AutoCad 2D :: Arcs And Circles Are Rough
May 7, 2008
Recently I created an elevation which included a door with leaded glass. When I originally drew the arcs and circles they were symmetrical and smooth, but now they are rough and ugly.
(See attachment)
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Dec 5, 2012
I am exporting to Adobe and AplhaCam, when ever I send DXF or DWG files, the Circles or arcs are segmented.
How do I make not so segmented?
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Nov 16, 2012
I have two adjacent circles. I created two tangent lines between them on opposite sides. I want to connect the lines to the circles. So - I make the circle into a pie, and with the node editing tool, drag the nodes around until I see the little info text go from edge to "node" where it snaps on the nope of the line.
Before I start this, the lines are perfectly tangent. When complete, the lines are no longer tangent and the circle is shifted upwards, and is moved off the perfect tangent by different amount for each line. I can see a difference at 3200% and 11000% zoom at 0.5 point lines.
This occurs if I rotate the circle, or make the circle into an arc also.
It seems that when the circle is drawn, the center point about which its rotated, and from where the arcs/pies are drawn is not exactly center. This is happening when I manually rotate it. It I rotate it giving it a specific degree in the properties bar across the top, it rotates fine. For instance, repeating this again, the arcs of the circle is below one line, and above the other live by a lesser degree.
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Feb 11, 2005
I'm trying to make a logo. Circular logo with an inner ring maybe 4 px wide and 15 px inside the rim of the outer circle.
Basically I want a blue circle with a yellow inside ring. What's the best way of doing this? The only thing i can think of is: creating a blue circle marquee, and then another (trying to estimate a new circle size and change the color) that is yellow, and then making another smaller blue circle inside the new one. That's just ugly.
I tried the edit/stroke but that just gave me a stroke around the outer circle; it didn't put a ring inside the circle 15 px down.
Also I tried to contract the original circle by selecting it, then Modify/contract. That's got me a selected ring, inside the circle. Now how in the world do I make that little ring yellow? It just remains selected and I can't seem to find a way to color it.
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Aug 26, 2008
I am running 2005 ADT. In certain drawing, but not all the edges of my text appear very rough. It doesn't seem to have much effect on the plotting, but it tears at the eye and is distracting. I think its some kind of variable because it doesn't occur is every drawing.
When I open up an MTEXT editor the text looks correct.
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Apr 15, 2012
On 2012 and have run into a problem with curved lines...all curved lines circles etc. The intial draw properly but later when I go back to that portion of the drawing they are converted to rough lines...not a curve anymore segments of straight lines...cant seem to prevent if from happening.
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Feb 17, 2012
What do you think you be the right way to make a surface rough and uneven, as in the picture below? Or should it be done at some later stage?
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Jun 25, 2012
I am having difficulty with the text in my drawings. When writing dtext or dimensions on my drawings in modelspace the text appears rough/rugged in both model space and layout space. I am using True Type (Arial) as the font. I've read older posts where people have suggested checking in Properties that the text is really laying down at 0 in the Z plane which it is. Some say using True Type is the problem, but just last week I was doing what seemed to be the same operation and I had no problems at all.
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Apr 25, 2013
we used AutoCad LT 98 & hasn't changed when opening the same files in LT 2014. All curved lines (arcs) that occur in a recently-opened file look like two straight lines with an angle at the mid-point, so that from a distance they still resemble an arc but not at all when zoomed in. When clicking on the control points, it goes to looking like a proper arc, but the change doesn't hold after the file is saved and reopened. Is there a program-wide setting to change, or do the properties of each arc need to be changed individually?
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Jul 25, 2012
1st let me preface this with the fact that I know zilch, nada, nil about solid modeling. But I think the easiest way to accomplish what I'm trying to do is thru solid modeling and export the end result as (3D) polyline
What I have is 2 intersecting arcs with varying radii and ucs values. I'm guessing these could turned into regions and then subtract 1 from the other in order to find a list of intersecting points or maybe a splined pline. Or maybe they could be joined. Either way, if I DXFOUT the solids in R12 format, they become plines
I have access to R14 thru 2012
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Jul 29, 2006
I need help with smoothing my text cause when i make it bigger it goes pointy with sqaures ! :S is there a way of making it smoother?
