AutoCad 3D :: Arcs Not Smooth When Rendering?
Jun 16, 2012i have a problem when rendering 3d objects having arcs. the arc in the rendered photo is not smooth and round !
View 5 Repliesi have a problem when rendering 3d objects having arcs. the arc in the rendered photo is not smooth and round !
View 5 RepliesI have drawn several shapes including simple ones like rectangles with the corners filleted to 2" radii and ones shaped like a jelly bean using a combination of polylines, straightlines and arcs.
In my ACAD LT 2005 files, the arcs, fillets and polylines all appear very smooth (I set the display setting to 10,000) after I saw that the arcs had noticeable facets (like a diamond) when zoomed in.
My problem is that when I send these DXF files to my CNC router technician and he imports them into his program (EnRoute V.5). All of those arcs, fillets, and polylines still have those facets in them and do not appear smooth. When we actually cut plywood from these files, the pieces are in fact choppy.
My question- besides the display settings, is there a setting that I can change that will increase the number of control points that make up these curves that would smooth these facets out?
My issue is that all my rounded objects aren´t rendering smooth. And what is up with all these lines?
Am i missing something when i render rounded objects? I already tried the this tip but nothing changed.
I'm trying to make lego arms currently. I'm using two capsules to make the arms. But you can obviously see two capsules were put together. Is there a way to mush the two objects together to make it look like one? I tried connect and Turbosmooth but it's still noticeable.
3DS Max 2012
Windows 7 - 64 bit
AMD Radeon HD 6570M
Intel Core i7-2630QM CPU 2.00GHz, 6Gb Ram
why i cannot change the color of the background when rendering? It is always black, and i cannot attached or make new material, if need to attach jpeg or new texture on my drawing, cannot create new material. what should i do? im currently using autocad for mac 2012.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwe used AutoCad LT 98 & hasn't changed when opening the same files in LT 2014. All curved lines (arcs) that occur in a recently-opened file look like two straight lines with an angle at the mid-point, so that from a distance they still resemble an arc but not at all when zoomed in. When clicking on the control points, it goes to looking like a proper arc, but the change doesn't hold after the file is saved and reopened. Is there a program-wide setting to change, or do the properties of each arc need to be changed individually?
View 3 Replies View Related1st let me preface this with the fact that I know zilch, nada, nil about solid modeling. But I think the easiest way to accomplish what I'm trying to do is thru solid modeling and export the end result as (3D) polyline
What I have is 2 intersecting arcs with varying radii and ucs values. I'm guessing these could turned into regions and then subtract 1 from the other in order to find a list of intersecting points or maybe a splined pline. Or maybe they could be joined. Either way, if I DXFOUT the solids in R12 format, they become plines
I have access to R14 thru 2012
Using AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 Im exporting a few subdivisions to MapInfo after doing my steps on a MAPEXPORT command to create a .TAB or .MIF / .MID which are the steps do below.
MAPEXPORT --> select format_ .TAB or .MIF ---> select my drawing manually ----> do my coordinate conversion -----> DONE..
When in MAPINFO and ready to open / import the exported .TAB it opens and places the drawings (subdivisions) in its correct coordinate I gave it, but the TEXT and ARC / CIRCLES do not come in to scale at all they are extremely large to a point where they can't be seen till I do a zoom all.
Whenever I try to trim two intersection arcs who have the same bending direction and similar radius, casue it is extremely hard to click on the parts that need to be trimmed off. See attached pic for reference.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got ObjectIds of a bunch of arcs that I need to convert to polylines for further processing.
I was thinking of using the COM interface and sending the PEDIT command and converting the arcs.
The only problem is I don't know of a way to put the objectids into a selection set, then call the pedit command and use the previous selection.
Using VB.NET
How to draw connected line arc line arc line and so on, given some points formatted in a file like this
easting northing radius
0 0
10 10 200.00
12 10 150.00
30 20 60.00
50 30 50.00
50 43 60.00
1640.42 1104.30 50.00
1770.20 1100.62 100.00
1850.00 1085.18 100.00
2002.61 1141.46
the output will be like this :
line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line
Any plug-ins out there that focus solely on this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to loft two rectangles using arc as a path , but i cant , 1st i cant draw the arc in 3d so i draw it in "Front" view , then i cant loft the rectangles using that arc as an path -"The selected entities are not valid" , maybe because i draw the arc in "Front"(bottom left), but i cant draw it in 3d?!! Here it is some screen shot:
View 0 Replies View RelatedI have included a picture of the drawing. I could draw the 45 radius Arc that goes from 0 degree to 90 degree. The other Arcs somehow i just can't.
