Using R14 I am unable to print leaders in paperspace. I have created the leaders so they go from one view to the other. They show up fine in the drawing but will not print. How do I get them to show like they are in the paperspace when they print?
I am using annotative multileaders in model space. When I view my layout drawing in paperspace, they are not there. The layer is not turned off or frozen, the layer is set to plot. When I turn off the annotative feature, then I can see them in paper space (and plot preview).
It appears that once I bring in an xref from another firm, I cannot not get it to display properly on screen. It was working on a previous drawing and now it doesn't. I know this explaination isn't very clear so I have attached two files that are print screens of my model space and my paperspace.
I created my sheets in another drawing using the Plan Production commands. Problem is that my alignment label Ticks displayed on the main drawing and Xrefs Modelspaces but do not display on the Xrefs' Paperspace. The ticks do not also plot on paper.
I'm pretty new to using multi view blocks and rendering etc etc... basically all I want to do is show my surface (lake and landscaping) as grass, show a clear blue hatch to represent the water line and add some multi view blocks.. people and trees...
Using the multiview blocks toolpalette I have dragged and dropped some blocks into model space and ensured they are at the correct elevation to sit on the surface...
I have noticed that only one of the multi view blocks within the landscape tab is showing as I would expect - the rest all look like an extruded cross... I don't know how to fix this or whether this is correct.
I am using autocad lt 2014 and have some multi leaders on a tool palette that work fine but if I hit enter or right click for enter the multi leader will use what ever leader is set from the multi leader style that is set on the multi leader style control, but only the leader will come in wrong the text will come in correct.
Typically, I've mistakenly inserted some annotative leaders into a viewport modelspace instead of paperspace. Trying CHSPACE to bring them into PSpace makes them disappear - can't find them anywhere. Normal objects work fine.
I created a dynamic block that contains a quick leader. The problem I have is when I go to my layout views the leader in the block does not show up. If I edit the block, change the layer of the leader and save it then the leader will show up in viewports. Other parts of the block are on the same layer and show up, it is just the leader for some reason.
I do a lot of taking other peoples drawings and incorporate our portion of work onto theirs and often shrink the viewports to our sections alone. Their drawings often have information that we don't want on our drawings to insure we are not responsible for the work. Presently, they drew the detail in ms and annotation in ps (which i personally think is retarded).
I want to keep the dimensions but not the leaders and comments. Is there any way to delete all mtext and leaders quickly without deleting dimensions. Only think I can think of is highlight dimensions and convert them to ms via modify then go into ps and ctrl A and delete.
Any export issue with Revit, where the leaders in the Revit model are exploded when the model is exported to AutoCAD. If so is there a setting or a procedure in Revit that fixes this other then redrawing the leaders in AutoCAD?
We recently upgraded from Autodesk Inventor 11 to Autodesk Inventor 13. For some reason the text box cuts off any leader I try to put over it. I thought this might be a glitch on my machine at first till I realized that it would not work on any machine in our office. I must have clicked a wrong button or something when installing Autodesk Inventor 13 because it worked perfectly fine in Autodesk Inventor 11.
I was adding text and leaders to a drawing and after the text was entered I pushed the escape key. It then asked me if I want to save my text. It also had a check box asking me if I always want to perform that so it wouldn't keep popping up with that question. Well, I had checked that I didn't want the text and I also checked the box to always perform that answer. And now it won't save any text that I write. It just keeps the leader. How can I get the text to stay and undo the box that I checked to always answer that way (to not keep text)?
In one of the xref’s there is a linetype that I’m having trouble with (actually I’m not sure if it’s the linetype or a setvar that’s the problem). The line is a polyline. Linetype generation is turned on. LTscale is set correctly. The line is set to display the linetype by layer…not entity. Line weight is set to default. It has a global width of 0.333. Here’s the problem….In the main drawing, I have a layout which has leaders in paper space pointing to the line in the xref. They are touching the line where I want them. THEN…when I print the page….the leaders are no longer pointing to the line. They (the leaders) display correctly but can’t be printed as seen. Not to a PDF, not to a printed page. See below:
What I see....
What I get.....
UPDATE: It looks like the problem is with the drawing that the xref is attached to....not the xref!
I am working on a drawing where the annotation scale was 1:30 and I changed it to 1:40 and all my annotative leaders no longer line up horizontally (the little line just before the text....see attached example).
Is there a way of globally fixing this issue without having to fix each one independently?
So we are doing some plans production standards. One thought was why are leaders needed if all the object are called out witha station and offset in civil engineering plans?
Why use text leaders in cad plans?
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
2012 drawings are not showing multi-leaders, when opened in 2007. We saved the 2012 drawings down to 2004. These same multileaders are not printing either.
