AutoDesk Smoke :: Viewer Overlay Doesn't Work
Nov 26, 2012The overlay of free guide and working area in the viewer don't work. I can't see any of these overlay indicator in the viewer. Is this a bug or do i miss something ?
View 2 RepliesThe overlay of free guide and working area in the viewer don't work. I can't see any of these overlay indicator in the viewer. Is this a bug or do i miss something ?
View 2 RepliesI have successfully finished 2 projects in Pre2, but today, Smoke started to crash when I forced it to save.
Stone&Wire is red, and won’t restart.
After typing
cat /usr/discreet/sw/log/sw_dbd.log
into terminal I got this:
unknownd830624e3a74:~ Tomi$ cat /usr/discreet/sw/log/sw_dbd.log
# Discreet sw_dbd log file - 1.0
# Started - (CET) Mon Aug 6 01:18:10 2012
# Hostname - unknownd830624e3a74
5246976 CoThreadPthread.C:200 08/06/12:01:18:10.310 Registered thread ‘Logger’
[Code] .....
I have rebooted several times, but no luck. I’m not a programmer, but as far as I understand, the problem is on a framestore. Funny thing is, the last saved version is still available in Smoke, everything is in place, and it plays normally, just when it comes to saving or exporting, it crashes, or refuses to export.
Is it having problems debayering .r3d files at full quality? It works fine with all other quality settings but with full I just get digital noise.
The .r3d files are 5K from an Epic.
THe auto key button doesn't seem to work in a gmask node in CFX. keyframe added even if autokey is off. bug?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any way i can see which one is my current keyframe ? in the viewer i got a tracking data (path), but when i scrub the time, i'm lost... i don't know which one is the current keyframe. Normally i can see the big 'cross' icon which represent the position of current track data, but in case where the cross has been shifted out then i have no clue about the current keyframe.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis is not a YUV headroom issue just to be clear and Im not looking at a broadcast output. Using my Eizo monitor with smoke I just did a color correction and exported a prores 422 hq with and with out yuv headroom. What Im noticing is that the color of the image in the smokes viewer is more saturated than the output which is being viewd in qt 7 and whatever the other qt is. Im not talking fine details here, Im talking about whoa whats going on with this isnt remotley close to being in the same ballpark. In short when I tab over to the qt file and shrink it and place it side by side by what is in the smokes viewer they do not match on the same monitor.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI go to mk, connect my clip to a gmask , double click gmask to focus to that module. I switch to 2 viewport. The left is the schematic, the right is the F1 (front). First when i click the F1 viewport, i got no 'add' button for adding gmask. So i have to first go to view pulldown, just do some unecessary click there to refresh. Now after refreshing, i can see my 'add' button is showed up. But the second problem is : i can't immediately press that 'add' button, there's a lag about 5- 7 seconds before i can click that button.
Also i can switch from mk schematic to f1 or f4 quite fast, but sometime go from any of front/back/matte view back to the mk schematic, it will take 4-7 second even for simple/basic mk network/tree.
The problem won't appear when using single viewport.
Is it possible to lock the CFX output to the broadcast monitor so that I can see the changes I make on the image in the broadcast monitor while working in the 1-up view? This way the CFX schematic can fill my 23 inch computer screen. So far i have only been able to do that with the 2-up, etc views. As soon as I switch to the 1-up view or swipe to the left while in 2-up view (which switches it back to the 1-up) the broadcast monitor shows whatever I am working on be it schematic or other.
When I am in the 2-up view and I lock the right part of the 2 up view to the broadcast monitor I usually maximize the left view to fill the screen. It however does not fully fill the screen and keeps the right view scaled to a very small size on the right.
Somehow on it's incarnation to Smoke 2013 a core functionality of editing is lost.
I cannot drag'n drop any footage from the viewer into the TL by F-drag or Pen-tip anymore. This has been working in previous versions of Smoke and makes an NLE an intuitive experience, especially if you are coming from a FCP/PremierPro background. I'm sure this is a typical alpha build loss.
in action schematic i can select any surface and press 'solo' , i can see the output on viewer. This is very cool feature. But if i switch the surface to other surface/image then the viewer won't update properly. I have to refresh by click to turn off and on again the 'solo' button. This will be great if the auto update is fixed.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi'm trying to link my edl with the correct clips. So when i got a green check icon , indicating that smoke have found the matched clip. But before i link it i just want to make sure that it's the correct clip. So in the bin, the clip is highligted and i double click it to open it up in the viewer. The problem the viewer split control is disabled so i can't do split screen to match that clip with the guide/offline (in the edl sequence i've inserted the guide movie). all i can see i have to link it first then go back to timeline and now i can view in split screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I copy the timecode from the clip in my viewer, and jump to that point in another clip?
I use this often to compare the same point in time for an offline to online clip. I can open the timecode input window, and manually enter the timecode from one clip to another, but I can't seem to find the copy and paste commands that will use that timecode as the input.
Is there any visual tool in smoke so i can view the alpha/matte and rgb at the same time (by overlaying alpha on top of the rgb) ? I can't find a way to do it. Did i miss something ? or does this tool exist ?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow to recreate the OVERLAY transfer mode on the timeline using AXIS? It seems to be available only through Action.
