Have been successfully using annotative dimensions for A LONG time, upgraded to 2014 and now all the dimensions have randomly been changing themselves to annotative$0 instead of annotative..Can change them back to annotative using properties but even new dimensions come in as annotative$0.
IN Autocad 2013, I'm trying to measure an annotative dimension. When I do it, it doesn't show the units along with the measurement.
For instance, it just shows up 24 when in fact I want it to say 24". Or if it was metric I would want the "m" to show up after the 24. How do I get the unit to appear?
My boss wants me to look into using annotative text and dimensions for all our drawings. Currently, we have 15 different text and dimension styles depending on what scale we're using.
However, despite my extensive knowledge in most areas of AutoCAD, I have absolutely NO knowledge of how to use it.
I created all of my annotative dimensions in the wrong scale and now in layout view they are too small and can't be seen. Model space was set to 3/4" = 1'. Once I got to Layout View, I realized I did not have enough space so I needed to size down to 1/2" = 1'. How do you go about changing existing annotative dimensions to another scale? I am using 2010.
Am having problems with annotative dimensions in Autocad LT 2010. When I click on a dimension it appears in at least 3 different scales, do not have this problem in Autocad LT 2012 on different computer.
The first, if i have created many annotative dimensions and texts and with the time many scales get attached to these objects during editing ( the scales which i don't use on my layouts anymore but have used on these objects ones) How can I quickly and efficiently delete all the scales that are not in use on my layouts in my viewports for all the annotative objects?
the second question is how can I create annotative tags( dynamic blocks that can be scaled like annotative texts)?
I've completed my drawing (Autocad architectural 2012) and set-up my multiple view-ports (at 1:50 and 1:5 scale) on my title-block.
I'm now going to add my text and dimensions im model space....and that's when the problems start!
I've created text and dimensions in annotative style.
The issue I have is when I change annotation scale from 1:50 to 1:5 my text and dimensions in model space automatically changes (as can be seen on attachment) to a huge scale but is perfect in layout view for differing scales.
I was adding a lot of aligned dimensions to a drawing and some where along the way they changed from aligned dimensions to rotated dimensions, even in the same string of dimensions.
Typically, I've mistakenly inserted some annotative leaders into a viewport modelspace instead of paperspace. Trying CHSPACE to bring them into PSpace makes them disappear - can't find them anywhere. Normal objects work fine.
My annotative text moves from its original place when I change my viewport scale. I tried to add the PS scale to my original xref, but when I click on the text, I can't change the "no" to "yes" on the options menu where it says annotative.
In our office cutlines are made up of polylines. When I use this in an annotative drawing I cannot get the polyline to change with the scale factor. Is there a way to make the polyline annotative?
I am running Autocad arch 2011 (as Autocad 2011) and a co worker is using Autocad electrical 2012 and when he works in a drawing of mine the every annotative scale that is used in the file is attached to every annotative object. Which means I have to go through every object and delete scales that should be be there....all my annotative objects appear in every view port because every annotative object has every scale..
I have a co-worker who needs to create a block where the attributes scale with the anno scale, but the block container does not. He's creating a tree block and wants the canopy and trunk attributes to scale without scaling the tree symbol.
Making an attribute annotative and applying the scales to the attributes doesn't seem to work if the block itself isn't annotative.
Are we missing something, or is this just not possible?
Is there any trick that bring in an annotative block into a drawing at the annotative scale you are working in, not the scale the block was created in?
I was given a drawing and asked to scale it down. Once I did everything scaled as it should except for the dimensions. The dimensions did not change. What gives?
I draw a detail 1 in model space and put dimensions on it say at a overall scale of 1.00, now I draw a detail 2 and change the overall scale to 5.00 and put dimensions on that detail but when I look at detail 1 all my dimension have changed to the 5.00 scale. Where I'm changing the scale is under the tab Format/Dim. Style/Modify/Fit/use overall scale of ..... How can I keep the dimensions from changing when I change the scale this way? I know it can be done because I've work on several dwgs. and changing the overall scale doesn't change on every detail in the model space.
I trying to change dimensions but they will not change.I add a block and then try to dimension it against another block but when i go to change the dimension it just remains the original dimension size. E.g. it currently is 2.895 and i go to make it 3.00 but it does not accept the new dimensions....is there a setting i could check?
when I explode a cad detail the dimensions change. How can a revert these back to the original dimensions before they were exploded? I need to work with the exploded detail so i can make changes....i use cad14.
I just tried to assemble my model and realized that I should make the dimension of the door 0.06" larger in order to become closed! It took me a week to complete this model, so I don't wanna redraw everything! How can I modify my model in CAD?
I am currently working on the drawing which I initially didnt have a template for (ie the border for the A1 page this drawing will be printed on) so off I went and started drawing using a scale of 1 drawing units = 1mm.
Now I have been given the border and the drawing I have comes no where near fitting on the sheet so I want to select all of the drawing and change the scale but I obviously don't want the dimensions to change. How can I achieve this?
I also need to know as there are certain parts of the drawings that need zoomed in views so all I want to do is copy the parts I have drawn and increase the scale but again keep the dimensions the same.
See the attached JPEG files for a viewable explanation.
Dimensions placed in paperspace that are scaled by the viewports, change on their own. This happens at no apparent frequency. And for no apparent reason.
This has happened after I've saved a drawing and reopened. Also has happened when I've moved or stretched a viewport.
Currently I am using Autocad 2012, but this has been happening for some years.
I have been working 4-weeks for a new customer. I Run Inventor 2011 mechanical... I have multiple iwd files that have all been done in decimals. The floor workers here want fractions to the 1/32. Is there a easy way to up-date my entire list of drawings with out creating new? Is there a easy way to create a style that I can easily switch to when I draw/design for this customer. I hate fractions!
How can I change the precision of Driven Dimensions. I have a Driven Dimesion in a sketch that I want to use in another dimension later. Let's say that d59 is a Driven Dimension.I want dimension d80 = d59*2. When I measure it using eight decimal places, I can see that it is rounding d59 to 3 decimal places, but I don't want it to do that because then d80 is off.
For example: I draw a line and when I dimension it, it comes up as 9.32, but I want that line to be 5.1. Is there a way to dimension this line? Is there code that I should be familiar with? I need the line to be exact dimensions, not just change the number.