I would like to know how to export a hatch shape as a shape file so that it can be used in ArcGIS. I am running C3D 2013 with Map 3D and ArcMap10. I have tried the Output as SDF and the map3d export and I haven't been able to get either to work. I don't have a problem exporting lines, points or polygons.
I work with maps, and i hatched a area, with a irregular shape, now i want to know this area, how can i proceed?? I already selected all area and clicked on properties to see Geometry information, acumulative... Did the List Comand.. and nothing.
I have to convert my ACAD drawing to shape files for a GIS user. I have figured out how create a polygon, point or line and add object data with the tables. I have my ACAD drawing setup to the requested coordinate system but when I send them the shape files they are telling me that they get a error in ArchGIS stating "an extent that is not consistent with the associated spatial reference information". I am using Civil 3D 2012.
I am rarely new to map 3d. What I would like to do is to export 3 dem surface in any kind of format, so that I could open it in 3d max.
I know how to generate Contours, but when I export them to dwg and later open in autocad architecture there are missing info on z coordinate - so everything is flat.
Is there some way to make .3ds file or .dwg file so that would really look like a 3d terrain in ACAD architecture or 3d max?
I can't seem to export more than 1 shape file in PSP X6. When I open a new 200x200 pixel vector file and use the pen tool to create a shape it will not save internally by PSP x6 under any name but "New Path" no matter what name I give the file or the vector layer name.
Whenever I export a second shape I get a pop-up window titled "Export Shape Library" that asks for a name for my new shape. When I enter a unique file name for my new shape I get another pop-up window titled "Duplicate shape names" with a listing of the supposed duplicate file(s). The only name showing though is "New Path". I have never named any of my shapes "New Path" nor named any of my vector layers "new Path" yet I always get this Duplicate shape names pop-up window containing "New Path" as the offending name to resolve.
Whenever I try to use the one shape I did save as "MyShape.PspShape" is shows up as "New Path" in the Preset Shapes listing. I accessed my only saved shape by selecting Preset shape tool/Preset shape then selecting the Shape list(from the tool options palette) and then select the Category "Preset Shapes" from the drop down. It shows up with the name "New Path".
Is there some setting I'm missing so "New Path" will not be the only name saved internally by PSP X6?
I've tried deleting all the files I've created in PSP X6 with the extension ".PspShape " and then restarted PSP X6 and I still am stuck with the "New Path" problem when I export a shape. The one shape I can export is saved on my hard drive with the unique name I gave it but PSP X6 still identifies the shape as being "New Path".
How can I export just the shapes of my image (without the canvas) so that I can place my image over the background of my website without the image still being on the canvas?
any way to delete more than a single shape at a time from a shape collection file, other like step by step with the option key? I have one collection with about 400 shapes and would like to save it to some "groups", like people, arrows, devices..
I want to know how to make my own hatch from design till puting it in (*.pat) file. for info, I know how can I download such file and upload it in AutoCAd among (CUSTOM) or (OTHER PREDEFINED) hatchs as wel, or make it by using (SUPER HATCH in express tools). But to creat PAT file that what I want to know.
I'm developing a C# project that exports drawings to DXF. I have almost finished it, but I cannot figure out how to set the background color of a Hatch entity. As I see in some sample DXF files, the background color looks like:
How can to export my SDF file to ESRI Shape file? In AutoCAD Map menu have a commands, but those works only for drawing objects. Have any way to export SDF to Shape?
Inventor 2010 Style and Standard Editor includes 35 CUST## hatches. My guess is, it stands for custom. Is there a way to import hatch patterns from AutoCAD PAT file? This functionality is available for line types through importing AutoCAD LIN file.
Xeon CPU 3.6GHz Nvidia Quadro FX 3400 Driver version Win XP Pro (32) SP3 4GB RAM w/o 3GB switch AIS 2010 SP1
Recently upgrade to ACad 2012 from 2002 and have a Designjet 500 at my office and am having trougble with a dot hatch in .plt files being sent to my printshop.At my office, I'm using a Designjet.pc3 file for both the 2002 and 2012 dwg files and they plot identically, no problem.