Smoke 2013 Ext1
17" Mac Book Pro
OS X 10.8.5
I´m working with LR 4.3 for 3 month but since days the "correction" brush doesn´t work anymore. The overlay button is still active and the system reboot I tried more than once ;-). I miss this function and maybe one of you is able to prevent me from reinstalling.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to export quick times from smoke 2013 but it's failing the whole time. The engineer installed sp2 but I realized that the system has still installed the sp1, has it something to do?, I have to uninstall sp1 and then install sp2?, I mean, have I to install the smoke again? In the company where I'm working with there are two smoke systems and I'm opening the backburner monitor and appears the two systems, is it good?, The error that that the system has is:
SMOKE-01.local [error] 2891913768 transcoderMediaProvider.C:312 02/25/14:18:36:16.886 Cannot get type of clip IFFFS-158:/stonefs/TC_-_BOXING/workspace/Media Library/_Export_140225_161339_1/H_16777343_S_1393362820_U_578586/hires: Library _Export_140225_16
Bug in CW in Connect FX, when i try to do color balance a shot. so i plot the white color and try to change it via Highlight it does not move the color in color space view. Same happens when it done with shadow color wheel.
View 9 Replies View Relatedit seems to be a bit messy. I set it to F10 like in 2012 and the small popup box with the color picker doesnt seem to pop up proper. Something blinks on the top right corner and disappears. Same goes for colorbar. Any workaround or fix for this one?
Currently dancing between Flame Premium 2013x2sp3/2013Sp4 nd Smoke on mac 2013Ext1
This is a real problem with either storing media locally or generating proxies as smoke is bogged down creating all this unwanted media...
It seems to work (though not 0 correct) when you bring in an xml and smoke finds the media straight off the bat...but for any clips that don't link and you have to set a search location the specified handles get ignored and the whole clip is brought in...
This means that if you just want to unlink a sequence, consolidate and re-link to R3D media for example, all handles on all clips are ignored...
i am trying to understand how to work in the connect fx mode, but one thing that seems to be completely eluding me is why the output going to my broadcast monitor (via Kona3) is showing only the output from the left window when in CFX (currently Connect FX schematic), and not the final video.
My mac screen has a 2 up view showing the CFX Schematic on the left and the CFX Result on the right.
Is there any way that i can use the two windows on the mac screen without affecting what is feeding the broadcast monitor? I really want a system that always shows me the final output on the broadcast monitor, with everything else happening on the mac screen.
I have posted a 3 minute video showing how to work with the wireframe icons.Shortcuts to turn the wireframes on and off as well as the preferences to adjust the transparency and choose between showing all wireframes or a selected wireframe icon.
You can check all of this out on the Smoke Learning Channel..Or you can download the videos via iTunes
how LUT storage should work with Smoke 2013, but I think I'm seeing a bug.
I'm loading a LUT, able to using it as a monitor LUT and apply it to a clip, but when I reload the project, it loses the LUT path and I have to reload it. I've tried storing it on a network, and locally in the discreet folder. Is this a bug.
Why doesn't Selecting clips in the "Timing" view in CFX reveal which clip it is the Schematic? I realize there is a very small corresponding number, but a nice yellow surround would be nice.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI really like Smoke, I've tried pre-release and I've noticed there is no realtime playback. I have pretty fast machine, MBP, 17, 1920x1200, SSD, 16Gb Ram, 2.3 Ghz (early 2011), AMD 1GB, but still it seems too slow for Smoke?
optimize it for laptops, because 50% of users siting on laptops.
Any tips on making the shadow cast work? I have a background piped into action and some 3d text with a light. I add the shadow cast to the light and there's no shadow. Will the shadow cast on a backgorund or does a shadow need other media (not a background) to cast on?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHaving cut together a short commercial recently, I have been unable to export my sequence/ work. There are no error messages, only incomplete exported versions of the sequence (sometimes 1 second, sometimes 8 seconds!) or nothing at all. It will go through the motions and not generate an exported file.
I have attempted to export my sequence multiple ways - from the timeline, from the media library and from the mediahub - with identical results. I'm totally at a loss. I've also gone back to a sequence which I was able to export successfully one month ago and now I get the same problem - either no result or some fractional piece of the edit - never more than a few seconds. My finished edit, by the way, is a 30-second spot.
For example, here's one way I've attempted to export:
1. I select my sequence from the media library and right-click for export.
2. I select movie, choose my destination, and select a format preset (I've tried just about every preset, hoping it was a preset error of some kind), and
3. I hit export.
Instead of the spinning prompt in the lower left corner, showing me a percentage countdown (or count-up) - which was present a month ago when I was las exporting a show -I get a quick audio mixdown prompt in the lower left then nothing. It all happens in less than 1 second from the time I press "export".
I've copied the console log for your review. This particular effort/ screenshot resulted in an 8-second clip, which is the longest one (still incomplete) I've been able to generate since I attempted to export starting yesterday. Again, my sequence is 30 seconds, and it either does nothing, generates an empty file (45k in size) or creates an incomplete movie file (usually 1 or 2 seconds).
Doing a project in 5760 x 1080 (3xHD). And smoke does not import, crashes, leaving no reports. Just hangs.Upon a new project, and import, but when pushing the edit button for resize, crashes again. Hangs, no report...
Is Smoke capable of doing 3xHD projects?
Is it possible to turn of created work planes within a 3d model when viewed through the Design Assistant 2013 inventor viewer.
View 0 Replies View RelatedI know that the AJA Kona 3 card has 2 outputs. Can Smoke send one eye to one channel and the other eye to the other of the Kona 3 card? Dual Stream output is what I am really getting at.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way that Smoke can see/output sub-blacks and super whites? Can't find any way of seeing them on my scope, Smoke just clamps everything. It won't even see anything below zero in order for me to make a correction on it, everything seems to be clamped on import. I'm using ProRes HQ footage.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best plugin to do spline warps in smoke?(need something like the distort in flame) I notice revisionfx don't make a warper for smoke on mac.
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