AutoDesk Smoke :: Importing Corner Pin Data From Mocha Pro?
May 24, 2012
I'm testing Mocha with Smoke Advanced and have run up against a problem.When I import the corner pin data from Mocha for a mobile phone screen, there is a significant offset for each corner.
Mocha support have been very useful, and the problem is not to do with aspect ratio or frame size. The track looks perfect inside Mocha.I've followed the exact process featured in the link below.
I can't figure out how to import the stabilizing data in mocha. ( I found out how to import the tracking and camera data thru a nice tut) I know there is a nice auto stabilized node, but over the break I didn't have access to smoke. So I just went and did it in mocha pro. I can export the ''stabilizer'' from mocha, but am lost from there.
I have posted a new training video series on the Smoke Learning Channel.Mocha Pro to Smoke Interoperability
In these videos, you learn how to prepare data in Mocha Pro and export the settings into Autodesk Smoke. This includes Tracking Data, Masking Data and 3D Camera Tracking Data. It's a really good series to watch even if you are not using Mocha Pro with Autodesk Smoke.
You can view the video on the Smoke Learning Channel at URL....or you can download the video via iTunes. Just search for the Smoke Learning Channel.
You can also download the Media and follow along at: URL....
I am experimenting with Smoke 2013 pre-trial and I am having issues with importing images and video with alpha channels.
1. If I have a layered Photoshop file or png with an alpha channel (a still frame lower third), I see that I can import it as a multi layered clip, but what is the best way to have it in the sequence to show up properly?
2. If I have a QuickTime in animation format or Pro Res4444 format with an embedded alpha, how can I import that file to show and cut it on a top layer to animate above my video?
Whats the dealing with importing TWs to Smoke? I have a show that's 70% keyframed with timewarps and need a way other then baking the effect to bring it into Smoke. It's comming from FCP7 and we have Automatic Duck but neither the XMLs or AAF bring anything other then the first speed of the clip. Any way to retain the keyframes?
The shop where I work shoots with Sony HVR z7u cameras. The small memory recording unit on the back of the camera records m2t files. Smoke does not seem to recognize these files natively. (Neither did FCP without a downloadable Sony driver). Is there a recommended workflow for dealing with m2t files?
I have png files with alphas sometimes Smoke will import them as a still frame that I can change the duration of . Other times it will import it with 23.98 time code and then I have to freeze it to extend the duration.
I just imported a bunch of 4k clips via the gateway using the backburner. Is it normal that it took about 2 minutes per frame to render? I had 36 clips, 53 000 frames in total, and it took about 8 hours to get them all in (with store local copy and proxies turned on).
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
Graphics import into the library with a default length of 1 frame. Is there a way to lengthen that so I don't have to zoom way in to grab the edge of the clip?
Where can I find some info on the process of importing Alexa material to Smoke? Is it as slow as RED material? I need to Color Correct 10 min of 2k material from that camera.
Smoke 2013 Ext1 17" Mac Book Pro OS X 10.8.5 16 GB RAM
Any time the gateway scans a directory, which has a clip that has stereo audio, Smoke hangs. Is this a bug? Specifically the file was a Canon 7D file which had audio recorded with it. The crash does not happen when we try a file without audio or a file whose audio has been converted to mono. The file was directly from the camera. Same thing happens when it is a Prores HQ file with Stereo audio.
I have a job done in Smoke 2012 Subscription Advantage Pack and exported an RGB uncompressed QT. I can pull this pack into the same software version on any of the other 14 Smoke on macs I have and it is exactly the same as the original. I have installed the new bug fixed Smoke 2012 Subscription Advantage Pack2 and this same clip comes in with a large colour shift. The whole image is about 10% darker! I have exported the same clip as YUV2 uncompessed QT and also a TARGA sequence and pulled these into both software versions and it is identical to the origianl. NO CLOLOUR SHIFT.
I also have 2013 beta version and I'm getting the same colour shift.
Have you done something to the colour management of RGB Uncompressed QT's in your newer software releases.