In creating a .plt file using a 750c.pc3 file for both 2002 and 2012 files for my printshop, the plt file for 2002 plots fine but the plt file for 2012 omits the dot hatch. Other hatches on both drawing plot fine. In print preview in both ACads both files show the dot hatch. I'm using ABviewer to check the hatch problem so I don't have to keep bothering my printshop about this. With the 2002 plt file it looks fine but in the 2012 plt file the dot hatch is missing. ABviewer shows results consistant w/ my printshop.
Am using identical pc3 files and identical CTB files. This problem goes across all my drawings....all hatches work between 02 and 12 except the dot hatch. All drawings were qsaved into 2012 from 2002 when I ungraded cads.
I have created a new 750c.pc3 file and the problem is found in that as well.Attached are just small samples of the problem showing 2002 and 2012 examples.I can only believe I am missing a setting somewhere in 2012 or there is a problem between 2012 and the 750c print driver.
I have a hatch (ANSI31) enclosed by a closed polyline. Whenever I change the hatch from ANSI31 to GRAVEL some of the hatch shows up outside the boundary. The Polyline consists of both arcs and line segments, and the hatching errors are occurring within the radius of the arc segments. Changing it from Associative to Non Associative makes no change.
I am in need of a lisp routine which will automatically pick up all hatch and solid hatch patterns within a drawing and change the colour to colour 254.
Just downloaded Autocad 2013 and am missing quite a few of the standard hatches (siding, soldier, board and batten, etc.) What should I do to get them back. When I open old drawings with these hatches in them, they load just fine...but I am unable to hatch any new areas with these hatches (because they are not listed in the hatch library)
I want to be able to add a Block Reference to a hatch. I'm adding the block reference to an ObjectIdCollection and the hatch is not taking it when using AddLoop().
So I thought maybe I needed to add the location of the polyline (curve-like) object that is member of the blockreference to the hatch, but I don't know how to get its ObjectId.
Also, I'm trying to delete certain HatchLoop that is associated to a polyline but I don't know how to do it. I'm going through the loops in the hatch but I don't know what to do there. I wanna do this so I create a new and different hatch on top.
I think one could also copy all the loops except the one one wants to delete, but I'm not sure how to tell which one is the one I want to delete that is the one associated to a polyline or that is in certain region.
We are using a file created by another company and making additions to it for Interiors. While working in this file we have added some new layers and have begun to hatch new walls. While hatching some of these wall my boss received a message saying that the file had errors. He saved and closed the file at that point. When he re-opened the file a number of lines were missing from the file.
They appear to be completely random - i.e. parts of chairs are missing but not the whole chair, parts of walls but not whole walls. The things missing were not all on the same layer and were not necessarily items that had been hatched.
Note - we are running 2012 and the files were created in 2007
I've migrated from 2005 to 2014 LT and wondered if they have added to the hatch commands. I've looked and haven't found anything. Is there a command that you can pick a hatch pattern already shown on the drawing and make that pattern the existing one to use? I sometimes have multiple hatch patterns and scales, and wanted a quick way to go from one to another without lisp help.
Im running MEP 2012. When I try to export a .dwg file to a .dxf file, I can see activity in the folder where I'm try to send the .dxf, but then all activity stops and no .dxf was created.
In Photoshop CS6 extended,when exporting 3D file as an .obj (that has a material assigned to it), it does not create the material file - .mtl - only the .obj file is created.
Is there a setting I am missing?It works on another station, so I assume its a setting.
I am trying to get my first 3d print of a model and am having problems getting it into a format that the printing service can use. I've read up and attempted stlout, 3dprint, and export commands to no avail. I get the message that the objects need to be 3dsolids or watertight meshes.
After reading all the hype on 3d printing and being very excited about it, I"ve got to say that I'm a bit overwhelmed with the steps it appears one has to take to get an architectural model to print.