I am using R14 which suits my hobby needs which are drawing model parts for photo-etching. I have started a new drawing for which I need parts from an earlier drawing.
The only way I have found to complete this task is copying to the clipboard, then pasting to the new drawing. I then find that I have an assembly rather than a collection of lines and circles etc and modification is not possible, eg, substituting a larger diameter or deleting one part of the drawing.
There is an error "Corrupted memory" when on several machines executing some code. I know the error is in the wblockcloneobjects from drawing A to drawing B.
The strange thing about this error is:
We have 6 computers with Civil and Autocad.
Some users have no errors at all.
Some people only errors when executing it in Civil, som only when executing it in Autocad, some have it in both.
This is almost a copy of the VB.NET sample from autodesk.
This is the code where it crashes:
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime Public Class Class1 <CommandMethod("TEST", CommandFlags.Session)> Public Sub CopyObjecten() Dim oAppCivilDWT As String = "C:TemplatesCivil.dwt" Dim oAppAutocadDWT As String = "C:TemplatesAutocad.dwt" Dim oAppMechanicalDWT As String = "C:TemplatesMechanical.dwt" RunMyCode
All the modelpace objects needs to be copied to a template. (the full code does more stuff but this is the critical part)
I have two drawings: one with lines, and one which includes maps (raster image) and point cloud of latitudes of the same area (elevation in meters). I'm trying to copy these lines from the other drawing into the map-drawing, but when I'm trying drag and drop, the mouse doesn't even go to the other drawing. I also made a block of the lines and tried to insert it, but it doesn't work either.
We used Furix BetterWMF 2013 to copy our drawings from AutoCAD 2013 to Word 2007. Never had a problem till we upgraded to 2013 for both products. Now when we paste the drawing into Word (for our product manuals) any Ohm symbols turn into Question marks.
I'm assuming the problem is not AutoCAD, as it displays correctly there.
I have text and arrows in paperspace that i can't get to display above the image which is in model space. i'm using draworder. i have tried sending text to front, sending image to back and also sending the Vports which display the image to back. i've also tried copying text out of the drawing and bring it back in and it still goes behind the image.
I'm wanting to copy some elements from one drawing to a different .dwg file to make sure it's identical. I can't just simply use the COPY command. At least it didn't work for me.
I am copying and pasting a block from one drawing to another but as soon as I past it, AutCAD stops responding. I have done purging and auditing and still can't solve the issue.
We used Furix BetterWMF 2013 to copy our drawings from AutoCAD 2013 to Word 2007. Never had a problem till we upgraded to 2013 for both products. Now when we paste the drawing into Word (for our product manuals) any Ohm symbols turn into Question marks.
I'm assuming the problem is not AutoCAD, as it displays correctly there. Any problems with Ohm symbols in general in AUtoCAD 2013.
Drawing disappear after using a dynamic block's stretch parameter?
I’ve made fairly simple dynamic blocks with lines or leaders that can be stretched and some attribute text. After moving the stretch grip of the block the block will disappear. If I then do a regen the entire drawing disappears. But it seems to be only a graphical glitch based on the fact that I can then save the disappeared drawing, reopen it and everything is up to date. I can even see my devious little dynamic blocks. But of course if I try to edit them everything will disappear again.
im currently using Autocad 2013 and it is running painfully slow when drawing lines and copying lines and objects... my experience on autocad is very minimal and how to speed things up a bit. also icons appear next to lines when i join 2 or more line, one for each join, but i suspect they may also be causing my drawing to lag.
I have conducted a level survey on site and once I have loaded it in to aurtocad I need to copy them on to a drawing so can tell where abouts the level are in relation to the site. When I have done this I copy with base point and paste with coordinates but it comes up tiny compared to the drawing.
How can I copy a profile view style from one drawing to another? I can't seem to locate the ones I created in toolspace to be able to drag them from one drawing to another.
I have the 2013 AutoCAD Student Version and I want to transfer my file to the AutoCAD 30-Day Proffessional version, Can I do this by easily Copying and Pasting the drawing from version to version?
I have the following code that lets me copy a selection and paste it to another area a given distance away. I now need to paste it into another file but have had no success after searching for help online.
Dim SP1sel1(0 To 2) As Double Dim SP1sel2(0 To 2) As Double Dim SP1copy1(0 To 2) As Double Dim SP1copy2(0 To 2) As Double Dim objSS As AcadSelectionSet 'Dim str0pt As String 'Dim lngMode As Long [code]...
