when I was test-rendering a scene where you are supposed to be able to look into nearby rooms through glass walls. But the glass reflected the surroundings like å mirror. In some tries i could barely see some furniture in the other room, so the transparency isn't completely gone.
I use a solid glass material, at first i thought the material's reflection value was too high, but it was set on five, I tried to reduce it to 1, but the rendering came out just the same.
I have tried with different lighting options, but again... the same miserable result.
I'm wondering if there is any way to get a shattered glass or mirror effect. I did an internet search and came up with outdated tutorials from 4-5 years ago. Is there any modern technique (or better yet, an effect plugin) that can make this effect?
Any way to put a detailed patten into my glass window.
I have created glass with the slate material editor, used specular 100, glossiness 80 in the Blinn dropdown. Ued mental ray. Looks good, very glassy. Now I want to put a pattern on the glass, like a silouette, only that it is also translucent, part of the glass, as though it was an "etched glass" pattern on the glass. Do i make the pattern into some kind of "mask"? and lay it over existing glass?
why i cannot change the color of the background when rendering? It is always black, and i cannot attached or make new material, if need to attach jpeg or new texture on my drawing, cannot create new material. what should i do? im currently using autocad for mac 2012.
In the weldment of a crane boom i have different parts. Some are identical, but (1:1) mirrored.ipt. Then I merge them in the BOM in order to set the qty on "2" in the partslist.
Here the error occurs: in the "mass" field in the parts list says "varies".
This keeps me from generating a good partslist and the total mass of the weldment maybe messed up. I personally think it has something to do with the fact that the parts are sheetmetals. i.e when I look atthe Physical properties of the folded / unfolded (of the SAME .ipt) they differ in the same way i see in the BOM.
I would like to both flip and mirror (or pattern) a feature onto the opposite side of a rectangular extrusion.
For example (assuming a rectangular solid extruded in the Z dimension), I have two counter bored holes on the top surface of the solid aligned with the X axis and I would like a copy of those holes on the bottom surface but aligned with the Y axis. If I pattern the holes rotating them 90 degrees and then attempt to mirror them, I can only select all four or the two originals. Is there any way to disassociate the rotated copies from the originals while still retaining control over their dimensions from a single sketch?
i am using Autodesk Inventor 2012 to design a pipeline structure. I have a problem when mirroring a 3D sketch with applyed frames. the problem is that if after the mirror operation i edit the original sketch, the modifications are not inherited by the mirrored part of the structure. in particular when i mirror a 3D assembly and edit the original assembly the modifications are made also in the mirrored part but the program does it in a wrong way as long as the constraints are not satisfied and the position of the parts are not the same as the original assembly.
How to mirror an object and preserving the link between the original and the copy in order to make modifications to all the parts mirrored in an easy way?
I cut a curved profile using extrusion and mirrored it about the original plane. But It doesn't cut thoroughly ? there is still a surface of the rarer side of the part ?
the original extrude cut was "Through All".When do the same cut gving a distance...it mirrors perfectly..
Is it possible in inventor to make an assembly mirror array? I can't seem to make it keep from just copying the parts. It works OK for circular and rectangular patterns.
Why I can't mirror the Daylight Inside ROW Subassembly? For some reason I can only place it on the right side of my assembly and in the subassembly properties there is no option to flip it to the left. In the Modify Subassembly section when it's selected the mirror option is greyed out.
What I am trying to accomplish seems simple enough:
I have a utility easement in a drainage ditch that is 30' wide with a sewer line designed down the center, we need a very simple 10' access road on the uphill side of sewer line with 4:1 Cut/Fill slopes on either side when possible, however when the 4:1 won't catch within the easement I need it to daylight within.
At first glance the Daylight Inside ROW seems to be the appropriate subassembly for this instance but I can't get it on the left side of my road.Is there a way to set up this parameter with a different subassembly because I can get other subassemblies on the either side just fine, for example, the Cut Slope Layout Mode subaasembly works but when I build my corridor with it the slopes tie outside of the easement in several locations.
Civil 3D 2012 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Intel Core i7-2600 CPU 16GB RAM
This is a part from an inmported step file. The Inv assembly consists of 1047 part files.
I did the following:
Immediatley grounded all parts in the assembly.Opened the 8 (of the 1047) parts that came through as surfaces, all the rest are solid.
