take a look at the test.dwg it contains a block named 'box' (which is a rectangle) and some attributes. the annotation scale is 1:1 and i zoomed in to focus on one attribute.
change the annotation scale to 1:2 and you will see the attribute grows by 2 - that's ok! now load attmod.lsp and run attmod command and you will see the attribute grows again by 2
even the command only (entmod) the attributes without making any change.(to restore it use battman sync)Is there a workaround to this bug?
I am working on automating page setups in model space and am looking for a way to set the plot scale equal to the annotation scale for scaled drawings with
Setting the plot scale with !A causes the lisp to fail. However, when running each prompt through the command line individually, !A works fine. what is missing?
How to change the Scale Uniformly property in dynamic blocks accross hundreds of drawings using either/or scripts, lisp, vba or anything else that might do the job.
I just need to open the drawing and select the block (one block per drawing) then edit the scale uniformly property within the block, save then close the drawing and move onto the next drawing.
I would like to find a lisp that changes the scale of something that has an annotative scale and deletes all other scales in the object scale list. Often i have many different scales of existing dimensions or objects. i waste a lot of time opening the annotation object scale dialogue box, selecting add, finding my scale and deleting the old scale.
I am adapting a routine by Alan J Thompson found here for placing an outline of a paperspace viewport in modelspace.
I have added some lines for making a suitable No plot layer with appropriate linetype, and wanted to make the lwpolyline have a thickness dependent upon the viewport scale.
My paperspace viewport scales are set for printing via Zoom - 1/50XP for example to get a 1:50 scale plot (or 0.02XP)
Having selected the relevant viewport, I wanted to be able to determine the vp scale, but am unsure how to extract this information from the viewport entity itself.
I am currently writing a series of routines for setting the layers for text, leaders and dimension commands. The end goal is a system where any annotation command sets the correct layer for the duration of the command, then reverts back to the layer that was active before the command.
I have managed to complete all the code, and it appears to be working fine, I just have one question: I have used -layer "m" "Lay_name" etc... for all layer setting commands, rather than any code to see if the layer exists already. In my limited testing this seems to be suitable, nothing that exists on that layer seems to be affected.
I know how to write code to determine if the layer exists already and set the layer instead, but so far it seems unnecessary??
A2008. Is there a setvar, setenv, registry entry etc. that can be used to change the scale of Multileaders with annotative off to have the same effect that DIMSCALE has on Q leaders? I want to have a single scale-independent Multileader style and modify it on the fly along with DIMSCALE and LTSCALE. I'd use Qleader but UCS's do odd things to text position and orientation.
I am attempting to create an AutoLISP that removes all un-used drawing scales from a file, then adds the standard scales used in civil engineering. This is what I tried using:
Now, I am only a beginner to writing LISP, but I know that my problem is that it is reading the inch marks after the one in the scale name as a enter, but I don't know how to get around this. Also, I don't know how to get it to skip scales that are still in the drawing.
Any Lisp Routine to scale text objects a certain value and have the program actually scale each text object as you pick them.
The change text height using the Properties function does not work for what I need because the objects I need to scale are Mtext objects with Background Mask, and when you use the Properties function to change their text height it messes up the background mask so that you have to select each text entity and stretch the mask area smaller or larger, but if you use the scale function it scales the background mask as well so the background mask coverage is still the same.
I had been trying to insert a title block (block) in to a drawing as part of changing the title block But in some drawings the block gets scaled off. Is there any system variable or any solution to maintain the drawing without getting scaled while inserting block.
I had used -dwg units and this appears to single drawings only. Any other way to do this to all the files in a folder.
I have a problem that I cannot seem to solve. I have a drawings with a whole bunch of layout tabs that have a few viewports in each tab. One of these viewports on each layout tab is on the layer VIEWPORT. I did this so it would be easy to filter out the other viewports in the drawings. I am using the code below to change all of the viewports with the layer VIEWPORT to the Custom Scale 0.020833. This works for all of the layout tabs except the first tab. It will not for some odd reason work on the fist tab.
I have the below code (from a user here on the forum) which works great for aligning text, mtext and blocks to 2 points. For annotative entities, it respects the rotation angle for mtext and text.
ie I have an mtext object at 1"=20' scale and at 1"=40' scale. I run the command when the current annotative scale is 1"=40'. The object at 40' scale has changed, but the 20' scale is unchanged. This is working as I would like it to.
But for annotative blocks, it gets weirded out. In the above example, the block at 40' will rotate, but so will the attributes at 20' scale. But linework and hatching at 20' scale will be unchanged. it looks really weird. how to get it to play nice with blocks. Ideally, I'd like the block to be at different rotation angles in different annotative scales.
