GIMP :: Scanned Image From A Book Looks Fuzzy
Dec 20, 2012this scanned image from a book looks a little fuzzy... as all scanned images do... can you tell me how to clear this up??
View 3 Repliesthis scanned image from a book looks a little fuzzy... as all scanned images do... can you tell me how to clear this up??
View 3 RepliesDoes anyone have any tips for removing the spine of a book from a scanned image? Any useful techniques or tricks?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI am trying to seamlessly merge two pages of a scanned book into one consistent image. The image sides are slightly crooked and there is a gap between them. I can't seem to align the two sides and merge the two together.
Also when I align one side the other is will not line up. Here is the image:
This page [URL] has an example of a 3D book that I would like to know how to make on GIMP or through some other means starting from a square 1D cover.
I would also like to know how to make a good CD image from a square book cover:
This isn't a great example because it doesn't show image transfer to CD without distortion: [URL]
I would like to scan an image and clean it afterwards because areas of the same color in the original image (a poker card, so a simple logo with white, black, red, blue and yellow areas) end up to have spots of different color.
Is there a way to improve scan fidelity or edit the image with Gimp in order to smooth these differences and recreate the same areas of uniform color?
Using Gimp 2.8 in Windows 7. I have a scanned image of a topological map. At areas where the contour lines get too close, squares appear in between the image (See attached photo). Is there a good way to remove these extra squares in the contour lines rather than tracing the lines manually?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am currently running Gimp 2.8 and am a new user. How to make an image's background white. I have a watercolor painting that I have scanned into my computer, however you can see some shadows from the grain and edges of the paper. I have tried some different ways to change the background completely to white, but I feel like maybe I'm missing out on a quicker method. So far, the one I've been working on is taking me longer than it took to even draw and paint the picture in the first place. That method was to use the fuzzy (lasso) tool, make a rough outline of my painting, use the quick mask button in the bottom left hand corner and follow up by using the pencil tool to make a more precise line around the image.
Another tutorial I found showed I should use the Select by color tool, select an area that should be white in my image and press Ctrl+x. However, when I pushed ctrl+x, I saw no change in my background and my image remained outlined in the shifting lines that the select by color tool causes.
Is there a way to achieve a plain white background with out going through the long process of tracing around the detailed image?
It should be noted that I'm not hugely familiar with Gimp as I've only used it a couple of times with tutorials. So, the more basic you can describe something, the better. I am also running Windows 7.
What is wrong with my GIMP? This behavior persists in every 2.6 and 2.8 build I've tried, in fact I'm pretty sure I first discovered it somewhere in 2.4 .
It's GTK bug #644032 - certain adjustments made to the Hue-Saturation tool (with overlap) may have problems handling the red/magenta wraparound properly. Which was supposed to be fixed eons ago (and with exception of this one specific usecase, it already WAS - see GTK #527085).
It originally happened while trying to adjust the color balance on a scanned image containing ambiguously red/magenta hues (yes I know we have an actual tool for Color Balance, but I've never been able to quite wrap my head around what adjustments yield which results). I have attached a sample file demonstrating expected vs. actual results with this usecase. My GIMP is clearly screwing the pooch on these adjustments ... but HOW, because even when I browse the online git repo the relevant source code looks like it should work perfectly (I've even mentally stepped through it and verified correct results, unlike my actual GIMP).
Try performing the same adjustments on your GIMP (note which build and version) - do you get the same results I do?
I love to draw, I would like to use my drawings on some iPhone game. I am wondering how I can process the drawings I scanned into a high definition image? I do my drawings in old fashion paper and pencil way, once The drawings were scanned, the resulting images look very rough, for example, the lines are showing the pencil marks, a straight line has a few bumps in the middle, and circles seem a bit off, is there a way in Gimp to do some fine tuning on the images?
View 2 Replies View RelatedNew to GIMP! How to make an image ready for like a bucket or fill function. I am making a coloring book app so, I needed to make my images transparent PNG's so that the fill and drawing function are usable on them. I have made it transparent and added an alpha channel so I am able to draw on it, but fill it not so much.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to compose an image of an open book. I want to place an image I have into the book [URL]
So, I want to know how I could "bend" the image so that it lays on the curved page of the book properly, appearing as if it is part of the page itself.
how do I make the layers of the image follow the contours of the book background to make it look more realistic like it is text in the book? I have an open book background and I want all my layers in the xcf file follow the curves of the book, how do I do that?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to combine a GIF but it comes out fuzzy looking how do I fix it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using the fuzzy select tool to select a contiguous region of white background (to make it transparent). The flower has some white areas and it selects a small area of the flower too.
I have another whitish flower and I have no problem with fuzzy selecting the white background.....except when I add contrast to the image (and the white areas are also selected). I haven't found a way to add contrast after fuzzy selecting/adding an alpha channel. Is there a way to do this?
I have created this over and over, and it seems every time, the bottom comes out fuzzy. What would be the best way for the bottom "triangle" to be straight like the sides and top?
View 17 Replies View RelatedWhenever I have text, its always fuzzy or pixelated, its really annoying.I have antialiasing selected, I have changed the dpi, made sure it was at 100% and whatever else I could think of.Also, I think the background is also a bit fuzzy, so that's why I think it is the dpi or something like that.But it is always not 100% sharp.I have attached a copy of the back cover. Its the same for all though.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI make cartoons, and the brush tool and ink tool are my favorites (They have a really nice effect). The problem with these is that whenever I try to color Using the fill tool, there is a light, fuzzy uncolored edge around the brush tool or ink tool's lines. It looks pretty ugly, especially up close.
