AutoCad :: Leaders Don't Display Correctly When Plotting
Sep 30, 2013
In one of the xref’s there is a linetype that I’m having trouble with (actually I’m not sure if it’s the linetype or a setvar that’s the problem). The line is a polyline. Linetype generation is turned on. LTscale is set correctly. The line is set to display the linetype by layer…not entity. Line weight is set to default. It has a global width of 0.333. Here’s the problem….In the main drawing, I have a layout which has leaders in paper space pointing to the line in the xref. They are touching the line where I want them. THEN…when I print the page….the leaders are no longer pointing to the line. They (the leaders) display correctly but can’t be printed as seen. Not to a PDF, not to a printed page. See below:
What I see....
What I get.....
UPDATE: It looks like the problem is with the drawing that the xref is attached to....not the xref!
I'm using Civil 3D 2012. When it generates labels (alignment stationing, profile station & elevation, etc.), it keeps generating them in layer 0. It does not matter how I change the styles to the layer that I want.
It allows me to change the properties of the labels to the layer that I want after the labels have been generated. They look ok on my computer screen.
However, when I plot the plans, the labels do not follow the lineweights that the layer should be on. I think it still plotting as if it was layer 0. If I explode the labels, I can get them to plot correctly by changing the layer.
I've just replaced all the color carts in an HP DesignJet 510 42-inch inkjet plotter. I drew some parallel lines in ACAD 2012 to test the colors, and I'm getting weird results. The most noticeable errors are: Yellow prints out at a very pale green and Blue prints at purple. Red and Cyan seem to be ok, as well as Orange... I ran a color calibration on the plotter itself and the yellow prints out a very bright, correct yellow.
I am using AutoCAD LT 2013 and at the moment i am just using the dwg to pdf.pc3 included in AutoCAD.
All of the text in my drawings is the same font (ISOCPAUS). Up until about a week ago, i could plot bold & italic text using the dwg to pdf plotter. Now, I cannot and i don't know what has changed to make this happen. Underlined and overlined text still plots fine to pdf. Everything appears correct in model space, paper space layouts, in previews and if i plot to any of the printers in the office, but once i plot to pdf, the bold and italic is gone.
I either have bad settings or have found a bug in 2012 when plotting parcels.
I have a P-drain Parcel setting for major drainage areas - I set the display to the C-PROP-BNDY layer which seems to be OOB for the entire 'property'. I create the parcels from poly lines on the P-DRAIN-AREA layer.
The parcels go to the C-PROP layer. My problem is that I can't seem to get the property lines to plot. I try to set C-PROP-BNDY to the correct color, yet when I plot, the lines don't show.
I have two identical computers (dell 745's) running windows 7 and Autocad 2012 (64bit). on one machine opening a drawing which has is a linked OLE document everything displays properly. On the other machine the same drawing is opened and only the top 1/4 or so of the OLE document is displayed in the area allocated to the OLE.
This drawing also displays correctly on a HP laptop running win 7 and autcad2012.
I have dumped the variables from all three machines using setvar and copy and pasting and can see nothing that is different between the machines.
I've used this method a lot in the past using acad2008/win xp pro and did run into a file occasionally the would mess with the OLE but it's been limited to one file once in a while. Now since I've upgraded this one machine refuses to handle any OLE's. I like the editing commands in word better the the limited commands in AutoCAD tables or Exel for that matter.
I have an assembly drawing that one of the components in the drawing views is not displaying properly.
What I mean by this is other component that are in front of portions of this said part the said part is not showing line segments as hidden or just removed (preferred).
If you look at the image below I have highlighted the portions that are not displaying properly.
I have tried changing the display section under the edit view. The other weird thing is this said part is showing up in the view as phantom lines when the properties clearly show it as a continuous line per the "By Layer" setting.
I am not sure if the LOD's involved speak to this, but this hasn't always been like this and I am not sure what changed it.
Using a keynote database on some modernization plans.
The database has keynotes listed as: (1.1,1.5...2.3,2.5...9.13,9.14 etc.)
All other keynotes are fine. When selecting one particular keynote 9.14-Carpet Tile Walk Off Mat (CPT-2)
...instead of 9.14 displaying on the plan like all the other keynotes, this displays: 09 68 00.C1
(I've made sure that only the key is selected to display and not the key and note option from the annotation options list. So that can't be the problem.)
I've been working in C3D for about 5 yrs now, and one thing that drives me absolutely nuts about it is how to get the correct layers to display when plotting different sheets out of the same drawing, regardless of the layer state of my model. I worked in Terramodel for about 5 years prior to coming back to AutoCAD and became spoiled by the ease with which layers displayed on different sheets in the same drawing. You assigned a layer state to the viewport and that viewport always plotted that way.
It didn't matter what layers were on or off, frozen or thawed in the model view, once you jumped over to the sheet it always looked the same once you set it up. In C3D I've tried viewport overrides, jumping into the viewport and setting the layers then saving the layer state... All sorts of different approaches, but I've never found anything that really works. My projects are typically small enough that I have all of my sheets in the same drawing but want different layer settings on different sheets.
Is there a way to "disable" the display of the viewport "outline" so that it is not seen when looking at the paper space tab on a computer screen? Kind of like how images have frames but you can "hide" them.
I'm working in a Dell workstation w/Windows 2000 professional PS 7.0.