Found missing faces on all of them. I found the most useful tool was to create a series of section planes and do sketches with projected cut edges. Then export the sketches and open in autocad. This way I can see a simple line section view.
I set about replacing the missing faces to get the surface to a solid.After a few attempts I managed what you see below, a solid part in the browser. The part will now mirror as a new solid, but will not join. I have tried mirror as single solid, derive as single solid and combine. All Fail.
Inventor 2014 LT / have run into a problem in a throw-away project I"m working on.
A simple example is to create a piece of 3x5x.125 flat bar, add a sketch giving you a bend line and bend the end of it. Now try to mirror the whole thing giving you a 3x10x.125 flat bar bent on both ends.
FWIW: My project isn't this simple - I know I can just make the FB and bend both ends ... this is an example of mirroring a bend not working.
I am attempting to modify a component that I already have. Part of the modifications I am attempting to do involves mirroring some of the part's features. However, when attempting to mirror the component I receive the error message attached to this post: "Select set contains object that cannot be patterned". I have been fooling around with this part and a few others and this appears to be an error message that comes up for mirroring or patterning (circular/rectangular) complex shaped parts. What specifically is the issue here and how can I bypass this error message?
It is about mirroring text.I have MTEXT , so I want my text to be displayed by the mirror line but not to be mirrored itself so it can be readable. Imagine two twin buildings ,exactly the same but mirrored. I have one of them done , but not the other one. And they are huge. So when I try to mirror everything at the same time the text is going on its proper place but it's not readable cause it's mirrored. I know that there is an option this text to be only displayed , I've done this before , but I don't remember on which version. Now I'm using AutoCAD 2004.
Inventor doesn't allow me to mirror a part as a different part. In normal cases, I can mirror a part within an assembly and it allows me to give a new filename. Now, it thinks it is a standard part and wants to reuse it even if I uncheck the "reuse standard content and factory parts" box. How can I turn that off? Or mirror the component?
Software: Inventor Series 2011 SP1 x64 OS: Vista Business x64 CPU: E6400 RAM: 2*2Gb GeIL VGA: Quadro FX 550
On some of my blocks i have started using quiet a few parameters, Although i have noticed on the blocks that have scale and flip, it goes wrong. is there a way i can get the flip parameter to follow the center of the block after scaling?
similar with a block of a door in plan, i have got the rotate working, and the scale to fit the door opening, but if i rotate first the scale parameter don't follow the rotation of the door making it difficult to then scale the block from the using the block parameters!
Is there a way to get the mirrored hole to go all the way through both parts of the mirrored solid bodies.
I do realize that I can create the hole in a seperate feature, after the mirror. It will only let you select one 'solid' during the mirror command. Here is a simple .ipt to demonstrate the issue.
I decided to model an industrial iron caster wheel with polyurethane tread, and all went well. Tonight I added three ribs to one side of the caster wheel, which looks great, but I would rather not repeat the process on the other side because of all the fillets and such which would have to be repeated.
Is it possible to split the wheel down the middle and then mirror the side with the ribs? I saw that I can split the model with a plane, but I can't figure out how to remove the geometry on the left side of the plane.
Whenever I am using mirror command in assly . The mirrored part do not get constraint again I have to use the constraint or I have to make that part grounded.
I have used the derive component command to mirror parts many times but each time in the past I have had a desire for that part to be linked to the one I mirrored. I have a new situation where I would like to mirror a skeleton part file that I used on one assembly to make a new assembly.
For example, I used the part attached below to create a stair frame for a steel framed platform I am working on. It consists of geometry, work features, and sketches that represent the nosing line, guardrail, stair stringers, etc.
I have another stair on the other side of the platform that needs to be a mirror image of this one plus a few unique modifications. The new assembly cannot be "linked" to the other one as each of these assemblies needs to be modified independently.
How can I mirror this part to reuse work I have already done without having to create a new skeleton file from scratch? Using the derived part method, then breaking the link makes all of my sketch entities unconstrained.
Just got AutoCad 2012. Commands like Mirror and Copy which involve duplication (no problem with Move or Rotate, for example) will cause AutoCad to not respond for a few minutes. I believe it only is an issue with files brought forward from AutoCad 2000.
I mirrored a sheet metal the length in the folded model carried on to the mirrored part, but i cant get the dimension of the flat part of the original part. Is there a way to do this.?