I'm using a student version of AIP 2012 and am having a problem exporting to .STL file types.
When using a "Standard(mm).ipt" and designing the part in mm, upon export it shrinks the dimensions down.
For example, the width of my sketch is 193mm, upon inspection on a different computer with VCarve Pro and CUT3D were 19mm.
I don't want to dimension the parts as to make the problems in export to the right size because I think that defeats the universal aspects of autodesk.
I have a customer that is trying to export a file out as an STP file. When he brings up the Export or Save As dialog boxes none of the normal model file types are listed. I have had him do a Repair and a Reinstall of INV 2013 which did not fix the problem.
Is it possible to export only certain types of objects using mapexport? I know you can use EntTypes of "All" or Types" in the MapExport.ini file, but can you specify lines and points? I have experimented to no avail. I have searched for explanations for each entry in the MapExport.ini file in the documentation ...also to no avail.
I am in the process of building new machine and have a pro seat that for some reason is not showing the standard IV Icons.I have already built this machine and authorized all the softwares so I do not want to go through rebuilding to fix something so small.how to make the system show the correct icons for all the IV file types.
I have tried to export some simple 2D sketches I created in Inventor into a DWG format used in AutoCAD (which I will eventually turn into a DXF file). However, AutoCAD shows a blank dark screen when I open the DWG file. Is there something that I am missing during the export process?
I am trying to export and save numerous Inventor Assembly Models, to send to various customers to import into their models. I have been saving them as .stp files, but they are very large files after exporting, and I'd like to know if there is a way to decrease the exported file size. I could zip them after I create them, but I was hoping there was an easier way or different format than .stp. I could also suppress numerous internal componants, but I would rather not have to go through that task either. In the end, they would really only require the outer shell, with any externally viewed holes still present.
I'm a new user of inventor (2013). Is there any option for exporting a file to patran. patran accept some files like *.sat ,... But not inventor out put file *.ipt.
I'm using VB.NET and Inventor 2010. I want to export parts list from idw file to xls or csv file. I checked the internet but could not find trace only exporting BOM from IAM...
I can open inventor and open idw file in VB.net. But could not reach to Parts List.. I checked Inventor2010ObjectModel and sawDrawingdocument>DrawingBOM but could not get success.
We usually create our assemblies and parts by modeling up solid bodies in one part file and using the make components command to create the individual parts and assemblies. I would like to either use properties or parameters in the initial part file to put in project information and have it carry over into the individual parts after using make components. That way the drafter has to put the information into one file and not 100+ when all the part files are made. I would love to do it with text type parameters but unfortunately haven't been able to do this since you can't export them (unless I am missing something). The end goal is to be able to put a parts list on a shop drawing grabbing the assembly but pulling custom information from the parts and trying to minimize the amount of work the user has to do by going in each part and adding the information.
I'm looking for a way to be able to get the latest .ctb files and tool palettes, weekly automatically,almost like task scheduled in inventor, so when the .ctb of palettes gets updated, the users get it automatically,
tried inventor task schedular, by getting the latest folder, but the file types is not supported.
I am trying to import thousands of pictures into Lightroom as I have a mess of pictures do to a long story...But basically I have probably 30,000 pictures in a bunch of folders that I want to import.
One issue I have found is that I don't want to import TIFF, BMP, GIF, or things like PNG. I really only want jpg files or jpeg files unless I stumble across others in another format I haven't found yet.
Can I set something during the import? I have searched the forums and internet, but haven't found anything that mentions this.
How to clean up a mess like this where I have 30,000 pictures but probably only need 10,000 as there are duplicates upon duplicates due to having to move the pictures around in a hurry as I had a mess in my basement during a storm a couple years ago.
My question is: do all types of hatching increase the drawing file size or does solid hatching behave differently and only add a few kbs rather than a few hundred?
Can I use diferrent types of threads (as variants), in one iPart/iFeature file, ex. M10x1.5 (ISO Metric profile) and G1/8" (ISO Pipe Threads)? Look at the file in attachment and correct it if possible.
i've a scanned image in a .ES0 file type format, and open in photoshop, i renamed it to a .raw file and tryed opening again but i've not really used raw file types before. I opened it up in photoshop with defult raw open setting and i managed to get somthing...
3ds Max seems to only alow .ies, .cibse and .ltli files as photometric file types - missing out on a huge swath of files - Eulumdat (.ldt) files, a standard used in Europe.
I understand that Autodesk is an American company and .ies is the most common format there, but a good chunk of my work here in the UK uses Eurpoean fixtures and there is a large number of .ldt files floating around.
