I have a rectangle that is the correct width (X) but the wrong height (Y). How can I stretch it so the height is exactly 200? I think I know all the features of the stretch command. I can select the right nodes using a crossing polygon and stretch it an arbitrary amount with the cursor. I can also add an exact displacement to the size it was before.
The trouble is that all changes are based on the existing size. And it wasn't an exact size in the first place.
So how can I set the height to exactly 200? The SCALE command is no good as it scales X and Y the same amount.
The obvious work-around is to draw another rectangle the correct size on top of the old one. But that's an admission of failure. Am I missing something, or is there really no way to stretch something to an exact size?
I have just been trying the stretch command. I have never used this before today so thought it might be good to learn a bit more.I have managed to stretch items ok but not accurately. I tried to stretch a simple rectangle 200mm to the right. I hit the stretch command and make my selection, hit enter then type in 200mm enter, and it goes right off the screen. If I drag the rectangle it's fine but not accurate.
I was wondering if it is possible to use dynamic blocks to stretch a rectangle evenly, using only 1 point? I have attached a PDF of a rectangle with 2 lines coming out of each side (before & after picture). I want to use dynamic blocks to pick a point at the top right of the block, so that when I pull it out, the lines will extend, but stay attached to the rectangle. I also what the rectangle to stay in the center at all times.
Can i scale a 2D object to an exact length and width that i need to fit into a space?
Ive been reading around online and they say use scale/ref, however i noticed by giving the ref length, it does lengthen the object to the ref length, but the height's off!
Illustrator CS6 won't let me enter an exact number into the height and width fields. For instance, if I create a circle and enter 9mm into each field, it gets resized to something like 8.993. If I create a square and enter 144mm x 63mm, Illustrator changes it to 144.005 and 62.999.
I want to produce images that are exactly 4" x 6" to use as masters to make 4" x 6" borderless photo prints. I use Resize > Canvas Size > Absolute Size > 4.00 width > 6.00 height. When I save a print the resulting images are not exactly 4" X 6" so they do not produce useful borderless photos. Different photos have produced different size images using those same settings. The only way I have been able to learn that they are not the exact size that I need is to print and measure them.
Is it realistic to expect Paint.net to produce images that are exactly 4" x 6"?
Is there a better way than printing and measuring them to determine that the images are the desired size?
I am making a website on Illustrator 1,200 px 1,200 px. When i export it to .PSD i open it as a much larger file in pixels than this and with a whole Canvas/ Artbord white area which i don't need.
Is there any way to keep the page size like the final ouput without the white canvas area in the export?
I have a batch of 500 jpg images all in different sizes 732 KB, 634 KB, 664 KB etc.
I need to compress / save for web down to 130 KB the entire batch. I've managed to create an action which compresses them lower than 130 KB at different sizes depending on how light or dark the images are, but still not to an exact number. Is there a way to create such an action or script? I'm working off of Photoshop CS5, iMac 10.5.8.
I have hundreds of scans all from one book and I am trying to straighten and crop them all out to the same pixel amounts. For example, I have a bunch of scans that are 1000x1000 pixels with overscan on all sides, they are also all at an angle. In the end I want a folder with all the pages at 800x800 nice and straight.
So, when I open the first one, I crop and straighten it to 800x800 and then I make a custom specification at 800x800. The problem is, when I go to the next one and hit crop and pic my specification, I find out that that specification is actually for an aspect ration, not a particular dimension. I want it to automatically put the crop window to 800x800, not just restrict the crop to that aspect ratio. If this could be done it would significantly quicken my work flow.
I have created a dynamic block. Herein I placed stretch actions parameter set to strecht parts including anotative text.
Now the block seems to work fine.
- When I am in modelspace and I change the annotation scale the text is changed correct
- When I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value of the dynamic block everything goes fine.
But when I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value in one of the annotiaton scales and then switch to another scale my text is changed annotativly (this is what I want) but the stretch value is set back to default (which should be at the changed value).
I am using photos for a slideshow. How do you resize a photo or video on the overlay track to the exact size on the timeline? I know you can use the resize handles but is there a faster way?
I create a new illustrator document (Illustrator CS5 - v15.1.0), in that document I create a rectangle with the rectangle tool (fill: white; stroke: black); I save the document (.ai-format; create pdf compatible file active). The file size messures 3.2 Mb. Why is that? It's just a simple rectangle with 4 points…
I am currently working in a Illustrator file that is 10% of the final print size. This is because the final size is 8,9 x 5,8 meters (15 x 7 times A1). It is therefor all my sizes have to be the EXACT size. Any flaws in sizes will be 10x as big on the final print.
So I am creating 15 x 7 A1 rectangles in my composition of 891 x 588,7 millimeters. 10% of a A1 should be 84,1x59,4mm. However, when I create a rectangle by this very size, Illustrator automatically changes it to 83,961 x 59,267 millimeters. This will result in a 5 pixel blank space on the 15 side, which means 50 pixels on the final size. I, but especially my boss ( -_-' ) would like this to be 0 pixels.
How to fix this auto correction? I think it will have something to do with the millimeters to pixel correction.
Is there a way to create a fixed size selection rectangle that I can use whenever I want to take a selection from a larger image? Currently, I'm am doing this by trial and error and it's not fun.
i've some trouble with a specific document. I could not align any rectangle or define a specific size. For exemple, i choose 600px x600 px in the top "menu" bar, illustrator change the values by 599,641 px
It's the same in inch, mm..etc.. The second thing it's if i choose a specific coordinate to place the rectangle , it's change by illustrator.
I have not the problem on other document.
It's a 21 cm 21cm @ 300 dpi, proprotions 1
No grid activited or anything else to force the magnetism
how I could keep the same radius of a rounded rectangle, when I'm adjusting the size of the rectangle. if you treat it like any other object, your radius will grow/decrease along with your rectangle.
I have 4 layers (background, layer1, layer2, layer3-text). They fill all 300 x 600 pixels that comprise the .psd/future image. What I want to do is use a rounded rectangle to encompass all of the other layers, so that the surrounding pixels (around the rounded rectangle) are transparent.
I want all of my current layers to be the content of a rounded rectangle.