AutoCad :: Stretch Linear Grip To Change Length Of Rebar
Jul 12, 2012
Attachment here.
I've got to create a dynamic block for Rebar, with symbols (which are blocks) at two end of the bar line can be changed scale follow annotation scale changes.
The problem is after I have stretch the linear grip to change the length of the rebar, if I change to another annotation scale, the sybol block auto jump to the original position, not at the ends of line as I expected. How to keep the symbols at ends?
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Oct 18, 2011
It seems there have been a change in some system variable i ACAD2012 that changes the way a line lengthens when you use the grips.
I want the length to change relative to the selected grip not determine the total length of the line!
I'm guessing that it have something to do with polar tracking, if I turn it of the stretching works the way I want.
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Jul 31, 2011
Polar Stretch and Linear Stretch work properly independently, but when their "grip points" are overlayed and I'm trying to stretch the right side and stretch and rotate the bottom side of the drawing - Polar Stretch is screwing up.
The idea is to NOT to use them separately, but with one stroke having "grip points" overlayed all the time.
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Sep 28, 2013
I have a linear stretch D1:
Distance Type: Increment
Dist Increment: 1
Dist Minimum: 1
Dist Maximum: unlimited
I also have a linear stretch D2:
Distance Type: Increment
Dist Increment: 1
Dist Minimum: 1
Dist Maximum: is it possible to set the maximum distance to equal D1-2.5??
Both linear stretch D1 and D2 can be stretched independently. So D1 may be stretched to 100, and D2 may be stretched to 50, but what I am trying to do is ensure that D2 will never stretch beyond the distance of D1.
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Jul 6, 2012
If there was a way to have multiple stretch boxes when selecting one linear parameter.
I am currently working on 2D isometric drawings. I have lined up my views horizontally, so one stretch block is sufficient for stretching things vertically (I just drag the box over all my views), but I cannot find a way to efficiently stretch several views horizontally.
I was hoping that a solution to this will allow me to either select one grip and move at most 4 views horizontally, or just enter ONE value in the quick properties window.
The only idea I can think of now is to just make 4 linear dimensions, 4 grips, and have 4 quick properties inputs .
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May 6, 2013
I am trying to be able to have my outreach arm stretch horizontally and on angles of 5 / 10 / 15 degrees from the pole. I have been able to make the polar stretch for this and it works fine though what i am trying to do is have the luminaire height also stretch and move when the size of the outreach changes (i can make the linear dimension work the way i want though not the luminaire parameter) as when you add the paremter into the stretch action is only moves the top and leaves the bottom at the same location which is not giving me the correct height.
The block itself is alot more complicated then this I have stripped most of the parameters out to make it less confusing but the end result would allow the user to input the outreach angle, outreach length and luminaire height. I have attached drawing for your reference.
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Nov 19, 2013
I am trying to have a dynamic block that will show the profile of a steel plate, detailing the angle of a bevel. Including the plate thickness, the land, gap and the actual angle of the bevel. I've gotten most of it figured out, but having a grip to SET the angle at a specific number, while maintaining the drawing's integrity is proving difficult. I have attached the block I have created so far (minus the previous attempts to rotate the beveled angle).
The base point of the rotate parameter should be at the junction of the bevel & land. I need it to stay connected to the end point of the top-most flat line as it rotates, which means the lines need to stretch to match the changing angle. It will either rotate that line along with it, or if I apply a stretch tool, it gets all disconnected and just plain wrong.
One of the things I am liking about my current set up is I can grab a grip, and then type the number I need and it will pop on into place. Was hoping for the same effect if I typed in the angle, it would be exactly that, while also adjusting the drawing.
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Jan 24, 2013
I have created a dynamic block with stretch points. I used the tester in the block editor and all works fine, but when I insert the block into a drawing, the grips for the stretch action are in a completely different place...I don't mean a different place on the block, but a different place in the drawing...way out there. so if I go into the block editor for the block while I'm in the drawing...the parameters have now moved way out of the way also, in the block...but if I actually open up the block itself and then go into the block editor, all the parameters are where i placed them in the first place.
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Mar 14, 2012
In authoring fasteners, what Grip Length refers to?
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Aug 7, 2011
I have this double click class. which works fine. In order to clear grips after user finishes with double clicking,I added two lines (which shown on code below). But having those two line make code faulty. When ?
if user select a dynamic block with stretch grip on it, then double click on stretch grip trianlge. code geneaarte fatal error. Funny thing is code doesn't catch. it. Is there any other way to clear grips after double click ?
Here is code:
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInputImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServicesPublic Class Main_0_Class Implements IExtensionApplication Public Sub Initialize() Implements IExtensionApplication.Initialize dblClickEven_Class.Start() End Sub
[Code] .....
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Aug 13, 2013
Currently when I pick a grip at the end of a polygon line and type a length, the polygon goes to that length.
Is there a setting anywhere that changes this behavior to add the typed length to the polygon, hence stretching it to this new length. This would be the same as lengthen when drawing with lines.
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Oct 8, 2011
I am making a wheel but my tire is too short so that i need to stretch or adjust the lenght of my tire how can i adjut so that my tire can settle the remaining of my rim.
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Feb 4, 2011
I have successfully created a dynamic block. I can insert it into AutoCAD, and it behaves like I want, except for one thing.
I can select the block and change it by taking a grippoint and place it at another position. So my block is e.q. stretched, just like I wanted.
