I would like to know how to export a hatch shape as a shape file so that it can be used in ArcGIS. I am running C3D 2013 with Map 3D and ArcMap10. I have tried the Output as SDF and the map3d export and I haven't been able to get either to work. I don't have a problem exporting lines, points or polygons.
I have to convert my ACAD drawing to shape files for a GIS user. I have figured out how create a polygon, point or line and add object data with the tables. I have my ACAD drawing setup to the requested coordinate system but when I send them the shape files they are telling me that they get a error in ArchGIS stating "an extent that is not consistent with the associated spatial reference information". I am using Civil 3D 2012.
I am rarely new to map 3d. What I would like to do is to export 3 dem surface in any kind of format, so that I could open it in 3d max.
I know how to generate Contours, but when I export them to dwg and later open in autocad architecture there are missing info on z coordinate - so everything is flat.
Is there some way to make .3ds file or .dwg file so that would really look like a 3d terrain in ACAD architecture or 3d max?
I can't seem to export more than 1 shape file in PSP X6. When I open a new 200x200 pixel vector file and use the pen tool to create a shape it will not save internally by PSP x6 under any name but "New Path" no matter what name I give the file or the vector layer name.
Whenever I export a second shape I get a pop-up window titled "Export Shape Library" that asks for a name for my new shape. When I enter a unique file name for my new shape I get another pop-up window titled "Duplicate shape names" with a listing of the supposed duplicate file(s). The only name showing though is "New Path". I have never named any of my shapes "New Path" nor named any of my vector layers "new Path" yet I always get this Duplicate shape names pop-up window containing "New Path" as the offending name to resolve.
Whenever I try to use the one shape I did save as "MyShape.PspShape" is shows up as "New Path" in the Preset Shapes listing. I accessed my only saved shape by selecting Preset shape tool/Preset shape then selecting the Shape list(from the tool options palette) and then select the Category "Preset Shapes" from the drop down. It shows up with the name "New Path".
Is there some setting I'm missing so "New Path" will not be the only name saved internally by PSP X6?
I've tried deleting all the files I've created in PSP X6 with the extension ".PspShape " and then restarted PSP X6 and I still am stuck with the "New Path" problem when I export a shape. The one shape I can export is saved on my hard drive with the unique name I gave it but PSP X6 still identifies the shape as being "New Path".
How can I export just the shapes of my image (without the canvas) so that I can place my image over the background of my website without the image still being on the canvas?
any way to delete more than a single shape at a time from a shape collection file, other like step by step with the option key? I have one collection with about 400 shapes and would like to save it to some "groups", like people, arrows, devices..
How can to export my SDF file to ESRI Shape file? In AutoCAD Map menu have a commands, but those works only for drawing objects. Have any way to export SDF to Shape?
Im running MEP 2012. When I try to export a .dwg file to a .dxf file, I can see activity in the folder where I'm try to send the .dxf, but then all activity stops and no .dxf was created.
In Photoshop CS6 extended,when exporting 3D file as an .obj (that has a material assigned to it), it does not create the material file - .mtl - only the .obj file is created.
Is there a setting I am missing?It works on another station, so I assume its a setting.
I am trying to get my first 3d print of a model and am having problems getting it into a format that the printing service can use. I've read up and attempted stlout, 3dprint, and export commands to no avail. I get the message that the objects need to be 3dsolids or watertight meshes.
After reading all the hype on 3d printing and being very excited about it, I"ve got to say that I'm a bit overwhelmed with the steps it appears one has to take to get an architectural model to print.
I have tried to export some simple 2D sketches I created in Inventor into a DWG format used in AutoCAD (which I will eventually turn into a DXF file). However, AutoCAD shows a blank dark screen when I open the DWG file. Is there something that I am missing during the export process?
I hightlite the table in the viewport than right click to get the menu . Then export it and bring up the export dialog box. It keeps saving the file as a bitmap and not a csv file. I did get it to work once when I exported it the first time as a csv file. Now the second time trying to export it , it is coming up as a bitmap file. What am I doing wrong.
