AutoDesk Smoke :: Failed To Initialize Stone+Wire Connection
Sep 5, 2012
I made it through a project with a few Smoke crashes, mostly on a particular clip. Then when I go back to make revisions a day later I get this message:
Error: VOLUMEMGT: Failed to initialize Stone+Wire connection.
Everything was working fine up to that point besides the few Smoke crashes that recovered with no problem.I am really in a bind now and need to finish this project urgently.sw_logs_2.txt
I get error error "Failed to Initialize Stone + Wire connection when I start Smoke 2013. It working fine for 3 weeks.I uninstalled, reinstall, and still cannot get it to work.
Do I need to get a new download? Someone said it may be due to my internet connection.
I was waiting for a long time to get back to smoke since I left that FFI platform few years ago. Installed a demo to check the stability of the program on OSX. Have a problem with Stone+Wire. Smoke wont start - i get an error that he cant connect to stone. Checked Service Monitor - Stone+Wire is blinking red and green, the same as wiretap server. When I press restart, it goes green for a few seconds then goes back to red again.
My rig : 2 x 2.66 6-Core Xenon 17GB Ram os 10.6.8 and I'm setting up media storage to external G-Speed raid-5 that is connected by ESATA.
I have rebooted several times, but no luck. I’m not a programmer, but as far as I understand, the problem is on a framestore. Funny thing is, the last saved version is still available in Smoke, everything is in place, and it plays normally, just when it comes to saving or exporting, it crashes, or refuses to export.
I can't get clips to render to the stone in the background. I am running 2012 SP2. I looked and the Backburner version is 2013. How do I get rid of this? I have run the uninstaller, but that is less than a complete un-install it seems.
I get this message each time I want to go to the mediahub. I already uninstalled smoke 2013 and deleted the /usr/discreet folder After reinstalling smoke 2013 creating a fresh project the mediahub works fine But after quiting and restating smoke I get the message cannot browse local gateway: Connection refused
I have one of the Promise R6 drive arrays that has failed on me but fortunately it hung in there long enough for me to back up all my data. My questions is once my new array shows up can I copy all the data onto the new drive with all the same folder hierarchy and will it all work fine with smoke again as if nothing changed?
I'm running Smoke 2012 on a fully loaded MBP. I'm having problems exporting QTs. Constantly get this error:
Cannot get local IFFFS wiretap server's storage id: Connection refused.
I have to do a full power cycle, then maybe it will work. This used to be an occasional occurrence, but now happens almost every time, unless I've only just powered up. Once Smoke has been running for a few minutes, forgetaboutit. I never have this problem when I can use the Export button; but this button is greyed out when QT is selected, which means it has to be dropped into the queue, then exported from the background page. Perhaps this is where the issue lies.
Cannot read data on socket: Software caused connection to abort
I imported an AAF linking to R3D and Sony footage. When I tried scrubbing the timeline, I got that message. Smoke is REALLY slow now. And when I try to look at footage in my gateway, I get READ ERROR.
Also, the proxies don't start rendering in the backburner...
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
I got that message when I was trying to export a Quicktime movie - although it appears it's going to let me continue to export the Quicktime - I'm hoping it'll have audio when all is said & done. Although I understand the words, I have the following questions:
1. What does it really mean?
2. How will affect me/my life/the Quicktime file I'm exporting?
3. Perhaps most importantly, why is it happening & what can I do to prevent it in the future?
The file I'm trying to export is the same one from the 7-hour Process time thread I posted about on here recently. It's the simplest possible thing:
- 1 Layer of around 15 "reels" spliced together - 1 (adjustment) Layer of a single color correction gap effect that runs the length of the whole timeline (don't think this has anything to do with the problem at hand)
- 1 audio track w/ 2 mono layers, L&R, of a single AIFF soundtrack file
I get this prompt while copying sequences between projects with gateway-linked footage, and I'm not sure what it means.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIP MGT: Unmanaged media contained in selection. Store media on Wire? ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Is it asking me if I want to store a local copy or stonifize the media?
i get this really weird bug when i try to install photoshop cs6
PDapp here [URL]
I tried to remove an old version with Revo uninstaller, and when trying to install that one after, it just did that
Theres the error, in Danish though, but it says:"An error occurred the installationsprogram could not be initialized, Download Adobe support advisor to register the problem"
The problem is, i have downloaded it, but it does not fix it..