But then. When I want to use the ordinary STRETCH command of AutoCAD, I can only stretch the insertion point of the block, but not the grippoints. Is there a way to set a grippoint to be select edable by commands like STRETCH.
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Apr 4, 2012
Is there a way to have the grip stay in the correct position when the distance multiplier is .5? It seems to "get ahead" of the original location.
In the attached block, when I stretch the block with the grip, the grip ends up off the end point. Both actions have a .5 multiplier, with the left side having a rotation of 180 - so both sides stretch equally in opposite directions.
Also, there are 3 views with parameters (width/depth). Is there a way to get the user to enter in the sizes without having to select the size on each view? Basically a table that has a 'user input' field so the size selected changes everything at one time.
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May 2, 2011
My firm worked on a project recently with a sheet numbering system that created long sheet numbers, ie, MH-101-R1. Since the sheet numbers were so long, they no longer fit in our normal sheet/detail/drawing label blocks. (See attached DWG for an example.)
We are looking to create either a dynamic block or some kind of block that will automatically stretch with the text length.
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Aug 25, 2011
I use dynamic blocks a lot of the time and most of them have a stretch action in them. What used to happen would be that whenever I clicked on the block I wanted to adjust and then clicked on the stretch action, it would show the distance from the base point and I was able to type in the new length of the object I was stretching. But now whenever I click on the stretch action, it shows that the current length is 0 and it is asking for the distance from the current point, not the base point. How can I change it so that it is always just the distance from the base point?
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Jun 23, 2011
is there a way to associate a stretch action with the length of an attribute value (i.e. # of characters in the string) or is this something left to vlisp?
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Jan 8, 2013
Is it possible to change the length of a line based on the length of an attribute?
I'd like to make the line a MINIMUM length of X" (I haven't decided how long yet--but know I'll need a minimum). But then after the user fills in the attribute, I'd like the length of the line to change to the length of the attribute plus a small amount (again, I haven't decided yet how much extra).
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May 24, 2002
Command to make a line change length to match length of a line, arc, polyline or circle? Could use this when making flat patterns layouts.
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Aug 16, 2012
Okay, I'm new to associative arrays, I'm attaching a drawing so you can see what I'm trying to accomplish with this. I'm doing an elevation view of a slab that has a cross section of the rebar. I've shown one of the bars spanning from left to right, represented by a rectangle, and the cross section of the bars running front to back represented by circles. You can see what I'm trying to show here. In the drawing I've attached, the top three sketches are examples of how this would look if it were working correctly.
What I'm trying to do is create an array (of circles) that will stretch to the length of the bar spanning left to right. I want the quantity of items in the array to automatically change based on the length of the bar and the spacing of items, so if there is 6" of spacing between the items instead of 12" it will automatically add twice the amount of items to fill in that space. I've been trying to use a path array, and it isn't working the way I want. I'm not familiar with rectangular arrays, so not sure what to do there either.
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Sep 9, 2011
I have a contractor that created several families for us, and they left all the ref. planes full length, and I what them nearer to the objects. When I open the family all I see is ref. planes, I need to see them, I just want the closer to the parts not stick extremely far away. I can pick them one at a time, but sure would be nice to grab them at once.
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Oct 18, 2012
Before I will explore Grip Overrule world I have one question. Is it possible to add new grip points into Entity?
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Nov 7, 2012
What is the system variable to change the display of grip dimensions from decimal to architectural? Specifically I am referring to the dimension associated with a grip(s) when hovering over it.
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Jul 18, 2013
The need for a way to get a rebar schedule made referencing my Inventor parts. Like to know if you can create your concrete walls, slabs, beams etc... and either place rebar in these Inventor files and then create some type of rebar schedule (table?) or something. Or take the concrete walls, slabs, beams etc... and import into another Autodesk product like Revit and have this create the schedules and then export back to Inventor. Is any of this been done or possible? Want Inventor to have the end product.
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Jul 16, 2013
Within an IDW file, you can go to the Styles Editor, then click on a standard. On the General tab, there's a drop down for the unit of length.
Provide the code so that I can change this setting from Inches to mm with an iLogic rule?
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Oct 3, 2013
how i change vertical direction stretch value in autocad vba
my code is :
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
With ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
While .Count > 0
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Dec 19, 2013
What's the difference between linear and bi-linear when using gradients? they seem to do the same thing to me (or I don't notice a difference)
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Jul 28, 2011
I try create simple block where I change dimensions of polylines. Everything work with stretch partameter until I try use search parameter for change dimension.
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Mar 15, 2012
Voorstel spantenlijn.dwg
I have created a dynamic block. Herein I placed stretch actions parameter set to strecht parts including anotative text.
Now the block seems to work fine.
- When I am in modelspace and I change the annotation scale the text is changed correct
- When I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value of the dynamic block everything goes fine.
But when I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value in one of the annotiaton scales and then switch to another scale my text is changed annotativly (this is what I want) but the stretch value is set back to default (which should be at the changed value).
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Mar 2, 2012
Almost every time I add a linear gradient to an object I want to change the angle from 0 to 90 degrees.
Is there a script that I could use for this, so that I could assign a keyboard shortcut and press that instead of clicking the box & typing 90 all the time? (i.e. select an object, run a script & it would apply the standard black to white linear gradient at 90 degrees instead of 0.)
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Oct 11, 2012
What is the variable to change the dynamic grip parameter size and color.
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