AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Add Information To Page Setup Override Plotted Files?
Jun 16, 2011
I use Sheet Set Manager to create and output sheets. Typically I will setup the pages to 24x36 and set to output to our HP.
If I want to output to 11x17 pdf, I use a page setup override and it works fine.
What I would like to be able to do is add a watermark -- using transparent text -- that says "Not to Scale" across the print when I use the page setup override.
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Nov 21, 2012
I'm using Sheet Set Manager in Autocad 2011. I'm using 'page setup override', and as plot area 'print extents'. So far, so good. Until someone forgets something outside the title block, and the extents feature is not good anymore (several people working in the same projects).
So, I decide to use as plot area 'Layout' instead, typing the X & Y to determine the area to be plotted.
Now, the setup "override" doesn't override. It’s using the drawing plot area from the drawing itself, which completely defeats the purpose. Am I missing something?
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Jul 11, 2013
I have created a bunch of Page Setups (for both Paper and PDF) that work great when plotting from the plot menu. Lately, I've convinced my people to start using the sheet set manager and the publish command. However, on some computers, (not mine) plotting (to PDF) from the Publish dialog box outputs a file that seems to ignore the page setup. Using the very same Page Setup, the file comes out perfectly when plotting from the regular Plot menu. I don't understand how:
1- I get the same result with both methods on my computer (the one used to create all those page setups);
2- I get page setup to apply perfectly on my computer;
3- I get the expected result on the problematic computers when using Plot;
4- But I get different results on the problematic computer when using Publish.
*Note: In the publish dialog box, I use "Publish to: Plotter named in page setup" and then I select the wanted page setup for all my selected layouts in the list. My page setups are using "DWG to PDF.pc3", so the "plotter named in page setup" in all cases should be "DWG to PDF".
I've been doing tests with PDF files set on A1 format (841mmX594mm) and the output is perfect on my computer. Then on another computer, strangely, I get a PDF with these dimensions: 863.6mmX558.8mm (34"x22"). On the second computer, doing the very same steps, I get 431.8mmX279.4mm (17"x11"). Three computers, three different outputs with three different values. One works, two miss. I'm stoked.
Keep in mind that all three computers output perfect files when using the standard plotting menu (using the same page setups) so I doubt the page setups are incorrect. Does the Publish command deal differently with page setups than the plot command ? I would have assumed that both commands would react the same. I 'd like my team to be able to batch plot like I can on my computer.
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May 27, 2011
I have a list of drawings which i want to batch plot using dwg to png plotter. I want the page setup file to use sun high res, plot scale fit to paper, plot area extents, plot offset center the plot for the model space
When in batch plot, the page setup shows default, however this is not my pagesetup settings as it shows default none, how do i make it see the page setup i want?
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Nov 3, 2011
Okay, so I have about 25 layouts on this particular drawing that already have a default page setup assigned to them. I just created a new page setup and want to apply it to these layouts...but I cannot. I can select the right setup in the publish window but it does not stay current after publishing.
The problem also comes up if I do a "-purge" or wblock the entire drawing as to remove weird elements. The pagesetups then show as missing.
If I create a new drawing and setup the page setup for the first time AutoCAD will ask if I would like to apply to all layouts. Where is this option for existing drawings?
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Jul 22, 2011
I used to use a really nice VBA routine for assigning a page setup to multiple layouts, but now I need something that will work for 2011 and up.
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Nov 8, 2003
I get several dwg's a day with up to 40 layouts in each one. All the settings are correct ACCEPT the plotter. Is there a way to set all page setups for all layouts at the same time? Something like select all layouts and do a page setup for all. Possibly with LISP or VBA?
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May 21, 2013
I have one drawing per file at model tab. When I need to plot a multiple page file, I use:
Print > Batch Plot.
The problem is that I have to set plot configurations ( plot style table, plot area, paper size, etc) in each file before use Batch Plot.
Now I received 722 files with a wrong Plot Style Table. For this time I change the associated *.ctb file at Plot Style folder, but I will need to associate the right *.ctb to each drawing. It's also common to have to change other properties.
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Jun 25, 2013
I have a DWG that contains text in TAHOMA font. When I create a PDF using DWG to PDF, everything is plotted correctly, except for the text object containing a diameter symbol (%%c).
In the custom properties of the plotter configuration, I have checked the box to capture all fonts, so text in TAHOMA is also plotted. If the text object contains a diameter symbol, the entire text object is not plotted. If there is no diameter sign in the text object, everything works fine.
If I change the font to ARIAL, everything is plotted correctly, so I assume the problem lies in the TAHOMA font.
If I check the box to capture all fonts as geometry, the diameter symbols are plotted, but I do not want to capture my texts as geometries.
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Jun 27, 2011
I'm trying to plot a set of drawings that need to be set at 1:1. Every time I pick Custom or 1:1 and set it to 1mm = 1unit, AutoCAD immediately switches it to whatever 1:1_6 is, leaving me with a bunch of empty space around all my viewports.
