New to GIMP! How to make an image ready for like a bucket or fill function. I am making a coloring book app so, I needed to make my images transparent PNG's so that the fill and drawing function are usable on them. I have made it transparent and added an alpha channel so I am able to draw on it, but fill it not so much.
I'm trying to compose an image of an open book. I want to place an image I have into the book [URL]
So, I want to know how I could "bend" the image so that it lays on the curved page of the book properly, appearing as if it is part of the page itself.
how do I make the layers of the image follow the contours of the book background to make it look more realistic like it is text in the book? I have an open book background and I want all my layers in the xcf file follow the curves of the book, how do I do that?
I have Photoshop Elements 9. I want to put a bar code jpeg image on the back cover of a book which I am creating and save it as jpeg and send to printer.
Im a writer but i cant afford to hire a graphic artist to design my book cover. which adobe products would help me design any professinal looking book cover imaginable.
also magazine covers,erotic calenders ,movie posters , those hip hop flyers or ads etc.. & make them look like they do in the stores.
I have PhotoshopCS, and have made some 'book cover' templates for my electronic FlipAlbum program. The covers are kind'a nice, but they have that 'totally flat' appearance. How could I go about giving these book covers that rounded over effect, at their binder's edge?
A way to make color book images out of a color photo. Want to keep clean solid lines so it is clear but when I do it, the image always comes out distorted and fuzzy.
I've created a collage to place on the front cover of my book. It is a JPG file about 6700 pixels wide and 768 px high. When I drop it onto the front cover, it shows only a small fraction of the photo and there is no way to "shrink" the photo.
How can I display the entire 6700 x 768 px photo on the cover of my book?
I'm currently editing a photo book in the new Book Module in Lightroom 4. I have added some background graphic to the cover of my book and it looks fine in thumbnails. In the preview however the graphic is horizontally mirrored and overlaps with the title. This is the first book I make with Lightroom and I would like to know which rendering I should trust before ordering the book.
Well, I'm making a book cover...I have a background on top of which i put a label which will contain the name of the book but will "cut out" through the label to show the would I do this in Illustrator, but with a actual object and a font instead of erasing out of a rectangle on an iPhone.
I am in the process of making a photobook using Lightroom and discovered when I reached page 240 that I couldn't add any additional pages, much to my surprise. I was surprised because I knew from Blurb's website that the limit for standard paper is 440 pages and mistakenly assumed that this limit would also apply within Lightroom. I did more research online and found many others being surprised by this limitation after spending hours and days on a photo book. I will likely work around this by exporting from Lightroom to .jpg and uploading to Blurb, but that will take extra time and effort and reduces the appeal of using Lightroom to create a Blurb book. I had also tried exporting from Lightroom to .pdf only to find that the .pdf format exported by Lightroom is not compatible with the requirements of Blurb.
How to simply edit the text in the spine of hard cover, 40 page book in the book module? I can click into any other text window and edit and change attributes but I am locked out of editing text when it comes to the spine of the book.
I am trying to up load a 40 page 12" x 12" photo book to Blurb from the book module in Lightroom 4.2. It renders the pages and then having rendered the cover gets stuck, about 50% to 60% through the process. None of the photographs are starred or colour coded. I have uploaded successfully from this iMac in the last few weeks.
I purchased Lightroom 5 and am creating a photo book through Blurb. I accidently erased 38 pages, so after I re-created them, I clicked on Create Saved Book, which put it in Collections. Now I am trying to work on the book again, and can open it, but when I go to the Library of photos, Lightroom automatically repopulates a new book with all the photos in that file and won't let me put them in the book I saved. How can I get this partially finished book so that I can use it?
I'm trying to take the square cd cover image and make a cassette tape cover, or j-card, with that image.
Here's a picture of a j-card template.
Right now all I want is the front cover, spine and tail. I wasn't sure if the templates I found were compatible so i tried to make my own template. What I did was make three separate ones. One for the front cover, one for the spine and one for the tail. I was able to take the square image and use the scale tool to make the image fit inside the front cover. The first problem I had was not knowing if the image quality was good enough to print. It seemed easier to use inches when I made the template and not pixels. So I made the front cover template 4 in by 2.5625 in. I exported the image as a jpg but the final image looked too small. So now I'm not sure how many pixels I need for a printable picture.
Now with the spine and tail most likely I'll just chose a background color and type over it...Artist, Album Name, Song Titles ext. My plan was to use the jpg images I exported and paste them together, then save that final image as a jpg. and print.