AutoCAD .NET :: Read Image Name From ImageList Based On Index Value
Aug 4, 2011I am using ImageList to store a group of images.
I would like to read the image name from the imagelist based on index value.
I am using ImageList to store a group of images.
I would like to read the image name from the imagelist based on index value.
I finally paid one of those conversion companies to convert this QuarkXPress file that I was working with to InDesign, since InDesign seems like such a better program. Everything seemed to transfer over smoothly, and I have now been editing this document in InDesign. Unfortuantely, after a bunch of new edits, I realized the one thing that didn't seem to transfer over was the index. The old Quark file had an index with about 900+ entries in it. Is there any quick way to add all those entries back without having to go through the document and highlight the text manually, one by one by one? That would take forever. Pretty much everything that's gonna be indexed is after a paragraph marker of the paragraph style called "gray box."
Also, since each entry is bold, it was set up as having a paragraph style named "title." If IND could find anything with that style and add it as an entry, that may make my job way easier? Or will I be stuck selecting text over the next day and manually adding entries?
I typically create graphics using index color that are black/white with some gray tones to highlight a part of the drawing. The graphics are published in a PDF document, are typically a very manageable file size and initially look great. The problem is the PDF documents are typically 500 pages and the file size is reduced in Adobe Acrobat Standard. After reducing the file size, all index color graphics appear bloched or very fuzzy when viewing the PDF on a monitor. The printed PDF document has some fuzziness but the image quality should be improved. Do you have any suggestions to improve the image quality of index color graphics in a reduced file size PDF document? Or any suggestions to create sharp black/white images with gray highlights in a better way or avoid making the image fuzzy?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIllustrator cs6 - I have used image trace to create a 3 colour image of a photograph. Is there a way to create layers based on the three colours? (One layer for each of the three colours)
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan I add more Image based lighting images besides the one come installed such as (old warehouse, dry salt bed)?
If yes how could i do it
when I am trying to use the lighting style scenes (such as old warehouse) I get this message "Cannot find the source Oldwarehouse of the image based lighting" and the background image does not appear I only get the same old gradient backgroud. (see attached file)
I know the IBL files exist and know where they are but I have moved the folders from the default location on my C: drive due to space reasons and changed the respective filepaths in the application options. However it seems inventor has not understood that the path to these IBL background files has changed... is there some filepath setting somewhere that I have missed?
I am using inventor 2013.
I'm using Adobe Photoshop 9.0 cs2 and I need help with a large color replacement project. I'm an amature video game designer making a level for the classic P.C. game Doom 2 and I'm creating a new weapon and monster for the level I'm creating. For the monster I plan to alter the colors of the frames of the original monster and change the dimensions of key features.
use an indexed color mode that were extracted into individual .png files.
Today I made the big mistake of changing the frames over to RGB mode so I can use the color replacement tools available in that mode. I should have done one frame first then convert it back to indexed color mode because the frames look terrible when converted back from RGB mode. What it is doing is using all the colors of the RGB color spectrum to replace various colors. Unfortunately what this means is that its using colors that are not in the color palette I loaded in the original pic and when I convert it back it looks terrible. There are enough colors in the doom color palette to produce the look I'm after but the automated conversion process from RGB to indexed colors does not pic the best matches in most cases. By doing this I am taking an image consisting of about 150 different shades of color down to about 75 different shades of color. I cant find any color replacement tools for indexed colored images and its going to take me forever to do all frames pixel by pixel so I need one of two things to be able to accomplish what I need. Either a better way of converting these images back, or some tool I can actually use in indexed color mode. If there is a way to select a pixel and change all other pixels of that exact color to a new color then I can just do it pixel by pixel that way. I need something here or I'm going to lose hours of work. If there is a way to load my color table into RGB mode to limit what colors it uses that might work too.
I would just leave the pics in RGB mode if the game im editing for could use that format but unfortunatly anything I convert to RGB will have to be converted back to 256 colors for it to work in the game.
Is there a way to convert the pixel based phtoshop files to the vector based illustrator files?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have Inventor 2014 installed. My O/S is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. The program has been working fine until recently. Now, I keep getting "cannot read texture image". I read all the solutions I found in the discussion group but, I cannot figure out how to resolve the problem with the solutions given. Should I uninstall and reinstall the program. All the files were opening as they should but then out of the blue I started getting this message for every file I tried to open.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to do it?
I am using Inv/Vault Pro 2011.
We have 1 machine in the office that when using super hatch it will not "hatch" the entire area as one hatch, it breaks it into separate image based pieces. The rest of the office, it hatches as one entity so it can be changed easily. Even if we use the group command, it will not group them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I start a new document or open a file in Inventor, I get a pop up saying: "Cannot read texture image C:UseerspublicDocumentsAutodeskInventor" I moved the whole Autodesk file and changed all paths under settings>files in Inventor. The new path to is C:UsersKajDocumentsAutodeskInventor
View 3 Replies View RelatedHas the method for positioning image based lights changed in the most recent version of Photoshop? The positioning sphere seems to have gone missing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I'm working in 3D again in CS6 and find myself wishing to "scale down" my image based lighting to give greater detail to my reflections. It seems like all I get with IBL is very large and blurry reflections. sharpen up and focus my IBL?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo here's the problem. I managed to delete a photo from my digital camera. Now I need it back. I recovered the file, but strangely, it's not actually recovered.
Now, I know file recovery is hit and miss, and since this was a photo from the camera itself (not a memory card), things get more complicated. Anyway, I manged to get back the photo...sort of.
