This is a part from an inmported step file. The Inv assembly consists of 1047 part files.
I did the following:
Immediatley grounded all parts in the assembly.Opened the 8 (of the 1047) parts that came through as surfaces, all the rest are solid.
Found missing faces on all of them. I found the most useful tool was to create a series of section planes and do sketches with projected cut edges. Then export the sketches and open in autocad. This way I can see a simple line section view.
I set about replacing the missing faces to get the surface to a solid.After a few attempts I managed what you see below, a solid part in the browser. The part will now mirror as a new solid, but will not join. I have tried mirror as single solid, derive as single solid and combine. All Fail.
Any program to convert 3D solids to a mid plane surfaces? We need our models in this form to do FEA work on them. I wanted to ask this question before I took on the task of trying to create one myself.
How to create a work plane, say, in the middle of solid while editing, to use the extend and contract commands using IV2014? I'd like to avoid using Fusion as an option if possible. This should really be an easy thing to pull off as many STLs are now available for 3D printing but simply need a quick stretch here and there to print accurately.
Why can't I get the "3DMIRROR" command to mirror the magenta box along a zx-plane defined by the middle of the steel T-angle?
First, I use the ZX option, and after that fails to work, I try the 3-point option using a picked first point and two ortho-points to define a zx-plane.
Also, there's some randomness in the sense that some of the time the exact same series of steps will produce the correct result, but not this time, as the video below shows.
I'm also attaching the drawing in AutoCAD2010 format.
I am trying to create two plane's one after the other like it is done in this video tutorial.
My problem begins with me only having 1 point on the part to pick for my 3 point plane command. In the video there is no bit where you are supposed to create a point but I'm thinking I wont be able to duplicate without doing something like that.
How to create a work plane that is perpendicular to a surface? I'm trying to do this so that I can "split" the object into two separate entities where the plane is.
On one part, I have a bore hole drilled on a curved surface so the hole is actually an ellipse.
Now the other part I am trying to constrain together is the pipe that will be welded into the bore hole; so that is a simple circular pipe.
The issue is that the pipe has to be inserted 0.25" above the interior of the bore hole to allow for room for the weld. In order to do this I have tried to create a plane attached to the 3D ellipse and then constrain the pipe to be 0.25" above that plane. The problem is I cannot seem to create a plane attached to the 3D geometry; I cant even find a way to attach points, or pick the center point of the bore hole.
How to create a plane on 3D geometry and link it to said geometry. I'm using 2012, if that is necessary information.
Imagine a flat, rectangular plate with origin plains located symmetrically down the middle of the plate. Place a component, say a small cube, and constrain it to the face of the plate and the origin planes so that it too is symmetrically located. I now wish to pattern this cube about the midplane and create a total of five instances. I select "Pattern Component" in assembly mode and select the cube. For direction 1, I put in two instances and select an edge of the plate so that the pattern is taken to the left of the midplane. For direction 2, I again select two instances but pick an edge so that the pattern is taken to the right of the midplane. I now should have a total of 5 cubes but I don't. I have 6.
The second pattern is actually a repeating pattern of the first which, in the end, creates too many cubes. Visually, it looks correct because the cubes are placed excatly on top of each other. Numercially, like in BOMS, it is not correct.
How to make a new work plane rotated at an angle to another plane and passing through the axis of a cylinder, or one of the main axes.On the plane commands, in V2013, i don't find an option for plane at an angle
Is there any way to make a vertical or horizontal section plane of 3d solid leaving the rest of it like a solid?
Often I need to do pretty much complex view in which the same solid should be sectioned for half part of it and be solid for the rest. It is a common way to present solid draw but I can't do it with autocad 2013.
I like to create a chin from 2 ellipses profile. I used the Loft command and it does not allow me to complete the command. Did I use the right command wrongly? Or there is another way to do so?
I used surfaces to try and create a solid but it will not to this feature...Can it be made into a solid the surfaces or is there another far better way to create?
I have two .dwg files that represent two different surfaces. I would like to import each .dwg file into Inventor, then create a solid with the original surfaces serving as the top and bottom. I can send the .dwg files if necessary.
