Photoshop :: Fuzzy Index Color Image Viewed In PDF...

Jul 23, 2008

I typically create graphics using index color that are black/white with some gray tones to highlight a part of the drawing. The graphics are published in a PDF document, are typically a very manageable file size and initially look great. The problem is the PDF documents are typically 500 pages and the file size is reduced in Adobe Acrobat Standard. After reducing the file size, all index color graphics appear bloched or very fuzzy when viewing the PDF on a monitor. The printed PDF document has some fuzziness but the image quality should be improved. Do you have any suggestions to improve the image quality of index color graphics in a reduced file size PDF document? Or any suggestions to create sharp black/white images with gray highlights in a better way or avoid making the image fuzzy?

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Photoshop :: JPG Image Viewed On Web Is Bleached Compared To Viewed

Jul 17, 2006

I have saved a psd file as jpg using File -> Save as.
Also tried: File -> Save for web.

When I look at the newly saved jpg file in photoshop the colors are great.

When I look at the same jpg file in Firefox or Internet explorer the file look bleached (a lot lighter in color).

How do I save the image for view on web, and then make sure the colors match more closely to the original file?

To manually correct for the missing colors would be a lot of work, and I hope there is an automated way of doing this?

Using Photoshop 5.5.
Both images viewed on same computer in same light.

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Photoshop :: Color In Image Viewed In Photoshop Looks Different Than In Browser

May 21, 2007

I made a graphic, hosted it on a site, and looked at it in a browser. For some reason, the colors in the image look darker than how it does in Photoshop.

What do I need to do to make them both look alike or maybe I should be asking, "How do I make Photoshop display the color it will show as in a browser?"

If it's any help, I'm using a working space of "Adobe RGB 1998." Is this correct for web design work?

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Photoshop :: "color Replacing" An Index Colored Image

Apr 10, 2007

I'm using Adobe Photoshop 9.0 cs2 and I need help with a large color replacement project. I'm an amature video game designer making a level for the classic P.C. game Doom 2 and I'm creating a new weapon and monster for the level I'm creating. For the monster I plan to alter the colors of the frames of the original monster and change the dimensions of key features.

use an indexed color mode that were extracted into individual .png files.

Today I made the big mistake of changing the frames over to RGB mode so I can use the color replacement tools available in that mode. I should have done one frame first then convert it back to indexed color mode because the frames look terrible when converted back from RGB mode. What it is doing is using all the colors of the RGB color spectrum to replace various colors. Unfortunately what this means is that its using colors that are not in the color palette I loaded in the original pic and when I convert it back it looks terrible. There are enough colors in the doom color palette to produce the look I'm after but the automated conversion process from RGB to indexed colors does not pic the best matches in most cases. By doing this I am taking an image consisting of about 150 different shades of color down to about 75 different shades of color. I cant find any color replacement tools for indexed colored images and its going to take me forever to do all frames pixel by pixel so I need one of two things to be able to accomplish what I need. Either a better way of converting these images back, or some tool I can actually use in indexed color mode. If there is a way to select a pixel and change all other pixels of that exact color to a new color then I can just do it pixel by pixel that way. I need something here or I'm going to lose hours of work. If there is a way to load my color table into RGB mode to limit what colors it uses that might work too.

I would just leave the pics in RGB mode if the game im editing for could use that format but unfortunatly anything I convert to RGB will have to be converted back to 256 colors for it to work in the game.

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Photoshop :: Can You Use Layers With Index Color?

May 27, 2009

my layers palette is greyed. can I use index color with layers?

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Photoshop :: Mac :: Cannot Get The Swatch After Index Color

Aug 7, 2009

using Windows, I cannot get the "Swatch after Index color" percentage color ratios information. Is this exclusively a Mac photoshop bonus?? ... This is exactly what I'm looking for ... a precise method to mix pigments. Thanks a million for any help. My goal was to sample a color and come up with a general recipe for a color mixture using traditional artist pigments. This is what I've done so far...1. Create a swatch set that represents my paint palette2. Sample the color I want to separate3. Fill a 10 pixel by 10 pixel doc with the sample color4. Convert to Index Color using my paint palette5. Each pixel represents 1% of a paint color It's very tedious but it's all I can come up with 

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Photoshop :: Color Palette/Index Coloring

Jun 15, 2009

I want to specify which colors Photoshop can use and I'm doing that (or at least trying to) by using custom index coloring and the color palette. I am using another person's saved color table. This person saved several shades of grey and when I delete these colors my picture is affected. What is puzzling me is that deleting greys have an impact on my picture even though I am not using any grey. Is there an impact because Photoshop is blending colors within the color table to make the picture. Is grey one of the blended colors? I do not want there to be any blending of colors--I just want Photoshop to use what colors I specify. 

