AutoCad 2D :: Scaling Down 2D Drawing
May 20, 2013
I have a 2D drawing that is drawn if full scale, it is 26feet wide approximate and 20 feet tall. I need to scale down to fit on a 4 X 8 for a mockup, i have tried using the scale command, but to no avail.
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Oct 30, 2013
I'm trying to scale down 3D drawings but when I use the 3DSCALE command the perspective gets distorted. Is there a way I can scale my drawing without messing up the perspective?
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May 2, 2012
I need a way to properly scale a drawing that I've pulled into AC..
Example, I get a drawing for customer in PDF that I have to trace into AC. Said PDF is marked 1/4 = 1. Up to this point I've been guessing at accuracy by measuring doors to 3'. I know this cannot be the prefered way
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Nov 23, 2011
When I upload a drawing from the internet I save it as a wblock.when I insert it into my exixsting drawing it is not scaled to the same dimensions as the rest of the drawing.
I change the units to the same as the drawing befeore I save it as Wblock. But Im still having this Problem.
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Oct 16, 2012
I have a drawing that was given to me by an architect with a scale 1:250 (0.004 in viewport). The architect drew everything in millimeters and it's a Site Plan, why ? I do not know. The units in the drawing are decimal-millimeters.
The page set-up for layout 1 was for 24x36 drawing size (typ.)I know need to make a layout 2 for a sheet size 11x17 but I can not get my viewport to scale correctly. So, if a 24x36 sheet size had a VP with scale 0.004 (1:250) then what is the scale for a sheet size 11x17 ?
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Oct 26, 2012
I have a dxf file that consists of multiple rectangles (filled). I need to keep the X-Y position of each rectangle / entity the same but scale the size of the rectangle.
So for example, scale by -10%. If its a filled rectangle centered at (1,1) size (2,2) I need it to be centered at (1,1) and size (1.8, 1..
DXF is a text file and I can write a piece of VBA code to go through, decode the text, find the rectangles, scale, save the text file back to DXF.
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Jul 26, 2012
I'm currently using Autocad 2012, how I can scale a text in viewport whose drawing was referenced in the model view.
fyi the referenced drawing is a survey drawing.
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Jun 17, 2011
I downloaded a free PDF to DWG converter and converted a land survey PDF to DWG, subsequently i imported the file to ACAD 2006 LT.
I would like to be able to dimension the drawing using the dimensions from the PDF, this would require some form of rescaling.
I've attached the file, you can see the line i've dimensioned is 80,6 units whereas the drawing is detailed 312.63 feet - how do i make them match?
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Sep 22, 2009
I am using the dinosaur version of autocad 14. I know it is old but is working great for what I want to do. I learned on 12 and was using 14 when I stopped working 10 years ago.
I am having trouble scaling my drawing. I remember that 1/48 xp is 1/4" scale. 1/64 ?? is that 1/8" scale?? 1/24 is 1/2" scale.
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May 25, 2011
Scale in Layout. I drew my drawing in mm , and I want to use Layout to print it like I saw in a video, but how do I scale my drawing? For example, the counter and shelf I drew is 1:1 in the Model workspace(1600 by 2000mm) but in Layout, for printing on to an A3 sized paper how do I get it to print in 1:40 or something of that sort?
Right now I'm printing by using Fit To Paper with the dimensions included, but I notice our contractors are using 1:30, 1:40 etc. , my boss doesn't mind since I include the dimensions but I reckon it might cause problems in the future.
And is it possible to just select anything in my selection window, even 3/4 of a line? Because right now, I can only select the whole line no matter what, I only want 1/2 of it because I want to cut the whole drawing in half and move it apart.
By the way, is it possible to customize the panel? Instead of switching between tabs constantly, can I make my own panel? I googled this and tried using CUI but it is confusing. I just want certain sections grouped into 1 bar. Like... Draw/Modify/Attach/Windows all on the first panel.
I really want to be able to type in certain commands without hitting Enter, is that possible? If I hit M, it will move the object without me hitting Enter. Can that be done? Maybe not M, maybe Alt+1 to move, Alt+2 to Scale etc. etc.
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Dec 19, 2012
i'm working on a drawing started by someone else. They do everything in model paperspace and no viewports. drawing and border are both in model space. I'm not used to just model space.