How do I prevent the fuzzy edges on these tools?
i tried restarting gimp but it did not fix my problem. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, my fuzzy select tool selects WAY too much even at a threshold of 1. at 2 it just selects the whole picture.Re-installing did not fix.
i am creating black/white based icons. So it is a 48x48 image. i am mainly trying to fuzzy select black, white, and transparent selections. As you can guess, it has become impossible now and i don't know what i did.
EDIT: Okay so it actually isn't selecting "too much" per-say. i willt ry and explain the best i can here:
Black and white image with the exception of some shades inbetween.Select fuzzy select and put threshhold at 1. Click. Selects all the white (i actually think it misses some). i hit SHIFT and click on a pixel that is slightly not white. VERY SLIGHTLY. In fact, it may actually be white. It fuzzy selects EVERYTHING.
Another example on an image that is Black and Transparent (with shades inbetween) Slect black on threshold 1. It selects All the black AND all the shades inbetween. Eveything except flat out transparent. i hit CTRL and select a shad einbetween and it deselects everything.
EDIT 2: Doesnt matter the threshold apparently. It will do this on any.
EDIT 3: The solution, after all, was so save these problematic images as JPG and then open them as the JPG.
How do I combine a fuzzy selection area with a dodge or burn operation?
The fuzzy select tool is handy for roughly outlining areas of over or under exposure. There must be a way to combine an oddly-shaped fuzzy selection area with a jittery dodging operation. Do I have to turn the fuzzy selection area into a "brush" somehow, in order to "dodge or burn" that area?
I typically create graphics using index color that are black/white with some gray tones to highlight a part of the drawing. The graphics are published in a PDF document, are typically a very manageable file size and initially look great. The problem is the PDF documents are typically 500 pages and the file size is reduced in Adobe Acrobat Standard. After reducing the file size, all index color graphics appear bloched or very fuzzy when viewing the PDF on a monitor. The printed PDF document has some fuzziness but the image quality should be improved. Do you have any suggestions to improve the image quality of index color graphics in a reduced file size PDF document? Or any suggestions to create sharp black/white images with gray highlights in a better way or avoid making the image fuzzy?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get myself a little better with digital art, but still not too comfortable with the idea of doing the initial drawing without pen and paper. The only downside is that I can't really get those crisp colors with just pencil colors.
how do I go about setting things up to where I can color in a scanned, non-colored inked page, but without worrying about overlapping my inks and making it look messy in general. I imagine it would have something to do with copying and pasting new layers, but I just can't get a handle on what I'm supposed to do. I also know about messing with opacity to let outlines show through, but there's still the issue of color dulling the black when it overlaps.
I just got a new computer. I had Photo Shop Elements on my old one. I appears that Gimp can do the same things for free. One thing Photo Shop Elements did was provide a way to scan as many photos as would fit on your scanner and then provide a way to separate them. Can Gimp do that? Sometimes I would need to use Elements to open a scanned photo. Would Gimp open a photo scanned on Elements?
I am trying to decide whether to buy Elements for my new Windows 8 or download Gimp.
I have some scanned pages from an old book, and the lines etc curve downwards near one edge. Is there a way to easily straighten them out?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am in the process of scanning about 50 photo albums almost all B&W prints so I decided to try out the divide scanned images plugin however I am having trouble getting it to divide some of the images it wants to cut some of them in half and I am at a loss of how to adjust to get it to behave.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a scanned document but need its text edited/altered. Got be done by tomorrow morning Its only 3 words that need editing and i will send the document to interested parties as its rather personal.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI scanned a family photo and the result is about 25% of a letter size sheet.
I wish to attach this to a 'My Family' post, but the result I desire is just he photo without the white space around the photo.
I'm trying to select the pencil lines only from a scanned drawing and lose the white back ground so I can set the drawing only onto other layers. How would I go about doing this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn any case, I have a drawing I did with a pencil, and then I scanned it. Now, I want to scan it, and then paint over it. I have figured out how to paint over the scan, but I am not producing the result I want.
I have attached my scanned image, and the painting. My issue is, I want to have a digital feel to my painting; that is, I want to get rid of the penciling. I am wondering how to accomplish this. I am hoping that I won't have to manually ink the picture.
Here is the "feel" I am going for [URL] ....
I scanned a logo that was designed with a pen. I've cleaned up most of the 'spots' from the paper, being not pure white.
Now, I would like to change the color. It was black, how do I change it to red or blue? I can't flood fill as you would imagine, because not every pixel has the same brightness.
I've looked but maybe don't understand this...
I've got photos from the web and need to convert them to 300dpi for a book.
1) What do I need to be concerned with here and 2) how do I do this?
I'm currently an Art Major in school, and I've been studying examples from the Art Nouveau era. I've been sketching out symmetrical designs, scanning them and mirroring them on Photoshop.
All has gone well so far, however, I'm now trying to figure out how to clean it up and make it look "perfect". In terms of being perfect, I want it to look completely clean. I darkened the lines as much as I could and erased as much as I could, however, I've tried different things such as blurring, sharpening, and adjusting levels, but the lines still seem too jagged from the sketching. I'm wanting to smooth them out and make them look nice.
Here is my drawing:
and here is an example of what I would like it to look like(minus the completely filled in black part)
You see how crisp it is? No jagged edges, completely smooth and clean. This is what I want.