I'm fairly new at using paper space, and I've never used a plot scale that have underscores in them, so I don't even know what they're representing.
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Oct 2, 2013
at work we use custom paper sizes. We use HP Designjet 500 ploter and paper rolls of sizes 420, 610 and 910 mm. So I have made layout for all sizes: 410x 420, 600x610 and 900x910 mm. To share files between computers we use TortoiseSVN. But leaving for long time all sizes gets bad (page_ setup_ manager. png). Size from 410x420 becomes 409,96x419,95 mm. The same becomes in plot window too (plot.png). And to plot in right paper sizes we need to edit plot paper size again if not drawing is ploted in bad paper size (custom_paper_size.png). Is here a way to permanently bind good paper size to drawing?
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Sep 7, 2012
I am working on an AutoCad drawing (Vers. 2013) that I got from someone else. I am setting up my drawing and right clicked my sheet tab as usual to go to the page set up manager. I set up my printer, ctb, paper size etc. But when I try to set my plot size to 1:1 it won't retain it and reverts to 1"=1'. It will however let me switch to anything other than to 1;1 (ie 1:10). I checked some existing drawings and the problem doesn't show up. So it's just this particular drawing that's messed up. I checked my drawing units and drawing setup commands and they are the same as I always use.
So the question is why won't let me use a plot size of 1:1?
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Sep 23, 2011
I have a rather bizarre issue within AutoCad when printing.
This is affecting multiple people, using various machines (all the same model). It is happening when they print to multiple printers, and also when they print to PDF.
They are losing some information. The drawings themselves usually look ok, it is some of the extra data. This can be in the footnote information in the corner. This can be data within the actual drawing. It is not a guaranteed fault, and affects them all intermittently.
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Jul 19, 2012
Basically I have some business cards Im trying to print on a 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. There are cutouts in the middle of the page for the cards so im trying to print them exactly inside the cutouts. I measured the sheet myself and I need a 12.70mm offset from the top and bottom of the sheet and a 19.05mm from the 2 sides to get my cards centered in unison with the page cutout. How do you set this up in photoshop? I have CS4 for Mac.
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Feb 10, 2009
have large format printer. I'm trying to set up a configuration for printing on rolls and not on sheets in page set up. But even if i try to make a new one the size doesn't work (61cm - 30,5m).
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Apr 13, 2008
When attempting to press "page setup" in the print dialog window in cs3, the printer preferences dialog box disappears along with the print dialog window, and every time i bring the preference window back, as soon as i press any button in the window or click on any part of the window it disappears again. Why is this, and how can i stop this. My printer is an Epson 2200, my computer is a 64bit Vista.
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May 4, 2013
I just got Elements 11 and it's not going well. The most severe bug is that if I click on Page Setup..., the print dialog becomes non-functional. Page Setup... and Print... buttons no longer do anything when clicked. The problem persists until I quit and relaunch Elements. Sometimes I can work around this by configuring everything in the Print window alone, but this prevents setting Elements options for custom paper sizes. I've already tried resetting Elements' preferences. All other apps, including the older version of Elements I had, print without problem.
MacOS 10.6.8
Adobe Editor 11.0
Brother HL-2170W 4.5.0
Canon PRO-100
Craploads of __NSAutoreleaseNoPool leak warnings
*** Assertion failure in -[PSCocoaMenu itemAtIndex:], /SourceCache/AppKit/AppKit-1038.36/Menus.subproj/NSMenu.m:779
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Mar 18, 2012
How to fix the “page setup” for all "new" dwg files?
I couldn’t know how we could customize the default plot dialogue settings that the AutoCAD provides as we click the “Plot” command.
For example, each time I start with a new dwg file and click “plot” then I got some default settings.
Then how the settings of the “plot” command can be customized such that as we start with a new dwg file then the customized settings appear?
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Jan 31, 2013
Having solved my problem of printing multiple copies, I now canot print at all. Page setup and print command are grayed out. Printer works in light room and pages. OS xLion epson R3000 Elements 11 Trial version.
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Jun 15, 2012
With ACDLT2010 is there a way to create 1 page setup and force it with one command to all SHEETS (Paper Space) or Multiple Files Model's prior to Batch Plotting a Project?
Reason i ask, is i regularly get files from other contractors, and they use different aspect ratio's / paper sizes / blah bleh blah. Manually going through and changing all the settings is time consuming and would be much easier if i can just pull up a list of drawing's and force a page setup to all pages.
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Nov 8, 2011
Is there a way to set up batch plot so it saves the files on it's own? Right now I have to wait for the box with the name to pop up and then I hit OK and then have to wait for each file like that?
I found a setting and changed it from "Prompt for name" and changed it to "Specify Name" but that did not do the trick.
