AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Linework And Text But Not Blocks And Leaders - Greyed Out
Dec 11, 2013
When I draw new linework and text it shows up greyed out, even though it should be showing up full tone. Curiously, blocks that are inserted on the same layer as the linework and text come in full tone.
The attached image provides an example of what's happening (it's difficult to see the greyed out text reading "TEST", the leader, and a sawtooth section of polyline).
More info:
Xrefed drawings are displayed at full tone.
Linework from earlier sessions are displayed at full tone - this is only affecting new work.
This happens only in this drawing.
This happens on different sessions of C3D (i.e. different computers).
This happens on when drawing on any layer.
The layers are unlocked.
This occurs in both model and paperspace. The drawing has been audited (no errors were found). Everything prints out properly.
I suspect there's a variable that deals with visibility has been inadverdantly changed in this particular drawing.
C3D 2013
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Oct 12, 2013
So we are doing some plans production standards. One thought was why are leaders needed if all the object are called out witha station and offset in civil engineering plans?
Why use text leaders in cad plans?
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
C3D 2014 SP1
Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram
Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
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May 23, 2013
Using 2013 C3D. My text and linework is now gray. During opening/initializing of drawing, everything appear fine until it finishes loading, then everything is gray. It just started yesterday when I was bringing in shp files of wetlands in various ways (dragging/dropping, fdo conect and mapimport). Maybe the shp file had nothing to do with it, but I've never seen cad do this.
When I grip the line, the color in layer comes up as correct color, but the line on screen is gray. Also if I copy the multileader or line, the color reverts back to correct color until I save, exit and reopen. BTW - the only thing that isn't gray is my civil 3d pipes and structures.
why everything is turning gray??
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Sep 27, 2012
I created a dynamic block that contains a quick leader. The problem I have is when I go to my layout views the leader in the block does not show up. If I edit the block, change the layer of the leader and save it then the leader will show up in viewports. Other parts of the block are on the same layer and show up, it is just the leader for some reason.
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Oct 4, 2012
I have recently started to have a problem with lines, leaders, blocks and x-refs etc, straying from level 0 for z. I think it may have something to do with the fact I am making use of files from cad duct 3d software, how do I prevent/resolve this?
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Sep 13, 2012
We recently upgraded from Autodesk Inventor 11 to Autodesk Inventor 13. For some reason the text box cuts off any leader I try to put over it. I thought this might be a glitch on my machine at first till I realized that it would not work on any machine in our office. I must have clicked a wrong button or something when installing Autodesk Inventor 13 because it worked perfectly fine in Autodesk Inventor 11.
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Apr 6, 2013
I was adding text and leaders to a drawing and after the text was entered I pushed the escape key. It then asked me if I want to save my text. It also had a check box asking me if I always want to perform that so it wouldn't keep popping up with that question. Well, I had checked that I didn't want the text and I also checked the box to always perform that answer. And now it won't save any text that I write. It just keeps the leader. How can I get the text to stay and undo the box that I checked to always answer that way (to not keep text)?
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Jul 9, 2013
I need labeling my alignment. Ive been trying to figure out a way to label my alignment in drawing with a 45° line that guides another line and text oriented by view that names the station and a setting that starts a count, like "COURVE 1, COURVE 2", from the start to the end of the alignment. All on an adjustable length line, but all I got is fixed length lines, and I'm having overlapping problems when I have multiple horizontal geometry points or other points to label.
Dragging the labels upward pull the leader line component with them and they do not remain anchored to the structure. When I say leader, I am not referring to the dragged state as that creates a leade with a landing at an angle. When i use the grip in the alignment, it comes to an dragged state label, it doesn't fit the pattern I need. What I really want is a line component anchored to the alignment point even though I drag the "Line 2" and the text of the label upward or downward, while these are still oriented by the view.
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Aug 22, 2011
I was wondering is there a way to export text, dimension, leaders and table styles? I have been trying for a while but can figure it out not even sure that you can.