How do i set the scale of the drawing in model space? do i need to use different size borders to get the correct scale? I'm drawing everything 1:1 and i need my final prints to be on 11x17 paper.
on a previous drawingi see that they used a scale of 1/16"=1' but how they determined this scale. going thru other sheets in the setd of drawings it seems that they used different border sizes (but all are printed on 11x17 paper)...some are printed not to scale if they have no set details.
example of what i need to do:
I need to show a building rooftop plan view (the entire rooftop) on one sheet. on the next sheet i need to zoom into a portion of the rooftop.
normally i would use viewports to do this. but in model space i dont see how this is done. do i need to have a set of different size borders? but how then can i print them on 11x17 without using "scale to fit"?
acad C3D 2011
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Jan 9, 2013
I work in both metric and imperial dimensions. I specify european cabinetry, and most of the architectural drawings i receive are for US clientelle so they're in ft and inches. When dimensioning, it's important that the cm dimensions are accurate for the factory, but the inches are accurate for the contractors.
So my drawing had 1 plan and 4 elevations. All drawn correctly. All scaled together, never one at a time. Yesterday morning everything printed correctly with this drawing.
Randomly, after some very minor changes to the drawing, 1 elevation remained at the correct scale and the plan, and 3 elevations randomly scaled down and at different scales from each other. Also, when i plotted this to a printer it matched what was on the screen. When i plotted it to PDF immediately after, the PDF's reflected 5 totally different scales where all 5 drawings and didn't match the screen or print. For example: a cabinet height in one elevation was 87cm, the next 86cm , and the next 83.9cm. Printed to pdf at totally different dimensions (see attached).
The file was closed and reopened, and the plan, and 2 different elevations were at an even different scale, smaller scale than before. They more closely matched what I got when plotting to a PDF.
I purged, and audited (no errors found), I copied only the bare bones necessary info into a new document, and scaled everything by reference to the size it needed to be. Most of the drawing automatically corrected themselves to the correct dimensions with the one step.
However, certain lines on my plans scaled at a far greater scale, while one wall was accurate, and one wall was off just a fraction. So even though i selected the entire thing and scaled it up together, different layers scaled differently. Basically i had to redraw the plan almost entirely.
The same happened with 3 of the 4 elevations. One section scaled correctly, one section scaled more than it should have and made that portion off.
So i had to redo that elevation as well.I created guidelines and set them where they need to be to align every single wall and cabinet and locked the layer in the hopes that if things move again, the guides will remain.
This has happened randomly with drawings previously, but only by a degree of .1 to .3 cm. I figured this was from scaling the drawings and dimension accuracy. While that was annoying, it was minor. This time we're looking at 2-8 inches difference which can really mess up a job if unnoticed.
what could cause only portions of drawings to scale differently than the rest and at random times even when the scale command hasn't been used? And between closing a document and reopening it? AND from printing to a printer and to a PDF?
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Jun 15, 2013
I have a building plan that needs to be in 1:100. When put my drawing into the new layout its there. Then when I change the scale, my drawing disappears.
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Nov 23, 2012
I have an image of this.
What can i do?
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Apr 30, 2012
I am having trouble scaling my drawing between model space and paper space. I have it drawn in model space at 1:1, and I set the viewport scale in paperspace to 1:15. However, it does not show up as 1:15. I have drawn a 50' line in model space. The viewport is 4" wide in paperspace, so you should be able to see the whole line in the viewport at a 1:15 scale, with some space on each side. However, it does not. I can only see a small fraction of the line.
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Feb 21, 2014
New Responsive Scaling feature is great.
It's enabled me to add an Edge Animate file to my responsive Wordpress site using the Edge Suite Plugin.
Only problem for me is that although the 3.7MB file I’ve created scales perfectly on all devices it struggles to play on smartphones. (I assume it's too big and too power hungry to play smoothly on smartphones - even since I've added a pre-loader.)
So, in an ideal world, what I need is a separate low res Edge Animate file that only plays on smartphones.
Failing that, I’d be happy with a 'Down-level Stage' image which could replace the Edge Animate animation.
For a moment I thought I’d found a solution when I came across this Adobe TV movie: [URL]
Unfortunately this clever solution only works when the new Responsive Scaling feature is NOT selected. As soon as it is selected, the animation no longer changes from one layout size to another when the browser window is reduced.
I don’t mind whether the fix is in Edge Animate, Wordpress or the Edge Suite Plugin - I just want a solution!
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Aug 19, 2006
We are designing some web graphics for a friend. By "we" I mean me and a guy who lives on the opposite coast.
He did the initial page layout/design as a PhotoShop tif, at 300 dpi, in layers and about 5 inches wide. The idea, on his end, was that it would be a small file size and, therefore, faster to download on my end. With me so far?
Anyway, I'm suppose to convert it to 800 ppi wide, 72 dpi, jpg. Sounds easy enough. Or not Do all the scaling and now the graphics don't look right. None of the layer effects are right!
How do I scale his graphic, for my purposes and, once it's the size I need it, have everything look the way he created it?