I had to get a new hard drive on my Mac and I backed everything up and reinstalled it all when I got it back. Photoshop is the only thing not working now. I try to open it and get this message:
Could not initizlize Photoshop failed to initialize cooltype. I've read and read and tried everything is could on this[URL]... and I also uninstalled and reinstalled it twice and still I get this message.
i download photoshop but then when i was installing the program, the installer failed to initialize. I downloud Adobe support advisor but it did not find any problem.
I have the student version of Inventor 2014 installed on my computer. My O/S is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. I have installed and reinstalled Microsoft Visual Basics three times. But, I am still getting the error "VBA failed to initialize properly".The program was working fine for about a week with no errors reported. Now, every time I try to start a tutorial I get this error.
After not having much luck with the last video card, I changed my video card to a device with the Philips 713x chipset
Now when I select video capture I get the following message: failed to initialize the video capture plugin Open driver failed (15200:43:0) (15023:4:2) cannot create the video capture filter
I have just installed card (SAA7130 TV PCI card) with latest drivers excluding the software so Video Studio 12 pro is the only capture software on the machine . I also re-installed both card and Video Studio after doing a complete system restore and used CC cleaner to remove any residual data before re-installing.
I need to use video capture within the Video Studio software as I need to use the scene detection functionality.The reason I had to change the card in the first place is that video studio only allowed me to capture in AVI 320x240 and gave 'capture failed' errors with anything else.
in capture mode, choosing "capture video"I get error message "failed to initialize the video capture plug-in another program may be using it or this file has been moved" " open driver failed" 15023.4.2 my video capture device is a USB WDM 2860 and shows in the "source" window but no "formate" can be chosen and no video comes through. The operating system is windows 7 64 bit. I have "Magix movie edit pro 17" and "Cyberlink Video Director" and both of these programs work with the same device and capture. Neather one of these applications are running while using Video Studio. I checked and nothing else is utilizing this USB WDM 2860 device. I reinstalled the software, installed the patches, and uninstalled the USB drivers and reinstalled them.
I just recently started having problems with my PSP Photo XI program on my laptop. The other day it would start up and run normally, but the next day when I went to run the program, it wouldn't start. My computer would freeze up and show this error message: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006). Click OK to terminate the applicaion."
I tried turning off my computer and running the program again, but the same thing came up. I tried to run the repair program on it, nothing. I even tried to uninstall PSP XI to no avail as I got a different error message: "Internal Error 2328 C:Program FilesCorelCorel Paint Shop Pro XICoreErrorCodesRC.dll"
I really don't know what to do, short of just completely resetting my laptop back to factory settings and starting fresh. But even then I don't know if that would fix the problem.
I wish I knew why the program decided to just stop working one day, as I haven't downloaded anything and my anti-virus is up to date.My computer is a Dell XPS M1710, and it runs Windows XP SP3.
I have some dwg files, shp files, images, and sdf files in my C: . I am using AutoCAD Map 3D 2011. When I try to open one of the dwg files it is showing a warnng message "Failed to open FDO connection".
On the newest addition of Corel VideoStudio, I've been trying to upload a video to youtube (a 30 second one). Everytime, right before it's finished uploading on Corel I get the error message 'Upload failed due to a connection error. Please check your connection and try again'. I've tried uploading it to 4Mpeg-HD and MPEG-4. I've tried converting the video to various different files (Avi 750x576, MP4 704x480, etc). My computer's internet is perfectly fine and extremely fast, without any lag. I'm hoping to upload the video through Corel only because, despite my fast internet, I waited over ten minutes on a manual upload for the same video on youtube and after those ten minutes were up it was still at only 4%.
I am new at doing a ODBC connection and when I try to connect a database through our central system, this is the error message I got.Failed to cache features.
Failed to execute Fdo command. (2 consecutive occurrences)Table does not exist for class 'dbo:View_DH_UTM_COORDS (2)' (2 consecutive occurrences)