My new HP laptop has functions assigned to the F function keys, and this disables the autocad functions for these keys. I am told by HP that it is not possible to turn off these functions to allow cad to use them. I just tried working without using the F3 and F8 keys, and I am crippled. How can I assign another key - say Q - to toggle ortho?
I have moved onto a new machine and there are 2 AC functions I need to change.
1. I used to be able to toggle between Ortho on/off by holding the SHIFT key, on this machine it doesn't activate. Is there a command for this? I know I could use F8 but my hand is over the SHIFT key when I draw so its easier to do it this way.
2. When I activate the MEASURE command AC automatically activates Dynamic Input which makes my cursor jumpy when I move it. How can I stop this from happening? To clarify, I don't want Dynamic Input on when I am in the measure command.
I'm using Autocad LT 2012 and ortho is only working vertical. Circles appear as straight lines and arcs won't draw at all. If I copy an object or text from another drawing, it pastes as a straight line. I also can't rotate anything except vertically.
If I have images in my dwg, and I want to temporarily use the shift key for ortho, it doesn't work. On the cammand line, it reads, "Image (s) not selected. Select Images (s) then issue command." I am not trying to manipulate an image. Why is it defaulting to an image object?
Civil 3D 2013 Windows 7 64-bit Inteel 2.40 GHz 8 GB RAM Dell T7600
I am having a problem this morning. When I started AutoCad LT 2012 and opened my drawing, I can only draw a line in one direction. Also, when i insert a block, all I get is a flat line.
I just got a new dell inspiron laptop and installed ACAD 2011. Normally I draft with the ortho lock on and hold down shift when I want to disable it temporarily. With my new laptop this doesn't work. Holding shift down doesn't seem to make any difference at all.
I am using Ortho Mode F8 on. This has been giving me perfect lines on screen. Now for some reason i have kinks in almost all my straight lines. I am sure i have hit some setting. Also I have lived it with so long I cannot use undo.
I am running AutoCAD 2012 and i am having a problems with drawing a line.The problem i have with it, i have changed some settings and i can't remember what i changed. But how to change it back.
First let me explain what i am talking about. Once i am in front view and trying to drawing a line vertical and with ortho on, it will not allow me to draw a line vertically either up or down, only horiztonal. It looks like to me that ortho is lock on top ortho only.
I can't use F8 key for Ortho mode in Auto Cad 2012. I checked CUI and it seems to be ok but when I press the F8 key It doesn't work. as matter of fact, after pressing F8 key, line type manager window is opened!
I have a student who is using AutoCAD 2010 and has Ortho set to on and for some reason it does not draw straight horizontal or vertical lines. They are off by about 5 degrees.
I would love for my 2011 and 2013 to work the same as my 2008 does.
In 2008, when I grab a grip and stretch it with either ortho or polar turned on, I get a little tooltip beside the crosshairs. All it says is the distance and the angle, and whether it is Ortho or Polar. For example, if I stretch to the left with ortho on, it may say
Ortho: 16.55 < 180°
Or if I stretch up and to the right with Polar on, it will say
Polar: 16.55 < 45°
I really, really really want this back! This is not dynamic input, I hate all that ridiculous clutter around my crosshairs. But this little info box is absolutely invaluable!
I have checked the Tooltip setting (on in all versions), And I've been playing with all the Dynamic Input settings, but I can't get it to work. The odd part is that 2011 was working until about a week ago. I'm not sure if 2013 was or not.
Thats pretty much it. While pressing F3 to toggle Osnap, if Ortho is ON it first turns it off and then F3 would toggle Osnap. The same thing happens with F8 if Osnap is ON.
I checked out the CUI and for some reazon it had a lot of different shortcuts to toggle Osnap and Ortho, so I thought just keeping F3 and F8 would make it work, but it does the same thing.
I want to do a simple thing : drop ortho-photo on surface generated from contour line.
First thing, I need the basic terrain. I did import my contour line in a new draw, using the import map feature. I then saved the draw under the name " topo ". At this point, the contour line are 2D break line with no elevation.