I have a drawing with a table on it that I need other people to be able to fill in. As they don't have access to AutoCAD I thought the best way would be to copy it into word and add the table in there. My problem is I can only get the contents of a viewport to copy if the visual style is set to 2d wireframe using the COPYLINK command. I need to use conceptual and a custom visual style. WMFOUT, JPGOUT and BMPOUT are the same as well. PDFs export ok but I'm having trouble copying to word through that.
When I cut and paste a viewport from one layout to the other the layers that were frozen in that viewport become thawed. Is there any way of copying the viewport over so that those layers that are frozen in that viewport only remain that way ?
We did the upgrade last week and I am trying to use the drag and drop to bring styles and description keys across. Done it many times between 10 drawings. I am opening 2 drawings-one from 10 with everything I want and one in 12 to be my template.
Problem is I am only seeing one the current drawing when I click on TOOLSPACE.
I am familiar with older versions of autocad and now using autocad 2013.
i am trying to copy paste an existing drawing to a new page but the limits are different, the copy comes smaller than the template border so am trying to fit the copy into the border page.
I am currently trying to draw a football stadium and I have copied the seats along the rows by using the array command. When I click on one seat it selects all the seats from the array. Is it possible to just select one seat incase the other stands don't have the same amount of seats?
When moving the cursor over the drawing, it moves freely and the precision of the coordinates are still working to 4 decimal places. However, when I pick an object to move or copy and then try to move or copy it, the coordinate precision settings are changing to 0 decimal places and I'm unable to move things to exactly where I want - I can only move on a mm by mm basis. How do I return the precision settings of the coordinates back to 4 decimal places so I can move / copy objects without the current constraint I'm experiencing?
I have two listbox controls on my form (lstAvailableLayers and lstLayersToUse). The lstAvailableLayers listbox gets populated by the following:
Public Sub MaindialogTitleText_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim myDWG As Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Document Dim myDB As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Database Dim myTransMan As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager Dim myTrans As [code]......
There is a button that is supposed to copy the selected items from the lstAvailableLayers listbox to the lstLayersToUse listbox:
Private Sub btnMoveLayers_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMoveLayers.Click If lstAvailableLayers.SelectedIndex < 0 Then MsgBox("You must select at least one layer", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Error") Else Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To lstAvailableLayers.SelectedItems.Count - 1 lstLayersToUse.Items.Add(lstAvailableLayers.SelectedItem) Next End If End Sub
I select 2 layers from the list and hit the button, and the first selected item gets copied twice to the second list. I've looked all over the place and I keep seeing similar code to this that's supposed to work.
I'm having some trouble while copying between drawings. I am attempting to merge a number of floor plans which are all saved as seperate drawings into 1 drawing. However whenever I copy the floor plan over to another drawing, some of the lines/objects seem to be displaced.
Got a strange problem when copying geometry that contains splines between drawings.
The image below shows the results, the white dashed line shows the copy result, the blue dots are the control points, and the red line shows the copy input.
It seems that the control points are correct, but the tangencies of those points, or control vertices are WAAAAAY out.
I also get the same result when inserting the geometry as a block..
I am working on an alignment sheet for a gas line. I am showing an aerial in my main viewport in plan view. I am only showing line work between match lines nothing pass that except the aerial. However I have two more viewports aside from the main one. I have one to each of the sides of the main viewport to show the aerial image only pass the match lines. My viewports are locked all three of them, yet my image on the viewports to each of the sides of the match lines keep acting up and won't show correctly every time I zoom out or in. They'll be a time that they will but if I zoom out or in after that they will move and not match my main viewport were the line work is at. I only copied the main viewport and resized it to fit in the template pass the match lines. Created a reference point to zoom into my aerial after the match line and it all works until I'm ready to plot and zoom out then it messes up.
I have been trying to figure out how to copy a Layout from one DWG to another. I know there are several threads about this, and I have tried the methods they reccomend, but I am having an unusual problem.
I have been trying to open a Layout by using the "from Template" option for creating a new Layout, then opening the DWG containing the desired Layout. It works, but everything drawn in model space ends up compressed into the lower left corner and there is nothing in model space. So, the paper space information from the Layout is being imported, but the drawing info is getting mixed up somehow.
I have tried using the Design Center with identical results.
How can know if entities are being manually copied and pasted between drawings.A thought is to add a GUID to each entities Xdata and check if the value is in the named object dictionary.