I have got a conversion programme, I personally use OxyTech's Lightstar 4d, but really it's very irritating to have to manually convert dozens of different .ldt files so I can use them in 3ds Max.
Is there a plug-in/script/something so I can import .ldt easier?
Any method to set all the Tolerance Types for a GeneralDimension via VBA.
The Tolerance object, accessible via the GeneralDimension object, offers methods to set Deviation, Fits, Limits & Symmetric tolerance types, but I can’t find a way to set other Tolerance types, such as Reference, Basic, Max & Min
I am looking for a material database with more steel types than the ones that are installed in inventor.
Is there a comprehensive database that I can download and install or do I need to add the material one by one.
Normaly I can just copy a existing steel and just use the existing properites and just change the name but I see a risk of this since in the future I may want to simulte a part and then the material data is not correct.
So... is there a good list that I can download and install??
With Photoshop CS 6 the desktop does not recognize me and allows me to assign the correspondence file. For example, if I double click on a .psd file nothing happens. If I reconnect the program Photoshop to psd file manually, does not recognize it (as if I had not made the selection). While Adobe Photoshop CS6 Bridge point for each matching file, the associates, but when I do a Bridge by double-clicking it, I go into Photoshop without opening the file.
This means that I can no longer be Indesign edit a file with a simple click, but I have to go find the file at all times and I can only find it in Photoshop with a huge waste of time!
I have installed Photoshop CS2 as a part of the Video Production Suite. I am having difficulty associating my image file types to PS CS2. Windows defaults to its image viewer and will not change in the Folder Options in Windows. How can I do this within Photoshop? When I installed from the DVDs I was not presented with the File Association Window, as the the Help file indicates.
I had some success transferring geometries, generated with an advanced math software, to Inventor using IGES files containing Manifold Solid B-Rep Object Entities (Type 186) (see the specification IGES5-3_forDownload-1.pdf). Now I would like to include several Type 186 entities into a single IGES file and form the geometrical unit of these (and them), for which the IGES Boolean Tree Entity (Type 180) seems to exist. I'll do some trial-and-error testing, but it would be very useful to have a (reliable) list of all IGES entities the Inventor IGES import function does or does not support (like these: Transcendata, MoldflowInsight). Unfortunately I could not find such a list anywhere.
Another question: Are the IGES import/export functions of Inventor written by Autodesk (and/)or are third-party libraries used? If the latter, which ones?
What is the best export/import format for sending 3D files. I need some neutral format files, possibly Solidworks but I am not sure. Also any export settings to make sure I get decent quality files.
Nothing like getting a surface model when you want solid model.
IV2014 sp1.2 PDSU / Sim Mech 2014 / Win7-64 EVGA X79 - Classified, iCore7 3930k 32Gb Quad-Channel 950Gb (2 x 500Gb Sata III SSD RAID0 Adaptec 6805E Controller) Nvidia GTX-690 Classified - 331.82 SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11
For some odd reason, when I choose a different file format in Photoshop CS3, the extension does not change, and I have to manually enter this in. I don't recall having to do this before.
I have a mac as well but it doesnt seem to have this problem.
When I was reinstalling Photoshop 7 it asked me what kind of filetypes should it open, me being somewhat foolish checked .gif and .jpg along with all the default ones.
I'm using LR to manage and inventory over 40K digital and scanned photos (JPG, TIF). I use the keywords/tags to categorize and search for relevant photos.
I'm also an amateur geneaologist and am scanning thousands of historical documents primarily as PDF files (and JPG/TIF). And I have a huge library of digital videos (primarily MPEG4, MPEG2, MOV, and AVI) that I would like to inventory and categorize/tag.
Of course, I'm not expecting LR to be able to edit the documents and videos, but it would be great to be able to import them into LR's database so I can search for content.
I am running CS6 Cloud Suite under Mountain Lion on a Mac Pro. I have no other versions of Photoshop installed, and I've never HAD any other versions installed on this machine.
The problem is this - when I right-click, say, a JPEG file and choose to open with Photoshop CS6, it will launch Photoshop as expected. But if Photoshop is already launched and I right-click to open, say, a TGA file, it will spawn a completely new instance of Photoshop to open it in. From that point on, with the two instances of photoshop running at the same time, right-clicking and opening any other files will open them in one of the two PS instances.
It's almost like some file types have been associated with one "instance" of PS, and other formats are associated with the other. This seems impossible since there's only ONE install of Photoshop on my computer.
My camera software dumps jpegs and raw files into a single folder.
I am wanting to batch (automate) process the jpegs in said folder, but not the camera's raw files. How do I employ an action that will only run on the jpegs in the folder and skip the raw files?