I then opened a new draw to which I did associate my draw " topo ". Then I used a query to modify the elevation of the line using the attribute " contour " in my table, thus resulting in my breakline to become 3-D. It works fine. Then I save the new draw as " 3D_Topo ". I then get a warning :
" The association between objects interogated in the current drawing and associated will be deleted once the current document of the draw is closed " (I made the translation from french to english, in french it stated like this : " L'association entre des objets interrogés dans des dessins courants et associés sera supprimée une fois le fichier de dessin courant fermé. " ).
Well question #1 : What does this warning mean / imply ?
Then, I have those .ecw files as ortho photo which I want to import. So I use the function " connect " with raster image, then I select my file, then I " add to draw ".... then something very strange happens.
Sometime, the image appears correctly...and some other times I get nothing and I get this " disconnected " message in the task pane ..and no matter how many time I actually connect again the .ecw files, it will not happen in the draw ! Then I simply close the draw, start map 3D again, then I do the exact same thing, and sometime it works, sometime it doesn't.
Question #2 : any clue on why the .ecw files sometime works, sometime doesn't?
Now, let's assume I finally made it to connect correctly and that Map3d didn't crash whilst I was doing it (because I don't know for you, but here, it does happens quit often), I now have (as shows in the picture I attached) two thing. A surface made (well, I went back in the civil 3-D module to make the actual surface from the breakline definition) with the contour line and a imported image. I now want to drap the image on my surface! So I use the option " drap " which is in the surfaces option (in the ribbon surface tools)... well it looks nice since it propose me to use the surface I made up with the contour line as the base and the imported .ecw files as the file to be draped upon. So I simply do that and.... well...nothing happens! My image isn't draped at all, it stays there,
Question #3 : How should I proceed to actually drap my image over my surface ?
Question #4 : Considering I made it to drap the surface, how can I save this new draw independently of the attached other draw or database?
Is there a way to toggle snapping to a layer or xref?
When using object snap and you are drawing with a busy survey xref in the background, the mouse cursor really hunts around a lot on the contour lines and stuff instead of on what I am drawing. But, I would like to see the contour lines as I go, rather than hide the layer.
I used to be able to open up 'Windows Explorer'-style boxes to select files and type in file names to save. Now, I must have toggled some option to only do this through the keyboard and mouse.
I am using Autocad 2000. I know, I am like an old dog who gets comfortable by the fireplace, and is happy with what I have. where the toggle is to set the dimensioning for metric dimensions. I have seen it in a couple of places and after I set it for millimeters, for some reason it still dimensions in English measurements.
i use section planes quite a bit and if you're familiar with planes than everytime you insert a new section plane the settings reset. i would like to insert into my template 3 section planes each with my custom settings one being for plan one being for front one being for side. each being on a seperate layer. i would like to create a macro along with a toolbar that toggles a particular layer on and off. how do i do this? using the same shortcut to turn the item both on and off? to toggle....
I upgraded from Autocad 2004 to 2012 recently and my lisp file doesnt work anymore.
what it's supposed to do is when looking at the layout tab that you want you can switch to the model space location of the same zoom as the layout tab without messing with the layout zoom.
How do I get the last input to come up when pressing the up arrow key? Say I'm drawing a line & input @10,10. When I press the up arrow, the coordinates come up. How do I get @10,10 to come up? I've changed it before, but I can't remember how & I can't think of what to search for.
Somehow I activated a mode where when I click on an object, if there are several objects there, it will bring up a little menu to pick which one I want, similar to Inventor if you hover or say "Select other...". How do I toggle this mode? Turns out I like it sometimes but usually I don't need it.
I can press F2 to open the AutoCAD Text Window, but I'm looking for a reliable way to close it once it's open. If it's not overlapping with AutoCAD, F2 doesn't close it. I currently have it on a monitor other than the monitor AutoCAD is on.
Is there a system variable I can use to setup a LISP to toggle (or at least close) the Text Window using a keyboard shortcut?
I am looking for a way to change the toggle polar On/Off from F10 to F6. I already did it with the "delete" and the "Ortho" keys but i can't find the macro for the toggle polar on/off.
Has you can see on the picture for Delete it's ^C^C erase;
For ortho it's ^O
Maybe for Polar it's ^P but i could validate with you before i do any changes. (;
i have toggle dcl , and lisp as an example , who can say that how can i make combination by toggle and define to change lisp ? and of course run to change lisp after my choise from toggle menu