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Apr 27, 2008
all my fonts are very pixilated when I print out my invites.
Photos look good, but even the simplest fonts are rough.
What do I need to change?
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Aug 25, 2004
how to achieve the effect of rough and worn.
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Mar 8, 2003
how to make rough metal. To be more exact, a rough metal border, with screws in it and such.
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Nov 13, 2008
trying to get CS4 Design Premium to install. I finally managed, with the considerable help of a tier three Support Engineer. Since then I've had about a week's exposure to Photoshop CS4. Here's a list of things I don't like and/or those that don't work:
1) Program always crashes when I try to save a GIF file or try to use any of the new 3D tools.
2) I like two-across tool palette. When I drag workspace to left, it covers up this palette.
3) I like to leave three palettes open on the right, History, Characters and Layers. For no earthly reason that I can fathom the Layers palette has gotten considerably wider, and it cannot be reduced horizontally. Oh yes, I could reduce these three to icons, but then I'd be constantly clicking to open them and clicking to close them.
4) Open palettes have foreground precedence. This means that when I try to enlarge my workspace to the right, the workspace scroll bar disappears underneath the palettes.
5) The essentials button is destructive. I found this out the hard way when I clicked it and it wiped out a newly customized workspace. Now I know to save my customized workspace immediately upon completion.
6) Why did Adobe add the Adjustments button. It just creates an extra step when making adjustments. CS3 was smart enough to pop up the correct controls when adjustments were being made. Example: create New Adjustment Layer > Threshold. On my copy of CS4, I have to click Adjustments before the control shows up.
7) The new toolbar (at top of screen) wastes considerable space and is not deselectable. Hint courtesy of Support: Save your custom workspace with a very short name 2-3 characters; then this toolbar will combine with the menu bar.
8) Scrolling through highly magnified images is abysmally slow - much slower than it was on CS3.
9) The clone brush is less accurate in CS4, and it doesn't always turn off when one is finished cloning.
10) None of my CS4 files installed with responsive, indexed Help files. Now, every Help request sends me to a sluggish web site where there are no indices, poorly organized information, and in some cases just a message that Help area is under development.
11) I haven't been able to get the Patch tool to work correctly.
12) When program crashes (not always while attempting to save GIFs or 3D), it does so with generic, uninformative error message. In one week, I have had more Photoshop CS4 crashes than I ever experienced during the lifetime of CS3.
13) Why did the installer leave 34 superfluous language items (ones in anything other than US English in my case) in both the Legal and Lmresources folders? The product is bloated enough without oversights like that.
How many more will I find during the next week? I don't know, but I'm sure there are more to be found. How many of those that I did notice are due to the dreadful suite installer? I don't know the answer to that one either, but I suspect the installer may well have played a role.
I'm sure many will disagree, but IMHO Photoshop CS4's user interface is godawful compared to its predecessors. I can't find a single thing that can be accomplished with less mouse activity or keystrokes than earlier versions, but I have found quite a few things that demand more.
I was fortunate enough to have my installation issues addressed by one of Adobe's top support engineers. Had it not been for that, I'm reasonably certain I'd still be trying to install CS4. I've been using Photoshop since version 3, and the Creative Suites going back to the first one. This is the first time I've ever felt that quality assurance was completely ignored for the sake of meeting a self-imposed release schedule.
As I remarked in one of my earlier email exchanges with Adobe support, "I wish that every software Product Manager would study the reasons why Vista and Office 2007 have gotten such lukewarm receptions." I'm afraid the CS4 team didn't learn from Microsoft's mistakes.
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Jul 9, 2013
Using AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 Im exporting a few subdivisions to MapInfo after doing my steps on a MAPEXPORT command to create a .TAB or .MIF / .MID which are the steps do below.
MAPEXPORT --> select format_ .TAB or .MIF ---> select my drawing manually ----> do my coordinate conversion -----> DONE..
When in MAPINFO and ready to open / import the exported .TAB it opens and places the drawings (subdivisions) in its correct coordinate I gave it, but the TEXT and ARC / CIRCLES do not come in to scale at all they are extremely large to a point where they can't be seen till I do a zoom all.
