AutoDesk Smoke :: Feature - Info - Full Screen Mode
Jul 23, 2012
To hide the top menu bar and use the application in full screen, you must specify this setting in the Smoke Setup utility, which is found in the Smoke 2013 folder. In the Smoke Setup utility, under the General tab, set the Menu Bar option to no. When you hide the top menu bar, certain options, exclusive to the top menu bar appear at the bottom right of the screen. You must restart Smoke after making the change for it to take effect.
why but it feels to much more like a real application again! Hadnt realised just how much I disliked menu bars until now.Now how do I create some color bars?
What exactly should I click to view Channel editor full screen or in a resizable view port?
Currently it is displayed at the bottom put of the UI only and it is not possible to do anything on such a small view of the editor....
Brian Mulligan wrote in this blog:"If you hold SHIFT and double-click in a numeric field that has a keyframe set, then the Channel Editor will open up full screen at the top of the UI and switch to 1 up view. The numeric field you clicked on will be highlighted and framed."
Where is "numeric field that has a keyframe set" actually located?
When I shift and double-click on the numeric field in "Channel hierarchy" (on the left of the Animation curve window) a CALCULATOR pops up.
I can't figure out how to adjust the size of the program screen when in Full Edit Mode. I can see portions of the Quick Fix menu and none of the Guided Fix menu. There seems to be no way to resize the window.
I work in full screen with Menu Bars 98% of the time. I also enjoy the new save in background feature. The problem is that when in full screen I can't tell when it's saving and the status of the save. This is particularly frustrating when I'm trying to close a file. I think there needs to be an option to have it save in background but pop up a status window, or some way to see the status of the save while in full screen.
I'm now suddenly unable to use Full Screen Mode.I have a PC, and always would use the 'F' key to toggle between screen modes. But when I do this now, the screen just wobbles then stays in the standard screen mode. Even if I go to View --> Screenmode --> Full Screen Mode, the same thing happens.
I'm scanning slides with the intention of showing them in HD. So I need to crop the 3:2 slide format to 16:9. Is there any way to view a selection full-screen other than an Action? At the moment I make the 16:9 selection, crop, jump to full-screen mode, remove the selection rectangle, and CMD-0 to fill the screen.
I usually use photoshop (cs6) in full screen mode with menu bar. Often I use the window+d shortcut to return to the desktop. From here, whatever window I open, ie my browser, explorer, etc, photoshop pops up in the background minus all the menu bars. This is very annoying because it means I cannot work with files on my desktop.
I may sound like an idiot, but I'm confussed about this full screen mode. I'm taking a digital imaging class and we use Macs and PScs there. At home I have a PC with PS7. In school, I can work in full screen mode and pan the image out from under the palettes. I can't do this on my home PC. Is there a way to make this work or is it a Mac or PScs feature?
Been using CS6 PS since Beta. No problems till 13.1.1 came out. I'm in Full Screen Mode 95% of the time and 100% when I'm retouching.After the most recent update OpenGL funtions will become disabled when I go to Full Screen Mode. This is very annoying! My MBP is connected to a 30in Dell Ultra.
Here is my System Info
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.1.1 (13.1.1 20121213.r.223 2012/12/13:23:00:00) x64 Operating System: Mac OS 10.8.2 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:58, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading Physical processor count: 4 Logical processor count: 8 Processor speed: 2300 MHz
In CS6, full screen mode, the image keeps moving up, down or to the side if my cursor gets too close to the edge of the screen. sometimes I'm not even at the edge of the screen but in the middle of the screen, I move the cursor right, the document goes to the left. In the old days the window stayed put unless you used the handtool to move it around. Is it possible to go back to this mode?
I have never been able to use Full Screen Mode / Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar because my Window Tabs disappear.
Until now I have ignored this but I really want to start making the most of my screen space. I don't understand how people can go into full screen mode without tabs of their open documents. It makes the experience completely useless to me and I can't believe I can't find any solutions online. I feel like I am overlooking a simple button somewhere on the screen thinking "surely Adobe would include this!?"
I am currently on 13 inch MacBook Pro using CS6 beta.
Whenever i press the F key twice to enter full screen mode, sometimes the taskbar and Gadget Bar (Windows Vista) dissapear as expected, and other times they do not. I am currently running a demo version of PS CS3 on Windows Vista, but had the same issue with PS CS2 on Windows XP.
For some reason the 'Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar' option has a blue background now. The background used to be gray, and then one time i opened up Photoshop and now the background is blue. It is very annoying and affects my painting. The grey was neutral, now it is blue so my colors are going to appear off.
