AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Adjust Lineweight After BASEVIEW Command Created Objects
Mar 18, 2013
I have tried and failed to set line weight of object after baseview command. Its very thick line and showing the 2d object views in very bolds lines when i am trying to take print it is horrible to see it.
When using Layout/baseview/section tool, you end up with paper space views of the model so that when you go to dimension the view, you get the paper dimension, not the model dimension. How can I change this behavior?
I am having trouble with baseview in AutoCAD 2014. It used to be that when entering the baseview command your ribbon would dynamically change to give the functions and features within the command. Seemingly in 2014 this no longer happens.I also find that after creating the view, I have inconsistent object snapping.I get endpoints on some objects, but not on others.
I have a few objects on a layer (Circles and Lines).
I am trying to make them "Thicker". I have tried adjusting the layers "Lineweight" as well as individually selecting them and adjusting the lineweight but neither is working for me.
The new VIEWBASE tool(s) are pretty cool but I have noticed that the solid objects in the viewports that are created by VIEWBASE tool/command display and plot pixelated. I have changed many normal settings like VIEWRES, WHIPARC, ISOLINES... without any improvement. I did notice that there is a property in the property palette called "Shade Resolution" that I am wondering if it might control this setting. The only thing is that I can't change its value from the properties palette.
I did compare the difference between a normal viewport and one that is created by the VIEWBASE command and the normal viewports display the objects smoothly (see the last picture below)
1) How to fix the pixelation issue? 2) Does this property control the pixelation issue? 3) How do you change this prop
Is there a way in the command line to select certain objects. For instance if there is a cirlce a line and a square can i just select the circle using the command line. When i try to save as an STL file i can't find it anywhere. Does surfsculpt not work? Everytime i use it it says it failed. Also when i make an ellipse is there anywhere to specify the X Y and Z lenghts?
Using the Copy(multiple) command button with the following sequence (working correctly): Copy command, window objects to copy, right click to close selection, pick base point,
pick new location point(s),...right click to close the command.But sometimes it decides to do this: Using the same Copy(multiple) command button with the following sequence (not working correctly):
Copy command, window objects to copy, right click to close selection, pick base point..At this point the copy comand closes out. It has assumed a single copy, 0,0,0 base point
& tossed the copied objects out in model space accordingly. But as stated it only does this periodically.
Setting a lineweight for the dimension objects,As the dimension object contains: text, dimension line and extension line and behaves as a block, then why the arrowhead (oblique) of the “dimension line” doesn’t follow the lineweight chosen for all the dimension objects?why the "arrowhead" (oblique) is thicker than other dimension elements?
I have a drawing with several views from the VIEWBASE command that turned out great. I ended up having to use a viewport for one of my views because certain features wouldn't show in a base view. The problem is, the lineweight of the viewport looks quite a bit heavier and more pixelated than the base views. I tried it with my own plotstyle and several of the generic autocad ones.
How can I make the viewport look as crisp and clean as everything else?
I am using Autocad 2D for a drawing, and my lineweight refuses to plot correctly. I didn't use a ctb file, but I changed them by hand each one. Most of them works correctly but some of them not. When I go to the properties window, every of them have the good lineweight, it's when I plot them in pdf file and open them in Adobe reader, some still have the 0mm (wrong lineweight). However they show they are the good size in properties window, but they plot differently.
I just realize that when it shows in adobe reader it shows the wrong lineweight, but if I convert the pdf into a jpeg and open it with windows photo viewer, it shows the correct lineweight.
I have an action set for text and I want to fiddle with a few of the actions, change the feathering and so on, without having to recreate the action. It's not an image adjustment like "levels" or "contrast", the action layer is called "make text" and contains a series of steps that it won't play individually. Is this possible?Photoshop CS4
Our office recently upgraded from AutoCAD 2005 to the new version AutoCAD Architecture 2013. I’m having difficulty finding the layer override toolbar for the lines. I have found that I can change the color and/or line type of an line in the properties dialog box but in AutoCAD 2005 there was a toolbar specifically assigned for the color, line type and line weight of a line. Dose that toolbar still exist in 2013 or do they control this in another location.
I'm using a transformation matrix to adjust objects scale.