View 9 Replies View Related3 lines. 2 arcs. All coplanar, all meet end-to-end.
I set "Units/precision" to 0.00000000 and inspected them. They are all x=0 for each endpoint, therefore coplanar. I also did a point "ID" command and checked each endpoint approaching from both sides and confirmed that each pair of results was identical, so all the ends meet exactly.
I was under the impression that Join or at least PEDIT should be able to combine coplanar lines/arcs that all meet end to end into a polyline. Also, using the Express Tool's "FLATTEN" command doesn't work.
The reason I'm doing this is because I've drawn lines/arcs that trace along the midpoint of a sheet metal's material thickness, and this sheet metal has two bends in it and isn't flat anymore, so converting the lines/arcs to a single polyline will tell me how long the flat plate needs to be that will be ordered to create it.
Recently I created an elevation which included a door with leaded glass. When I originally drew the arcs and circles they were symmetrical and smooth, but now they are rough and ugly.
(See attachment)
This is probably a simple one, but when I dimension from an edge to the tangent of a radius or circle. It always snaps to the center. How do I get the dimension to snap to the tangent point?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to turn this shape on the left, into one like the one on the right... i.e., not so many points.
I basically want to convert the polylines into arcs or something. i can do this by redrawing, thats no problem, but this is a very simple drawing compared to what i normally have to deal with, this is just an example.
I am exporting to Adobe and AplhaCam, when ever I send DXF or DWG files, the Circles or arcs are segmented.
How do I make not so segmented?
How can I convert arcs to splines.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a bugging problem.
I usually use Inventor to create a model from customer supplied blueprints, and then use the model to get the 2D geometry into
AutoCAD for further processing.
Now, unfortunately Inventor has a pitiful 2D drawing method, where circles and arcs that do not lie exactly on the plane end up as a spline.
They are true arcs and circles and should be true arcs and circles on the 2D view, but aren't.
What I would like to do is turn them into one.
Is there any command or method to do that?
I was hoping that Overkill would work ..... it doesn't.
I have some polylines that mark the edge of roadway and around the curves there are arcs in the linework. How do I turn the polyline with arcs in it into a polyline with vertices, say, every .5' or so along the curve and turn the curve into a polyline? I tried the pedit and using decurve but it doesn't work well.
Using C3D 2012
The arcs in the object i have drawn gets converted to lines when i mirror the object.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe building I am working on is the shape of a jelly bean. The exterior glazing will be segmented and we are trying to make the building as dimensionally uniform as possible. IE 5'-0" Curtain Wall units. So each arc length needs to be perfectly divisible by 5'-0" and the transitions from one arc to the next must occur at a tangent point.
Eventually we will be developing the building in Revit 2013 but for now we are in ACAD 2013.
I am trying to extrude some joined polylines, arcs etc. The problem is some of them are extruding as a solid, which is what I want and some are extruding as a surface of the profile.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWe imported a DGN file and all the arcs, when you click on them have a grayed out circle completing the arc. When I list them, the come up as ellipses. I need to join these arc/ellipses to adjacent polylines.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have two identically-drawn arcs, with their midpoints centered on the same x/y point. One of these arcs has been slightly rotated about that midpoint by some "R degrees".
how do I find out what this angle is? In other words, I want to find some angle "R" so that if I rotate one of the two arcs by it, they will both be perfectly in line.
Seems like there's a simple face palm solution here that I'm not seeing. Angular dimension to measure the angle obviously doesn't work since they are curves.
Using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, now installing Service Pack 1 (kept crashing, this time it's working though), and I'm trying to find the area of a pathway that I've drawn in 2D with standard lines. Using the area tool, I want to find the area of the path, but it arcs around a 180 degree corner. I tried getting a rough estimate of the area by clicking at several points along each of the arcs, but after clicking a point where the arc joins the straight line of the straight section of the path, it literally won't let me click the next point. I can, however, specify the next point as long as it's nowher near the arc. Same goes for the polyline tool.
Just got an error code for the Service Pack installation, too. "A problem prevented the service pack from being installed, contact your administrator. Error 1603"
I am working on a drawing with a lot of splines. I need to dimension the curves to some rational dimensions which means I need to convert the splines to arcs. Is there away to do that?
View 4 Replies View Relatedwe develop a cam-function with c-sharp and like to get the turningdirection of a closed pline with arcs. As arcs can "overtake" points things are getting a bit difficult. Is there a way to read the normalvector of a closed pline?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have many segmented polylines that I need to turn into arcs. See the attached image for the method I use to create an arc from a single polyline. I need to do this to thousands of polylines. Does some other method that can do many polylines at once?
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