I'm using a student version of AIP 2012 and am having a problem exporting to .STL file types.
When using a "Standard(mm).ipt" and designing the part in mm, upon export it shrinks the dimensions down.
For example, the width of my sketch is 193mm, upon inspection on a different computer with VCarve Pro and CUT3D were 19mm.
I don't want to dimension the parts as to make the problems in export to the right size because I think that defeats the universal aspects of autodesk.
I want to export a layout as a dwg file. Why do I want to do this? I got a drawing, and they put some stuff on the layout, so I want to export the layout so I can then work in the new file in the model area? Do you get what I mean?
Also, If I make a layout, I put my Firm Logo and information in the layout. If I send this to another firm, which isnt using Autocad, they than can only see the model area, so If I can export it into 1 file, in the model area, they cann see the whole thing.
How to export points that i have plotted into a text file using autocad 2013? I've tried to look on the internet and it seems you can download plug ins but i don't know if those are safe to use.
While exporting polylines to polygons as an autocad shp file I get an error when trying to open the file in ArcExplorer 9.2 Java edition. The error code in an invalid field length in the dbf file. Is it specific to Autocad map export issues. The attribute table is an Access file (link template).
I am trying to export and save numerous Inventor Assembly Models, to send to various customers to import into their models. I have been saving them as .stp files, but they are very large files after exporting, and I'd like to know if there is a way to decrease the exported file size. I could zip them after I create them, but I was hoping there was an easier way or different format than .stp. I could also suppress numerous internal componants, but I would rather not have to go through that task either. In the end, they would really only require the outer shell, with any externally viewed holes still present.
I'm a new user of inventor (2013). Is there any option for exporting a file to patran. patran accept some files like *.sat ,... But not inventor out put file *.ipt.
I'm using VB.NET and Inventor 2010. I want to export parts list from idw file to xls or csv file. I checked the internet but could not find trace only exporting BOM from IAM...
I can open inventor and open idw file in VB.net. But could not reach to Parts List.. I checked Inventor2010ObjectModel and sawDrawingdocument>DrawingBOM but could not get success.
I have a shape file representing sewer lines between manholes. I need to assign an attribute to the line with "upstream invert" and "downstream invert" in my table. Can I edit the shape file in map? I know I can edit in arcmap, but i am much more comfortable editing in acad. Then I could use arcmap to view my shapefile.
I am attempting to create a model of a building for export to the IES Virtual Environment software package for analysis, but am having some difficulties when trying to do so. I am being given error messages that state;
'Revit was unable to identify any rooms. If you are sure that rooms have been created in the project, check the Project Phase setting to verify that the Project Phase matches the phase in which rooms have been defined in your project.''Analytical Top Projection Plane is partially or completely below Analytical Bottom Projection Plane. Please reset top and/or bottom planes to valid values.
It strikes me that there should be an easy way to do this, but it eludes me at the moment. I've used "Connect to Data" to attach a .shp file export from another software, specifically a Windmill computer model. The geometry and data comes through, but the table contains no coordinates, which is what my vendor wants. The drawing overlay's georeference info very closely (within our tolerances) and the Coordinate System is set.
How to suck that coordinate info off the drawing without spending a week clicking on each of 8600 points and typing LIST?
We usually create our assemblies and parts by modeling up solid bodies in one part file and using the make components command to create the individual parts and assemblies. I would like to either use properties or parameters in the initial part file to put in project information and have it carry over into the individual parts after using make components. That way the drafter has to put the information into one file and not 100+ when all the part files are made. I would love to do it with text type parameters but unfortunately haven't been able to do this since you can't export them (unless I am missing something). The end goal is to be able to put a parts list on a shop drawing grabbing the assembly but pulling custom information from the parts and trying to minimize the amount of work the user has to do by going in each part and adding the information.