Is there a way to set up batch plot so it saves the files on it's own? Right now I have to wait for the box with the name to pop up and then I hit OK and then have to wait for each file like that?
I found a setting and changed it from "Prompt for name" and changed it to "Specify Name" but that did not do the trick.
I have one drawing per file at model tab. When I need to plot a multiple page file, I use:
Print > Batch Plot.
The problem is that I have to set plot configurations ( plot style table, plot area, paper size, etc) in each file before use Batch Plot.
Now I received 722 files with a wrong Plot Style Table. For this time I change the associated *.ctb file at Plot Style folder, but I will need to associate the right *.ctb to each drawing. It's also common to have to change other properties.
I have a list of drawings which i want to batch plot using dwg to png plotter. I want the page setup file to use sun high res, plot scale fit to paper, plot area extents, plot offset center the plot for the model space
When in batch plot, the page setup shows default, however this is not my pagesetup settings as it shows default none, how do i make it see the page setup i want?
When I try to batch plot from Autocad 2009, using pdf 995, the save as dialog box does not open. I do not print in background, The drawings all process correctly. When it comes to the end nothing happens. I have <publishcollate> set at <1>
It worked once or twice a while back. I cannot get to the root of the problem.
The same happens with the plot to dwg standard plot on cad.
The only way I can do a successful batch plot is if I set the file location on the plot to dwg prior to print.
However, the plot to dwg does not plot our firms titleblock correctly.
I use Sheet Set Manager to create and output sheets. Typically I will setup the pages to 24x36 and set to output to our HP.
If I want to output to 11x17 pdf, I use a page setup override and it works fine.
What I would like to be able to do is add a watermark -- using transparent text -- that says "Not to Scale" across the print when I use the page setup override.
I have just switched over to 2014 and i cannot for the life of me get my batch plot to plot PDF's to a single file! Instead, it's printing all 37 layouts separate. I tried switching between multi-file & single file in the publish options, but nothing!
i know that it took me a while to perfect my settings the last time i set up a new version, but i am struggling to work it out now.
Been attempting to batch plot numerous dwg files to a printer via publisher. Has been successful on 2010, however experiencing difficulties in 2012.
Method used open dwg file set page set up to that required save down dwg print>Batch plot add rest of dwg files to be plotted remove all layouts to retain only Model Space Highlight all dwgs Select page set up from currently open dwg file Publish
When I use the pdf plot drivers from AutoCAD or the export to pdf option the resulting pdf is not available to the other computer trying to access it through a shared folder.
When I plot to pdf with batch plot or export the drawing to pdf and save the file in the shared folder, the other computer can not open the pdf (file not found) or attach the file to an email (you do not have permission)
Why is this? All other files share and open fine. Only pdf files from batch plot, plot to dwg to pc3, or export to pdf. This is a pain and I still have to use another plot driver (cutepdf) to get a fully useable pdf for our office.
I am trying to batch plot to PDF's from a drawing file that has multiple tabs in it. I would like each tab to be a separate PDF file. We are utilizing Acrobat X to write the PDF's. AutoCAD places all of the tabs into one file whether I tell a Multi-sheet file or a Single-sheet file.
I have a folder containing a bunch of old CDR version 12 files. Is there a way to batch save them as X6 instead of having to open them all and saving them one at a time?
I've been using the batch file - export layers to file script for some time. Right now I'm trying to figure out an easy way to have a locked background and do the same thing, but keep the background the same.
Background - Layer 1 - Save Background - Layer 2 - Save etc.
Is there a way to do this? I have around 300 images that need the exact same background.
I am trying to batch plot 60 .dwg files to PDF. When I do this, it slices off a piece of the title block on the right.
When I plot a single files I can set it to extents, 11x17, and center the plot, and the PDF comes up perfect.
I save this page setup and try to batch plot again, and when there is only one file on the list, my saved page setup is available in the dropdown menu. The second I add another one, my setup disappears from the list, and the import option doesn't appear to work (I choose a .dwg that my setup has been applied to and nothing happens).