I have just downloaded an educational version of Inventor. Although I can create sketches I cannot extrude the sketch to form a solid. The origin arrow heads appear over size and it seems as if the origin plane is being extruded to form a solid!
How to create a Circular Pattern of the Solid Object by VBA. I tried it by calculation Polar Transformations but was unsuccessful.
Then Rotated the complete Solid Object which changed original location. Is there any way i can Change the Angle and Mirror instead of Making circular pattern.
I am trying to make a chute out of 4 pieces of sheet metal. Is there a way to take a solid lofted part, shell it, and then break off each side of the the object for cutting and welding them together. I have an example attached.
I just installed Inventor 2012 two days ago and obviously no training yet. My boss asked me to do a part for GibbsCAM which includes a 7/8" left hand wire rope imprint in a block of steel for this afternoon's production. I have my block done, what is the best way to do this? I'm thinking create a wire rope solid to cut out of my block. Would I use the thread tool: that's not the same but would it work?... I don't need a representation. I need the read thing that will work!
I'm trying to create a solid object that can be used for injection molding. My office has Inventor, but I'm only familiar with 3D Max. If I create the object with Nurbs in 3D Max, can I export it so that Inventor reads it as a solid object, and if so, how?
if i draw up a 3d sold part as the finished part, can i then draw a new rectangle solid body over the top of this and split the new solid body using the part as the split tool?
the idea being that i am left with a rectangular plate with a female 3d impression of the finished part in the top.I can't seem to use the part as a split tool?
The above code in the API help shows how to do an associative or a non-associative copy in an assembly of one part into another part. ..BUT the non-associative copy does not always work correctly....
I have been testing this sample code and notice the following limitations with the lower part entitled “Create a non-associative solid base feature in the second part”...
The code uses the proxy body for the source object but it does not use the proxybody for the target object and therefore the relative positioning is wrong for the nonparametricbasefeature when it is created in the target object if the real target body is in a different place than the targetbodyproxy (e.g. it has been rotated/moved in assembly space).
I notice that if you perform this manually using the “copy object” button the relative positioning is maintained correctly even if both target and source objects have been rotated/moved in the assembly...
I'm trying to create a solid using the inside geometry of a shell in Inventor 2011. is there a simple way of doing this? i have attached the part i'm working on and need a solid that represents the free space inside the shell.
I keep running into a situation where I would like to be able to create an edge or a work axis at the intersection of a work plane and the surface of the part. I figured out a work around if the surface is flat, but I haven't figured out a work around for a curved surface.
How do I create work axis where work plane intersects curved surface?
Or put another way: How do I project intersection of work plane and curved surface onto the work plane in a 2D sketch?
I need to be able to draw a 2D sketch on the work plane, but get a perfectly matching projected line onto the work plane, from the curved surface, at the intersection of the curved surface and the work plane.
The attached jpg shows the intersection in question. I circled it.
I want to create one Spur Gear in inventor with equations such that i can build more gears from this base model using excel table. For. Eg. I would like to create a gear with 40 No. of teeth of 10DP, and 20°PA, with Pitch Circle Dia, Base CIrcle Dia, Tooth Thickness based on spur gear calculations.
Now i would like to create a series of such spur gears with varying no. of teeth, i.e. 42, 44, 46, 48, 50..etc. Now if i change the No of teeth ,Accordingly the gear should modify its pitch dia, Base circle dia, Tooth Thickness which would be noted in the Equation.
how to create thes equations and use these in creating gear with different no. of teeth.
I have shown below list of gear data for various no. of gear.
Is there a way to cut a solid into two pieces using a non-planar cutting plane? I have been tasked with calculating the volume of concrete damage in a chute block. I have a sketch of the damage on the chute block. I created the chute block as a solid and then drew the damaged area extents using plines. This created non-planar plines. Is there a way to get this to work that will allow me to see the volume of the concrete damage? I need an easy way to do this, there are 50 chute blocks all the same size but with varying degrees of damage