GIMP :: Eliminating White Space Around Scanned Photo

Feb 27, 2012

I scanned a family photo and the result is about 25% of a letter size sheet.

I wish to attach this to a 'My Family' post, but the result I desire is just he photo without the white space around the photo.


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Photoshop :: Eliminating White Backgrounds On Scanned-in Sketches

Jun 24, 2002

How to eliminate the white backgrounds on scanned-in sketches/line art.

1. Open the scanned art work in Photoshop. Make sure that the color mode is set to RGB Color.

If the background is a pure white, skip to step 4. If the background is grayish, go on to the next step.

2. Open the Levels window (Ctrl+L). You should now see a jagged pattern in the center with three arrows right below it. Drag the Black arrow to the right until the background is almost white or until the lines are about to go jagged-mode on you. Click OK to apply the changes.

3. Now adjust the Brightness/Contrast (Image->Adjust->Brightness/Contrast) and move the Contrast slider until the background is white.

4. Select All (Ctrl+A) and copy (Ctrl+C). Open the Channels window if it isn't out already (Window->Show Channels). Click on the Create new Channel button and Paste (Ctrl+V) into that channel.

5. While having the Channel selected, Invert (Ctrl+I) the image.

6. Click on the Load Channel as Selection button and a marquee should now surround the white lines.

7. Go back to your Layers window and click on the Create new Layer button. While having the foreground color set as black, fill the selection with the foreground twice (Alt+Backspace)X2. This should now leave you with the outline of the pencil strokes minus the white background.

8. Delete the original image layer and place a layer filled with white below it.

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GIMP :: Eliminating White Background From Logo?

Nov 28, 2013

I have a black logo with complex lines, text, etc. The only copies I have of the logo are with a white background (probably from having been saved on a document page?). I want the logo to have a neutral/clear background so that I can paste it on pages with gradient backgrounds, etc. and not have the white show.

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Photoshop :: Remove White Dust Specs From Scanned Photo?

Aug 15, 2007

I have some 3x5 glossy photos taken from about ten years ago. They are no longer in the best condition, and have dust specs and superficial scratches on them. Recently, I decided to scan them and was less-than-happy with the result.

For example, one of the photo's is of me and my friend against a blue-ish wall behind us. The entire scanned image, though, is covered in little white specs. I have black hair, but it looks almost as if i have dandruff lol. even the blue background has a bunch of little white speckles

I was wondering if there was a tool or filter or other way to remove some of the small white specs from the picture.

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GIMP :: Making Scanned Image Background White

Sep 20, 2013

I am currently running Gimp 2.8 and am a new user. How to make an image's background white. I have a watercolor painting that I have scanned into my computer, however you can see some shadows from the grain and edges of the paper. I have tried some different ways to change the background completely to white, but I feel like maybe I'm missing out on a quicker method. So far, the one I've been working on is taking me longer than it took to even draw and paint the picture in the first place. That method was to use the fuzzy (lasso) tool, make a rough outline of my painting, use the quick mask button in the bottom left hand corner and follow up by using the pencil tool to make a more precise line around the image.

Another tutorial I found showed I should use the Select by color tool, select an area that should be white in my image and press Ctrl+x. However, when I pushed ctrl+x, I saw no change in my background and my image remained outlined in the shifting lines that the select by color tool causes.

Is there a way to achieve a plain white background with out going through the long process of tracing around the detailed image?

It should be noted that I'm not hugely familiar with Gimp as I've only used it a couple of times with tutorials. So, the more basic you can describe something, the better. I am also running Windows 7.

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Photoshop :: Editing A JPG File: Eliminating Background Space

Aug 6, 2008

I'm attempting clean up some JPG images of product for sale. I do not know the technical terms for what I am attempting to do. I wish to eliminate all of the background space. I wish for the file to display only the product as if floating in empty white space.

I am using Adobe Photoshop Limited Edition; I also may use Adobe Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Eliminating Space Above Character In AI File For Exporting To PNG

Nov 2, 2013

The image above is for a website which has a colored background. The image will be exported as a PNG file so that the background is transparent. I am unable to eliminate the space above 40th. It seems the bounding box around the character can not go past the artboard area. Is there a way to crop in Illustrator or do something to the character so that it is flush at the top on the artboard area?

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GIMP :: Strip Away All White Space Around A Graphic?

Feb 12, 2011

How do I strip away all the white space around a graphic?