If you don't know what i mean: Open Photoshop, make a canvas (new image) Hit the key "F" on your keyboard 2 times so the canvas takes up the entire page but the menu bars are still up. The color around the canvas is Blue, when it has ALWAYS been gray.
jdi1: Why is there still no video playback in full screen mode? jdi2: Please give us an option to start video playback automatically when browsing through files in loupe and fullscreen mode (without having to press "space" or such). Let us switch this option on or off just as needed.
Video playback is still a bit laggy. Often LR5.2 needs to load audio first while the video already starts playing. If other (even freeware) media browsers can do this without latency, why not Adobe's LR?
Using LR 4.3, I'm exporting a slideshow to PDF. Even though I turned off transitions in LR, the transitions automatically start in Acrobat X in full screen mode. My goal is to present ths slide show with a mouse click, or arrow key, to move to the next slide in full screen mode.
I switched to lightroom 5. There is one change from 4, which I like to be undone and maybe there is a way to achive this via some setting. When I am in slide show mode with full screen the next and previous slide cannot be reached any longer by the left and right arrow. This used to be possible and it is very good if one wants to test a slide show without waiting for the next picture for 5 seconds (or whatever the delay is). It is also nice to have a quick possibility to have a look at the previous picture again.
LR has just started to launch in full screen mode on my iMac without any opportunity to minimize it or move to another program. I would like it to launch like it used to where I can control the window size but can't seem to figure out how to get back to that capability. I have an iMac running Mountain Lion. LR is the only program effected as Photoshop still launches the old way.
I always use LR in full screen mode. But every time I open it, it always opens in the collpsed small window mode. Never the full screen way I closed it. Is this designed in, or is there a setting someplace I just have not found?
i just started seeing the very top portion of the taskbar in full screen mode. It is just a thin line that gives you access to the taskbar without minimizing CS6. I am running Windows 7 64 bit on a loaded PC.
When I select "View/Full Screen Preview" and zoom into the image I now get scroll bars on the window - is there a way to avoid having these scroll bars showing up?
I was wondering if it will be possible to rearrange layers by simply dragging them?I'm asking this because clicking on the move up/down buttons can become tedious when you have a lot of layers.Also will it be possible to auto hide the toolbar or enter a fullscreen mode?
Photoshop Elements 12 will not display photos in Organizer in full screen mode. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the application but it still doesn't work.
I was rendering something with smoke 2013 and I realized that is not using the full processor speed. In the activity monitor showed only 35% of the CPU speed (4 cores) were used while rendering. Is that normal?
(as an ex. I've tested my iMac 3.4 I7 with "lightwave 11" and the software succefully used 100 % of the Processor speed (8 cores) while rendering.)
Would that be corrected or is the way that Smoke used the resources available?
1. Why do Illustrator, Fireworks and InDesign (these are the ones I have checked) open with floating panels, tabs and windows, even in full screen mode... but Photoshop opens nicely in windowed mode with all the panels, tabs and windows fixed?
2. In full screen mode the left ruler is hidden behind the tools panel?! Why?!
3. How can I have Ai, Fw and Id open like Ps opens?
In terms of feature sets, it seems like a few more things are needed to make this a full-fledged compositor... (so one doesn't have to leverage AE/Nuke/etc.).
In particular: - 3d projector - 3d tracker - scene to point cloud (or even automated 2d to 3d conversion??) - particle system
These things seem to be standard elsewhere... For us, it seems sort of crucial to add that. We think that not having to round trip is a really great edge of Smoke, and the integration between CFX and the time-line is very well done! However, then there's so many things missing compared to other packages. And those are the type of features that can really create more complex scenes and really speed up the work.
Also check out the new context-aware patch/move/paste tools in Photoshop. That would be a great addition to the paint module. CS6 has a timeline now and offers a lot more in terms of paint. Esp. if one can apply context moves to the entire motion sequence with auto-paint (that's something where PS CS6 still lags).
I am investigating best practice workflows for a feature length project shot on 2 Red Epic cameras and editing was done in Final Cut. I need to grade and finish the movie along with many other finishing requests like screen replacements, set clean up involving tracking and many other common DI requests and fixes. I use Resolve for most Grading but since there are so many FX shots that need work I was contemplating keeping everything in Smoke so I can make adjustments to the grade and FX in context of the whole edit.
Is this advisable for a 90 + min edit with Red footage? It might be doable but is it feasible meaning would performance be very sluggish? I have a 2009 Mac Pro, 24 GB RAM, 8TB RAID, RedRocket and Quadro 4000 card.
Would I be best off having the editor break the movie up into 10 - 12 minute sequences and then import each XML as its own sequence into one Smoke project?
If I import the Red footage at half res, because of performance, I am only using half of the info in the file. I have a RedRocket so should I import full res 4K to get maximum quality? Then let Smoke do a resize to 2K which is the final deliverable format? I figured that might be best for doing resizes and for sharpness.
If I work with proxies would all of my tracking and paint work be valid when I switch back to the 4K version for final render?