(defun C:R2P (/ ss ang edata); = Rotate objects to align with 2 Points (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "*TEXT,INSERT"))) ang (angle (getpoint " First alignment point: ") (getpoint " Second alignment point: ")) ) (repeat (sslength ss) (setq edata (entget (ssname ss 0))) (entmod (subst (cons 50 ang) (assoc 50 edata) edata)) (ssdel (ssname ss 0) ss) ))
The crux of the matter is that the CANNOSCALE value needs to match an existing named scale. This lisp is part of a bigger lisp and I need to pass a variable into it. Here's what I have:
I've looked around and only find nearly what I looking for. For 1"=20' I have a value of 0.004167 Paper Units = 1 Drawing Units, but what is the formula to calculate 1/30"=1'-0"?
I'd like to run one command that allows the user to draw a polygon viewport then sets that VP to 1/8"=1'-0".
It can be nearly accomplished with a macro, but falls just short because the polygon vp requires an unknown number of clicks, so there is no way to know how many pauses for user input in the macro.
I am using acad 2010. I have a contour generator that uses 3d polylines to make contours. I get depressions or tops where I don't want them. I need a lisp routine that will allow me to adjust the z value only on any 3d polyline. I need to raise or lower the z value at any vertex and repeat if necessary. I don't need to prompt the user- I am the user.
In our Structural department, we use a layer called S-35-WALL-LB to denote a load-bearing wall, and what the guys typically do when they are on the sheet showing the floor above, is dbl-clk the VP to activate model space, open the Layer Manager and change the VP linetype to HIDDEN to show the afore-mentioned loadbearing walls as walls under.
way to accomplish this through a viewport...but instead of using the Layer Manager, use a lisp routine I can link to a toolbar button where all the user has to do is dbl-clk the VP, press the toolbar button, and either it will convert the default VP linetype (continuous) for S-35-WALL-LB automatically, or get the user to select an object on that layer and it changes the whole lot?
Looking for starting point to writing a routine that will open blocks in a drawing and change the colour.We receive drawings from clients with their blocks and would like to have them changed to our company colours.
So basically, i am looking for something that would within a drawing, change every block to a specific color without exploding and redefining. The colour changes will be the same throughout new drawings.
I have a block "MANAGER" with Two Attributes "CETOP" and "CEBOT" I would like a lisp to replace what ever is in those attributes with defined text, for my purposes "Text1" and "Text2". I would like a simple routine that even I can understand so I can apply it to a couple of other lisp projects I have.
I have been filtering through this descuession group for a whil this morning looking for what I need and have found somethings that are close but haven't managed to change them a little to do what I am wanting..
I have drawings with a block named UG101 and has been inserted on all sort of different layers.
What I would like to do is run a lisp routine that would select all blocks with the name UG101 and put them on the layer CableInfo.
I have many other blocks that i need to do the same to but with different names, so I was hoping, I could change the lisp routine around to do the rest of the blocks in the drawing..
I found this routine [URL]...... that changes the width of an attribute in a block. After use it, I need to use the ATTSYNC to update the other instances of the bloc in my project.
How to modify this lisp that I receive a prompt to choose if the width attribute will be change just in the selected block or in all instances of the block? In that way, I would not have to use the ATTSYNC command each time.
I am working with an application (written in Delphi) that interfaces to AutoCAD via AutoLisp and automation. The app is localized using translation strings that are stored in a database. We are working on translating the menus and dialogs on the AutoCAD side. The menus are no problem as it is easy to change the Label property of the menu items in code on the fly. However I haven't been able to find anything similar for the dialogs. Other then rewriting the DCL file on-the-fly is there any way to programmatically change the labels on the dialogs?
In our 2010 version users used the "OPT Color Control" in a toolbar. When we went to 2012 we switched our users to the Ribbon. I am not able to move this Control to a ribbon panel. I can place in a toolbar and it works okay. Best I could find is "ACObjectColorCombo", Object Color Gallery drop down. Unfortunately I find that this drop down doesn't handle a selection set the way the 2010 toolbar did. I find that one cannot reliably pick a selection and use this to change objects to color bylayer. I can pick the object prior to using the OPT Color Control and they work fine. I pick the same objects and use the Combo box and sometime they are found and change other times I pick one or two and they work.
Is there a way to move this toolbar control to the ribbon, it will not let me drag and drop to a panel in the CUI.
Is there another solution to change object(s) color in a drop down from a ribbon panel? I have tried searching but am not finding other commands or control with selection drop down in the CUI. (Our choice is not to use the Properties dialog. Which, by the way, does work every time on the objects.)