AutoCad 2D :: Annotation Menu Also Change DIMSCALE

Jan 24, 2013

I have written the following code to have the DIMSCALE on our drawings to update according to our Annotation Scale selected from the menu on the bottom right. Right now its set up though a menu along the top.


I am hoping there is a way I can have this code run when I select my annotation scale through the menu at the bottom.

Is there a way of simply adding thiscode to the CANNOSCALE command to make it do that? Or is it done another way.

We also need this to work with LT, to we are limited for options.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Dimension - How To Change Dimscale

May 13, 2013

I am having problems with dimension after changing the dimscale.  The user wants to change the dimscale.  The program prompts for the selection of a dimension entity and also for the new dimscale.  The dimscale property of the dimension entity is set to the new dimscale.  The problem is that the entity is not updated on the screen, even after calling the entity draw method.  In VBA there was an Update method, but I can find anything like that in the .NET dimension entity.

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AutoCad 2D :: Annotation Text Boldness - How To Change It

Mar 11, 2013

I have a site survey which has existing spot heights all over it using MICRO text. I am marking in new spot heights so want a text style which is different, but not over powering.

Currently I am using Browallia UPC which looks like a good style match, however the text looks like its set to SUPER BOLD or something, because when I do a test print it visually dominates the entire drawing.

Is there a way of changing the "boldness" of a text style?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Select ALL Annotation With Same Text And Change Them For New Ones

Apr 18, 2013

I have a set of drawings (19) with a lot of annotations, however I have to change them according to the original text:

Example: Return Air Drive by RAR, Sump by SMP etc. How is possible to select ALL the annotation with the same text and change them for the new ones? Every time that I select by text, either the MultiText or the Multileader objects are selected correctly but I can change only one at the time. Is there anyway to do the changing process in one shot for Text or Multitext with the same contents?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Annotation Scale To 1:2

Apr 26, 2013

take a look at the test.dwg it contains a block named 'box' (which is a rectangle) and some attributes. the annotation scale is 1:1 and i zoomed in to focus on one attribute.

change the annotation scale to 1:2 and you will see the attribute grows by 2 - that's ok! now load attmod.lsp and run attmod command and you will see the attribute grows again by 2

even the command only (entmod) the attributes without making any change.(to restore it use battman sync)Is there a workaround to this bug?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Set The Dimscale For Each Dimstyle

Mar 29, 2013

In a drawing with multiple dimstyles, my dimscale always goes back to (1) when switching from one dimstyle to another.  Even after I set the dimscale for "dimstyle 1" and I then set and use "dimstyle 2", when I go back to "dimstyle 1" I have to set the dimscale again.

How do I set it to where I can set the dimscale once for each dimstyle.  All dimstyles have the same dimscale.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Set Model Space Dimscale In Paperspace?

Mar 19, 2013

I dont use paper space at all. i mostly work in model. but i just want to explore the paper space side.

I have my lpaperspace dimscale set at 1

In the model space my picture is drawn to scale, so its like 12 feet tall.

when i put the viewport in and get the picture positioned in the viewport, when i dimension the model in the viewport my dims are set according to the paperspace dimscale.

is there a way i set the dimscale in the viewport at a different dimsale then the dimscale set in the paperspace without having to set the dimscale in the model space?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Setting DIMSCALE - Invalid Input Error

Aug 23, 2011

I am getting a Error with this

Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.SetSystemVariable("DIMSCALE", 12.0);

I am getting a "eInvalidInput" error.

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Revit :: Annotation Text Duplicates And Change Position On View

Sep 5, 2011

We have a problem in some of our views (mostly dependent views), Central file.We place normal annotation text (not littera) and everything looks fine.

Then it happens, random can take days, and noone tuch the views nor the text style, that the text duplicate itself up to 1-4 times, and also change its location on the view.(The text don't lie on each other, but spread around the view, but keeps the condition in location to each other from the origin texts that was placed)
When we have encounter this we have deleted the copys and placed the text right again and then it works for a while...everything repeats itself, and in the end (random timeflow) the text deletes itself completely.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Change Object From Context Menu

Aug 18, 2012

According to this [URL] article I tried to add context menu to my object:

ContextMenuExtension nodeContextMenu = new ContextMenuExtension();
Application.AddObjectContextMenuExtension(RXClass.GetClass(typeof(DBPoint)), nodeContextMenu);

Next, I found selected object:
private static ObjectId GetSelectedObject()
Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Editor ed = doc.Editor;
[Code] ........

