So the problem I am having is when I try join lines and/or make a polyline. I am trying to model an electron lens and have all the measurement and angles correct but Autocad does not want to allow me to join the lines so that I can make a 3D model for export. When it does allow me to join all the line or make a polyline, the lines are not straight. Granted I have to zoom in to see the deviation in the line but my connecting lines are not orthogonal like they should be. Here is a picture of what I am trying to make.
The main problem area is the gray part three electrode 1.2.pdf (Don't know if you can see my attachment)
How do I solve this problem I cannot join basic lines to make a closed polyline as they will not join together. So i tried to use the flatten command which does not work and out puts error below:-
Command Prompt Input/ouput
Command: FLATTEN Select objects to convert to 2d...8 found Remove hidden lines? <No>: A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex. A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex. A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex. A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex. A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex. A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex. A vertex was added to a 2D pline (0) which had only one vertex.
I need to join multiple lines to a new polyline..The lines are filtered by a selectionset
Dim oPline as new Polyline() For Each oSel As SelectedObject In acSSet Dim oEnt As Entity = TryCast(acTrans.GetObject(oSel.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead, True), Entity) oPline.JoinEntity(oEnt) End If Next
arc was defined with line's end points and radius, so I'm positive that this drawing is continuous.
Steps I take: pedit click do you wish to turn into polyline y j Select objects: 1 found Select objects: 1 found, 2 total [enter] Select objects: 0 segments added to polyline [enter]
I had no problem turning other arcs into polyline...
Is there any way at all to draw a new polyline - from the endpoint of another polyline, and have it automatically join as one polyline from the existing section??
I know this can be done via PEDIT, but its so laborious and soo many clicks, and I have alot of segmented Polylines that I need to consolidate when I draft.
3 lines. 2 arcs. All coplanar, all meet end-to-end.
I set "Units/precision" to 0.00000000 and inspected them. They are all x=0 for each endpoint, therefore coplanar. I also did a point "ID" command and checked each endpoint approaching from both sides and confirmed that each pair of results was identical, so all the ends meet exactly.
I was under the impression that Join or at least PEDIT should be able to combine coplanar lines/arcs that all meet end to end into a polyline. Also, using the Express Tool's "FLATTEN" command doesn't work.
The reason I'm doing this is because I've drawn lines/arcs that trace along the midpoint of a sheet metal's material thickness, and this sheet metal has two bends in it and isn't flat anymore, so converting the lines/arcs to a single polyline will tell me how long the flat plate needs to be that will be ordered to create it.
In sketch mode, there is a function to split lines, but I don't see one to join lines.
(I'm talking about colinear lines with the ends touching - I want to convert two lines into one).
It may seem trivial, but I'd like to use these lines in frame generator to select by a single line and not by endpoints of two different lines. Less clicks and more consistency in my model.
Followed all the steps found online, but when I select "Join Roof", the cursor will not select any of the edge lines (tried on multiple roofs). Software Error? Revit 2014 Architecture.
I am a bit of a newbie to illustrator cs6. I have been using the image trace function so that I can edit my hand drawn pictures. I 'Place' the scan of my drawing and then go to Object>Image Trace>Make and Expand. The problem I have is when I want to join two lines together to close the shape (as below).
I have tried simply dragging the anchor points and reshaping the line so it appeared to be closed, I have tried closing it with the pen tool and I have tried to 'path>join' them but this box comes up.
I want to be able to fill my image traces with colour easily, can this be done?
how do I make straight lines? Horizontal Lines? Vertical Lines? Curvs? I read many tutorials and i am afraid that I am doing it the wrong way, my way is to drag a guide to where i want the line to be at and trace the guide with the brush tool...
I seem to be having an issue with polylines and a few other things like rectangle, they will only draw in up and down movements and not draw to the left or right.
Imagine a triangle with its top chopped off and the path open at the top. Is there a quick way of selecting those top 2 points and auto extending them to complete the triangle?If I use Object>Path>Average my 2 points move to join in the middle, they don't extend up along the same trajectory to join.
.... so as to be able to apply a fill over the whole object??
This might sound more obvious than it actually is in this case so i'll explain. My partners artwork contains a lot of linework and unfortunately, i can't get the degree of accuracy i need with a continous path. Therefore, the problem i have is joining lots of paths (some of which have endpoints joining midway through other paths) to make a single object with the strokes preserved, so i can apply a fill to the overall object or to individual sections.
I've tried unite, join and all the other commands that i'm aware of but all give undesired effects. I've tried using a compund path but all that does is make them act as one but still doesn't do what i need with regards to filling the object.
A simplified example of what i need to achieve is this...... create a square using 4 seperate paths and then a cross through the middle using more seperate paths to create a 4 box square. I need to be able to make this one object so i can fill each individual square a different colour if need be?
Using VB.NET, how to create a new polyline out of existing lines and arcs? I am converting existing VBA code into VB.NET, developing in AutoCAD 2010 using VS Professional and I just stumbled into this road block.
Without using programming code, this task can be accomplished via AutoCAD command by typing the PE command, selecting the JOIN option and then selecting any lines or arcs which should be combined to form a polyline.
Using programming code, however, I am quite stumped on this task. I have been able to successfully create the lines and arcs which should form the polyline, and they are all connected as well so they would form a connected polyline; I simply do not know how to proceed from here.
Is there any way to make 2 to sketch lines instead of floating lines so that I can dimension them?
For example, if I have a part that can change lengths and I need to print off a new drawing, it would be good if I could say that the lines were a set distance from each end of the part or some features of the part.
Then I could update the part length, then just open the part drawing and not have to adjust anything.
This isnt so much of a problem as an annoyance. When I try to make poly lines from connected single lines my procedure is as follows...
pedit, right click, multiple, select lines/objects, enter, yes, join x 3, esc
My annoyance is if i hit join once it will not make the lines into polylines, if i hit join 3 times or so and then esc it will.
It just doesnt seem that is right and I think i might be missing something. I have been doing pedit this way for a long time adn its probably finally time to figure this one out.
The command to JOIN two overlapping anchor points as a SMOOTH join is not working (at least, on Mac).
"The join option only results in a corner join regardless of whether you select anchor points to join or the entire path. However, for overlapping anchor points, if you want the option to select a smooth or corner join, then use Ctrl+Shift+Alt+J (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+Option+J (Mac OS)."