Is there a trick to applying a saved page setup to an entire list of drawings in the batch plot utility?
I'm trying to plot a set of drawings that need to be set at 1:1. Every time I pick Custom or 1:1 and set it to 1mm = 1unit, AutoCAD immediately switches it to whatever 1:1_6 is, leaving me with a bunch of empty space around all my viewports.
I'm fairly new at using paper space, and I've never used a plot scale that have underscores in them, so I don't even know what they're representing.
Is there a way to automatically import a page setup and apply it to all layouts in all drawings in a directory? I have tried true view but it is only importing the page setup and not applying it to all layouts. I will have to dwg-to-pdf all of those drawings just after that preliminary operation.
I have created a bunch of Page Setups (for both Paper and PDF) that work great when plotting from the plot menu. Lately, I've convinced my people to start using the sheet set manager and the publish command. However, on some computers, (not mine) plotting (to PDF) from the Publish dialog box outputs a file that seems to ignore the page setup. Using the very same Page Setup, the file comes out perfectly when plotting from the regular Plot menu. I don't understand how:
1- I get the same result with both methods on my computer (the one used to create all those page setups); 2- I get page setup to apply perfectly on my computer; 3- I get the expected result on the problematic computers when using Plot; 4- But I get different results on the problematic computer when using Publish.
*Note: In the publish dialog box, I use "Publish to: Plotter named in page setup" and then I select the wanted page setup for all my selected layouts in the list. My page setups are using "DWG to PDF.pc3", so the "plotter named in page setup" in all cases should be "DWG to PDF".
I've been doing tests with PDF files set on A1 format (841mmX594mm) and the output is perfect on my computer. Then on another computer, strangely, I get a PDF with these dimensions: 863.6mmX558.8mm (34"x22"). On the second computer, doing the very same steps, I get 431.8mmX279.4mm (17"x11"). Three computers, three different outputs with three different values. One works, two miss. I'm stoked.
Keep in mind that all three computers output perfect files when using the standard plotting menu (using the same page setups) so I doubt the page setups are incorrect. Does the Publish command deal differently with page setups than the plot command ? I would have assumed that both commands would react the same. I 'd like my team to be able to batch plot like I can on my computer.
What is the best way to setup Plot Co-Ordinates that have a tag that updates as you move the co-ordinate point and also I would like to schedule these points in a table ..
at work we use custom paper sizes. We use HP Designjet 500 ploter and paper rolls of sizes 420, 610 and 910 mm. So I have made layout for all sizes: 410x 420, 600x610 and 900x910 mm. To share files between computers we use TortoiseSVN. But leaving for long time all sizes gets bad (page_ setup_ manager. png). Size from 410x420 becomes 409,96x419,95 mm. The same becomes in plot window too (plot.png). And to plot in right paper sizes we need to edit plot paper size again if not drawing is ploted in bad paper size (custom_paper_size.png). Is here a way to permanently bind good paper size to drawing?
Okay, so I have about 25 layouts on this particular drawing that already have a default page setup assigned to them. I just created a new page setup and want to apply it to these layouts...but I cannot. I can select the right setup in the publish window but it does not stay current after publishing.
The problem also comes up if I do a "-purge" or wblock the entire drawing as to remove weird elements. The pagesetups then show as missing.
If I create a new drawing and setup the page setup for the first time AutoCAD will ask if I would like to apply to all layouts. Where is this option for existing drawings?
I am working on an AutoCad drawing (Vers. 2013) that I got from someone else. I am setting up my drawing and right clicked my sheet tab as usual to go to the page set up manager. I set up my printer, ctb, paper size etc. But when I try to set my plot size to 1:1 it won't retain it and reverts to 1"=1'. It will however let me switch to anything other than to 1;1 (ie 1:10). I checked some existing drawings and the problem doesn't show up. So it's just this particular drawing that's messed up. I checked my drawing units and drawing setup commands and they are the same as I always use.
So the question is why won't let me use a plot size of 1:1?
