I just installed 3D Studio Max 2014 and eveything is 2 sided in the viewports, how do I turn this off??
I don't see an option anywhere, but rendering the images shows they are in fact correctly 1 sided. I have checked on several computers so it doesn't seem to be a driver issue.
AutoCAD insists on making newly created layers visible in all previously established viewports, even when I have set the visibility to off when creating the new layer. I have found to correct the problem is by going viewport to viewport (with the layer window open), clicking within the viewport and changing the layer visibility to "off."
I would like to have a global variable for new layer viewport visibility. by default, I would turn-off all visibility of new layers in existing or new viewports. Then I could turn them on where I needed them without having to clean up after AutoCAD. This is a logical default, because if I have not previously established a layer, it is likely that I would not want/need to see that layer in most previously established viewports.
I'm having a problem setting layers in various viewports. I set them (using VP freeze), they appear to be fine, I save, yada yada, but after a while all the layers turn back on within the viewports. Very frustrating. I am starting to think that there is a fundamental problem with my layers system- possibly having to do with my profile setting, but I don't know enough about setting and managing profiles to know where to start. Or it could be something else.
Model Space: has two objects one being a circle and one a rectangle
Paper Space: I have created two layers title "Area 1 Viewport" and "Area 2 Viewport". My goal is to get it so I can "Area 1" layer and the circle appears but when I turn it off that viewport goes away. Then when I apply "Area 2" viewport the rectangle appears but when turned off the viewport goes away. Currently the frame of the viewport is assigned to the layer but the objects still stay.
I'm using Autocad 2013, and im trying to freeze layers in certain viewports, but the VP freeze/thaw button is greyed out for all my layers and wont allow me to freeze anything. I dont want to use the New viewport freeze/thaw button.
I'm working with alot of overlapped x-refs and every layer for each x-ref will come in to the drawing. When I'm using the viewports I need to freeze all the layers for some x-refs that don't need to show in that viewport. Since each x-ref has well over 70 layers I am wondering if there is a simple way to freeze all the x-ref layers in the viewport.
Want to know if there is a better way to have multiple north points in a drawing with out having them on their own layer
I produce drawing along the length of a road so use viewports to cover the length so when the viewports overlap I have a cut line and this often means at the end of one viewport you see the next viewports north point.
Currently I have the north point block drawn on its own layer then I end up creating 2 or 3 move layers to put the blocks on so I can freeze the new layers in different viewports hiding then from the previous if that makes sense.
Im having some problems with a file im working on. I have a file with an x-ref, when im in the model space i can see all layers i want to see, but in the viewports i created in the file i noticed that 2 layers(layers that i really need to see) dont show up. Ive checked the freeze/thaw, on/off, plot/no plot settings, layerstate, i tried creating a new layer in the x-ref file(the parent file) and putting these things that dont show in the new layer but nothing changes. I'll attach two images for the layer settings.
So, whats missing in the viewports is the cyan text where it says "Klassisk sal"and some other text surrounding it and the cyan box with the text "Mko 12.002". The highlighted layers in the layer properties window are the associated with these items
here is the layout, the layout is active and again the two highlighted layers are the ones associated with the objects missing.
I have an xrefernced drg , which i print from a layout/paperspace .I freeze certain layers using VPort freeze in layer properties and save the drg whenever i close and reopen the drawing the layers are thawed in the viewport again.
I have a drawing file with lots of layouts, some of which have multiple viewports. I want to create a new layer and use it in just a few viewports. Is there a way to set the default vpfreeze setting to frozen for new layers? That way I can just thaw it in a few viewports instead of trying to vpfreeze it in a lot.
I have a few files with layouts that have multiple viewports where layers were frozen to get the desired display, the drawing was saved, yet everytime the drawing is re-opened those layers are on again. This is creating problems because I am batch plotting many drawings at once. The layers are not locked.
The purpose is to show the proposed grading plan at a smaller scale so that we can give detailed grading plans to meet City Regulations per ADA codes. I understand that this can be accomplished by blocks and attributes, but when you have hundreds of spot elevations that can become cumbersome and less customizable than mtext. The large scale drawings can not have all of the spots shown or it would be too cluttered. But I want to be able to see all of my elevations when I am working in model space to ensure that all of my leaders and spots move together.
In previous versions of Autocad 2008 and earlier you could start a new drawing xref in a drawing then switch to layout and create a viewport that would show the xref. Then you could click inside that viewport and run the FL (freeze layer) command and selectively freeze layers by clicking on them.