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Jan 5, 2013
Whenever I try to trim two intersection arcs who have the same bending direction and similar radius, casue it is extremely hard to click on the parts that need to be trimmed off. See attached pic for reference.
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Jun 25, 2011
I've got ObjectIds of a bunch of arcs that I need to convert to polylines for further processing.
I was thinking of using the COM interface and sending the PEDIT command and converting the arcs.
The only problem is I don't know of a way to put the objectids into a selection set, then call the pedit command and use the previous selection.
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Dec 24, 2013
Using VB.NET
How to draw connected line arc line arc line and so on, given some points formatted in a file like this
easting northing radius
0 0
10 10 200.00
12 10 150.00
30 20 60.00
50 30 50.00
50 43 60.00
1640.42 1104.30 50.00
1770.20 1100.62 100.00
1850.00 1085.18 100.00
2002.61 1141.46
the output will be like this :
line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line arc line
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Nov 25, 2013
Any plug-ins out there that focus solely on this?
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Feb 8, 2011
I want to loft two rectangles using arc as a path , but i cant , 1st i cant draw the arc in 3d so i draw it in "Front" view , then i cant loft the rectangles using that arc as an path -"The selected entities are not valid" , maybe because i draw the arc in "Front"(bottom left), but i cant draw it in 3d?!! Here it is some screen shot:
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Jun 16, 2012
i have a problem when rendering 3d objects having arcs. the arc in the rendered photo is not smooth and round !
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May 10, 2013
I have included a picture of the drawing. I could draw the 45 radius Arc that goes from 0 degree to 90 degree. The other Arcs somehow i just can't.
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Jun 28, 2013
3 lines. 2 arcs. All coplanar, all meet end-to-end.
I set "Units/precision" to 0.00000000 and inspected them. They are all x=0 for each endpoint, therefore coplanar. I also did a point "ID" command and checked each endpoint approaching from both sides and confirmed that each pair of results was identical, so all the ends meet exactly.
I was under the impression that Join or at least PEDIT should be able to combine coplanar lines/arcs that all meet end to end into a polyline. Also, using the Express Tool's "FLATTEN" command doesn't work.
The reason I'm doing this is because I've drawn lines/arcs that trace along the midpoint of a sheet metal's material thickness, and this sheet metal has two bends in it and isn't flat anymore, so converting the lines/arcs to a single polyline will tell me how long the flat plate needs to be that will be ordered to create it.
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Jun 5, 2004
Well I am new here and this is my first post. Anyway, I made a shape with the "Polygonal Lasso Tool" and the edges are rough and I am wanting to know of a way to smooth out the roughness so I have good looking edges.
If you can give me some tips or advice.
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Nov 1, 2008
I am using PS7 to create a logo. When I add a layer with text and use the tool to arc the text, the text appears to look very rough around the edges. If I do not arc the text, the edges of the text is smooth. I've also tried to arc the text in MS Word using WordArt and it retains its smoothness there, but once copied and pasted into PS7, it becomes rough again. This makes the logo look a little unprofessional.
Is there a specific type of font I should be using as opposed to a TrueType or is there something else I can do?
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Feb 25, 2006
How do they produce a rough textured background like it this image...
Background Image
Am I right in assuming some noise filters need be applied?
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Feb 3, 2012
This is probably a simple one, but when I dimension from an edge to the tangent of a radius or circle. It always snaps to the center. How do I get the dimension to snap to the tangent point?
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May 6, 2013
I want to turn this shape on the left, into one like the one on the right... i.e., not so many points.
I basically want to convert the polylines into arcs or something. i can do this by redrawing, thats no problem, but this is a very simple drawing compared to what i normally have to deal with, this is just an example.
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Feb 12, 2013
How can I convert arcs to splines.
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Sep 23, 2011
I have a bugging problem.
I usually use Inventor to create a model from customer supplied blueprints, and then use the model to get the 2D geometry into
AutoCAD for further processing.
Now, unfortunately Inventor has a pitiful 2D drawing method, where circles and arcs that do not lie exactly on the plane end up as a spline.
They are true arcs and circles and should be true arcs and circles on the 2D view, but aren't.
What I would like to do is turn them into one.
Is there any command or method to do that?
I was hoping that Overkill would work ..... it doesn't.
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