or any other clip) the levels are raised as opposed to exporting a targa or tif file. I tried it as uncompressed and png with the same result.
The overlay of free guide and working area in the viewer don't work. I can't see any of these overlay indicator in the viewer. Is this a bug or do i miss something ?
it seems to be a bit messy. I set it to F10 like in 2012 and the small popup box with the color picker doesnt seem to pop up proper. Something blinks on the top right corner and disappears. Same goes for colorbar. Any workaround or fix for this one?
Currently dancing between Flame Premium 2013x2sp3/2013Sp4 nd Smoke on mac 2013Ext1
This is a real problem with either storing media locally or generating proxies as smoke is bogged down creating all this unwanted media...
It seems to work (though not 0 correct) when you bring in an xml and smoke finds the media straight off the bat...but for any clips that don't link and you have to set a search location the specified handles get ignored and the whole clip is brought in...
This means that if you just want to unlink a sequence, consolidate and re-link to R3D media for example, all handles on all clips are ignored...
Why doesn't Selecting clips in the "Timing" view in CFX reveal which clip it is the Schematic? I realize there is a very small corresponding number, but a nice yellow surround would be nice.
I really like Smoke, I've tried pre-release and I've noticed there is no realtime playback. I have pretty fast machine, MBP, 17, 1920x1200, SSD, 16Gb Ram, 2.3 Ghz (early 2011), AMD 1GB, but still it seems too slow for Smoke?
optimize it for laptops, because 50% of users siting on laptops.
I have try everything I can think of but Smoke 2013 won't export any clip and when i was able to export 1 it wouldn't play. Iwas able to export on Smoke 2012 demo with no problems.
I'm having issues exporting still frames from Smoke. How do you specify the frame to export as a Single Frame? I can see anywhere where you tell Smoke what frame should be the Single Frame to export from a timeline.
I need to export a series of frames, about 200 in total but they are at random places in a 1 hour 30 min timeline so I need a fast and easy way to get this done.
I have a sequence that I only want to export a segment of, from my marked in-point to out-point.
Where is the option like in FCP & Avid, to just export that segment? I would really like to have to not create a subclip each time I just want to export a segment.
I'm conforming a sequence - importing RED files - then exporting that sequence for color. When importing the RED files, what color setting should I use? Camera, user etc? If user then what other options should I use knowing that I'll export a dpx sequence for color?
Doing a project in 5760 x 1080 (3xHD). And smoke does not import, crashes, leaving no reports. Just hangs.Upon a new project, and import, but when pushing the edit button for resize, crashes again. Hangs, no report...
I have an edit and now I want to export as DPX sequence. A couple of questions:
First, is there an easy way to take a single edit and export it with handles? I realize that I can make a subclip but is there an easier/better way to do this?
I can't find an automated way to set handles on export. I have about 175 shots that I need to export .
When exporting a sequence I'm having problems with my audio being distorted, like it was peaking. Audio in the timeline sounds good, I did have some gain adjustments on some clips which I removed to see if that was the issue and the same problem is happening. No other effects other than some reverb are present.
Faders were normalised and audio peaked at -1dB only for a few seconds, the normal audio levels are about what is shown in the screenshot, around -6 to -5 dB.
This was exporting via the iPod preset with not further adjustments.
MacBook Pro Retina 15" - OS X 10.8.4 - 4TB G-tech G-Raid - Smoke 2013 MacPro 5,1 - OSX 10.8.5 - 64GB Ram - 12TB Pegasus RAID - 24 inch HP DreamColor - Smoke 2013 - Maya 2013