In my current version of Autocad Civil 3D 2010, when I follow the same steps as above and run the FL (freeze layer) command inside the viewport, the entire layer contents within the viewport freeze as if everything is on that one layer.
I notice that if I pull up the layer manager box and go down the list of xref'd layers and select the freeze in viewport option for each of the layers I need to freeze it will do what I need to have done, But I'd like to be able to be able to selectively freeze these layers visually within the viewport like I've always been able to do, instead scrolling down a long list of layer names and freezing them that way.
I am in need of a LISP to freeze layers in viewports on named pages. I found the following functions to return the frozen vport, but it only returns the list of already frozen and it only works if the viewport is active; besides just listing the frozen layers isn't enough. I need to be able to supply the page/tab and a list of layers to freeze.
Is it possible to provide the page/tab name and a list of layers as aguments to a subfunction that could either activate the viewport and freeze a list of layers, or simply freeze the layer list for the named page's/tab's corresponding vport.
Important: most of my pages/tabs contain at least two vports. The largest of the two vports is the only one I wish to change, but if the layer list is frozen on all vports (per page/tab) it will make no difference because the smaller vport only requires that layer 0 is visible.
my gimp 2.8.6 makes majority normal layers turn into text layers..
Even if i "discard text information" from layer..and then save it as .xcf it doesnt work! Same layers appear as text layers when i open that .xcf Its not a big deal but it really slows me down when im working with layers..
I know there is a command/button to turn all layers back on if most of them are off, and you want them back on. I use it all the time.
My question: is there a similar command to turn them all off? If not, why not? It makes just as much sense to me. Sometimes I want to turn all of them off, and then just turn one back on.
I am trying to design a house on AutoCAD Architecture 2011 and I have a bunch of layers that I'm not using but I can't delete. The problem is when I turn off all the layers I am using and I leave the ones I'm not using on their is noting on my screen??? why they are their and why I can't get rid of them. I'm trying to keep everything neat and they're messing me up!!
If I want to trunoff/on some layers in different layouts, the best way is to use "vp freeze" column in layers properties manager. This way I can manipulate layers' visibility without altering them in MS or other layouts.
Left to "vp freeze" column there is "new vp freeze". I don't know what is this one?
I've "Binged" and "Googled" this for days, and have searched this forum internally with no luck.
I work primarily in GIS of a totally different platform than Auto Desk's offerings so my terminology may be tainted.
(I'm running AutoCad 2005 btw)
How can I tell AC to turn off any/all layers that are empty (i.e. have no objects, no block associations, no rasters etc).
I don't want to purge these empty layers as I will eventually need them.
All layers are turned on and visible, after I have purged empty layers that won't be needed, there are still empty layers left I will need to use later, I wish to turn off only these layers.
(There may be 20 or so layers so I was hoping for a programmatic way of doing this.)
I have just installed 2012 and have drawn a 3d model. In paperspace i have a couple of viewports , all nicely set out at 1:5 scale. then i click in another viewport and bam, all the other viewports change scale (zoom out) and orientation. is there some system variable that i have overlooked?
I often draw over topography lines and use them for reference but I don't want to snap to them. Is there any way to view an object and turn off snapping only for that specific object or layer? For instance, can you make frozen layers visible somehow so they can be viewed, but not snapped to? Or is there another way to accomplish this?
I would like to turn off all the existing layers in active document. I have found in developer's guide how to turn off one layer with specified layer name but can not apply it on all layers with any layername.
I tried to get all the Object ID's in layer table and then for each object turn layer off but seems that it does not work.
<CommandMethod("FilterLayers")> _Public Sub FilterLayers()'' Get the current document and databaseDim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentDim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database'' Start a transactionUsing acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()'' Open the Layer table for readDim LayerTable As LayerTable = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)Dim LayerTableRecord As LayerTableRecord = acTrans.GetObject(LayerTable.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite)For Each ObjectId In LayerTableLayerTableRecord.IsOff = TrueNext'' Save the changes and dispose of the transactionacTrans.Commit()End UsingEnd Sub
In our company we use standard layerfilters, so they should be the same name in every drawing (else its gonna be a good idea to do so).
If i know the command on how to turn off of on layers who are set in a filter i can make a macro to do it for me, but i dunno if there is an way to turn of those layers with an command.