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Aug 21, 2012
Can users with a 64 bit computer share pc3's and pmp's with 32 bit users without adverse effects?
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Sep 17, 2012
When I attempt to access "page setup" the button just changes color to blue as I click it. I cannot select the media. The printer works fine from Preview but not from CS5. Epson says it's a Photoshop problem.
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Sep 4, 2013
I am trying to plot somelthing with a transparent hatch. I set the hatch to transparent, shows up fine in model space. I go to plot (either to paper or pdf doesn't matter) in the plot setting I check "Plot Transparency" print preview shows everything fine. When I print I get a blank page.
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Oct 18, 2012
When I try to plot my drawing, my drawing only takes up 2/3 of the page on print preview. The top half of the page is blank. How can I make my drawing take up the whole available page?
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May 8, 2012
how to create page setups for multiple printers in a network environment?
Here is the problem:
We have 2 offices with 3-7 printers per office and each printer with different capabilities (black and white, color, 11x17, wide format, etc.). I have CAD users who know little about setting up layouts so I want to create preconfigured layouts that they can import from a template via Design Center or other means.
I know I could set up a layout for each printer, page size, plot scale, and plot style table, but that gets to be so many layout permutations that it becomes overwhelming to manage and use. Up until now I had set up PC3 files for a few commonly used printers (wide format plotter, laser, pdf) and gave them generic names with the intent that I could simply direct the output to any printer by assigning it to one of the generic PC3 files. The problem I've encountered is that over time we've acquired new printers and old printers sometimes go offline or out of service and many of the printers have incompatible printable areas and page sizes to each other, so for example a page setup that calls for an 11x17 sheet for one printer does not have an equivalent size when a different printer is assigned to the layout.
Are we stuck with having to configure setups for each and every printer and permutation?
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1
WIN 7 64 PRO
HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB
RADEON 6450, 1 GB
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Mar 11, 2014
I have a set of Lightroom Print templates that I am trying to use, that are all for a 4x6 print. I can't get it to work because my page setup in the print module defaults to letter size. When I go in and change the page setup, it messes up the template and it gets all jumbled. Then when I go on to the next template, it switches back to letter size again. I want to create and hold a 4x6 canvas so these templates can either be saved to a 4x6 .jpg or printed on 4x6 paper. I know I can save a printer and page layout as part of a template by clicking the "update settings" once I have it all as i want it, but I can't even get that far because it messes up the template as soon as I change the page settings to 4x6. How do I get the canvas to 4x6 on templates that are already created so I can save them as a 4x6 .jpg or print to 4x6 paper?
I even just installed a printer that only prints 4x6 to see, but again, when I change the page layout it completely messes up the template.
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Sep 24, 2013
Copied the printer configuration (pc3 and pmp) from AutoCAD 2013 to AutoCAD 2012. Plot the same drawing with that same printer configuration. With AutoCAD 2013, it plots out fine - page orientation landscape. In 2012, it plots out wrong. The orientation of the drawing is correct, but the paper is changed to portrait?
The plot setting are exactly the same in both versions.
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Mar 15, 2011
Printing pdf's to an HP Designjet 1055 using the new Acrobat X version. I can't change the page size from 8.5x11and nothing comes out at the 1055. Works fine to our Xerox 6204 printers. Looks like I could be going back to Acrobat 9.4...
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Feb 24, 2012
We have, since moving to 2012 had an issue with our standard Named Page Setups in our DWT file staying assigned to the layout tabs. When you click up to plot a dwg... the Page Setup Name indicating that the Named Page Setup assigned to the plot configuration dialog box says <None>. Even if you click in the drop down and select a setup... the name selected shows as selected after the box colapses... but then a split second later, the box defaults back to <None>.
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Feb 1, 2012
Using Acad 2010
Is there a way to remove the *Model* page setup entry from the list of Page Setups in the Page Setup Manager? This is the first time I am seeing *Model* in the list, and I suspect that it the reason I am not able to generate a PDF for this particular drawing. When I try, I get the following error:
Job: - Error(s) Did Not Plot
Job ID: 5
Sheet set name:
Date and time started: 2/1/2012 10:34:53 AM
Date and time completed: 2/1/2012 10:34:54 AM
UserID: AchrisK
Profile ID:
Total sheets: 1
Sheets plotted: 0
Number of errors: 1
Number of warnings: 0
Sheet: 123456-Model - Error(s) Did Not Plot
File: C:Drawings123456.dwg
Category name:
Page setup:
Device name:
Plot file path:
Paper size:
ERROR: Internal Error: Failed to get Plot Settings Dictionary.
I have this idea that removing *Model* from the list will do it. In addition to causing PDF creation failure, I believe it is also responsible for forcing the Model to always be in the Publish list, even though I have unchecked the "Include model when adding sheets" option. I can remove it from that list manually, but it comes back every time.
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