I am drawing ordinate dimensions in blocks and then I am getting the geometric extents of these blocks, if the block contains the dimension, the extents are much larger than expected. What may be the cause?
See the attached drawing, the lines are connecting geometric extents MinPoint and MaxPoint. For the blocks that don't have dimension in them, the extents are correct.
There was a message on here about using Ordinate Set to create an ordinate dimension to an apparent intersection and I've managed to do that, but is there a way to use just Ordinate to dimension to an apparent intersection? I've tried dragging and right click menu but no luck.
We have a new title block which now contains various fields to automatically populate the drawing number, number of sheets, issue etc. The problem we have is when we go to zoom all or extents on a layout tab it moves the layout to the right each time. If we only have one layout or we use a plain title block i.e. with no fields, the zoom works fine (layout stays put in the center). This is also true if we directly insert a field onto the layout - again no problems.
The cause of the problem only happens when a block containing a field is inserted onto the paper space of a layout and,there are multiple layouts containing blocks with fields.
I am working with a point cloud and want a dimension that will call out the Z value of a selected node. Is there a way to adjust an ordinate dimension to report the Z value instead of Y? If not, is there another way to do this?
I can put a regular dimension to an intersection, but when I rmb I do not have the intersection option when placing an ordinate dimension. Is there another way to go about putting an ordinate dimension to an intersection?
Inventor 2009....how to remove an Ordinate dimension (not Ordinate Dimension Set). It seems you can only make one per view. And you can only edit the dimension, i.e. the Origin symbol, but not delete it !? Don't know if there is a change from previous versions of Inventor to 2009.
I am running Inventor Professional 2011 and I have horizontal ordinate dimension, and what I need is to have Text above the Dim line and dimensions beneath it.
How could I edit each ordinate dimension to basic or add for the selected dimension a tolerance? Is it possible to edit each ordinate dimension individually? How could I get the value of the selected dimension?
How to rotate ordinate dimension text in Inventor 2014? Currently the dimensions are horizontal but I would like them to line up with the dimension lines (top and bottom dimensions are vertical)
how to set my origin point to a hole center. When you create the first ordinate dimension, you have to set the origin marker. For the upper view, I want to set the origin to be the same as the view below it. I can set it to the end of one of the hidden lines from the hole, but I can't seem to set the origin to the center of the hole.
Currently, when I do drawings, I give my machinists drawings with each point, and they program their machines. To do that, they calculate the round part diameters, which is basically 5" - 2x<Dim>.
I'd like it if I could give them drawings with the real number, and in parenthesis next to it, 5-2x<Dim>.
I've attached a jpg of what I normally give them and how I'd like it to look. Is this something do-able via a macro or something?
I'm trying to place my ordinate dimension to a theoretical sharp corner and the dimension will only go to the end of the arc (see pict). I try and drag the dimension end point by selecting the end of on line and dragging it over, select the other line and drag it till the two yellow dots meet at the intersection.
When I let go of the mouse button to place the dimension it pops to one side or the other of the arc.
After using AutoCAD daily for over a month, I got some questions again...
1) Resize blocks to any dimension. (from 600x750 to 620x810, not just scaling it), I'm told dynamic blocks can do this, but I can't locate a good tutorial for it... or is there an alternative method?
2) Can I have an additional toolbar or sidebar where I can place my most commonly used blocks? So I can just drag and drop them instead of using INSERT all the time.
3) Can we "lock" certain blocks so they can't be copied or moved? Or even better, lock a layer so noone can edit it or copy anything from it?
I was thinking of blocking the entire layer and unchecking "Allow Explode" , people can still copy the blocks, but it will just be a huge mess.?
Is it possible to constrain a dimension to an entity?
Outside the block editor you can display a constrained dimension with a dimension style but it doesn't appear as you can do the same inside blocks.
I want show the dimension of a line in a block that is constrained by a dimensional constraint but I can't figure out how to constrain the dimension extents to anything.
I could put in an attribute but it doesn't look like you can constrain attributes either. And then I would need to work out how to pass the value into it.
I try create simple block where I change dimensions of polylines. Everything work with stretch partameter until I try use search parameter for change dimension.
I have a line with shapes on each end like an aligned dimension. I want to have a grip on each end to let the user put the ends where they want.
I tried a polar stretch pair, with two rotation pairs, but am lost. The stretch is easy, but does not rotate the arrows to stay aligned to the line. I don't actually have arrows, but most know the behavior of aligned dimensions. I don't have extension lines though, like the dim would so ignore that part.
I have a block of a guide sign with directions and azimuth angles. I made arrows rotatable and angles were changing ok. But when I try to rotate an arrow into zero position, dimension shows 180. I need the dimension to show 0 degree. How can I do it?
And I can’t make angular dimension show degrees greater than 180 even if I specify vertex – after rotation angle shifts on the other side. I gave up and used back azimuth.
And I can't make an attachment: "The contents of the attachment doesn't match its file type"?
I'm not sure that this problem has anything to do with Autocad, or maybe my Video settings or adaptor, but I get an awful distortion of geometric drawings on my monitor, and yet the objects print out correctly. for example a perfect circle shows up as an elipse and enclosed is what a perfect square looks like.
I would like to know, how to access the GDT tolerance block in Autocad, I have a requirement, that I need to take the values from Xl and paste it in the tolerance block.
When I installed AutoCAD 2011 for Mac the geometric constraints automatically to everything that I draw. There doesn't seem to be anything about turning this feature off all together in documentation. I can do it with a selection set, but when I would have to do it to every line that I draw, it seems pretty ridiculous.
I should design a Silicone model for a Breast Cancer Survivor. My problem is the Irregular Geometric Shape of silicone. I tried "Sphere"/ "Loft" commands,but I didn't get my desired outcome! I also drew the 2D base by "Spline"; however,"Extrusion" was not a good option to make it look like a 3D silicone!
Is there a way to accomplish a gradient fade using geometric patterns (circles, squares, etc.) to fade one image into another image or into a solid color (example image attached)? Perhaps a plug-in has been made to accomplish this feat or somethhing similar?
I am using AutoCAD 2012. I am trying to use ordinate dimensions for the first time. So far, when I want to add the X and Y dimensions for a particular feature in my drawing, I choose the "ordinate" dimension type and then I select my feature. I drag my leader horizontally and it gives me the Y dimension. Then I choose the "ordinate" dimension type again, I select my feature again, and this time I drag my leader vertically and it gives me the X dimension.
I like how this works, but I think I would like it better if, rather than having two separate leaders for X and Y dimensions, I could just have one leader that would show both X and Y dimensions separated by a comma...i.e. something like [X:5.0; Y 7.5]
I'm using AutoCAD 2012, and trying to move my UCS within a viewport to a corner of my detail, but when I start to dimension using ordinate dimensioning, my point of origin (0.000) it gives me (1009.2003). In AutoCAD 2002, I could move my UCS within a viewport and start ordinate dimensioning and my (0.000) would be where I moved my UCS to.