Ok, I found it and tried to change properties of selected object:

using (Transactiontx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
DBPoint point = tx.GetObject(selectedObject, OpenMode.ForWrite) asDBPoint;

At this line Autocad has been crashed. This line works if I open object ForRead, but I can't open it ForWrite or call UpgradeOpen. Is it possible to change object from context menu?

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AutoCad :: Any Way To Change Options In Plot Menu

Jun 3, 2012

I was wondering if there is any way to change options in the plot menu. For example I have a long list of printer's and many duplicates, when I only use 2 of the 25 printers on the list. I would like to just have the 2 printers i use displayed, rather then having to search through all the names every time. There is other options I wish to customize in the plot-model tab as well.

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AutoCad :: Units Menu To Change From Inches To Mm

Feb 14, 2008

ok here it goes, when i want to use the units menu to change from inches to mm , or use the modify menu i get the following error(s)

'_units Unknown command "UNITS". Press F1 for help.

and same thing happens with properties.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Change Format / Menu Bars

Jun 21, 2012

I'm trying to learn autocad and I just downloaded the 2012 version. I can't figure out how to make the modelspace look the format in all the tutorial videos. I don't have a big menu bar on the top or bottom. It's so hard for me to follow videos when nothing looks the same and I can't find the buttons/commands.

How to change the format/menu bars?

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Revit :: Change Line-weight Of Annotation Line?

May 25, 2012

I've seen umpteen explanations of how to change lineweights in Revit.None of them address this simple thing I'm trying to do. 
I just want to: 
1. Create a few lilnestyles that appear along side the other line styles - for instance:

Thin Line, Medium Line, Thick Line,     <<Really Thick Line, >>     <<Absurdly Thick Line,>> etc, etc..
2. Draw a line
3. Click on the line
4. Select from a drop down list, "Absurdly Thick Line"  and have it instantly inherit the linestyle I created. 
The only way I can do this is to create a family, make a new subcategory of Detail Items, create the characteristics I want in the line, export it as a .dwg file, then import it into Revit - and then I see the new line style along side the other line styles, and I can then select any line and make it the new line style.  
Certainly, there is an easy to find, simple, straightforward way to add line styles to the existing group - and have those new line styles become immediately accessible from the "Modify Lines" Linestyle Drop down Menu.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Change Shortcut Keys In Right Click Menu

Dec 28, 2012

How do I change the short cut keys in only the right click menu?  For example I used to be able to right click then type M for move in 2012.  Now in 2013, I have to right click then click V for move.  I also used to be able to right click and type O for rotate.  Now nothing happens.  I have to click again on rotate rather than typing a key.  There's a few others I'd like to change.  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Color And Font Size Of RMC Menu

Feb 6, 2012

I have a query. How do I change the color and font size of the RMC menu? I am using Autodesk Inventor 2012 Suite. I find it quite small and hard to see.

I have attached an image of it.

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Lightroom :: Change The Menu Colors In 5?

Nov 24, 2013

Just upgraded to LR 5 (actually 5.2) -- I realized it has a new colors scheme - for example, the border is a shade of beige that reminds me of bedroom linen. Is it possible to change the colors of the menus (I know about the background). Also, is there any way I can increase the size of the menus FONT? Using Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit

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Lightroom :: 4 - How To Change Font Size Of Menu

Apr 29, 2013

After installing the lightroom 4 on my new Imac 27', I found the font are too small to read. I can only change the font size of menu a little bigger and can't do anything about the other font size. I am so frustrated. The reason why I bought Imac 27" is to protect my weak vision and there are no means to change the font size in lightroom. I searched online and found many customers had this issue.

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Illustrator :: How To Change The Menu Language To English CS6

Jan 16, 2013

How to change the menu language to English Illustrator CS6?

