AutoDesk Smoke :: Color Matching Image (Two Shots)
Sep 4, 2012
I cut out the sky in the top layer of the timeline and the sky still beneath it is showing through. I need to color match the two shots. How can I see both shots in the CC effect so I can match the two?
i'm new in Smoke, and in the first time i'm learning the conform and editing tools,one thing i'm looking for is how to sequential rename my shots in the timeline, i found this article in the forum but it's for the 2012 and i didn't found this tool in the 2013 version. URL....
Is there a way to automatically export a timeline, wherein Smoke will render out image sequences for each shot with handles to separate directories on my filesystem? If so, this will save me a lot of time in online tomorrow.
This is not a YUV headroom issue just to be clear and Im not looking at a broadcast output. Using my Eizo monitor with smoke I just did a color correction and exported a prores 422 hq with and with out yuv headroom. What Im noticing is that the color of the image in the smokes viewer is more saturated than the output which is being viewd in qt 7 and whatever the other qt is. Im not talking fine details here, Im talking about whoa whats going on with this isnt remotley close to being in the same ballpark. In short when I tab over to the qt file and shrink it and place it side by side by what is in the smokes viewer they do not match on the same monitor.
I am having issues with the color warper in Autodesk Smoke Prerelease 6. As soon as you change any values (ie changing the saturation to 99.9%) in the color warper the image glitches out and you see weird inverted colours and other artifacts. It is completely unusable.
The workstation I am currently using is a 12 Core Mac Pro 5,1, 16GB Ram, GTX285.
I do not have the issue with the latest version Smoke 2012.
what is still missing in smoke is having the color wheel while picking a color. The color wheel will enable us to pick any color straight from the wheel , it's much faster rather than trying to mix the desired color using RGB combination. it will be cool to see this feature in next release.
Whenever i use CC soft Fx for a clip, Smoke only processes either CC or CW changes but not both. Why does this happen? And if this is the regular workflow then what can i do , when i have a clip on timeline which need CC and CW both together.
I'm conforming a sequence - importing RED files - then exporting that sequence for color. When importing the RED files, what color setting should I use? Camera, user etc? If user then what other options should I use knowing that I'll export a dpx sequence for color?
I want to extrude a flat 2d image to 3d image in equal proportions(in all 3 axis) in Action 3d space.Hence I request u to give me a proper solution for this.sir.doc
Exporting to H.264 while preserving your color correction. I have not found anything definitive that addresses this issue. I'm bringing it up here as I do a lot of web delivery in H.264 and am tired of the color/gamma shift.
Is it possible to just simply work with the highlights in a shot (for example boosting the gain), without having to work with selective, or masks, and without changing the color? Cause there is the 'wheel' for highlights, but as soon, as you turn it in one direction, you start to change the color.
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
In 2012 it was very easy to select a gap segment and click color source in the soft effects. In 2013 it appears to be much more difficult, you need to create it in a folder then edit it into a sequence. Am I missing something? I wish there was a color source option in the effects ribbon.
I have found a thread about exporting and/or publishing an edl to import into Resolve for color-grading and then back to conform in Smoke for output. Is there a detailed video on the Smoke Learning Channel yet.
I was wondering if there was an easy way to view individual color channels (Red, Green, Blue) in the viewer, and if so what the shortcuts are. I know you can do this simply in flame but can't seem to find a way to do it in Smoke.
a) is it possible to change the default font that gets activated for a project or sequence? Every time we add a title it defaults to "Discreet" - it would be good if it learns from past changes at least for the sequence.
b) it would be good if the default font color changes to a color that contrasts with the background when starting to type. E.g. we had a rather white scene, started typing and no text ever showed up. I then had to go back to the full text editor, change the color etc.
c) moving the color sliders in the color selector manually without a Wacom seems to slow by default. It takes forever to move to a brighter color. And using the picker is cumbersome (we do that as a work-around instead of moving the slider). The OK button for the color sliders is not very visible, sometimes leading to us clicking away without saving the newly selected color by accident.
it seems to be a bit messy. I set it to F10 like in 2012 and the small popup box with the color picker doesnt seem to pop up proper. Something blinks on the top right corner and disappears. Same goes for colorbar. Any workaround or fix for this one?
Currently dancing between Flame Premium 2013x2sp3/2013Sp4 nd Smoke on mac 2013Ext1
I've noticed that when I drop a CC on a clip in the timeline with AutoKey turned off, if I adjust a paramater a keyframe is still added. But, if I enter the module, no keyframe is added. Also, if I enter the module and exit back out, no keyframe is added adjusting paramaters.
I tried working on PNG image sequences instead of video footages.the problem is Smoke recognizes the fps as 59.94, and i want to make it down to 25fps.i tried using PAL.cfg, the frame rate did change to 25fps but when the sequences are imported in the timeline, its still 59.94fps.
Graphics import into the library with a default length of 1 frame. Is there a way to lengthen that so I don't have to zoom way in to grab the edge of the clip?
I am trying to relink still images in Smoke. I have .tif files and were taken by a still photographer. As I'm relinking to the original sources, Smoke is identifying sequential file names as image sequences and it's not available in the Potential Matches as a link option. For other stills in the same folder where there is a break in a numeric filename sequence, Smoke identifies and relinks just fine.
Is there an option to ignore image sequence identification?
I also run into this for other elements where are numbered by designers like credits_01, credits_02, etc.
Is there a way to taper an image/surface in action?
To explain: for my project I am taking hi res stock photography, separating out the mid, fore and backgrounds saving as individual layers then bringing into action.
With my current image there is a sea and sky. To make the illusion of 3d scenes I am angling the surfaces down there natural line of perpective to add depth so that when I slowly track the camera from right to left there appears to be depth and parallax.
For this example I am tilting the sea from being perpendicular to the camera to being tilted right back. When I do this the top of the picture which is now further away from the camera eye appears smaller. To compensate for this I would like to 'taper' the object. I know I can set the surface to being bicubic but then I have to work with bezier handles as moving the vertices bends it all around.
Is there either a way to make the handles have no beziers or is there a simple taper tool I can use?
I am trying to get some volumetric rays generating from an image. The camera is moving and so they need to exist in 3d space. I tried turning light to rectangle area and adding a rays node but no joy.
I need to open about 50 folders and extract the image sequences within the folders from my library. A flame demo artist showed me how to do it at NAB and I can't remember how to do it now.