I need labeling my alignment. Ive been trying to figure out a way to label my alignment in drawing with a 45° line that guides another line and text oriented by view that names the station and a setting that starts a count, like "COURVE 1, COURVE 2", from the start to the end of the alignment. All on an adjustable length line, but all I got is fixed length lines, and I'm having overlapping problems when I have multiple horizontal geometry points or other points to label.
Dragging the labels upward pull the leader line component with them and they do not remain anchored to the structure. When I say leader, I am not referring to the dragged state as that creates a leade with a landing at an angle. When i use the grip in the alignment, it comes to an dragged state label, it doesn't fit the pattern I need. What I really want is a line component anchored to the alignment point even though I drag the "Line 2" and the text of the label upward or downward, while these are still oriented by the view.
The text that we're using for the majority of our notations doesn't look very good at 1.0x scale so I try and adjust the paragraph line spacing to 0.8x as I go. I also know that if I create MTEXT and adjust the paragraph line spacing at the prompt it will "stick". However it doesn't stick for leaders and there's no real way of creating a permanent setting, is there?
Slight inconvenience of adjusting that setting each time I create a leader.
I have a part rendered in Inventor Studio- Looks great when I save it as a .bmp and print it. How can I add dimensions and leaders and callout to this rendered imaged?
Is there a way when creating hatches, for it to ignore annotative leaders? If the line of the leader crosses the area to be hatched, it breaks at the line. But if the arrow crosses the area, it totally freaks out and won't do what it's supposed to (usually inverses what is to be hatched.)
There REALLY needs to be an option to ignore mleader & mtext objects...
Is there a way to move the tip of the other scale's arrow of an annotative multileader in the model space ?
For exemple, I shifted this tree a little bit to the left. I have a multileader pointing to the middle of it to indicate the tree species. When selecting the multileader, I can use the little blue square to move the tip of the small arrow but how can I move the other one ?
Since that multileader is pointing to other trees as well, I cannot move the whole thing.
I guess I could go to the paper space and into a viewport using that scale, but I need to do that quite often and I'm sure there should be an easier way.
I have recently started to have a problem with lines, leaders, blocks and x-refs etc, straying from level 0 for z. I think it may have something to do with the fact I am making use of files from cad duct 3d software, how do I prevent/resolve this?
Part I :When I place a diameter/radius leader, it is a set length.I can move it all around the circle I'm dimensioning but the length of this leader is set. It is really short and it sucks to have to place the dimension then move it to where I want it as a second step.
Is there a setting that will allow me to drag this dimension where I want and make the leader as long as I desire?
Part II:In Autocad 2009, if you wanted to change a leader location,you could pick the text grip and it would move the end of the leader to that point then place the dimension from that point. Now picking the grip places the text and I have no control over the angle of the leader (our standards require leaders to always be a set angle from the object!)
While working in a drawing, I noticed that my leaders looked a little odd. They had ALL lost their verticies and upon further investigation I realized that the mtext is no longer attached to the leader (i.e. when you select text and grab the grip and move, the leader, text end, does not follow). Start a new leader command, and all is well with the new leader and text but the old leaders remain disconnected.
This is a new file originated in 2013. Audit was 0. Restarted AutoCad, checked a bak file and auto-save, no changes to mleader settings or attachments. I do no recall executing any out of the ordinary commands or changing settings.
I have some points labeled with elevation only. If I drag the labels away from the point leaders are created but the arrows do not point to the centers of the points. I looked in the label style>dragged state>leaders but I don't see anyway to tell the leaders where to point.
I was wondering is there a way to export text, dimension, leaders and table styles? I have been trying for a while but can figure it out not even sure that you can.
When I draw new linework and text it shows up greyed out, even though it should be showing up full tone. Curiously, blocks that are inserted on the same layer as the linework and text come in full tone.
The attached image provides an example of what's happening (it's difficult to see the greyed out text reading "TEST", the leader, and a sawtooth section of polyline).
More info:
Xrefed drawings are displayed at full tone.
Linework from earlier sessions are displayed at full tone - this is only affecting new work.
This happens only in this drawing.
This happens on different sessions of C3D (i.e. different computers).
This happens on when drawing on any layer.
The layers are unlocked.
This occurs in both model and paperspace. The drawing has been audited (no errors were found). Everything prints out properly.
I suspect there's a variable that deals with visibility has been inadverdantly changed in this particular drawing.
Any way to label my structures in profile with a vertical line that shows the structure ID, Station number, invert data, etc. all on an adjustable length line. Ive got it worked out for how to show it on a fixed length line, but the problem is when you have multiple structures in close proximity the labels tend to overlap. Dragging the labels upward pull the leader line compnent with them and they do not remain anchored to the structure. When I say leader, I am not referring to the dragged state as that creates a leade with a landing at an angle. What I really want is a line component that stay perfectly vertical and remains anchored to the structure insertion point even though I drag the text of the label upward. Is there a way to do this? Seaching the internet and reviewing ym texts has yet to yield an answer.