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Photoshop :: Change Text Size Of Main Menu Bar?

Mar 6, 2012

How do I change the text size of the main menu bar? It seems you can change the text size for panels and other things but not the menu bar.

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Change Menu Template Or Create DVD

Sep 6, 2012

On a particular project, when I go to 'SHARE' CREATE DISC' DVD' NEXT' I am unable to change the Menu template. An error message box tells me 'Failed to change menu template'

Program then hangs, if I try to close, I get another error message 'The program has encountered an unspecified error, Contact Corel technical support and send the dump file for analysis' The message goes on to specify an address for the dump file which I can not find.

Other projects work normally, I am able to change menu templates and create DVD discs.

Even with the offending project, I am able to create a Video file without problem.

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3ds Max :: Customize Menu To Change Colour Of Main Title Bar?

Feb 24, 2014

What heading do you look for in the customize menu to change the colour of the main title bar? I can't seem to find it.

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Photoshop Elements :: Change Menu And Icon Sizes In 12?

Dec 31, 2013

I have just installed elements 12 on my Lenovo Ultrabook which is running windows 8 - the icons and menus are so small I need a magnifying glass to read them.

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Lightroom :: Any Way To Change Color Of Menu And Panels In Workspace?

Jul 31, 2013

The grey text on black background is fine on my home computer but my little laptop screen, especially travelling with some sun glare on it, is very hard to read.  I had hoped to do lots of editing while travelling but have eye strain instead.  Can the panel background color and text color be changed to something with more contrast or does Lightroom have other "skins"?

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VideoStudio :: Change Font Colour In Menu Template Text?

Aug 22, 2012

VSX5 .I click on the text, the size handles show, I right click the text to raise the font attributes box, I change the colour in the box + click OK. What exactly do I have to do next because the text colour has not changed and I cant find out how to do this…

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Change The Menu Item Quick Off To Slow Off

Sep 16, 2012

Change the menu item Quick off to Slow off.

See attached. It now take 4 pen actions to get the safe titles overlay on and off. And before it was one pen movement. So before it was aptly named quick off. Now you should rename it. Slow off. Or "waste of time" something that matches function.

I vote for reinstating the quick off operation from 2012. And I checked, there is no quick off in the hotkey editor, so I can't streamline the usage with a user key.


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Photoshop Elements :: How To Change Language From English To Swedish In Menu

Jan 19, 2014

I bought my PSE 12 in the US and wonder if it's possible to change the language from english to swedish in the menu?

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Edge Animate CC :: Change Font Size In The Code Menu?

May 21, 2013

This has been a little annoying when trying to work on my edge animate projects. As I am using an old 4:3 ratio as my monitor - I don't have a lot of space on my desktop. Whenever I want to insert or edit code in Edge, the code menu pratically takes up my whole screen.

As you can see the font is still large even when it is on 'small' font size. Is there anywhere to change this or do I have to go digging manually into Edge's files?

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Illustrator :: Reference Point Locator Missing From Top Menu - Can't Change X-y Coordinates?

Jun 11, 2013

I am using illustrator cs2 and somehow my reference point locator is missing from my menu bar?  Also, I am not able to manually set the x y coordinates on anything besides 0 0.  I have been using this program for a long time and haven't had this happen before. turned off the reference point locator but I can't see where to get it back on my menu to be able to align objects.

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Photoshop Elements :: Getting Error Message - Cannot Enter (and Change) Printer Menu?

Jan 16, 2013

PSE 11 don't see my Printers. But PSE 8 works with no Problems. After an Error message I cannot enter ( and change ) the Printer menue .

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Express Tools Menu Won't Stay In Menu Bar After Restart

May 1, 2012

I recently upgraded to 2012 but forgot to install the express tools, Doh!. I installed them through control panel repair and everything works. Except when I close and restart ACAD the menu bar express menu disappears. I can bring it back by using cuiload but this is not ideal. Any way to get it to stick? 

AutoCAD 2012
Dell Precision T7400, Intel Xeon @3.4GHz
Win XP 32bit 4GB RAM
Nvidia Quadro FX 3700
Cyborg R.A.T. 7 mouse

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