Example: Text at that 5 inch wide, 300 dpi size with a one point stroke on it looked find when the graphic was 5 inch wide and 300 dpi, but at 800 ppi wide and 72 dpi, it's all wrong
Is there a preference or something I should be clicking somewhere and I'm just missing it?
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Dec 6, 2011
I have converted a PDF to DWG and the scale is out, what's the best way to scale it back to its original size?
Scale by Reference? This option works ok but no measurement seems to be spot on apart from the item you used for the scale reference.
I used the program 'Any PDF to DWG Converter' and the drawing scale in the title block is 1:50.
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Feb 4, 2012
I'm having problems on setting my scaling up in dwg1 that was sent to me. dwg1 did not have any viewports set up. dwg2 has a scale of 1''=20' I need to set up dwg1 to 1 to 1 first, this is my master drawing,
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Jul 11, 2012
I'm pretty new to AutoCAD, I've been self-teaching myself for about a month so that I can do some floor plan drawings for a company I work for.I've been drawing in 1:1 scale in model space, but when I plot/print to check my work, I print on A4 paper.
My question is, on A4 paper my 1 drawing unit : 1 mm scale plots perfectly. But obviously if I were to compare that scale to real life, it would not be 1:1. How do I figure out the scaling on the viewport to compare to real life?
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Oct 26, 2012
How do I scale a 3D model that I have imported originally from a ".step" file (or really any 3D model). I have come from SolidWorks, and this was very easy to do. All of the help files indicate that I need access to the original sketch.
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Oct 28, 2013
I need to know how to set up my dwg so that 1cm = 1in. when I'm drawing.
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Dec 13, 2012
Lets say that I want d drawing to be printed on scalw 1:50 why do I need to input at the plot properties 20mm to 1 unit in order to get it correct?
Also different question. If i want to print on paper roll and the one dimension of my drawing is 297 (A3) and the other dimension is undifined how can i set the paper size? Because under the drop down menu paper size the sizes are all fixed.
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Apr 2, 2012
I am working on a drawing that started life as a dxf file from a client. I am having problems with the scale of hatching in that whilst I might normally do a line hatch at a scale of 25 to get the same spacing I now have to set the scale to 650.
Initially I had a problem that the scaling in viewports was also wrong but I sorted that one out but I cannot find how to reset the hatch scale to my normal setting.
I am also finding that when hatching it seems to find gaps in lines that it would not normally do. Even after I have filleted all the corners the hatch still in some cases 'spills out'. The measuring and dimensioning tools are all working correctly and show the correct figures.
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Oct 25, 2013
We receive site survey dwgs generated in Civil 3D that contain 3D topos with elevation tags. The elevation tags are clearly scalabe anno objects that scale correctly in the received civil dwg. The elevation tags won't scale correctly in our dwgs - they come in too small to see.
- Both dwg's have units set to decimal.
- I tried copying / pasting the viewport from the civil dwg to our dwg and the text is still too small. This tells me it's a dwg specific variable and not a viewport setting.
- I have Civil 3D object enabler installed, though I don't think this has any bearing.
It would be nice to use the original tags and not have to re-create every elevation tag.
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Mar 13, 2013
I am having problems to scale 2d objects I use the command scale but when it request a base point it said "extremely small scale factor ignored" I have to do this 5 or 6 times until the command works.
The other thing is that I can not do a 1 dimension scale in 2D.
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Oct 10, 2011
I am trying to print on a 3d printer and seem to have a bit of a scaling issue with inventor 2012. I saved the .stl file in the same units but still get a scaling issue. Under options when I save it shows a 1:1 scale as well as the correct units.
When printing a .stl file from another computer that has inventor 10 installed we do not have this issue. Seems to be something with the files from 2012.
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Jan 21, 2013
This is in Acad 2013. This wasn't happening last week, and I don't know what changed. I have a small drawing file with a few point blocks with attributes and some lines I'm trying to insert into a main drawing. I've made sure that both files are set to "unitless" in the following variables:
I've run SCALELISTEDIT on both files and reset them to "metric and imperial scales", and saved both files. The base points in both drawings are 0,0,0. Both files are in the WCS.
I've run audit on both files. I've run purge in the main drawing to make sure it doesn't already contain a definition of the small drawing. I've rebooted the PC and restarted acad.
When I insert the small drawing into the main drawing, the points come in at the correct coordinates. But the lines connecting them and the point block attributes are scaled up by 39.3700787400 and are far away.
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Jun 4, 2013
How can i scale a block have some attributes , with known factor ?
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Jan 28, 2013
I need to scale a part up by a ration on 2, but I'm not sure how?
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Feb 22, 2013
When set up my drawing in paper space it is just a big cluster. When i scale it, the drawing disappears. However, when i hit scale to fit it returns but the drawing is still in a cluster.
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