AutoCAD .NET :: Transformation Matrix To Adjust Objects Scale
Sep 6, 2013
I'm using a transformation matrix to adjust objects scale.
Sub Scale()
''Definition of the matrix
Dim ScaleMatrix(0 To 15) As Double
ScaleMatrix(0) = X_ScaleFactor
ScaleMatrix(1) = 0
[Code] ......
If X_ScaleFactor = Y_ScaleFactor all works fine, but if X_ScaleFactor <> Y_ScaleFactor (e.g. X_ScaleFactor = 2 and Y_ScaleFactor = 4 I get the following exception: eCannotScaleNonUniformly.Â
It isn't possible to define different scale factors for X and Y axis? It seems a strange thing.
How does one remedy this Adobe error message? "Can't scale the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too small to use." This one always gets me. I'll spend more time trying to find the object in question. This has happened in almost al versions, but this time it's CS5.
I am in trouble how to use the transformation matrix Placed Art (PlacedSuite ).  AIRealMatrix rasterMatrix; AIRealMatrix placedMatrix;  if (artType == kRasterArt { error = sAIRaster-> GetRasterMatrix (art, & rasterMatrix); } else if ((artType == kPlacedArt) { error = sAIPlaced-> GetPlacedMatrix (art, & placedMatrix); }  When I converted to using the transformation matrix of PlacedArt, the target art could not be converted to expect. I could convert in case of the RasterArt. (The reference point of the transformation matrix of RasterArt is (0,0).)   In the PlacedArt, preference point is not (0,0)?
The tx/ty of the transformation matrix of PlacedArt is not correct?Â
In the transformation matrix of RasterArt and Placed Art, how are those two different?
I am using the COM SDK. Â Most of the objects have a Matrix which is going to store the objects rotations, flips, etc. Â Many objects that I see appear to have a translation that takes it to somewhere around 7,000 - 9,000, but it's not constant. Â What is this matrix in relation to?Â
From what point is it translated from?
When I set the matrix to the "identity" matrix, all the items are flipped upside down. Why?
I load a PNG in Illustrator. However when it loads it doesn't load right. It loads HUGE. When I try and move it, it says: Â "Can't move the objects.The requested transformation would make some objects too large."
Why can't Illustrator just open a bloody PNG and allow me to edit it?!
When I insert an xref it's to scale 12!; in my model space I have blocks scaled 0.0833 and others to 1 scale! this is weird, every time I insert a block I need to scaled it in the way to adjust it to my drawing. If my drawing it's supposed to be 1 scale.
I just installed autocad architecture 2012. when i opened it to start creating a new drawing/project the unit of measurement was in Millimeters.. i needed the Unit of measurement to be in architectural units, so i used the units command to change it to architectural units. the problem i am having now is that i think the Grid Scale is still in MM. when i tried to draw a line on the grid the line appeared to be tiny. the length of the line was 36'-5". i adjusted the scale to 1/4"=1' but that didnt change anything. in order to see the line that i drew i have to zoom in so much..
How do i adjust the grid scale to be the same as the units?
When I go to model space I am unable to adjust the view scale. Although I can get to the prompt for a new scale value, the program will not accept my changes. Is this locked somehow?
The scale of the horizontal ruler is slightly larger than the vertical ruler. If I zoom so that the distance between 0 and 1" is 100mm on the horizontal scale, it is 94mm between 0 and 1" on the vertical scale (sorry for the mixed standards). This makes images look compressed vertically on my screen. Portraits make people look more "chunky" than they are. Is this adjustable? I am using a Lacie electron19blueIV CRT with resolution at 1280x1024.
I am using Adobe Illustrator CS6 and need to adjust the map scale of an image. In my class, we were told to go to the Image menu bar then click on Image Resize, but I do not see any of these options on CS6- they are on CS5. How do I get to Image resize? Also, where is Image Mode?
I have tried and failed to set line weight of object after baseview command. Its very thick line and showing the 2d object views in very bolds lines when i am trying to take print it is horrible to see it.
I've dynamically placed a symbol on the stage at runtime. Per user input, I'd like to adjust the scale, position, etc. of this symbol (which is just a white sphere that bounces on using the animation in it's own timeline).  How do I address scale, position, opacity, etc. attributes of my symbol via the code, and where can I find a good, solid reference on syntax? I keep bouncing into jquery libraries, which I don't yet really understand how to implement. I'm missing that reference manual that defines all the functions we have at our disposal.
Why can't I adjust the scale of my text by clicking and dragging the corner boxes? Why I have the text selected, all it does it let me highlight it to change font, size, etc, OR all I can do is move it throughout the artboard. Why can I click and drag the corner box to adjust?
I wanted  to use annotation scale objects long time ago, but I was scared…why?In the office no one knows what annotative objects  are.
I already start to imagine the "curses" Â I'll get when they open my drawings in their computers and see that the dimensionin the drawing are not scaled the way they used to.
I was thinking about telling them a command that will do the magic.
I recall a scale command where you could SSX a set of objects and you could scale all of them at once and they were able to keep thier insertion point and all obects were scaled up or down, recall the command inside scale command?
I have a function that uses AcadApplication.ActiveDocument.SendCommand to allow the user to scale the inserted lines and text before the next step of the process, but AutoCAD does not display the scale prompt until after the entire program finishes. Â The prompt works well, but needs to be displayed before I end the sub.
How do I get the command to be sent immediately?  Is there another way to allow users to scale the items I insert?  The screen needs to be refreshed before the scale command is called, so that the lines and text I just added shows up.  I have attached the code for the Send Command call and for the function that calls it. Â
Is there a proper way to gray-scale objects in a drawing? What i have done is turned off layers and point groups that I want to remain in color and selected the rest and changed the color in the properties box. Any way to move back and forth from gray to color.Â
I love annotative scaling of objects it is a great feature. I am however having one problem that I'm not sure if I've missed a setting or something. Is there a way to prevent civil 3d from scaling your annotative objects based on the view scale you are looking at? For example if I zoom out (in model space or max viewport) to show my entire drawing and regen, civil 3d scales all my text and blocks to an enomous scale esentially blocking my entire drawing with solid colour. also if I zoom into a small area to do some detail work all my text becomes microscopic and unuseable. This makes adjusting text so it doesn;t overlap other text very difficult if it never appears at the correct size. Is there a way to freeze annotative objects at thier correct scale (for the current viewport scale) so they dont scale simply because you zoom in or out on a drawing?
Any Lisp Routine to scale text objects a certain value and have the program actually scale each text object as you pick them.
The change text height using the Properties function does not work for what I need because the objects I need to scale are Mtext objects with Background Mask, and when you use the Properties function to change their text height it messes up the background mask so that you have to select each text entity and stretch the mask area smaller or larger, but if you use the scale function it scales the background mask as well so the background mask coverage is still the same.
Smart Objects previously created no longer scale properly. These objects have live type and vector shapes in them, but they behave just like raster elements. These objects scaled properly in the past, and I can only think a setting has broken somewhere. Â I've tried restarting, trashing the prefs and creating a new object just to see what would happen, but to no avail...