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GIMP :: Adding Back White Space After Using Cutting Tool

Mar 29, 2012

I cropped an image using the Cutting Tool, now rather than recreate the image with more height, I'd like to see if I can add some more white background space to the bottom of this existing xcf image (s0 I can add some text) after the fact.

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GIMP :: How To Select Odd Shaped Image With No Surrounding White Space

Dec 30, 2013

How can I select an odd shaped image with no surrounding white space?

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GIMP :: Change Background On A Photo To White?

Mar 9, 2013

Is there an easy way to change the background on a photo to white?

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GIMP :: Change Red And Black Car Photo To White Car?

Jan 4, 2012

What I am trying to do is change a photo of a bright red abd dark black car to a white car.

In all cases what I seem to be running into is the fact that the programs use the existing colour as the start point and allow only so much variation from that colour (ie about 180 +/- in each primary colour) which does not get me to where |I need to be.

I also tried creating a new layer and filling it with the desired colour then changing the layer from normal to hue. The result ends up being a mix of the original colour and the new colour so for instance if I want a yellow over a blue original colour I end up with some variation of green.

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GIMP :: How To Change Colour Or Black And White Photo To Sepia

Jul 28, 2011

how to change a colour or black and white photo to sepia

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GIMP :: Photo Corners - How To Remove White Lines And Dirt

Jul 27, 2012

I'm a furniture maker in Japan, and usually take photos of my work on the road next to my shop. I like the texture of the blacktop. Using Gimp, I'm working up the learning curve, and don't know how to remove the white lines and dirt at the upper corners, and extend the pavement to cover it. I'm hopeful that with Gimp, it can be accomplished.

Attached File(s) rockingchair1.jpg (214.16K)

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GIMP :: Combine Color Photo Frame With Black And White Image

Sep 9, 2012

I am currently trying to combine a color photo frame with a black and white image, but every time I open the frame in "open as layers" the frame turns to black and white as well as the photo. I have no problem when using color photos. Is there a way that I can do this so that my photo frame remains it's original color with the black and white photo inside.

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AutoCad :: Objects Are Yellow In Model Space And White On Paper Space?

Apr 4, 2012

how it works?, the objects are yellow in model space and white on paper space??

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Take White Background Out Of Scanned Logo?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm creating two websites for two different clients, and both gave me scanned copies of their logos.  I converted them to GIF, JPG, BMP and PNG (from MS paint program), followed all the directions found online in various combinations to remove the white background from these logos.  Here's a sample of what I did:

import logo; edit bitmap; change background; used magic wand on white areas; close paint & export doc.  I've tried various combinations of clicking on options like transparency, masking, changing the tolerance and nothing works.

On one the white background simply won't go away after saving to my desktop, and on the other there is a grey/white checkerboard pattern on the background.

When it's all said & done, I need to upload these to as a PNG.

I'm at my wits end been trying to do this for two days after work, wondering if Corel is even capable of doing this, or if my clients' logos are just unusable or if I'm just losing it.

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Photoshop Elements :: Divide Scanned Photos - Possible To Salvage When Background Is White?

Mar 13, 2013

I think Divide Scanned Photos feature is amazing! [URL] ....
For those scans I put black construction paper in the rear, it works like a charm.
However, my mom scanned multiple photos prior to us finding Elements and did not use a dark background.
Is there any way to salvage this or is it too late?
When we attempt to Divide Scanned Photos on a set of B&W photos with a white background, no luck.
PSE11 just spits out a copy of the same photo.

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Photoshop Elements :: Changing A Scanned Newspaper Article To Black And White?

Feb 12, 2014

I scan newspaper articles then add them to a PDF collection.  I want the newspaper tones of grey to disappear. What is the easiest way to change the greyscale to black and white?

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Photoshop :: Transferring Scanned Photo

Oct 13, 2013

How do I transfer a photo that I scanned into Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Odd Pattern In Scanned Photo

Oct 26, 2011

My wife gave me an old photo to scan and repair, and it has an odd pattern in it due to the textured photo paper it was originally printed on. How to remove this pattern?

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Photoshop :: Scanned Photo Issue

Nov 29, 2005

I'm having a problem getting consistency in the background of several prints I've scanned. I've cleaned my scanner glass and have made several scans at differing resolutions and contrast levels but the problem is persistent.

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GIMP :: Aerial Photo Of Island - Make Water Areas Black And Land Areas White

Jan 29, 2013

In the image below I have an aerial photo of an Island. I need to make it so as water areas are black and land areas are white (not greyscale) almost like a silhouette. My first plan was to draw round the island with a black paint brush and then use the "bucket fill" with a suitable threshold to fill all of the areas up to the black outline with black, however this doesn't work as the bucket fill either breaks through the black line or when I reduce the threshold, doesn't color the water areas solidly.

