AutoDesk Smoke :: View Mode - Linear Image Data Type
Sep 10, 2011
I'm working on an edit, which is in video mode. Now I have to include OpenEXR material, which is in linear mode. How can I combine the two and still have the correct color?
I can set it in view mode to linear, but then all my video shows as linear too, plus, as soon as I leave the view mode, it all goes back to video, and my EXR's are too dark then..... what can I do?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
When you're in source-sequence mode and push "f15" key (that is "player view mode" shortcut) several times, you can switch between different view modes. One in particular kept my attention: you can output a video frame with 3840x1080 resolution (double full hd), composed by primary output (on the left) and secondary output (on the right).
The strange thing is that these two video streams (primary and secondary) are not in sync: in fact secondary one is always delayed by one frame.
What is the purpose of this view mode? Is it possible to sync primary and secondary output in this particular mode? It would be great, because this way we could finally output stereoscopic 3D in side-by-side mode!
i am trying to understand how to work in the connect fx mode, but one thing that seems to be completely eluding me is why the output going to my broadcast monitor (via Kona3) is showing only the output from the left window when in CFX (currently Connect FX schematic), and not the final video.
My mac screen has a 2 up view showing the CFX Schematic on the left and the CFX Result on the right.
Is there any way that i can use the two windows on the mac screen without affecting what is feeding the broadcast monitor? I really want a system that always shows me the final output on the broadcast monitor, with everything else happening on the mac screen.
To hide the top menu bar and use the application in full screen, you must specify this setting in the Smoke Setup utility, which is found in the Smoke 2013 folder. In the Smoke Setup utility, under the General tab, set the Menu Bar option to no. When you hide the top menu bar, certain options, exclusive to the top menu bar appear at the bottom right of the screen. You must restart Smoke after making the change for it to take effect.
why but it feels to much more like a real application again! Hadnt realised just how much I disliked menu bars until now.Now how do I create some color bars?
I'm on PR5 and up until today backburner has been working fine. For some reason its stopped. here is the error message from the file I'm trying export:
tddetedit2 2687747392 transcoderMediaProvider.C:312 11/08/12:13:57:26.290 Cannot get type of clip IFFFS-20:/stonefs/YEC_2012/workspace/_Export_121108_133458_1/H_16777343_S_1352399698_U_44950/hires: Library _Export_121108_133458_1 not found
Whenever I try to enter source record mode the programs crashes and quits. I've tried with keyboard shortcut, using the option dropdown and the same thing happens. This did not happen with previous version.
I can't figure out how to import the stabilizing data in mocha. ( I found out how to import the tracking and camera data thru a nice tut) I know there is a nice auto stabilized node, but over the break I didn't have access to smoke. So I just went and did it in mocha pro. I can export the ''stabilizer'' from mocha, but am lost from there.
I'm testing Mocha with Smoke Advanced and have run up against a problem.When I import the corner pin data from Mocha for a mobile phone screen, there is a significant offset for each corner.
Mocha support have been very useful, and the problem is not to do with aspect ratio or frame size. The track looks perfect inside Mocha.I've followed the exact process featured in the link below.
I have posted a new training video series on the Smoke Learning Channel.Mocha Pro to Smoke Interoperability
In these videos, you learn how to prepare data in Mocha Pro and export the settings into Autodesk Smoke. This includes Tracking Data, Masking Data and 3D Camera Tracking Data. It's a really good series to watch even if you are not using Mocha Pro with Autodesk Smoke.
You can view the video on the Smoke Learning Channel at URL....or you can download the video via iTunes. Just search for the Smoke Learning Channel.
You can also download the Media and follow along at: URL....
Cannot read data on socket: Software caused connection to abort
I imported an AAF linking to R3D and Sony footage. When I tried scrubbing the timeline, I got that message. Smoke is REALLY slow now. And when I try to look at footage in my gateway, I get READ ERROR.
Also, the proxies don't start rendering in the backburner...
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
While in CFX, Action, Text edit, Axis etc, is there a way to see the output of the timeline? I know while in CFX you can set the CFX output as a context but what if I have multiple CFX composites stacked up and I want to see the final output of the timeline while editing or modifying something inside a CFX or Action node?
I cant view my exporting job list . I want to cancel all my current export and make it fresh. My sequence is exporting again and again in same location with same file name. I need a support number in india.
When you are viewing the desktop, the view is available in the library and you can see which folder you are viewing. But when you have the player open the view icon disappears.
I am looking for a way to easily view the separate rgb channels as grey values for key pulling on each channel. Also, I am looking for a way to change the viewer gamma value without changing the fx value.
When I am in cfx in action 1-up, I press shift 3 or shift 4 to view side and top view. Nothing happens. What is the correct hotkey (smoke) to show the view. The hotkey suggested does not work. And if you manually select it, it takes quite a while to decide it will change view for you.
Is there any visual tool in smoke so i can view the alpha/matte and rgb at the same time (by overlaying alpha on top of the rgb) ? I can't find a way to do it. Did i miss something ? or does this tool exist ?
Why not have a swipe option for the Record viewer on the right side in Thumbnail View and allow locking the source thumbnails to sync with each other - Flame style (just no Reel view). If this could be saved with the current folder view it would largely cover a toolset comment I made before plus another great way to edit quickly.
who said that for editing there should only be one source window ? Why not multiples ? In fact, isn't that a large part of editing in the first place ? Allow multiple selections in the thumbnail view and link the sources together, select a point in the timeline and go to town for checking your editorial options.
This is really about gaining a functionality that’s around in AVID and used extensively by editors I’m trying to get on board with considering smoke as a real alternative. The Reel Locking mechanism in Flame is a great tool that could be expanded upon massively and brought into smoke via synched/locked multiple selection in the thumbnail view.
And another - The ability to see an edit as thumbnail view that can be re-arranged so you can group shots per your own liking but still allows drag and drop FX. This would allow another view on an edit that is incredibly powerful for many functions but color correction an obvious one. If you could save these 'views' you could have a fantastic basis for management.
I was wondering if there was an easy way to view individual color channels (Red, Green, Blue) in the viewer, and if so what the shortcuts are. I know you can do this simply in flame but can't seem to find a way to do it in Smoke.
Why doesn't Selecting clips in the "Timing" view in CFX reveal which clip it is the Schematic? I realize there is a very small corresponding number, but a nice yellow surround would be nice.
Smoke classic shortcut is not working for Schematic vuew in CF, tried on three machines. Also why there is short cat for all "delete" "add" but not just plain move anymore. space M is not working. What's the logic?