I get several dwg's a day with up to 40 layouts in each one. All the settings are correct ACCEPT the plotter. Is there a way to set all page setups for all layouts at the same time? Something like select all layouts and do a page setup for all. Possibly with LISP or VBA?
New hard drive, had to reinstall LT 2010 (Win XP). Trying to batch plot, going through the normal prompts, little plotter icon in lower right does its thing, then the message says "errors and warnings found". When I open the "plot and publish details", there are no errors or warnings, and the plot file i just attempted does not show up at all. Tried different variations, none work.
The first couple of times i tried it, it seemed there was a problem with the default path for the output file, in the publish options window, as if it could not see the server, but then i would browse, point to the exact same server folder, and it accepted it. Also tried to save the output folder on my c: drive, but still no file. I will need to make this plot file by tomorrow for the client, or i will have to send them 40 individual pdf's.
I have just switched over to 2014 and i cannot for the life of me get my batch plot to plot PDF's to a single file! Instead, it's printing all 37 layouts separate. I tried switching between multi-file & single file in the publish options, but nothing!
I cannot remember what the trick is.....i know that it took me a while to perfect my settings the last time i set up a new version, but i am struggling to work it out now.
I find the setting for batch plot not very user friendly at all....
I am trying to plot over 100 drawings to PDF. They are mechanical drawings and the details need to be clear. I tried a batch plot, but when printed in 11x17, everything is a bit fuzzy on the PDF. I tried a PDF convertor, and it was very clear, but it put a large, "Free Trail" logo in the center, ha.
Not sure if I am supposed to specify the PDF printer in the Page Setup or the upper left of the batch plot dialog box.
Also, why is it that every time I open batch plot it loads all the current layout tabs in the drawing (which I dont care about). How do i open batch plot and specify my sheet list and not have to "replace all sheets"/
I'm tring to plot 26 or so sheets into a single pdf or multiple pdfs and I get this error every time with no file being created.
Job: - Canceled
Job ID: 1 Sheet set name: Date and time started: 5/3/2011 11:48:29 AM Date and time completed: 5/3/2011 11:48:33 AM UserID: RGDC99 Profile ID: AutoCAD MEP (US Imperial) Total sheets: 2 Sheets plotted: 1 Number of errors: 1 Number of warnings: 0
[IMG]res://C:Program FilesAutoCAD MEP 2010AcPltRes.dll/ALERT.GIF[/IMG]Sheet: P-AIR-# FAB-AIR-1 - Plotted with Error(s)
File: Z:\_xxxxx\_xxxxx2011 ProjectsxxxxxCADP-AIR-# FAB.dwg Category name: Page setup: pdf Device name: DWG To PDF.pc3 - plotted to file Plot file path: Z:\_xxxxxx\_xxxxxx2011 ProjectsxxxxxxPDF'sOUTBOUNDxxxP-AIR-# FAB.pdf Paper size: ANSI full bleed A (11.00 x 8.50 Inches)
ERROR: Internal Error: Null Pointer
[IMG]res://C:Program FilesAutoCAD MEP 2010AcPltRes.dll/ERROR.GIF[/IMG]Sheet: P-AIR-# FAB-AIR-1 - Error(s) Did Not Plot
File: Z:\_xxxxx\_xxxx2011 ProjectsxxxxxxxCADP-AIR-# FAB.dwg Category name: Page setup: pdf Device name: DWG To PDF.pc3 - plotted to file Plot file path: Z:\_xxxxxx\_xxxxx2011 ProjectsxxxxxxPDF'sOUTBOUNDxxxxP-AIR-# FAB.pdf Paper size: ANSI full bleed A (11.00 x 8.50 Inches)
So when I batch plot I get the name of the drawing file followed by a dash then the tab name. For instance the drawing file is: MSA-01 Plans.dwg and the tab is W-101, when I batch plot I get [MSA-01 Plans - W-101.pdf].
We never had duplicated sheets so I was curious to save the time of me cleaning up the file names everytime, if I could batchplot with just the tab name.