AutoDesk Smoke :: What Little Grey N Mean In Lower Left Corner Of Some Desktop Clips
Jun 19, 2012What does the little grey N mean in the lower left corner of some of my desktop clips?
View 2 RepliesWhat does the little grey N mean in the lower left corner of some of my desktop clips?
View 2 RepliesIt's not a show stopper but if you select more than one clip on the thumbnail desktop and pen copy they don't copy to where you place them but jump to be half hidden off the source area.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to drag multiple clip from timeline into desktop or library but all the clips always got spliced into a single clip. How to keep them as separated clips ? or individual clips ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need the x, y origin point to be in the lower left corner. In the past I was able to go into the Adobe Illustrator setting and change some code so when I double clicked in the left corner of the ruler it would switch my origin to lower left. Now there is nothing in the setting folder because this program is on the cloud.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have opened an image in photoshop and when I choose "image size", it says that the image has a resolution of 72 pixels/inch ( it's a five x eight image..)
But in the bottom of image, it says 680.1K/680.1K.
I recently found out about the 3D features in Photoshop and I started to experiment with them. I've created some nice extrusions. However, when I try to start the render of my current project, it waits a short while and then continues on rendering the rest of the image, leaving a grey box in the upper-left corner. When I zoom in, I can see that the texture is in place and the box starts at the border of the 3D object, not at the border of the image.
I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium x64, Intel i5-2430M (2.4 GHz), nVidia GeForce GT555M (1 GB) and 8 GB of RAM. I've rendered my other projects successfully with the same settings (all highest quality, though very slow). Could this possibly be a bug in the software, is it an error of mine or is this 3D document just irrenderable?
Yesterday, I went into my presets folder because I was searching for a particular brush, and I noticed a little grey overlay icon with a white line in a 45 degree angle. The little icons sit on top of the presets icons, and they are located to the bottom left hand corner. I tried to search what that means, with no luck. Just in case, I even checked everything with my antivirus, but it doesn't seem to be a virus. What is that? (I'm running Adobe CS6, in a Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit pc)
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow do you select Multiple clips in a long sequence with many clips? I am cutting a short documentary and I need to move around a large quantity of clips. How do I quickly select a bunch of clips?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got an issue seeing video on video track 1 when I have something on a track above it. I have video on track 1, and above that I have a gap with a text fx placed on it (it's a lower third name key). The track indicator is located on the track with the text fx (see the attached "timeline" shot), yet all I see is that key without seeing the video below it (see attached "canvas") Everything has been rendered, so I don't understand what's wrong. And when I export the timeline, the black remains.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm testing Mocha with Smoke Advanced and have run up against a problem.When I import the corner pin data from Mocha for a mobile phone screen, there is a significant offset for each corner.
Mocha support have been very useful, and the problem is not to do with aspect ratio or frame size. The track looks perfect inside Mocha.I've followed the exact process featured in the link below.
I can't find the button to create Desktop Snapshot like you can in Flame Premium. Is it there or do I need to save my Desktops differently.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere is the timewarp button for the desktop? I'd like to select a clip and create a speed change for it...or do I have to drop a clip on the timeline and use a soft fx TW? Also, are there any TW capabilities in Action?
Smoke on Mac 2012 SP2
I’ve just stumbled across a way to acess the old desktop tools and as an old Smoke on Linux user hope that Autodesk keeps it there.
This is what I did.... Loaded a project, went to keyboard shortcuts and set a short cut for repeat (used to duplicate frames). Now hit the shortcut and you should see all the old desktop tools.
As an aside, why is Change Timecode/Keycode, convert rate in the retired tab?
I'm trying to add a dissolve on the timeline between two clips as I have many times before and one of them will not allow me to dissolve to or from it. It won't allow any dissolves at all actually.
Both are 1920x1080 10bit clips rendered out of action. Any attempts to put a dissolve on the cut ends up with it being only on the end-tag (the second clip). If it tell it to be centered it puts a one frame dissolve on the end-tag. If i tell it Up To Cut it does nothing. From Cut works as expected.
I have a shot with a white background. There is some text that has to disappear somewhere into the white, so I figured, I'm just gonna load in a white color source, lay it on top, and put it in front of the text in z space. But nope, the white doesn't match the background white. It looks grey. I tried to apply a CC, but that doesn't change anything.... I already restarted smoke, but that didn't fix it either.
What else can I do?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
Why can't i commit the clip on desktop ? there's no 'commit' in the right click menu. To get this menu, i have to right- clicking the clip in timeline. So let say my clip in the desktop , first i have to drag it into timeline , or open it as sequence. Now in timeline , i commit the clip, then put back (drag) the clip into desktop. That's weird workflow... why can't i just do commit the clip in desktop so i don't need to go through that process ?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIf you're working with a lot of clips in a library and you're trying to select multiple thumbnails and ctrl +alt +drag to resize them, it's WAY too sensitive. It's like you need to click and drag in just the right spot or you're deselecting your group. It's taking me about 20 attempts to do this simple task.
Selecting the clips in the library appears to work better than ctrl + clicking them on the desktop.
can render front and matte from CFX to desktop?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow to create automatically for each project, a desktop library identical with the same folders (DigitCut, Elemts, Conformation, Rushes, Audio,...), each graphic artists will be able to work with the same tree?
