AutoCAD Inventor :: Material Database With More Steel Types
Jan 7, 2012
I am looking for a material database with more steel types than the ones that are installed in inventor.
Is there a comprehensive database that I can download and install or do I need to add the material one by one.
Normaly I can just copy a existing steel and just use the existing properites and just change the name but I see a risk of this since in the future I may want to simulte a part and then the material data is not correct.
So... is there a good list that I can download and install??
I received a rather large assembly file from a client that was done in Pro E. I was wondering if it is possible to change the entire assembly from Default material to steel without having to go into each individual part and changing its material manually (which could take several hours) I am using INV 2012 Pro with SP1 installed.
When assigning materials to a part in inventor the process is simple, however when one wishes to assign a specific steel type ie ASTM A516 as opposed to just a generic steel then this is where it gets a little more complicated.
This specific steel type will also need to be called up in the parts list relevant to the individual part that it is attached to.
I know that a custom material can be added to the favourites section in the materials library,and this can be done if required.
Have i delved deep enough into the inventor materials library , do the basic steel and others materials ie plastics break down into specific types with their elastic properties,yield stresses etc etc in other words a more comprehensive materials library or is this something that must be created by custom material input.
Any way to add a new field into the materials database. We would like to be able to choose the material specification for the materials we use. So we would like to have a field for each of the materials where we could choose the material spec. It would also be great if we could then be able to connect this to our BOM. The second part I know should be able to be done but so far haven't found a way to add the material spec in like we would like.
Ones every three years we have an upgrade of Inventor. In a few months we have an upgrade from Inventor Proffessionel 2009 to Inventor Prof. 2012. Since we often use special materials in our design process we also create/add the new material in the material database. So here's the question; is it possible to copy the material database (special mades) from Inv Pro 2009 to Inv Pro 2012? It would save us a lot of work!
Im working in Revit 2010. Im trying to set up a Steel RHS family/types based on a sweep, see attached. Loaded into the family and used in creating the sweep is a profile family with different RHS size types. Is it possible to change the sweeps profile type using a parameter from within RHS family types?
I assume its not possible (unlike driving a nested component using a family type parameter from within the project.)
I'm having a complete blockout on my attempts to create a new material with VB.NET.
Dim db As Database = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.DatabaseDim tm As DBTransMan = db.TransactionManagerDim myT As Transaction' myT = tm.StartTransaction()Dim tt As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Material = New Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Materialtt.Name = "Mat_new"tt.Description = "New Material"myT.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(tt, True)myT.Commit()
It was noted that this code didn't work (which I can confirm):
"Just a guess, but you probably have to add it to the Database in order to use it."
I can't find any way to add this to the database. I'm working with the R2010 drawing format it that is relevant.
I can delete every unused material except one in the Material Editor.I am trying to make the custom Material library and somehowI have got the Material I cannot delete. URL....
I am in the samill building buisness. While designing I thought it would be nice to show logs on our equipment. Is there anyway to show bark on drawings to show the texture on the final drawing?
I have a piece of steel that I need to flex. It is a piece of blue tempered spring steel pressed against the corner of a brass pressure transfer. The opposite end of the transfer is tangentlly constrained to a latching mechanism. When the latching mechanism is lifted, the transfer rotates slightly around a screw (made invisible) and the spring is flexed. When the latch is released, the spring returns the latch to the closed position. I have several other assemblies that use the same principal, but some with just a piece of mild steel used as a cover as well as a spring.
I got this code below to place a channel in an assembly, but don't know how to change the length of the steel.
' Set a reference to the active assembly document. Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument ' Set a reference to the ContentCenter object. Dim oContentCenter As ContentCenter oContentCenter = ThisApplication.ContentCenter ' Get the content node (category) "Structural Shapes:Channels" Dim oContentNode As ContentTreeViewNode [code]..........
We use several different classes of steel such as A572-65 or A572-50 etc. Any way to add those values in Inventor 2014 without having to reinvent the wheel?
I am drawing hydraulic steel pipes using the 3d sketch command. I enter in the points representing the change of direction of the center line of the pipe as if it had no bend radii.
The points are entered in using absolute X,Y,Z coordinates, choosing one end of the pipe as 0,0,0.
I then join the points using the line command. I then put the bend radii on using the bend command.
I then draw a 2d sketch of the 2 circles representing the id , od of the pipe on a normal plane at the start point 0,0,0
I then sweep the 2D sketch along the path of the 3D sketch. I then place axes at the center of each straight portion of pipe . I then place points the intersection points of consecutive axes to replicate the original setting out points (3D x,y,z coordinates) that I used in the 3D sketch.
Then I create my idw with 3 orthographic views (showing the relevant axes as a symbols in each view, an isometric view and a coordinate table showing the x,y,z coordinates of each labelled change of direction. I then pull the pipe into an assembly and put the fittings on each end.
This is another IDW showing the fittings and a parts list. I have inventor suite 2012, along with tube and pipe. However I have never tried it.I don't know how it works, maybe it would be better to use that?