I've tried all the traditional 'associate this file' but nothing works. You double click on the file, Photoshop loads, then nothing displays. Open... or even drag and drop work just fine.
On my iMac, LAYERS don't display correctly in Illustrator CS6.I create 3 layers. When I set "don't print" to the upper layer (Calque 3), the display of the panel isn't correct anymore. The 2 other layers disapear in the panel, but on the workbench everything is still ok.
When moving the layer (Calque 3) down, the display of the panel becomes ok again. But my drawing request that I don't change the layers's place.
currently getting by with v11 on winXP..Having a recent problem which I hope one of you can identify. I undoubtedly caused this problem myself by while trying to set up multiple monitors with different screen resolutions, dpi's, font viewing sizes, etc... but now I don't know exactly what setting caused it or how to get back to normal.
Here's the problem - two dialog boxes are displaying very skewed as shown in the screen-shots below. It's only these two dialogs I seem to have trouble with. It's like their popup windows are wrong proportions. No settings I change in my monitor setups seem to correct the situation.
I wish to report a bug that has been present in x4 and x5 regardless of SP or updates installed. Due to this bug I use X3 as it was the last version that worked for me.
The bug is that several menu buttons on the Edit screen will not display correctly, it is as if the icon is corrupted. This happens with the free trial version as well as with a registered version with updates installed.
See the attached screen shot as it explains this much better.
Computer Specs: Win XP Pro w/SP3 32bit ATI video 512M w/latest drivers 2G Ram 240G HDD Intel 3.01Ghz CPU
I created a couple of icons with Greenfish Icon Editor, which works reliably for me, to assign to macros. They were saved as 16 x 16 32-bit icons. But when I try to assign them, they appear larger and I can't fit them into the space allotted for an icon; in other words, they get clipped.
I keep getting the error message "For the Photoshop UI to display correctly, open System Preferences, click Appearance, and turn off text smoothing for font sizes 8 and smaller." I go into preferences and into general but there is no setting to turn off text smoothing for a specific font. I'm in osx mavericks and all it says is "use lsd font smoothing when available" and when I uncheck it, the error message in photoshop still pops up.
I'm attempting to plot a drawing with a 3d shape and a title block around it. I would like for the occluded lines to not be drawn therefore I'm using the hidden visual style and set shade plot to hidden as well.
My problem arises from the quality of the plot to PDF versus the quality coming out of a printer. It is just a 8.5x11 page. The pdf comes out with horrible anti-aliasing and jagged lines, whereas the print is entirely smooth. Is there something simple I'm missing? It would be even better to find a way to make the plot to PDF come out in vector format! I know it is possible to show the layers and have them vectorized in a PDF... How is this done?
Using R14 I am unable to print leaders in paperspace. I have created the leaders so they go from one view to the other. They show up fine in the drawing but will not print. How do I get them to show like they are in the paperspace when they print?
I am using autocad lt 2014 and have some multi leaders on a tool palette that work fine but if I hit enter or right click for enter the multi leader will use what ever leader is set from the multi leader style that is set on the multi leader style control, but only the leader will come in wrong the text will come in correct.
Typically, I've mistakenly inserted some annotative leaders into a viewport modelspace instead of paperspace. Trying CHSPACE to bring them into PSpace makes them disappear - can't find them anywhere. Normal objects work fine.
I created a dynamic block that contains a quick leader. The problem I have is when I go to my layout views the leader in the block does not show up. If I edit the block, change the layer of the leader and save it then the leader will show up in viewports. Other parts of the block are on the same layer and show up, it is just the leader for some reason.
I do a lot of taking other peoples drawings and incorporate our portion of work onto theirs and often shrink the viewports to our sections alone. Their drawings often have information that we don't want on our drawings to insure we are not responsible for the work. Presently, they drew the detail in ms and annotation in ps (which i personally think is retarded).
I want to keep the dimensions but not the leaders and comments. Is there any way to delete all mtext and leaders quickly without deleting dimensions. Only think I can think of is highlight dimensions and convert them to ms via modify then go into ps and ctrl A and delete.
Any export issue with Revit, where the leaders in the Revit model are exploded when the model is exported to AutoCAD. If so is there a setting or a procedure in Revit that fixes this other then redrawing the leaders in AutoCAD?
We recently upgraded from Autodesk Inventor 11 to Autodesk Inventor 13. For some reason the text box cuts off any leader I try to put over it. I thought this might be a glitch on my machine at first till I realized that it would not work on any machine in our office. I must have clicked a wrong button or something when installing Autodesk Inventor 13 because it worked perfectly fine in Autodesk Inventor 11.
I was adding text and leaders to a drawing and after the text was entered I pushed the escape key. It then asked me if I want to save my text. It also had a check box asking me if I always want to perform that so it wouldn't keep popping up with that question. Well, I had checked that I didn't want the text and I also checked the box to always perform that answer. And now it won't save any text that I write. It just keeps the leader. How can I get the text to stay and undo the box that I checked to always answer that way (to not keep text)?
I am working on a drawing where the annotation scale was 1:30 and I changed it to 1:40 and all my annotative leaders no longer line up horizontally (the little line just before the text....see attached example).
Is there a way of globally fixing this issue without having to fix each one independently?
So we are doing some plans production standards. One thought was why are leaders needed if all the object are called out witha station and offset in civil engineering plans?
Why use text leaders in cad plans?
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post