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Photoshop :: When Use Tablet Pen It Draws Fuzzy Pinkish Black Color?

Mar 7, 2013

When I use the paint brush tool with my mouse, color set to black, it works fine. But when I use the tablet pen, it draws this fuzzy pinkish black color. What's the problem and how do I fix it?

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Photoshop :: How To Save Image As Viewed In Protanopic / Deuteranopic Proof View

Dec 24, 2012

I'd like to create a series of textures that are essentially deuteranopic versions of other files I have. Although I can view the files as they would be seen by a deuteranopic using a proof view, I cannot find a way to save the file as it appears in this proof.

I have tried for hours to find a solution across the help topics and even attempted to find third-party programs to no avail, and using screenshots to capture the view and save them is time-consuming and creates errors when I need to preserve partial transparency of certain textures.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Set Color Index And Layer Of Newly Created Dimension Style

Jul 18, 2013

I'm having a bit of a problem struggling with creating new dimension style using vee bee dot net, in AutoCAD 2010 environment. I am particularly trying to figure out how to set the newly created dimension style to color white, and to assign it a specific layer (for example, a layer called "test"). What the code syntax is to accomplish this?

I post the code below for what I have done thus far:

Public Shared Sub addDimensionStyle(ByVal strDimStyle As String)
Dim acDb As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
Using acTrans As Transaction = acDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
Dim dimTbl As DimStyleTable = acDb.DimStyleTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)
Dim dimTblRec As DimStyleTableRecord = Nothing

[Code] ........

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GIMP :: Scanned Image From A Book Looks Fuzzy

Dec 20, 2012

this scanned image from a book looks a little fuzzy... as all scanned images do... can you tell me how to clear this up??

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AutoCAD .NET :: Read Image Name From ImageList Based On Index Value

Aug 4, 2011

I am using ImageList to store a group of images.

I would like to read the image name from the imagelist based on index value.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Layer Index Color Change Via Selection And Dialog Box

Aug 1, 2013

I'm attempting to create an easier way to change layer colors of nested linework by selecting the linework and having the ACAD index color dialog box appear to select the replacement color.

defining the "ic" variable;
(defun c:clc (/ ent ent_data ic ent_lay) ;change layer color(setq ent(nentsel)) (setq ent_data(entget(car ent)))(setq ic ;index color(cdr(assoc 62(ACAD_COLORDLG))))(setq ent_lay(cdr(assoc 8 ent_data)))(command "-layer" "c" ic ent_lay ""))

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Photoshop :: TIFF Blurred When Viewed In CS5?

Nov 12, 2012

Yesterday I discovered that when I load tiffs into CS5 they are slightly blurred and the colour changes, when I load them into windows paint they are crystal clear and the colour is as it should be. To double check I obrained some free tiffs online and they also show up blurred and with more colout saturation, this only seems to happen with tiffs and has stopped me dead in my tracks.
I have added an example of one of my photographs here, if you look closely you will see the photoshop image on the left loses detail and appears slighlty blurred, also the colour is more saturated. The windows paint version is crystal clear and the colour is true.
I just can't figure out why the free windows paint is opening up a clearer unaffected image whilst the premium photoshop software opens up a less clear and colour changed images...
Example.....  In both images compare the small tree situated above the large post on the right, the thin branches on the "right  hand" version are more detailed...

...............................  Click to enlarge ...........................................

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Photoshop Elements :: 9 - Videos Will Not Play Or Cannot Be Viewed

Feb 10, 2014

I am running the elements 9 I have downloaded my pictures and video from my Canon camera the pictures I can view but the videos will not play or cannot be viewed , an error states the compression or a non compatability. What I have to add or download to allow me to view , edit and share my pictures and videos.

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GIMP :: Select Specific Color From Image And Change Similar Color Within That Image To Different One

Apr 5, 2012

I want to select a specific color from within the image, and change all similar colors within that image to a different color. In other words, after using the Color Picker Tool to select a color from the image, I want to take the selected color (and everything in the image that is equal to or similar in color), and change them all to a different color.

I tried using the Path's Tool to create an outline in the image, and changing colors that way, but it changes all the other colors in the selection I don't want to change. I just want to change all colors in the image/selection that are equal to or similar to the selected color. How do I do this?

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Photoshop :: Save Images In JPEG Format Only Viewed On Other Mac And Not PC?

Aug 11, 2013

When I save images in Jpeg format, it can only be viewed on other Mac's and not PC's. Why is that?
People with PC's can only view the images if opened in a browser, otherwise PC's can't open the files. It is very annoying.