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Nov 9, 2006
I have some points labeled with elevation only. If I drag the labels away from the point leaders are created but the arrows do not point to the centers of the points. I looked in the label style>dragged state>leaders but I don't see anyway to tell the leaders where to point.
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Jul 23, 2013
I can't find information for how a block's text is utilized in a style. Here are some details. I have a unitless block with a non annotative text size of 10. This block is part of a style with a size 'use drawing scale' of .12. At 40 scale, it inserts at 4.8 size. If I change the text size to 8 it inserts at 4.8. If I hcange the text size to 5, it inserts at 3.
My question is how are the annotation scale, block text size, and style insert size tied together? OR are there other variables influencing the scaling? I have attached a screen shot of some of my unofficial tests.
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
C3D 2014 SP1
Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram
Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
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Mar 14, 2012
I'm currently working with AutoCAD Civil 3D Land Desktop Companion. The drawing has hundreds of callouts for different elements all over the site. The callouts are in form of a block, with a number inside. The number corresponds to a notes page which lists each detail in chronological order. (nothing new there)
Due to an expanding and shifting job site, notes have been added and deleted. The problem is now we have to go back through and update all the callout blocks. For example: We have 75 notes in our list, if note number 3 changes or is deleted, we need to go through and change all the numbers in all the blocks to reflect the change to the list.
Is there a way to link blocks to an mtext list? or possibly a spreadsheet?
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Sep 24, 2013
I could download a .shp file that contains the section linework for indiana in state plane Coordinates? I am not looking for perfect coordinates, just graphically pleasing. I would like to start a database of the section corners we have recovered and I think it would be neat to have the whole state.
Civil 3D 2013
HP Z400 Workstation
6GB of RAM
ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL)
Win 7 Home Professional
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Jul 18, 2013
I currently use Leica Viva Smartworks for surveying and it captures the linework codes in its own field, so when I export my CSV file my Descrition comes on with the feature code but the linework code is another field. Is their a way that using the Format field in the description Key that I can get the Full description field to read something like "V-DOMW-PIPE B", which would pull the feature code from the raw descrition field and the begin line code from the Linework field.
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Jul 24, 2012
I am currently using a FBK to run my auto-linework. I am having a problem generating curves, closing lines, etc... Everything works fine unitl I hit a curve or try to close a line. I have tried many different point code variations and the only one that worked on curves was a "BC1 BC, BC1 EC". Problem is I need multiple points on a curve to pick up laydowns, PVI's, etc... I tried the "OC", no "OC".......just about every variation I could think of to no avail. Is there an alternative to a FBK that works better?
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Aug 30, 2012
I received a 3D drawing but only need linework from it. I have flattened it out so I am able to export the linework. The problem is when I import the drawing into another software (Trimble Business Center), the lines are still 3D face and am not able to treat it like linework. Is there a way to convert a 3D face into line or polyline in C3D?
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Jan 14, 2013
What's the best workflow to extract the linework from a corridor - I need the linework as 3D polys for export to another modelling system?I have tried the extract feature line from corridor but it is incredibly tedious so I have lately done the following
1 Rebuild Corridors and Save file.
2 Select Corridor, Isolate and Explode twice.
3 Select all the lines and JOIN which then creates 3D polylines.
4 Wblock the 3D polylines.
5. DO NOT RESAVE...!!!
Is there a better way?
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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Mar 13, 2013
Any way to generate liework with point numbers. I have survey data of a pipeline and all the points are in order, if there was just a way for linework to connect them by increasing point number in my drawing?
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Apr 22, 2013
We are using the linework coding to process our figures and the survey .txt file provided to me uses codes to begin lines with "+" & "-". For example, driveways are coded + DR1 for begin and - DR1 to end the line. The linework process works fine, its when I go to display the point in the description keys that are causing me problems. All the points that are in between the begin and end points display to the appropriate style because they are coded as DR*. The begin and end do not display correctly as the + & - isn't being recognized in the description key. I tried many alternate ways such as *DR*, + DR*, - DR*, with nothing working.
Is there a different format I need to be using? There are way to many points to go thru to move the + & - behind the code.