The file I now have is 160x120, instead of the 3040x2288 it should be. Now, if this was an actual thumbnail, I would expect the file size to be pretty small. Instead, this little 160x120 image is 2.16MB. This leads me to belive that somehow I can get the real photo (or at least something better than the little image) back from the file. There has to be a reason for that much extra data, right?
Does anybody know how to do this? I figured Photoshop might have some advanced sort of raw file reading or some sort of rebuilding/recovery. Alternatively, someone could point me to a good recovery program (or even some other way to do this).
If it helps, the camera that the file came from is an HP Photosmart M627.
i'm having trouble creating image based slices and rollovers... where the frick is everything? i can make slices just fine but then how do i manipulate the rollover states (over, click, selected, out)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny method or script that enables generation of an image based of all the colors currently in the swatch? I would want it to fill a grid, with a patch of the color with the colors name underneath it, and with the name of the swatch as a header on a black background. Maybe even with the lab, cmyk and rgb values underneath each color.The colors need to be arranged in the same manner as in the swatch.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been asked to produce a large text based image to be printed on a gym floor with a size of approx. 2m squared. I am using a Collegiate style font and then rasterising the text to allow different coloured parts and blending the letters in to each other. I have produced the image in small scale, but now need to redo the image suitable for printing at such a large size. I know I will have to start again from scratch but am concerned that it may be pixelated at such a large size.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to re size them based on document sized in 'inches' to be set by resolution say for example: If the width or height is less than 4.72 inch the image resolution should be 150dpi; if the width or height is less than 1.33 inch the image resolution should be 300dpi; and the last one if the width or height is greater than 4.72 inch the image resolution should be 75dpi.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to do image moving based on mouse movement in adobe edge animate 1.0?Just like drag and drop option in flash
View 3 Replies View RelatedI exported an image into a smaller JPG image to be wallpaper of my mobile phone (Nexian G315). But then the image can't be read, the mobile just said "Unsupported format". As I remember,previous version of GIMP I used in Linux (I forget the version) would create supported exported image. But not now, with GIMP 2.8.4 in my PCLinuxOS.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow does one index the documents in the documentmanger collection? The intent is to cycle through the open documents one by one in a forwards or backwards direction. The specific function I want to create would take a direction argument, 1 or -1, and would switch the active document to the "next" or the "previous" document. how the documentmanager collection works.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI create lots of layout tabs with long (ish) names. To save scrolling through the tabs using the arrow buttons to select the one I want, is there a way to generate an index tab so all tabs are listed on it and can be selected from that "index" Tab/list?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI created plan and profile sheets using the P&P tools. Then I created a new drawing and attached (XREF) the dwg with the viewframes in it. Then I set the viewframe layer to Plot instead of non-plot and I changed the color so that it would be heavy (we use CTB).
Then when I went to my PSPACE layout to try and plot, the viewframes are NOT there. The layer IS turned on, because there's a PLINE that I drew on that layer and it DOES show up. When in modelspace, the viewframes are there and the color did change as expected.
So why do they disappear when I'm on the layout tab?
The goal is to create a plottable sheet that identifies where each sheet is (I want to point to each viewframe and lable them C-101, C-102 etc).
Point Cloud Index fails on Faro Scans that work in 2012???? Tools in 2013 seem better. Civil 3D and Point Cloud data.
View 4 Replies View RelatedACA2011 (I've been on 2008 for years until very recently...)
How do I create a sheet index on my Title Sheet? Do I create a Table? If so, how? I've never created one before. I kept seeing references to the Sheet Set Manager...I don't know what that is or where to find it...
I'm pretty adept at scheduling, etc. and feel confident that I can do this, but I just need the initial steps.... I thought that I could just grab a piece of text on the title sheet and insert a field that references the Sheet Set...clearly that ain't the way!!!
I created an index for every grade break in my profile, and when I delete a PVI with geometry tools the numbering of this labels starts in the consecutive of the last one that the profile has. How can make this index numbering to keep starting at 1 when I delete one, instead of starting at the next to the last index label?
windows 7, intel I7, 8 MB RAM, civil3d 2013.
We have this very cool tool that automatically creates a custom sheet property (IndexNo) and indexes all sheets in the active sheet set. Unfortunately, it doesn't run in 2012 and the guy that wrote the application no longer works for us.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to make a list of layers due to their index (order) in the "layers combo box" in the AutoCAD. I prepared this:
(defun c:ListLayers ( / a b)(setq a(list(cdr(assoc 2(tblnext "layer" T)))))(while(setq b(tblnext "layer")) (setq a(append a(list(cdr(assoc 2 b))))));while);end
But, It's not match with the order of layers.
I'm hoping this could be a quick fix without completely reinstalling CAD.
I jammed too much LiDAR data into my Index file for point cloud data, and now I can not even open it. Even new drawings are trying to open the overall index with everything in it.
What I want to do is just delete the whole thing and start fresh again, but not sure how to do that. If I could open it once I could start deleting stuff from it, but it is too large to even open.
I am trying to find a way to create an index drawing without having to input much information in.
I would like to export the attributes from each drawing file in my (project folder) from the title-blocks (drawing numbers and descriptions) into excel and then be able to just data link that into my Index table in AutoCAD. I know i could put the info in excel and import it into my table in CAD but i am looking for something more Automatic, so that every time i need to create an index it will automatically extract the info from the drawing files title-blocks.