All my masters source files have been RGB uncompressed QT's for years and this is now causing big concerns.
Today I was messing around with import. Tried to pull in 100GB of footage and found it took nearly 1hr 45 mins over USB3. I know the slow speed was down to the rubbish hard drive I was pulling from but it would have been really useful to know that it was going to take 1hr 45mins. I could've gone to the pub!
We get a time estimate on backburner importing? I also wanted to check that smac 2013 isn't throttled anywhere on import speeds? I know that smoke all the way up to 2010 vsn was throttled so that you would never get import as fast as your disks could go.
I've been running the trial for a week with no problems importing and caching media in ProRes 422. Today when I booted up smoke I attempted a similar practice run with importing some random clips and playing around again and noticed that nothing was getting cached. When I clicked import it said it could not connect to backburner on port 0.
There appear to be a couple of threads regarding this issue where people lose the ability to cache media or export using backburner. I followed a thread posted here: [URL] ....
I tried restarting backburner, restarting the mac, reinstalling smoke and attempted the "clean install" script that is listed in the article above. After I performed the terminal commands and reinstalled Smoke, it connects to backburner but now in the jobs tab/backburner manager says it is waiting (occasionally switches to "busy" for a second or two).
Here's the error I get in backburner manager: Matthews-MacBook-Pro.local 1946321280 swBIOSubJobServer.C:385 02/13/13:16:23:24.347 1946321280 swBIOAdapter.C:454 02/13/13:16:23:25.403 Cannot process tasks 0... in /var/tmp/WireJob/SubJob0 Unimplemented feature while reading source frames
I'm running Smoke on an internal SSD and my framestore is also on an internal HDD, but I can't imagine that's an issue since I had already successfully imported media before.
I also attempted to export a sequence of soft imported footage (also failed). The error is below:
Matthews-MacBook-Pro.local 2893642280 transcoderMediaProvider.C:312 02/13/13:16:56:30.268 Cannot get type of clip IFFFS-16:/stonefs7/Stinkzone/workspace/Media Library/_Export_130213_165628_1/H_16777343_S_1360792589_U_170633/hires: Project Stinkzone not found
Trying to import some still images into Smoke 2013. There are 15 files, all from the same source, all the same format (.png), however, when I open the folder in the mediahub, it reads 2 or 3 of the files and nothing else. The other files are in the folder and are no different than the ones Smoke does read, yet for some reason the other files are nowehere to be found through the mediahub. This isn't the first time I've had something like this happen.
I'm working on an edit, which is in video mode. Now I have to include OpenEXR material, which is in linear mode. How can I combine the two and still have the correct color?
I can set it in view mode to linear, but then all my video shows as linear too, plus, as soon as I leave the view mode, it all goes back to video, and my EXR's are too dark then..... what can I do?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
I have this HUGE maps I have to import to create pan and zooms. The file is a PNG with a resolution of 25000 x 16400px. Smoke doesn't play nice when I import this dil. It's all black and won't render. If there a max file resolution in Smoke? Or is it a problem with PNG files? (I tried with PSD adn it did the same).
Cannot read data on socket: Software caused connection to abort
I imported an AAF linking to R3D and Sony footage. When I tried scrubbing the timeline, I got that message. Smoke is REALLY slow now. And when I try to look at footage in my gateway, I get READ ERROR.
Also, the proxies don't start rendering in the backburner...
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
Although rendering seems to work when I try to import media with cache media selected and link to source media unselected the jobs queue just shows the status 'waiting' on the imported clips.
I know that the AJA Kona 3 card has 2 outputs. Can Smoke send one eye to one channel and the other eye to the other of the Kona 3 card? Dual Stream output is what I am really getting at.
Is there any way that Smoke can see/output sub-blacks and super whites? Can't find any way of seeing them on my scope, Smoke just clamps everything. It won't even see anything below zero in order for me to make a correction on it, everything seems to be clamped on import. I'm using ProRes HQ footage.
What is the best plugin to do spline warps in smoke?(need something like the distort in flame) I notice revisionfx don't make a warper for smoke on mac.