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Dec 13, 2011
We are now working in civil 3D 2011, and have started using the .txt files now instead of the fieldbooks of the past. I have created a Description key set, along with a figure prefix database and a linework code set. everything works fine as long as the field crews use EP1, EP,2 EP3, ETC.. But we would really like to utilize the Begin and End function of this. I have unchecked the box that says Automatic begin on figure prefix match, but still no luck. I have also checked the linework code set and it all looks good <Space> delimiter etc..
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Aug 12, 2012
Any way to label my structures in profile with a vertical line that shows the structure ID, Station number, invert data, etc. all on an adjustable length line. Ive got it worked out for how to show it on a fixed length line, but the problem is when you have multiple structures in close proximity the labels tend to overlap. Dragging the labels upward pull the leader line compnent with them and they do not remain anchored to the structure. When I say leader, I am not referring to the dragged state as that creates a leade with a landing at an angle. What I really want is a line component that stay perfectly vertical and remains anchored to the structure insertion point even though I drag the text of the label upward. Is there a way to do this? Seaching the internet and reviewing ym texts has yet to yield an answer.
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Aug 9, 2010
I'd like to turn off the leader for individual points that have had a component dragged. For most points, I need the leader, but for others, it's just in the way. I'm beginning to think that I have to make a whole new label style in which the leader for dragged components is made invisible.
Civil 3D 2012
Windows 7 Enterprise SP1
Dell Precision T3400
(Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz)
Nvidia Quadro GTX 650 Ti BOOST
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Nov 28, 2012
Would like to know how to set automatic text masking for call outs with leaders. Is there a way?
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May 8, 2012
I have created a MANHOLE UDP which defines inverts in & out etc as well pipe types and sizes. Is there a way to automatically generate a polyline or feature line which picks up the invertout to invert in of the next manhole by point number? hope that makes sense! I am using Civil3D 2012.
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Mar 11, 2013
The normal color scheme for xref'd entites is the color gray. Is there a way to change them so that the linework can be more distinguishable? With everything being gray, it is hard to differentiate between contour lines and feature lines.
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Sep 12, 2013
See attachments. See the green linework in each plan that is skipping across the corridor. These are two different projects. I have seen this numerous times but have not found a solution or even what is causing the problem.
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Oct 12, 2011
How do i go about placing text/symbols over the top of linework without braking the line. Is there a method of masking out the line with the text/symbol
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Nov 25, 2013
I imported survey data and had auto lines drawn. then I rotated my points/nodes. -- how do i get my linework to update?
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Aug 8, 2013
I have imported surveydata into the survey database from FBK and processed linework. I do as many edits to my figures as I can by editing point codes and processing linework, then I fix the rest of the figures manually editing them and pushing the changes back to the survey database.
Once you have started manually editing figures you can no longer 'process linework' as you get double ups of figures you manually edited.
My issue is that I have made some adjustments to some of my control point coordinates after manually editing figures, so that all my survey points move. I try to update the survey figures so that they move with my points but Civil3D tells me that it cant update them because they were made by processing linework.
Is there anyway I can get my figures to match my points without reprocessing linework and then making all the manual edits again or exporting an FBK from the database, remove the figures and points from the dwg, reset the network and import the new FBK?
We should be able to update figures without processing linework, even if that was how the figures were originally made!
Civil3D 2014 - Windows7 64bit
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Dec 9, 2013
Is there a way to edit the point descriptions in the drawing and update my auto line work to match it. I can edit the point description fine, but my auto line work will not update?
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Oct 15, 2013
i have a bunch of pipes we surveyed in the field, the linework code we were using was p01 B 10"
the "B" being "begin"
my description key set is set up as follows:
p## = Code
Ex Pipe $1= format
the trouble is, this works nicely for all of the inbetween shots, but for shots containing "B" and "E" it uses the B for the $1 instead of the desired 10" pipe size. How do I prevent this from happening?
We were origially using the code B p01 10" but the description keys were geting hung up on the B and not sorting the point to the desired layer.
what is the best method for coding in the field? and how do I get the 10" to show up in the label instead of the B and E
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