Sub Scale() [...] ''Definition of the matrix Dim ScaleMatrix(0 To 15) As Double
ScaleMatrix(0) = X_ScaleFactor ScaleMatrix(1) = 0
[Code] ......
If X_ScaleFactor = Y_ScaleFactor all works fine, but if X_ScaleFactor <> Y_ScaleFactor (e.g. X_ScaleFactor = 2 and Y_ScaleFactor = 4 I get the following exception: eCannotScaleNonUniformly.
It isn't possible to define different scale factors for X and Y axis? It seems a strange thing.
I have an assembly that was created on 64 bit version of Inventor 2013, the total file size of everything is around 150MB. Even if I use 'Pack and Go' to move the file to another computer running the 32 bit version I get an error when I try to open it which says something like:
'unable to allocate 3GB memory for FBAttributeSegment'
The actually figure is over 3GB but of course on a 32 bit version of windows it is physically impossible to allocate that amount of memory (even with the /3GB in boot.ini hack)
I've performed various dynamic simulations as well as animations within the assembly so I'm thinking that perhaps its trying to allocate that huge amount of memory for a saved state of one of those.
What FBAtributeSegment might be and whether there is any special way to save an assembly to avoid this problem? The name FBAttributeSegment doesn't correspond to any part or assembly names.
I should also add that I have no problem opening it in a 32 bit version of Fusion which again suggests to me that it is something like simulation or animation that is causing this
when using baseview / viewbase how can I make the resulting views linetypes, weights and colors what I want by default. Currently I change them after creating the views.
When using the mapdist command the measurement is different from the actual line that I create. The map coordinates and the maptrack coordinates match. When I open a older drawing there is not an issue. Did I somehow change the origin of my template.
Here is sample from the command line
Command: _mapdist Specify first point: Specify second point: Distance = 12.7513 (Foot) Azimuth = 38 degrees (forward), 218 degrees (reverse) Delta X = 15.0000, Delta Y = -0.0381
How to use the divide and measure command , and also I knew how to change the point style. But after I used the divide command to split my object into 5 parties. I can not click the point I created.
For a instance I have a 10 meters line and I used the divide command to divide it into 5 parties, and so I have 4 points. But if i want to draw some thing on the new point my mouse could not click it.
I cant do what the guy did in the video. when I move my mouse on those points I created I could not connect a line on the point like the guy did.
After installing the VBA Module, I get the message "Unknown command "VBARUN"". I've rebooted, restarted and tried reinstalling the VBA Module to no avail.
I press CTRL+9 to make the Command Line disappear while drawing. When I plot (or when doing a plot preview) , the Command Line appears again by itself. So I always have to turn the Command Line off manually after each plot
The bug still happens;
- if Dynamic Input is turned off or on - if I plot to a real device or in PDF - if the Cammand Line Palette i docked or floating.
This is not an issue in AutoCAD 2012 so I guess it has to do with the new way they programmed the revamped Command Line palette in 2013.
Now Inventor allows users to create relationships with Joint or Constrain/Assemble commands. Both of these methods let the creation of Positional Representation, but when animating them in Inventor Studio, only animations created with Pos Reps from constraints work. Animated Pos Reps created with joints don't work at all.
Is this a bug? Will this problem be fixed soon (with SP, Updates or any Hotfix), or would it be fixed in the next release?
One easy way for I calculate the weight of plates with many holes is creating regions and subtract the cuts as i need and after apply "LIST" command for get value of area . But, i cannot subtract the regions, in command line says :
"Command: region
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 44 found
Select objects: 44 loops extracted.
44 Regions created.
Command: subtract Select solids, surfaces, and regions to subtract from ..
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects: Select solids, surfaces, and regions to subtract .. Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 4 found
Select objects: At least two solids, surfaces, or coplanar regions must be selected."
I am creating a new block that includes text, lines and a solid object. The block is creating properly, however, the linework is behind the solid object.
How do I control the draworder of the items in the block?
Is there a way to set the order before I create the block, OR do I have to modify the block after I have created it?
MY AI is freezing, not allowing me to move or adjust, rotates without command. Just not listening . Sometime it will move other times cursor not responding.
How can i adjust the area I want to print? I mean the dashed line. What i need to do is print out a map and i want it to cover the entire paper, without any bords around it.