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Photoshop Elements :: Photos Viewed In Windows Much Darker

Mar 15, 2013

Why are photos viewed in Windows much darker than when  viewed in Elements?

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Photoshop :: Find Recently Viewed Demo Video On CS6 Features?

Aug 16, 2012

i cannot find a video i watched last week on the new features of cs6 photoshop. I have been searching for the last hour on adobe tv for the one i am after and cant find it. It features the content aware move tool, fixing skin tones, camera raw, and video (and a few more i think). All the examples use images of models and the video is of models too.

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Photoshop Elements :: Do Tags And GPS Data Get Transferred When Viewed On Tablet

Sep 25, 2012

If I copy a bunch of pictures from PSE 10 & then load them into a tablet (galaxy tab 2 10.1) should all of the Tags still have all of the EXIF data & tag information from PSE?  The reason that I ask is because I looked at a few picture copied this way & the tablet gives the choice of displaying things like where picture taken,presumably from GPS data as well as by date taken etc?
I can call up some picture with where taken but none that would have used other tags.

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Photoshop :: Index

Mar 25, 2008

If a layer is called index can you unlock it?

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Photoshop :: Getting Rid Of Fuzzy Outlines

Apr 24, 2005

I've got a JPEG file that I want to enlarge in PhotoShop except that when I enlarge it, the outline becomes all fuzzy. How do I preserve the crispness of the image?

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Photoshop :: Fuzzy Fonts!

Jun 8, 2006

i made a letterhead logo to use in Microsoft Word. When I insert the graphic, a jpeg, the font looks fuzzy and i tried altering it by making it 'smooth' 'crisp' etc...

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Photoshop Elements :: Why Aren't File Edits Made In Detail Tab Of ACR 7.4 Reflected When Viewed In 11

Oct 12, 2013

When I open a file from PSE 11 Organizer in ACR 7.4, make my edits and hit done, the edits made in the Detail tab are not reflected when the file is viewed in PSE 11 Organizer.  I had this problem a while back and found a thread that provided a cache or directory change that fixed the problem.

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Photoshop :: PSE 6 Picture Fuzzy, Then Crisp

Dec 17, 2008

In organizer when I select a picture in the thumbnail view, it first appears fuzzy, then after a second or two, it crisps up. This used to happen with PSE 3 and when I upgraded several months ago to PSE 6, it stopped. Now it seems to be back again.

Does this delay have something to do with the quantity of pictures or memory configuration, or what?

I have a one year old Dell Vostro 1510 with 4 meg memory.

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Photoshop :: Text Is Fuzzy When Printed?

Jul 1, 2009

I have tried for the life of me to figure this one out...why is my text ALWAYS fuzzy when I print it out, no matter what I do? I am not manipulating it at all, just typing it on my page, then printing. I have tried checking and unchecking "scale to fit media", I have tried printing straight from the psd file, I have tried printing from a saved jpg image. It doesn't look fuzzy/blurry at ALL on my computer screen.

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Photoshop :: Cs2- How To Unlock A INDEX Layer

Sep 13, 2008

i need to unlock this index layer..with this layer locked iam unable to glide it over to another psd file..

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Photoshop :: Printing Fuzzy/pixelated?

Jan 7, 2008

I am using 7.0. I have this ad that I will be running for my business. when I print it the text is a little pixelate/fuzzy. Not sure how I can go about fixing this. It's not too bad but bad enough. The ad is for a retirement community and I'm concerned with the seniors having issue with reading the text. This ad is going in a news paper. I ran a differant one last year and had the same issue. Even though the message got across to the public, the ad still was not up to how I wanted it.

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Photoshop :: Christmas Fuzzy Effect

Dec 10, 2004

I am trying to do the same effect - where the santa hat is made fuzzy and the white around the name. or what brushes they are using.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Files Cannot Be Viewed With X4

Nov 23, 2012

I've recently purchased a monthly subscription to Corel Draw X6, but my clients use Corel 12 and told me they couldn't view the file (when opening it, it seems to be empty). I tried several times and still had the same problem. We came to the conclusion it might be a question of incompatibility.

Is there any problem of compatibility between CorelDraw X6 and Corel 12? Where could I download Corel 12 in order to avoid future problems..

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Illustrator :: PDF Files Not Viewed In 100%?

Feb 21, 2013

I'm trying to make a PDF file of a webpage in Illustrator that the client could view in 100% size.

When I open the PDF in Acrobat it displayed to large and therefor everything looks jagged.

Where is a setting like "document resolution", or similar, that make the size "100%" in illustrator the same in Acrobat?

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