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Photoshop :: Repairing Old Grey Scanned Photo

Dec 11, 2012

I am using Photoshop CS8 (and also have Photoshop Elements) with Windows 7.
I am trying to repair an old image which is about 40-yrs-old (please see below). The original image that was scanned in was a lot more uniform grey, but I have managed to add a little more contrast.
However, much still needs to be done. I was going to attempt to remove the stain on the right using the clone tool, but my main concern is to replace the sky. This would add some clouds, a little contrast, and remove the scratch at the top of the photo.
However, when I try to remove this old, dull sky using Photoshop Elements's magic wand based on this tutorial
I find that the wand also removes the head and body of the duck due, no doubt, to the similarity of grey tones.
How to replace this dull sky with a more interesting one, but I am not sure how to do so while keeping my duck. In fact, I would like to emphasise the presence of the duck more. Should I use a mask technique (I am not very good at masks, I am afraid) to mask the duck from the changes that a new sky will bring about?

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Photoshop :: Where To Change The Settings For The Scanned Photo

Aug 29, 2004

I am having a scanner - Acer ScanPrisa.

I am scanning my photos using photoshop's import command in the file menu. While scanning there exists some settings for correction in the scanner software. Now I would like to know which settings (either settings in the scanner software or the settings in the photoshop) should i use for a scanned photo. Should I first scan without changing any settings in the scanner software and change the settings in the photoshop or to change settings in the scanner software?

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Photoshop Elements :: Determine What DPI Photo Was Scanned?

May 17, 2013

I have photos that were sent to me. Is there a way in PSE8 to determine what dpi these photos were scanned at?

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Lightroom :: V5 Will Not Sort Scanned Photo Properly

Oct 28, 2013

Light-room 5.2, Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.
I have some scanned photos from a trip to England in 1996. I have assigned to each photo the date it was taken. Lightroom clearly displays the date taken. But two photos will not sort properly by date, as you can see in the screen capture; the highlighted photo was taken August 31, 1996, and sorts between photos taken Sept 2, 1996 and Sept 3, 1996.

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Photoshop Elements :: Scanned Photo File Names?

Oct 6, 2012

I have briefly used 3 versions of Photo Elements (9, 10 and11) and have experienced the same problem in all 3. Scanned images are labeled Image1.jpg, Image2-###.jpg, Image3-###.jpg and Image4-###.jpg. As you noticed, the first scanned image is ALWAYS NAMED IMAGE1.jpg.
Because this is happening on every scan, Elements is giving me the message that the first scanned image in each subsequent scan is already in the catalog (as Image1.jpg). All the remaining images in the scan are sequenced without any problem.
It appears as though Elements places all scanned photos into a temp location under AppData and then enters them into the catalog after the scan is complete. The file names in this temp folder are Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4. Image2-4 have their filenames changed, but Image1 doesn't.
The easiest way I have found to fix this is to rename Image1.jpg after each scan. I have looked around Elements and have no user available procedures to fix this.I am using an Epson Perfection V600 Photo scanner with Epson Scan software  3.83.
I am running Elements 11.

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer Won't Accept A New Scanned Photo?

Jul 13, 2013

Organizer won't accept a new scanned photo, saying "file already exists"

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 - Dividing Multi-photo Scanned File?

Jan 12, 2013

I recently downloaded a Trial Version of PSP X5, and one of Adobe PSE11. For my purposes, I find PSP easier to use and therefore preferable. However, in PSE11, a scan of several photos contained in a single file can be "auto" split or divided into individual files, and as such can be edited individually. Try as I have, I have found nothing similar in PSP X5. This could be a deal breaker, as I have numerous old photos to scan and edit, and I find that doing 3 to 5 at a time is a big time saver. Does PSP 5 has this feature?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Improve Quality Of Scanned Images?

Jan 27, 2012

4705.sample2.tifOur customers have given us some black and white .tif Monochrome Bitmap images at 400 ppi (see attached sample) and 600 ppi of some scanned black and white engineering drawings. Some of the small text on the drawings is not very legible because open areas are filled in with black. Some of the vertical and horizontal lines are ragged (digitized) on the edges. Is there any way that I can improve the visual quality of these Monochrome Bitmap images in Corel Draw (which I use) or Corel Paint (of which I'm not very knowledgeable, or adept)?

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