AutoCAD LT :: Can Only Draw Line On X In Ortho Mode
Mar 19, 2012
I am having a problem this morning. When I started AutoCad LT 2012 and opened my drawing, I can only draw a line in one direction. Also, when i insert a block, all I get is a flat line.
I can't use F8 key for Ortho mode in Auto Cad 2012. I checked CUI and it seems to be ok but when I press the F8 key It doesn't work. as matter of fact, after pressing F8 key, line type manager window is opened!
I have a student who is using AutoCAD 2010 and has Ortho set to on and for some reason it does not draw straight horizontal or vertical lines. They are off by about 5 degrees.
I am running AutoCAD 2012 and i am having a problems with drawing a line.The problem i have with it, i have changed some settings and i can't remember what i changed. But how to change it back.
First let me explain what i am talking about. Once i am in front view and trying to drawing a line vertical and with ortho on, it will not allow me to draw a line vertically either up or down, only horiztonal. It looks like to me that ortho is lock on top ortho only.
I want to do a simple thing : drop ortho-photo on surface generated from contour line.
First thing, I need the basic terrain. I did import my contour line in a new draw, using the import map feature. I then saved the draw under the name " topo ". At this point, the contour line are 2D break line with no elevation.
I then opened a new draw to which I did associate my draw " topo ". Then I used a query to modify the elevation of the line using the attribute " contour " in my table, thus resulting in my breakline to become 3-D. It works fine. Then I save the new draw as " 3D_Topo ". I then get a warning :
" The association between objects interogated in the current drawing and associated will be deleted once the current document of the draw is closed " (I made the translation from french to english, in french it stated like this : " L'association entre des objets interrogés dans des dessins courants et associés sera supprimée une fois le fichier de dessin courant fermé. " ).
Well question #1 : What does this warning mean / imply ?
Then, I have those .ecw files as ortho photo which I want to import. So I use the function " connect " with raster image, then I select my file, then I " add to draw ".... then something very strange happens.
Sometime, the image appears correctly...and some other times I get nothing and I get this " disconnected " message in the task pane ..and no matter how many time I actually connect again the .ecw files, it will not happen in the draw ! Then I simply close the draw, start map 3D again, then I do the exact same thing, and sometime it works, sometime it doesn't.
Question #2 : any clue on why the .ecw files sometime works, sometime doesn't?
Now, let's assume I finally made it to connect correctly and that Map3d didn't crash whilst I was doing it (because I don't know for you, but here, it does happens quit often), I now have (as shows in the picture I attached) two thing. A surface made (well, I went back in the civil 3-D module to make the actual surface from the breakline definition) with the contour line and a imported image. I now want to drap the image on my surface! So I use the option " drap " which is in the surfaces option (in the ribbon surface tools)... well it looks nice since it propose me to use the surface I made up with the contour line as the base and the imported .ecw files as the file to be draped upon. So I simply do that and.... well...nothing happens! My image isn't draped at all, it stays there,
Question #3 : How should I proceed to actually drap my image over my surface ?
Question #4 : Considering I made it to drap the surface, how can I save this new draw independently of the attached other draw or database?
I am running photoshop CS on my laptop which is a Compaq presario 1503 AP.
I have had this problem since I used Photoshop 7 and now Photoshop CS. When I want to go to a new paragraph or the next line using the enter key, it just doesnt work.
When I hit enter, the text just exits the text entry/edit mode.
I have a problem with a recently downloaded version of Inventor. When I start a new drawing all I get is a blank blue screen instead of one with a grid display. If I start a line I can see the cursor change to draw the line but a line does not appear. I don't know if it something with how I installed the program or just system settings.
How can I draw a straight line without that protractor shaped dotted line following my cursor making it lag and also not snap correctly to the next line? Also, I have noticed that I can't set my user interface to auto cad classic settings. There seems to be no option for it in workspace settings.
I was drawing a lot of lines with the pointer that stuck at the end of the line and after that it stuck at the beginning of the other line (i hope you understand what i mean). I don't know what i pressed but now this function is not active and is very difficult to draw the lines.
I can undock the draw-panel to get it in "floating" mode, but I would like it to display all the icons in one single column (so all the icons from top to bottom). I googled around, and found that it should be possible to resize the floating panel (mousepointer should change when you move it to any side). However, my floating panel doesn't allow me to do that. It always displays the icons in a 4x3 or 3x3 matrix. (depending on the orientation).
I opened Inventor 2013 this morning to find this issue. Everything starts fine, I am able to open/create a part file and enter sketch mode, but as soon as I click a draw operation (spline, line, rectangle, etc.) it freezes on me. I have been using 2013 for a couple months now without issue, and cannot associate this with a change of anything on my computer.I have tried:
1) Restarting computer
2) Reducing graphics display quality to Rough
3) Checking "Software Graphics"
4) Calibrate my 3Dconnexion mouse
5) The diagnostic check for graphics card (approved)
when I (try to ) use Pencil and Brush tools, (cross-hatching), some lines get erased/replaced by the lines drawn close to them. It must have something to do with the preferences, but I am not sure what to change/adjust.
1. if i draw a line using the line tool.. can i curve it to say 40 degrees like i can with the text function?
2. So ya that one was easy.. hows bout when i want to cut something out ACCURATELY, the pen function, right? (according to a friend)when i make all those little boxes and select the area i want to cut, all that gets copied are the outer lines, which i presume is what ive just drawn.. how do i cut the area inside this?
3. and finally maybe a slightly less easy one- In Paint, when you cut out an object and paste it, you can select for the white of the image to become transparent so you can paste over what you have already.. is thee a feature in PS for this?
Is there any way of setting draw mode through a script?
I can't find any info.
What I'd like is to set the draw mode to paint inside for a selected path through a script instead of clicking twice on the toolbar button or hit Shift+D twice.
In model space I draw a line with a particular linetype, say a fence row, and I adjust the linetype scale so that it reads like I want it, but then when I go to paper space, it's just a plain line no matter what I set the linetype scaling to?
when i draw a line with 4 units in autocad the line seems as small as a point but in the example i watched it was long enough so how can change line length shown and in the another example i watched after clicking the line command and specifying first point the user was typing a length in the command line as 4'7-1/2 and clicking enter.after this the line's direction and length was automatically forming.but when i doing the same it doesnt can i do both of these.
My question is: Why certin AutoCad files, I'm not able to draw lines?
I'm in model space. I can move objects. I can even erase/delete things. But I'm tring to edit this shop drawing, i need to add some details, so i need to draw some lines. I use the "l" command. Select my 1st point, then 2nd point. It doesn't work? The Command line keeps saying: Specify next point or [Close/Undo]. But no lines are getting drawn. i finally have to hit escape to end the line command but no lines have gotten drawn. its the same thing if i draw a square or circle. (Not sure if you need to know this but these are my companies files created by a former employee of my company using our own AutoCad. So, i would think if he's locked this file somehow, i should be able to unlock it.)
i want to draw a line long 3 meters and i have to type @ before typing 3. If i dont type @ then there is a problem when i want to dimensioned it - there doesn't appear 3 metres but totaly different number. why that happens?
How do i draw line at specific angle. if i have the length on the x axis and angle, when i do @.25<45 the line becomes .25 in length i need the x dim to be .25 @ 45 degrees. as shown in the picture