Another question on the measuring of pipes. If a sample is made and then backdraughting needs to be done how do you measure it.
Method used before I arrived was measuring lengths and angles. Highly inaccurate. Never worked. Pipes never drawn. Ended up being photographed only, which was not good enough to make spare parts for service technicians in the field, they had to go out to measure on site and make up on site.
I introduced measuring the change of direction vertices of the centreline of the pipe as if there was not bend radius.
More accurate, but highly difficult to measure. Use steel rules and squares. Never right the first time. Always have to check putting the pipe on top of a full scale drawing.
Tried to improve method of measurement by printing out a A0 piece of graph paper and using that as the background to lay the pipe on. Better/easier and more accurate again, but still not spot on, have to check and adjust using the pipe on top of a full scale plot.
Short of buying some type of expensive 3D measuring machine, which in our case would not warrant the cost as we do not do this type of drawing 100 per cent of our time, not even 30 per cent, what is the best method of measuring pipes accurately.
I have a piece that I'm trying to develop to add into an assembly. The piece I'm trying to create is a cast piece of steel that I'm trying to form to a radius. The piece basically starts out as a flat part and then is formed to a radius. I want to form it from flat to radius so that the contours will match the radius of the piece.
I was wondering the best way to model a steel tensioner cable in Inventor. The assembly I have designed is of a cable fixed between two brackets which are fastened on two structural beams. I am looking accurately model the cable attachment on the brackets. My inital thought would be to extrude the length of cable through a pre-defined path between the bracket fixing holes however this would not represent a 'true life scenario'.
I have a question regarding the best way to model a sheet of corrugated steel. I would guess the easiest and quickest method would be to create a profile curve, offset a thickness and extrude this to the desired length. I was wondering how would I go about sketching out an accurate profile curve that could be used to create the form?
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
Is it possible to calculate the deflection a steel block will get, just form it one weight. Just use standard steel material, it is only supported at the end.
I want to create frame made out of structural steel. In order to do that Invwentor is giving me no option but to make Layout Sketch (any other way?), which then i should use for inserting members. Now, when i want to creat layout it does not give me an option of assigning it to a work planes i created. It always sketches it in default XY plane. I need to create 3D layout that will follow several work planes i created. I tried selecting any of the other work planes before clicking on layout button but no luck.
I am looking at the Content Center data. In this specific case, ANSI AISC Rectangular flat bar steel.
The calculations for Section Modulus seem to be the same for both parameters Wx and Wy. The calculation for Wx shows in the column properties as: (({G_W} * {G_H} * {G_W}) / 6) The calculation for Wy shows in the column properties as: (({G_W} * {G_W} * {G_H}) / 6)
These calculations show in the Expression Column as red text. I can modify them but I have no option to OK the dialog box.
The Moment of inertia calculations that are later in the family table use these sections as part of their calculations.
Am I wrong here in my belief that the Section Modulus calculations are wrong and therefore the Moment of Inertia are wrong also?
As an extension of this question, does the Stress Analysis in 2010 use these calculations? Are these numbers used anywhere?
I am trying to import thousands of pictures into Lightroom as I have a mess of pictures do to a long story...But basically I have probably 30,000 pictures in a bunch of folders that I want to import.
One issue I have found is that I don't want to import TIFF, BMP, GIF, or things like PNG. I really only want jpg files or jpeg files unless I stumble across others in another format I haven't found yet.
Can I set something during the import? I have searched the forums and internet, but haven't found anything that mentions this.
How to clean up a mess like this where I have 30,000 pictures but probably only need 10,000 as there are duplicates upon duplicates due to having to move the pictures around in a hurry as I had a mess in my basement during a storm a couple years ago.
I am trying to constrain a curved wheel to a round, steel track. No constraint has been effective so far. Is there anything I can do to make the wheels stay on track?
I have automated the changing of the active renderstyle to "Polished Brushed" to approximate this, but usually orientation is important. For instance, the texture will be around tube, and on large sheets, we want to keep all the sections orientated one specific direction.
I'd like to be able to easily rotate the texture thru 90 degrees (and possibly, a user selectable angle).
I'd prefer not to have to manually select a face first, either.
I am looking for the best way to place multiple columns in a single part file (as independant parts). I want to do this to accurately represent a steel structure that we purchase with a single part number. The structure is purchased and not modified so I figured a single part file would be better than an assembly file with multiple parts.
I thought the best way would be to extrude a 2D wide flange beam profile. However I would like to just pick the profile from a database (content center?) instead of going through the hassle of sketching each profile manually.
I am working on the AutoCAD customization and doing the same by VB.Net & C#.Net. But I just want to know the difference as mentioned below:
1. Insert Block In AutoCAD
Using VB.Net without using DataBase services..Only 1 statement is required to Insert the Block objAcadDocument.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(Required Arguments are here) Using C#.Net with DataBase services
There are many statments are there to insert only 1 block..Like Start Transaction, Lock the document, Get the Object Id Block etc...So my quetion is that when I have to use DataBase services and when not
what is the advantage of doing customization using DataBase services rather than go for wihout DataBase services.?