View 8 Replies View RelatedIn the desktop i can playback the thumbnail (space bar key), the problem is i will play the thumbnail under my current cursor position NOT the SELECTED thumbnail ? is there any preference i can set to switch this behavior?
Let say i'm hovering a thumbnail (clip) , i can play it by pressing space bar directly , but what if i want to scrub it first coz i don't want it to play from the beginning. While doing the scrubbing , my cursor will definitely then out of thumbnail. it might accidentally hovering (on top of) other clip/thumbnail. now pressing space bar will definitely play the wrong clip. so every time i scrub the clip, i got to reposition the cursor on top of the clip over and over again.
So i think it's more useful to change the behavior.
I can't find a way to add clips to an existent archive....
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat I don't get is when it says "navigate to the project that contains the clips you want to copy." Does that refer to /usr/discreet/project/<project name>? Because when I navigate to there, I don't see any media to import.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a folder of clips that I'd like to unrender then archive so that I just end up archiving the metadata. I can't find a way to do this in Smoke 2013. When I choose archive links only the archive seems to be massive so my guess is it is still archiving rendered shots.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have got some questions:
1. How can I select many clips on the timeline? (I work with a Wacom tablet.) When I press the pen onto the tablet and move it, I can only pull the gap. In connect fx it works, when I hold cmd.
2. If I set markers in the timeline, is there a way to also see them in connect fx?
3.There is a function in Final Cut: When I I select a clip from the timeline and press "f" , I can go on working on its source clip in the viewer. Is there something similar in smoke? I cannot find the name for this function, so I cannot search for it in the keyboard shortcuts.
4. If I render something, is there a way that Smoke automatically copies the file (without copying the effects)? The reason for that question is: I applied timewarp to a clip, then I wanted to go on working on the clip in connect fx, but the length of the clip changed - it was shorter. When I went on working in action and put some lense flares and rendered it, everything was bended and looked weird. It looked great but I did not intend to do something like this.
The next questions are no real questions but rather problems.
5. When I work with audio (audio clip locked), I cannot really cut on the music, because 5a. sometimes the amplitudes do not match the music. An example: There is no amplitude, but the music goes on for 2 seconds. 5b. And when it is correct and I cut on the beat and render it, it is not sync anymore some moments later or when I restart smoke. (It only displaces 1 or 2 seconds from the sync.)
6. Since I have updated from pre-release 4 to pre-release 5, I cannot export anymore. I have read a lot on blogs, but I could not really find my problem. I cannot even press the export button.
I was wondering if when I stop a looping clip playing in my timeline, I could have it stop at the frame I stop on instead of stopping at the positioner or in-point. This is a very vital problem I'm having.
I have come up with a work-a-round but it doesn't work near as smoothly as I would like it to.
All I do for the workaround is instead of hitting space when I stop, I hit right alt to set an in point then hit space to stop and "A" to move to my newly created in-point. But it doesn't work as smoothly as it should. I would really like it to perform like playing a clip in the desktop works. It just loops around and when I stop, it actually stops.
We're having an issue loading avc-intra clips. The audio is coming in fine but we only get black for video.
View 1 Replies View Relatedis it hard for Autodesk to have/create fully RGBA clips (clips with embedded alpha).I'm not so sure what's the main advantage to have clip with separate matte (black & white), since all compositing software even FCP can handle it.
I found that this function a bit outdated n you end up doing lot of steps even to accomplish simple result.
I unarchived a 2013 Linux sequence.
I took all of the clips an unlinked them in 2013 Mac.
I then gathered the source material on to a new USB portable drive. I then went through a conform and relinked all fo the clips that aren't in a CFX.
I can't see how to relink or get the clips inside the CFX show up.
I dragged the clips from the Sources folder, and collected them into a new folder in my Media Library.
If I collect those "checkerboard" clips into a new sequence and look at it via the Conform tab, it shows that the clips are Linked, as parts of them were also in the main timeline.
Check out the Premiumbeat Smoke Blog [URL]....
Is there an equivalent command to the FCP alt up/down arrow to move a clip up and down between tracks? I can drag but it doesn't snap to the anything ie where the clip originally was on another track.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow is the best way to keep sync with clips that have audio. In Premiere for example, when a clip contains audio it handles both video and audio as a single thing until I explicitly unlink them. But in Smoke, even with the option Select linked, which as far as I can tell it only works for selecting and activate that little arrow (do not remember the name of the function) in the tracks table, keeps all ok but only on that track.
This is the normal operation of Smoke? He really will always treat the audio and video of same clip as separate things? Am I missing something? Because at least for me, that's came from Premiere, always be remembering to set all the tracks and always go to the menu and select Enable linked is what most complicates the editorial work in Smoke.
I am really liking the change in grey level to indicate focus as I click on timeline or desktop or mediahub. I think this needs to be a larger change - maybe 20% of the intensity and would work better as a means of showing source/record focus than the annoying white outline. I also like the desaturate I suggested on the inactive timeline bar 0 its a very simple way of quickly seeing what is live (other than glancing at the broadcast monitor).
All's well that ends. That's why its called finishing.