how to extend a solid object. You can see at the picture that I attached what I mean and also I will try to explain. I draw a fence 1.5 m high. At one specific part of the yard I want the fence to be 2.0 m high. So I moved upper part (horisontal) of the fence to the height of 2.0 m. Now I want the 2 vertical poles to "extend" to that height. Now I can delete those poles and use extend command from the bottom and then use silce command. I was just wondering if their is a command that I can use to grab the pole as it is now and pull it up to the new height if that is possible without erasing it.
Using AutoCAD 2014 I'm trying to model the tummy cut on the back of a guitar similar to this:
I've modeled it to my liking using a mesh surface, how can I "subtract" this area from my 3d solid body? I also have Fusion360, but don't really know how to use it.
I am trying to use AutoCAD 2013 to create a complicated roof. What is the best way to extend 3D solid roof planes and to trim 3d Solid roof planes that intersect each other? I have tried slicing and can't quite get the hang of it!
How to create a work plane, say, in the middle of solid while editing, to use the extend and contract commands using IV2014? I'd like to avoid using Fusion as an option if possible. This should really be an easy thing to pull off as many STLs are now available for 3D printing but simply need a quick stretch here and there to print accurately.
How can I remove the lines in the middle after I press and pull the objects.
Attached is the Untitle.jpg, to make more clearer to you. Blue is the wall and skyblue is the aquarium. I want the back and the front of the aquarium don't have any line in the middle but even I do shade command the fill of the color is still there. Cause if I explode and delete the line in the middle the colors that fill the aquarium are getting rid off See Untitled 2.Jpg to see what I mean. And also how can make the aquarium Untitle 3.jpg transparent?
Assume that I have an odd pyramid 3D-solid say with a polygon basis that lies on a "floor". The apex was higher than the ceiling, so I "sliced" the pyramid to fit it right under the ceiling.
Now, I change my mind and want to make the ceiling slightly higher (say, 1"): after raising the ceiling I am left with a sliced pyramid that is cut 1"below the ceiling. Question is : what is the best way to re-extend the pyramid (and make it look like it was cut by the higher ceiling) ?
I cannot just "undo" because too many things happened in the meantime.
I can imagine re-creating the unsliced pyramid by press-pulling the upper sliced surface and then slice this extension with each side of the original sliced pyramid and ultimately re-slice with the new ceiling. Can I do better / faster than that ?
Just picked up this Extendscript for a quick utility function. I can't seem to use any of the "usual" Javascript logic contstructs to test for undefined object properties.
typeof(app.activeDocument) === "undefined"
This is an *error* in Extendscript (Error 1302: No such element). I don't believe it should be, but if I'm supposed to do something different in Extendscript.
im making a cnc milling machine and need to make some things to make. This is a clamp between the magazine and the barrle of a shotgun and i made the drawing in 2d to start whit and then used the EXTRUDE to make it inn to 3d.
As you can see on the top of the object there is no surface and the same goes for the buttom. How can i make a surface?
I'm trying to draw a solid object. I have the top and bottom base, and all I want is to loft that thing, but when I do, it only lofts the limits - it results in a hollow object.
I am currently working on an assembly and want to view it as an isometric view, but, I want to see parts behind a particular object. My question, Is there a way to change the transparency of one object without changing the effects of the other parts? I want to be able to see the front object as well as the one behind it.
I have the 3d model of a ship, but it has no surfaces or solids, just lines. I want to create some solids based on those lines.
It's better if i attach the dwg to the post and explain what i want to do:
- in the file attached there are some lines marked with red and blue - i want to create a solid/3dobject by extruding/lofting the red lines along the blue lines.
In the drawing only a few lines are colored, for better understanding. I tried with loft, but it only creates some surfaces. The point is that i need a solid or a 3d object.
If I modify a 3D solid and it is left with two seperate pieces it is still one solid piece, even though there are two parts. My question is: What if only need one of those two sides? If I explode the object and delete the one side I cannot change the remaining object into a 3D solid. It remains as surface object.
How can make an object into a 3D solid after exploding it? I belive there is a simple command like union or some other but I can't remember.
I do have a problem on SPLIT feature. I cannot seem to apply SPLIT SOLID into an entity/object but, on the other object I am able to apply SPLIT SOLID.
Sketch created using MultiBody and would like to make use of "Make Components" to create an assembly as well as parts.
I have attach a zip file of the ipt. I am currently using Autodesk Inventor Suite 2012.
I can use SolidSelection.Item for 3D object's handles and but I can't take 3D object's volumes with SolidSelection.
Then I can put object 's handles(1EE) to a collection. Can I use SolidSelection to keep my 3D volumes values? All sub-structure of my program works with SolidSelection Object.
Volume Codes;
For Each tEnt In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace If TypeOf tEnt Is Acad3DSolid Then Dim tEntSolid As Acad3DSolid Set tEntSolid = tEnt tmpVols1.Add (tEntSolid.Handle & "/" & tEntSolid.Volume) End If Next
I can't match with returned result of these codes and SolidSelection.item(i)
For Each tEnt In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace If TypeOf tEnt Is Acad3DSolid Then Dim tEntSolid As Acad3DSolid Set tEntSolid = tEnt tmpVols1.Add (tEntSolid.Handle & "/" & tEntSolid.Volume) [code]......
I drew a 3d shape using 3dpoly and I want to convert that drawing,which is now only a 3d sketch, into a solid.I have attached a picture of the lines sketch sulita.jpg.
I am attempting to copy and paste a part of a drawing from AutoCAD 2011 into ms, Excel or Word. I am able to copy within a vport so my whole screen is not copied. My problem is only 2D objects show up when I paste. I tried different visual styles and colors but still cant get my solid objects to appear.
I cant seem to get the clean command to do anything, it asks whether i want
[Imprint/seParate solids/Shell/cLean/Check/Undo/eXit] so i type "L" it says select object i click the solid it says [Imprint/seParate solids/Shell/cLean/Check/Undo/eXit] again...
How to convert 3D drawing drawn using the line in the 3D object / solid? Drawing is the image below and drawn using lines and polylines and I not use extrude options or other 3D options. [URL] .......
How to create a Circular Pattern of the Solid Object by VBA. I tried it by calculation Polar Transformations but was unsuccessful.
Then Rotated the complete Solid Object which changed original location. Is there any way i can Change the Angle and Mirror instead of Making circular pattern.
Basically I have drawn some lines, arcs and splines in the 3D space, then I created surfaces between these lines, arcs and splines, thus I created an 'object' which is defined by all these surfaces.
And what I want to do now is to fill up the empty space and basically convert it into a 3D solid object.
Another example would be a loft 'object', and it creates only a surface, so may I somehow fill up the empty space and turn it into an object?
I'm trying to create a solid object that can be used for injection molding. My office has Inventor, but I'm only familiar with 3D Max. If I create the object with Nurbs in 3D Max, can I export it so that Inventor reads it as a solid object, and if so, how?